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Кролики были ознак омл ены с БЦЖ вакцины, и посл е гиперчувств ительно сть кожи вак цины, и посл е гиперчу вствительно сть кожи дозе 5 μ (itg) очищ ен ного туберкулина (PT), веде нии внутривен но. Систе мные реакци и туберкули на hypersensitive от кроликов до 5 μ г PT состоит из лихор адка, и lymphopenia изменения в число гра нулоцитов (leucocytosis или leucopenia). Эта доза не производит т ем пературы или карт ина кр ови изменения в контро ля. Гиперчув ствительн ость был переведен пас сивно по клеток (200 до 500 млн.) hypersensitive от кроликов. Она прош ла успешно на использо вании клеток селезенки, перитонеального exudate (сол еных течение четырех ч асов или минеральное нефти в течение 48 часов) и белые клетки перифери ческой крови. В пассивн ом передача гиперчувс твительности в клетка х нормальных получате лей, все проявлений сист емных туберкулина Реа кция может быть вызвал, как в активном сенсибил изированная кроликов. Передача плазмы сенсиб илизированная кролик ов. Передача плазмы раз работка системного зад ерживается гиперчувс твительность в получат елями. Он сделал вывод о том, что результаты туб еркулина системные ре акции в первую очередь вызвала реакцию на hypersenstive клеток с туберкулина.  相似文献   
Corridors are thought to reduce the negative biological effects of habitat loss and fragmentation by providing connectivity and suitable habitat for many species, including carnivores. Although corridor structure maintenance is considered to be an essential tool for carnivore conservation in a human-dominated landscape, surprisingly little is known about the effects of different factors at various spatial scales. The main aim of this study was to determine how local and landscape-scale habitat characteristics and prey availability influence the corridor use by carnivores in a Central European agricultural landscape. Moreover we investigated carnivore corridor occurrence in two contrasting landscapes that differ in level of habitat loss and fragmentation to evaluate relative effect of species-specific response to regional context. Results show that the availability of principal prey (small mammals) was the most crucial factor affecting carnivore corridor use. Other important factors influencing corridor use were corridor width (positive), proportion of shrubs (positive) and presence of local, low-traffic, roads (positive). Single species models revealed interspecific and area-specific differences in carnivore preference at both spatial scales. Our findings confirm the general importance of multi-level approach to evaluating species-specific habitat requirements as a crucial tool for determining suitable methods for carnivore efficient conservation in human-dominated agricultural landscape.  相似文献   
The efficacy of combination therapy with methotrexate (MTX) and probiotic bacteriaEnterococcus faecium enriched with organic selenium (EFSe) in rats with adjuvant arthritis was determined. Rats with adjuvant arthritis were given MTX (0.3 mg/kg 2-times weekly, orally); lyophilizedE. faecium enriched with Se (15 mg/kg, 5 d per week, orally); and a combination of MTX plus EFSe for a period of 50 d from the immunization. Levels of serum albumin, serum nitrite/nitrate concentrations, changes in hind paw swellling, arthrogram score, bone erosions, whole body bone mineral density (BMD) and bone mineral content (BMC) were assayed in the rats as variables of inflammation and destructive arthritis-associated changes. Treatment with MTX and with the combination MTX+EFSe significantly inhibited markers of both inflammation and arthritis. Significant differences in favor of combination therapy with MTX+EFSe as compared to MTX alone were seen in serum albumin concentration, hind paw swelling and arthrogram score. Reductions in radiographic scores were also more pronounced in the combination therapy group. Combination therapy, but not MTX alone, inhibited the reduction of BMD and BMC; treatment with lyophilized EFSe alone had no significant effect on adjuvant arthritis in rats. The potent therapeutic effect of low dosage MTX therapy in combination with lyophilized EFSe on adjuvant arthritis in rats was shown.  相似文献   
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