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The rapidly warming temperatures in high-latitude and alpine regions have the potential to alter the phenology of Arctic and alpine plants, affecting processes ranging from food webs to ecosystem trace gas fluxes. The International Tundra Experiment (ITEX) was initiated in 1990 to evaluate the effects of expected rapid changes in temperature on tundra plant phenology, growth and community changes using experimental warming. Here, we used the ITEX control data to test the phenological responses to background temperature variation across sites spanning latitudinal and moisture gradients. The dataset overall did not show an advance in phenology; instead, temperature variability during the years sampled and an absence of warming at some sites resulted in mixed responses. Phenological transitions of high Arctic plants clearly occurred at lower heat sum thresholds than those of low Arctic and alpine plants. However, sensitivity to temperature change was similar among plants from the different climate zones. Plants of different communities and growth forms differed for some phenological responses. Heat sums associated with flowering and greening appear to have increased over time. These results point to a complex suite of changes in plant communities and ecosystem function in high latitudes and elevations as the climate warms.  相似文献   
The Carpentarian Pseudantechinus (Pseudantechinus mimulus) is a poorly studied dasyurid marsupial that inhabits rocky outcrops in the Mount Isa Inlier bioregion in Queensland and the Gulf Coastal and Gulf Fall and Uplands bioregions in the Northern Territory. It is readily detected by passive infrared triggered camera traps (‘camera traps’). Camera trap data can be used to develop detection probability estimates from which activity patterns can be inferred, but no effort has previously been made to determine changes in the detectability of P. mimulus throughout the year. We undertook a 13-month baited camera trap survey across nine sampling periods at 60 locations of known historic presence or nearby suitable habitat to assess the change in detection rates and detection probabilities of P. mimulus across a year. Detection probabilities were calculated from camera trap data within a single-species, multi-season occupancy framework to determine optimal survey timing. Detection probability data were used to calculate the likelihood of false absences to determine optimal survey duration. We recorded 2493 detections of P. mimulus over 10 966 camera days. Detection probability ranged from 0.009 to 0.179 and was significantly higher from April to October than from November to March. The likelihood of false absences varied by sampling period and desired level of confidence. We find that camera trap surveys for P. mimulus are best conducted from April to October, but optimal survey duration is dependent upon the time of year and desired level of confidence that an observed absence from a given site reflects a true absence at that site. Attaining a minimum of 80% confidence of absence requires as few as 9 days of survey effort in May to 16 days of survey effort in October.  相似文献   
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1-derived lentivirus vectors bearing the vesicular stomatitis virus G (VSV-G) envelope glycoprotein demonstrate a wide host range and can stably transduce quiescent hematopoietic stem cells. In light of concerns about biosafety and potential germ line transmission, they have been used predominantly for ex vivo strategies, thought to ensure the removal of excess surface-bound particles and prevent in vivo dissemination. Studies presented here instead reveal prolonged particle adherence after ex vivo exposure, despite serial wash procedures, with subsequent transduction of secondary target cells in direct and transwell cocultures. We explored the critical parameters affecting particle retention and transfer and show that attachment to the cell surface selectively protects virus particles from serum complement-mediated inactivation. Moreover, studies with nonmyeloablated murine recipients show that transplantation of vector-exposed, washed hematopoietic cells results in systemic dissemination of functional VSV-G/lentivector particles. We demonstrate genetic marking by inadvertent transfer of vector particles and prolonged expression of transgene product in recipient tissues. Our findings have implications for biosafety, vector design, and cell biology research.  相似文献   
Decreased larval feeding and weight of the monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus L., have been detected after 4 d of exposure in the laboratory to a high density of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)-expressing anthers. One hypothesis is that larvae exposed to Bt anthers exhibit increased wandering, resulting in less feeding and lower weight gain. To test this hypothesis, 2-d-old monarch butterfly larvae exposed to milkweed leaf disks with no anthers, anthers that express Bt (Cry1Ab, event MON810), or other non-Bt anthers were observed using a video-tracking system. As had been shown in previous studies, larvae exposed to Bt anthers fed less and gained less weight than larvae exposed to non-Bt or no anthers, yet there was no evidence of feeding on anthers. Total distance moved, maximum displacement from release point, percentage of time spent moving or near anthers, or mean turn angle did not differ across treatments. However, larvae exposed to Bt anthers spent more time off milkweed leaf disks than those exposed to no anthers and were more likely to move off the leaf than larvae exposed to non-Bt anthers. Results suggest that larvae exposed to Bt anthers behave differently and that ingestion may not be the only way Bt can affect nontarget insects like the monarch butterfly.  相似文献   
