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Apolipoprotein E has key functions in lipoprotein metabolism, and polymorphisms in the apolipoprotein E gene are associated with distinct lipoprotein patterns. The possibility of gene-nutrient interactions for apolipoprotein E has been addressed in many studies. Although results have generally been mixed, the indications for such an interaction have been more common in studies employing a metabolic challenge. Studies directly designed to examine apolipoprotein E gene-nutrient interactions are needed.  相似文献   
The dG residues within the EcoRI recognition sequence of ColE1 DNA have been selectively replaced with dI. Methylation of the altered sequence by the EcoRI modification enzyme is extremely slow as compared with methyl transfer to the natural recognition site. Since the affinity of the modification enzyme for the dI-containing sequence is considerably less than that for the natural sequence, we have concluded that the 2-amino group of dG has an important role in DNA site recognition by this enzyme. In contrast, the altered site is subject to cleavage by EcoRI endonuclease at rates essentially identical with those observed with the natural sequence. These results strongly suggest that the two enzymes utilize different contacts within the EcoRI site and are consisted with our conclusion (Rubin, R. A., and Modrich, P. (1977) J. Biol. Chem. 252, 7265-7272) that the two proteins interact with their common recognition sequence in different ways.  相似文献   
The potential for radioprotection of growing cartilage by the thiophosphate WR2721 was evaluated in weanling rats using single fractions of irradiation. Protection of acute skin toxicity was monitored simultaneously. Single doses of 600, 1200, 1800, or 2400 cGy were administered to the left tibia of CrL:CD(SD)BR female rats in groups of 12. Identically treated groups were injected with 310 mg/kg WR2721 (2/3 the determined LD50/30) in a concentration of 26 mg/ml intraperitoneally 15 min prior to irradiation. Rats untreated or given WR2721 without radiation served as control groups. Radiographs of the irradiated and unirradiated tibiae for each animal were obtained weekly to the date of sacrifice at 80 days following the initial treatment. Skin toxicity was assessed weekly starting on the second week using Moulder's scale (J.E. Moulder, J.J. Fischer, and A. Casey, Radiology 115, 465-470 (1975]. No significant difference in bone growth as measured by tibial lengths for the WR2721-treated or untreated animals was observed. Skin toxicity including moist desquamation occurred in irradiated limbs and was substantially less in rats treated with WR2721. As opposed to previous work with cysteamine, WR2721 as administered had no significant radioprotective effect on tibial growth in weanling rats but substantially reduced the accompanying skin toxicity.  相似文献   
A direct evidence for the involvement of poly(A) in protein synthesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A radioactive polyadenylated globin mRNA was translated in either rabbit reticulocyte lysate or wheat germ extract under various conditions. When globin mRNA was translated, globin synthesis was directly proportional to the rate of loss in A units from the poly(A) tail. On the other hand, when globin poly(A) mRNA was incubated under non-translated conditions, no loss of A units was detected. The presence of ribonuclease inhibitor in the reaction mixture did not alter either the rate of globin synthesis or the loss in A units from the poly(A) tail. The present data suggests a correlation between protein synthesis and loss in A units from the poly(A) tail.  相似文献   
The effects of pH (3.5-7.5) on the brain uptake of histidine by the blood-brain barrier (BBB) carriers for neutral and cationic amino acids were tested, in competition with unlabeled histidine, arginine, or phenylalanine, with the single-pass carotid injection technique. Cationic amino acid ( [14C]arginine) uptake was increasingly inhibited by unlabeled histidine as the pH of the injection solution decreased. In contrast, the inhibitory effect of unlabeled histidine on neutral amino acid ( [14C]phenylalanine) uptake decreased with decreasing pH. Brain uptake indices with varying histidine concentrations indicated that the neutral form of histidine inhibited phenylalanine uptake whereas the cationic form competed with arginine uptake. Since phenylalanine decreased [14C]histidine uptake at all pH values whereas arginine did not, it was concluded that the cationic form of histidine had an affinity for the cationic carrier, but was not transported by it. We propose that the saturable entry of histidine into brain is, under normal physiological circumstances, mediated solely by the carrier for neutral amino acids.  相似文献   
