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The results of in vivo and in organellar experiments indicate that the Hsp70 Ssq1 and the J-protein Jac1 function together to assist in the biogenesis of iron-sulfur (Fe/S) centers in the mitochondrial matrix. Here we present biochemical evidence supporting this idea. Isu, the proposed scaffold on which Fe/S centers are assembled, is a substrate for both Jac1 and Ssq1. Jac1 and Isu1 cooperatively stimulate the ATPase activity of Ssq1. In addition, Jac1 facilitates the interaction of Ssq1 with Isu1 in the presence of ATP. These findings are consistent with the role in Fe/S biogenesis previously proposed for the bacterial Hsp70 Hsc66 and J-protein Hsc20 that interact with the bacterial Isu homologue IscU. However, unlike the bacterial Hsp70, we found that Ssq1 has a high affinity for nucleotide, and shares a nucleotide exchange factor, Mge1, with a second mitochondrial Hsp70, Ssc1. Thus, whereas the bacterial and mitochondrial chaperone systems share critical features, they possess significant biochemical differences as well.  相似文献   
Ssq1, a specialized yeast mitochondrial Hsp70, plays a critical role in the biogenesis of proteins containing Fe-S clusters through its interaction with Isu, the scaffold on which clusters are built. Two substitutions within the Ssq1 substrate binding cleft, both of which severely reduced affinity for Isu, had very different effects in vivo. Cells expressing Ssq1(F462S), which had no detectable affinity for Isu, are indistinguishable from Deltassq1 cells, underscoring the importance of the Ssq1-Isu1 interaction in vivo. In contrast, cells expressing Ssq1(V472F), whose affinity for Isu is at least 10-fold lower than that of wild-type Ssq1, had only moderately reduced Fe-S enzyme activities and increased iron levels and grew similarly to wild-type cells. Consistent with the reduced affinity for Isu, the ATPase activity of Ssq1(V472F) was stimulated less well than that of Ssq1 upon addition of Isu and Jac1, the J-protein partner of Ssq1. However, higher concentrations of Jac1 or Isu1, which form a stable complex, could compensate for this defect in stimulation of Ssq1(V472F). Expression of Isu1 was up-regulated 10-fold in ssq1(V472F) compared with wild-type cells, suggesting that formation of a Jac1-Isu1 complex can overcome a lowered affinity of Ssq1 for Isu in vivo as well as in vitro.  相似文献   
The nitration of protein tyrosine residues represents an important post-translational modification during development, oxidative stress, and biological aging. To rationalize any physiological changes with such modifications, the actual protein targets of nitration must be identified by proteomic methods. While several studies have used proteomics to screen for 3-nitrotyrosine-containing proteins in vivo, most of these studies have failed to prove nitration unambiguously through the actual localization of 3-nitrotyrosine to specific sequences by mass spectrometry. In this paper we have applied sequential solution isoelectric focusing and SDS-PAGE for the proteomic characterization of specific 3-nitrotyrosine-containing sequences of nitrated target proteins in vivo using nanoelectrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry. Specifically, we analyzed proteins from the skeletal muscle of 34-month-old Fisher 344/Brown Norway F1 hybrid rats, a well accepted animal model for biological aging. We identified the 3-nitrotyrosine-containing sequences of 11 proteins, including cytosolic creatine kinase, tropomyosin 1, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, myosin light chain, aldolase A, pyruvate kinase, glycogen phosphorylase, actinin, gamma-actin, ryanodine receptor 3, and neurogenic locus notch homolog. For creatine kinase and neurogenic locus notch homolog, two 3-nitrotyrosine-containing sequences were identified, i.e. at positions 14 and 20 for creatine kinase and at positions 1175 and 1205 for the neurogenic locus notch homolog. The selectivity of the in vivo nitration of creatine kinase at Tyr14 and Tyr20 does not correspond to the product selectivity in vitro, where exclusively Tyr82 was nitrated when creatine kinase was exposed to peroxynitrite. The latter experiments demonstrate that the in vitro exposure of an isolated protein to peroxynitrite may not always be a good model to mimic protein nitration in vivo.  相似文献   
