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Quinacrine is a drug that is known to heal neuronal cell culture infected with prions, which are the causative agents of neurodegenerative diseases called transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. However, the drug fails when it is applied in vivo. In this work, we analyzed the reason for this failure. The drug was suggested to “covalently” modify the prion protein via an acridinyl exchange reaction. To investigate this hypothesis more closely, the acridine moiety of quinacrine was covalently attached to the thiol groups of cysteines belonging to prion-derived peptides and to the full-length prion protein. The labeled compounds were conveniently monitored by fluorescence and absorption spectroscopy in the ultraviolet and visible spectral regions. The acridine moiety demonstrated characteristic UV–vis spectrum, depending on the substituent at the C-9 position of the acridine ring. These results confirm that quinacrine almost exclusively reacts with the thiol groups present in proteins and peptides. The chemical reaction alters the prion properties and increases the concentration of the acridine moiety in the prion protein.  相似文献   
Urinary tract infections caused by Escherichia coli are very common health problem in the developed countries. The virulence of the uropathogenic E. coli Dr+ IH11128 is determined by Dr fimbriae, which are homopolymeric structures composed of DraE subunits with the DraD protein capping the fiber. In this study, we have analyzed the structural and biochemical properties of biofilms developed by E. coli strains expressing Dr fimbriae with or without the DraD tip subunit and the surface-exposed DraD protein. We have also demonstrated that these E. coli strains form biofilms on an abiotic surface in a nutrient-dependent fashion. We present evidence that Dr fimbriae are necessary during the first stage of bacterial interaction with the abiotic surface. In addition, we reveal that the DraD alone is also sufficient for the initial surface attachment at an even higher level than Dr fimbriae and that chloramphenicol is able to reduce the normal attachment of the analyzed E. coli. The action of chloramphenicol also shows that protein synthesis is required for the early events of biofilm formation. Additionally, we have identified reduced exopolysaccharide coverage in E. coli that express only Dr fimbrial polyadhesins at the cell surface with or without the DraD capping subunit.  相似文献   
Rhesus factor polymorphism has been an evolutionary enigma since its discovery in 1939. Carriers of the rarer allele should be eliminated by selection against Rhesus positive children born to Rhesus negative mothers. Here I used an ecologic regression study to test the hypothesis that Rhesus factor polymorphism is stabilized by heterozygote advantage. The study was performed in 65 countries for which the frequencies of RhD phenotypes and specific disease burden data were available. I performed multiple multivariate covariance analysis with five potential confounding variables: GDP, latitude (distance from the equator), humidity, medical care expenditure per capita and frequencies of smokers. The results showed that the burden associated with many diseases correlated with the frequencies of particular Rhesus genotypes in a country and that the direction of the relation was nearly always the opposite for the frequency of Rhesus negative homozygotes and that of Rhesus positive heterozygotes. On the population level, a Rhesus-negativity-associated burden could be compensated for by the heterozygote advantage, but for Rhesus negative subjects this burden represents a serious problem.  相似文献   
This study aims to understand the genetic diversity of traditional Oceanian starchy bananas in order to propose an efficient conservation strategy for these endangered varieties. SSR and DArT molecular markers are used to characterize a large sample of Pacific accessions, from New Guinea to Tahiti and Hawaii. All Pacific starchy bananas are shown of New Guinea origin, by interspecific hybridization between Musa acuminata (AA genome), more precisely its local subspecies M. acuminata ssp. banksii, and M. balbisiana (BB genome) generating triploid AAB Pacific starchy bananas. These AAB genotypes do not form a subgroup sensu stricto and genetic markers differentiate two subgroups across the three morphotypes usually identified: Iholena versus Popoulu and Maoli. The Popoulu/Maoli accessions, even if morphologically diverse throughout the Pacific, cluster in the same genetic subgroup. However, the subgroup is not strictly monophyletic and several close, but different genotypes are linked to the dominant genotype. One of the related genotypes is specific to New Caledonia (NC), with morphotypes close to Maoli, but with some primitive characters. It is concluded that the diffusion of Pacific starchy AAB bananas results from a series of introductions of triploids originating in New Guinea area from several sexual recombination events implying different genotypes of M. acuminata ssp. banksii. This scheme of multiple waves from the New Guinea zone is consistent with the archaeological data for peopling of the Pacific. The present geographic distribution suggests that a greater diversity must have existed in the past. Its erosion finds parallels with the erosion of cultural traditions, inexorably declining in most of the Polynesian or Melanesian Islands. Symmetrically, diversity hot spots appear linked to the local persistence of traditions: Maoli in New Caledonian Kanak traditions or Iholena in a few Polynesian islands. These results will contribute to optimizing the conservation strategy for the ex-situ Pacific Banana Collection supported collectively by the Pacific countries.  相似文献   