Rotaviruses are icosahedral viruses with a segmented, double-stranded RNA genome. They are the major cause of severe infantile infectious diarrhea. Rotavirus growth in tissue culture is markedly enhanced by pretreatment of virus with trypsin. Trypsin activation is associated with cleavage of the viral hemagglutinin (viral protein 3 [VP3]; 88 kilodaltons) into two fragments (60 and 28 kilodaltons). The mechanism by which proteolytic cleavage leads to enhanced growth is unknown. Cleavage of VP3 does not alter viral binding to cell monolayers. In previous electron microscopic studies of infected cell cultures, it has been demonstrated that rotavirus particles enter cells by both endocytosis and direct cell membrane penetration. To determine whether trypsin treatment affected rotavirus internalization, we studied the kinetics of entry of infectious rhesus rotavirus (RRV) into MA104 cells. Trypsin-activated RRV was internalized with a half-time of 3 to 5 min, while nonactivated virus disappeared from the cell surface with a half-time of 30 to 50 min. In contrast to trypsin-activated RRV, loss of nonactivated RRV from the cell surface did not result in the appearance of infection, as measured by plaque formation. Endocytosis inhibitors (sodium azide, dinitrophenol) and lysosomotropic agents (ammonium chloride, chloroquine) had a limited effect on the entry of infectious virus into cells. Purified trypsin-activated RRV added to cell monolayers at pH 7.4 medicated 51Cr, [14C]choline, and [3H]inositol released from prelabeled MA104 cells. This release could be specifically blocked by neutralizing antibodies to VP3. These results suggest that MA104 cell infection follows the rapid entry of trypsin-activated RRV by direct cell membrane penetration. Cell membrane penetration of infectious RRV is initiated by trypsin cleavage of VP3. Neutralizing antibodies can inhibit this direct membrane penetration.  相似文献   
Most studies investigating the relationship between passive smoking and child health have found a significant effect on respiratory illness and lung function. The wide range of findings is based on diverse types of studies which use multiple criteria for respiratory illness, smoke exposure, and outcome variables. The aim of this review is to examine these studies in an attempt to focus attention on methodological criteria which relate to the strength of the association and likelihood of a causal relationship between passive smoking and child health. We examined 30 studies and judged their strength by examining (1) data collection, (2) surveillance bias, (3) definition of amount of smoking, (4) definition of illness, (5) detection bias, (6) outcome variables, and (7) control for confounding variables. Poor scores were noted in the use of "blinded" data collectors (37 percent of possible score), use of multiple specific outcome variables (51 percent), and definition of the quantity of smoking (56 percent). Good scores were noted in the detection of illnesses (98 percent), recall by study subjects of symptoms of illness (71 percent), control for confounding variables (81 percent), and definition of illnesses (86 percent). The range of scores for the studies was from 44 percent to 89 percent (of the total possible score). While a few well-designed studies demonstrate a significant effect of passive smoking on child health, most studies had significant design problems that prevent reliance on their conclusions. Thus, many questions remain, and future studies should consider important methodological standards to determine more accurately the effect of passive smoking on child health.  相似文献   
Summary The sensitivity to calcium of the human squamous carcinoma cell line, SCC-13, was demonstrated and characterized. Cultures grown to confluence in the presence of 0.2 to 2 mM calcium had approximately 10-fold higher levels of particulate transglutaminase activity and envelope competence than those grown in low calcium (0.025 to 0.05 mM) medium. Raising the calcium from 0.025 to 1.8 mM induced expression of this enzyme and of competence over the course of a week. Conversely, for cultures grown to confluence in 1.8 mM calcium, subsequent reduction of calcium to 0.025 mM resulted in a substantial decline in transglutaminase over a similar time period. Immunoprecipitable transglutaminase was clearly identifiable in cultures grown in 1.8 mM calcium-containing medium but not in those grown in low calcium medium or in the presence of retinoic acid, suggestive of regulation at the level of mRNA accumulation or translation rather than posttranslational modification. This research was supported by Public Health Service grant AR 27130 from the National Institute of Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, Bethesda, MD, and National Research Service postdoctoral fellowship ES 05336 from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, NC.  相似文献   
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