Isu, the scaffold for assembly of Fe-S clusters in the yeast mitochondrial matrix, is a substrate protein for the Hsp70 Ssq1 and the J-protein Jac1 in vitro. As expected for an Hsp70-substrate interaction, the formation of a stable complex between Isu and Ssq1 requires Jac1 in the presence of ATP. Here we report that a conserved tripeptide, PVK, of Isu is critical for interaction with Ssq1 because amino acid substitutions in this tripeptide inhibit both the formation of the Isu-Ssq1 complex and the ability of Isu to stimulate the ATPase activity of Ssq1. These biochemical defects correlate well with the growth defects of cells expressing mutant Isu proteins. We conclude that the Ssq1-Isu substrate interaction is critical for Fe-S cluster biogenesis in vivo. The ability of Jac1 and mutant Isu proteins to cooperatively stimulate the ATPase activity of Ssq1 was also measured. Increasing the concentration of Jac1 and mutant Isu together but not individually partially overcame the effect of the reduced affinity of the Isu mutant proteins for Ssq1. These results, along with the observation that overexpression of Jac1 was able to suppress the growth defect of an ISU mutant, support the hypothesis that Isu is "targeted" to Ssq1 by Jac1, with a preformed Jac1-Isu complex interacting with Ssq1.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Gene therapy applications require safe and efficient methods for gene transfer. Present methods are restricted by low efficiency and short duration of transgene expression. In vivo electroporation, a physical method of gene transfer, has evolved as an efficient method in recent years. We present a protocol involving electroporation combined with a long-acting promoter system for gene transfer to the lung. METHODS: The study was designed to evaluate electroporation-mediated gene transfer to the lung and to analyze a promoter system that allows prolonged transgene expression. A volume of 250 microl of purified plasmid DNA suspended in water was instilled into the left lung of anesthetized rats, followed by left thoracotomy and electroporation of the exposed left lung. Plasmids pCiKlux and pUblux expressing luciferase under the control of the cytomegalovirus immediate-early promoter/enhancer (CMV-IEPE) or human polyubiquitin c (Ubc) promoter were used. Electroporation conditions were optimized with four pulses (200 V/cm, 20 ms at 1 Hz) using flat plate electrodes. The animals were sacrificed at different time points up to day 40, after gene transfer. Gene expression was detected and quantified by bioluminescent reporter imaging (BLI) and relative light units per milligram of protein (RLU/mg) was measured by luminometer for p.Pyralis luciferase and immunohistochemistry, using an anti-luciferase antibody. RESULTS: Gene expression with the CMV-IEPE promoter was highest 24 h after gene transfer (2932+/-249.4 relative light units (RLU)/mg of total lung protein) and returned to baseline by day 3 (382+/-318 RLU/mg of total lung protein); at day 5 no expression was detected, whereas gene expression under the Ubc promoter was detected up to day 40 (1989+/-710 RLU/mg of total lung protein) with a peak at day 20 (2821+/-2092 RLU/mg of total lung protein). Arterial blood gas (PaO2), histological assessment and cytokine measurements showed no significant toxicity neither at day 1 nor at day 40. CONCLUSIONS: These results provide evidence that in vivo electroporation is a safe and effective tool for non-viral gene delivery to the lungs. If this method is used in combination with a long-acting promoter system, sustained transgene expression can be achieved.  相似文献   
The aromatase inhibitor, fadrozole, was applied to common carp and goldfish in order to examine its ability to increase the spontaneous and sGnRHa stimulated LH secretion. First, trials in goldfish in 2003 showed fadrozole's moderate ability to potentiate sGnRHa-stimulated LH secretion. However, this ability was much weaker than that obtained with dopamine antagonist, pimozide. There was no ovulation in fadrozole-treated fish. Several experiments on goldfish and carp during the two consecutive years with the different treatment regimes and doses of fadrozole did not confirm the optimistic results obtained in 2003. This shows that fadrozole is unable to replace the antidopaminergic drugs being used in fisheries practice.  相似文献   
During summer 2007, Arctic microphytobenthic potential primary production was measured at several stations around the coastline of Kongsfjorden (Svalbard, Norway) at ≤5 m water depth and at two stations at five different water depths (5, 10, 15, 20, 30 m). Oxygen planar optode sensor spots were used ex situ to determine oxygen exchange in the overlying water of intact sediment cores under controlled light (ca. 100 μmol photons m−2 s−1) and temperature (2–4°C) conditions. Patches of microalgae (mainly diatoms) covering sandy sediments at water depths down to 30 m showed high biomass of up to 317 mg chl a m−2. In spite of increasing water depth, no significant trend in “photoautotrophic active biomass” (chl a, ratio living/dead cells, cell sizes) and, thus, in primary production was measured at both stations. All sites from ≤5 to 30 m water depth exhibited variable rates of net production from −19 to +40 mg O2 m−2 h−1 (−168 to +360 mg C m−2 day−1) and gross production of about 2–62 mg O2 m−2 h−1 (17–554 mg C m−2 day−1), which is comparable to other polar as well as temperate regions. No relation between photoautotrophic biomass and gross/net production values was found. Microphytobenthos demonstrated significant rates of primary production that is comparable to pelagic production of Kongsfjorden and, hence, emphasised the importance as C source for the zoobenthos.  相似文献   
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