Structures such as nests and burrows are an essential component of many organisms’ life‐cycle and require a complex sequence of behaviours. Because behaviours can vary consistently among individuals and be correlated with one another, we hypothesized that these structures would (1) show evidence of among‐individual variation, (2) be organized into distinct functional modules and (3) show evidence of trade‐offs among functional modules due to limits on energy budgets. We tested these hypotheses using the alfalfa leafcutting bee, Megachile rotundata, a solitary bee and important crop pollinator. Megachile rotundata constructs complex nests by gathering leaf materials to form a linear series of cells in pre‐existing cavities. In this study, we examined variation in the following nest construction traits: reproduction (number of cells per nest and nest length), nest protection (cap length and number of leaves per cap), cell construction (cell size and number of leaves per cell) and cell provisioning (cell mass) from 60 nests. We found a general decline in investment in cell construction and provisioning with each new cell built. In addition, we found evidence for both repeatability and plasticity in cell provisioning with little evidence for trade‐offs among traits. Instead, most traits were positively, albeit weakly, correlated (~ 0.15), and traits were loosely organized into covarying modules. Our results show that individual differences in nest construction are detectable at a level similar to that of other behavioural traits and that these traits are only weakly integrated. This suggests that nest components are capable of independent evolutionary trajectories.  相似文献   
Insect damage to prairie cordgrass, Spartina pectinata Link., is conspicuously high in Illinois, where attempts to collect native seed show the majority of spikelets damaged with small holes. Dissection of spikes during summer reveals minute caterpillars boring though glumes and feeding on florets inside. In 2009?C2010, panicles of prairie cordgrass from across its native range were used to estimate the percentage of insect-related damage and losses to seed production. Collections of caterpillars from panicles and stems were used to identify one floret-feeding species, estimate its distribution in the central USA, and assess its feeding patterns within spikes. Insect feeding damaged 38% of spikelets across eight states, though injury differed significantly between states. Regression of developed prairie cordgrass seeds onto insect damage suggests a 1:1 loss ratio (i.e., 50% damaged spikelets reduces seed production by 50%). Collections of caterpillars from six midwestern states suggest that larvae of a tortricid moth, Aethes spartinana (Barnes and McDunnough), are responsible for most insect damage to cordgrass spikelets. Larvae of A. spartinana generally feed on a series of consecutive spikelets, with high infestations (>50% insect damage) showing damage concentrated in the middle of spikes. Because larvae are concealed by moving into adjacent spikelets and later tunneling into cordgrass stems, they may be difficult to control using insecticides. While direct effects of the caterpillar on biomass yields for prairie cordgrass are not known, for states like Illinois (where damage to spikelets often exceeds 70%), breeding and seed production efforts may be severely limited without efforts to manage A. spartinana.  相似文献   
Abstract:  For their simplicity and effectiveness, pitfall traps have become a standard technique to measure the activity and relative abundance of ground-dwelling arthropods. Permeable screen or mesh bags filled with plant material, referred to as litter bags, have also recently been employed as a complementary sampling technique for epigeal taxa. The anticipated need for increased field research on arthropod populations, particularly in transgenic crops with insecticidal properties, suggests that a relative assessment of both sampling methods could contribute to the design of future studies. Comparisons among pitfall traps, and litter bags placed above- or below-ground indicated that above-ground litter bags most frequently succeeded in collecting certain groups of arthropods associated with moisture and sheltered areas, including centipedes (Chilopoda) and beetle larvae (Carabidae, Staphylinidae). Conversely, pitfall traps most often captured taxa considered active at ground level, such as adult carabids or harvestmen (Opiliones). For taxa collected in >40% of all three trap types, bootstrap confidence intervals for the coefficient of variation (CV; used to assess precision or sampling efficiency) showed that above-ground litter bags were significantly more precise than pitfall traps for sampling elongate springtails (Collembola) and adult rove beetles (Staphylinidae), but only during the first year of sampling. While below-ground litter bags often appeared similar to one or both of the other trap types, in no case were below-ground litter bags best based on frequency of collection or CV. Though differences were not always consistent between years, results suggest that the additional effort required to sample using litter bags may be justified for the collection of some ground-dwelling taxa.  相似文献   
Applications of entomopathogenic nematodes in the families Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae have traditionally been targeted against soil insects. Nonetheless, research over the last two decades highlights the potential of such agents against above-ground pests under certain circumstances. A general linear model was used to test for patterns in efficacy among 136 published trials with Steinernema carpocapsae Weiser, the most common species applied against foliar and other above-ground pests. The focus was on field and greenhouse assessments, rather than laboratory assays where relevant ecological barriers to infection are typically removed. The model showed differences in nematode treatment efficacy depending on the pests' target habitat (bore holes > cryptic foliage > exposed foliage) and trial location (greenhouse > field studies). Relative humidity and temperature during and up to 8 h post-application were also predicted to influence rates of nematode infection obtained. Conversely, spray adjuvants (both wetting agents and anti-desiccants) and nematode dosage applied (both concentration and use of consecutive applications 3-4 days apart) did not explain a significant amount of variance in nematode performance. With reference to case studies the model is used to discuss the relative importance of different factors on nematode efficacy and highlight priorities for workers considering using entomopathogenic nematodes to target pests in novel environments.  相似文献   


Urokinase-type plasminogen activator (u-PA) has been implicated in tissue destruction/remodeling. The absence of u-PA results in resistance of mice to systemic immune complex-driven arthritis models; monoarticular arthritis models involving an intra-articular (i.a.) antigen injection, on the other hand, develop more severe arthritis in its absence. The aims of the current study are to investigate further these contrasting roles that u-PA can play in the pathogenesis of inflammatory arthritis and to determine whether u-PA is required for the cartilage and bone destruction associated with disease progression.  相似文献   
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