Changes to the translational machinery that occur during apoptosis have been described in the last few years. The two principal ways in which translational factors are modified during apoptosis are: (i) changes in protein phosphorylation and (ii) specific proteolytic cleavages. Taxol, a member of a new class of anti-tubulin drugs, is currently used in chemotherapeutic treatments of different types of cancers. We have previously demonstrated that taxol induces calpain-mediated apoptosis in NIH3T3 cells [Pi?eiro et al., Exp. Cell Res., 2007, 313:369-379]. In this study we found that translation was significantly inhibited during taxol-induced apoptosis in these cells. We have studied the phosphorylation status and expression levels of eIF2a, eIF4E, eIF4G and the regulatory protein 4E-BP1, all of which are implicated in translation regulation. We found that taxol treatment did not induce changes in eIF2alpha phosphorylation, but strongly decreased eIF4G, eIF4E and 4E-BP1 expression levels. MDL28170, a specific inhibitor of calpain, prevented reduction of eIF4G, but not of eIF4E or 4E-BP1 levels. Moreover, the calpain inhibitor did not block taxol-induced translation inhibition. All together these findings demonstrated that none of these factors are responsible for the taxol-induced protein synthesis inhibition. On the contrary, taxol treatment increased elongation factor eEF2 phosphorylation in a calpain-independent manner, supporting a role for eEF2 in taxol-induced translation inhibition.  相似文献   
In this paper, we present results of the first comprehensive study of the introgression of both autosomal and sex-chromosome markers across the central European portion of the hybrid zone between two house mouse subspecies, Mus musculus musculus and M. m. domesticus. More than 1800 individuals sampled from 105 sites were analyzed with a set of allozyme loci (hopefully representing neutral or nearly neutral markers) and X-linked loci (which are assumed to be under selection). The zone center is best modeled as a single straight line independent of fine-scale local geographic or climatic conditions, being maintained by a balance between dispersal and selection against hybrids. The width (w) of the multilocus autosomal cline was estimated as 9.6 km whereas the estimate for the compound X-chromosome cline was about 4.6 km only. As the former estimate is comparable to that of the Danish portion of the zone (assumed to be much younger than the central European one), zone width does not appear to be related to its age. The strength (B) of the central barrier was estimated as about 20 km; with dispersal (sigma) of about 1 km/gen(1/2), this means effective selection (s*) is approximately 0.06-0.09 for autosomal loci and about 0.25 for X-linked loci. The number of loci under selection was estimated as N= 56-99 for autosomes and about 380 for X-linked loci. Finally, we highlight some potential pitfalls in hybrid zone analyses and in comparisons of different transects. We suggest that conclusions about parts of the mouse genome involved in reproductive isolation and speciation should be drawn with caution and that analytical approaches always providing some estimates should not be used without due care regarding the support or confidence of such estimates, especially if conclusions are based on the difference between these estimates. Finally, we recommend that analysis in two-dimensional space, dense sampling, and rigorous treatment of data, including inspection of likelihood profiles, are essential for hybrid zone studies.  相似文献   
A total of 240 pigs, 74 days old, half boars and half females, were included in a trial designed to assess the effect of the stress caused by changes in the pattern of food administration on the concentration of acute phase proteins (APP) and productive performance parameters. Half of the animals (pigs fed ad libitum, AL group) had free access to feed, while the rest were fed following a disorderly pattern (DIS group), in which animals had alternating periods of free access to feed and periods of no feeding, when food was removed from the feeder. The periods of free access to feed (two daily periods of 2-h duration) were randomly assigned, and varied from day to day. Total feed supplied per day was identical in both groups, and exceeded the minimal amount required for animals of these ages. Pen feed intake, individual body weights and the main positive pig APP pig major acute phase protein (Pig-MAP), haptoglobin, serum amyloid A (SAA), C-reactive protein (CRP), and the negative APP apolipoprotein A-I (ApoA-I) and transtherytin were determined every 2 weeks during the period 76 to 116 days of age. Animals fed ad libitum had better average daily gain (ADG) than DIS animals in the whole experimental period (P < 0.01) but the differences in ADG were only produced in the two first experimental sub-periods (60 to 74 and 74 to 116 days of age), suggesting that the stress diminished when the animals get used to the DIS feeding. Interestingly differences in ADG between DIS and AL pigs were due to males, whereas no differences were observed between females. The same differences observed for ADG were found for APP. DIS males had higher Pig-MAP concentration than AL males at 74 and 116 days of age, lower ApoA-I concentration at 74 days of age and higher haptoglobin and CRP concentration at 116 days of age (P < 0.05). The results obtained in this trial show an inverse relationship between weight gain and APP levels, and suggest that APP may be biomarkers for the evaluation of distress and welfare in pigs.  相似文献   
A new smut fungus Ustilago aldabrensis on the grass Dactyloctenium ctenoides is described and illustrated from Aldabra Island in the Seychelles archipelago. It is compared with similar species known on the genus Dactyloctenium. A further two smut fungi infecting this host plant genus, U. dactyloctenii-gigantei and U. idonea are discussed. U. dactyloctenii-gigantei is reported for the first time from Nigeria on a new host plant, D. aegyptium. U. idonea is redescribed, and its nomenclature and geographical distribution are clarified. A key to smut fungi infecting species of Dactyloctenium is provided.  相似文献   
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