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The first reported examples of C-terminal aldehyde analogs of an insect neuropeptide are described. They are hexapeptide insect kinin analogs Boc-VFFPWG-H and Fmoc-RFFPWG-H. Activity observed for these modified analogs in an in vitro insect diuretic assay confirms that the C-terminal aldehyde group is tolerated by an insect kinin receptor. The two analogs demonstrate greatly enhanced activity over standard C-terminal amide insect kinins in a larval weight gain inhibition assay in the corn earworm Helicoverpa zea. Treatment with Boc-VFFPWG-H led to significant increases in larval mortality at doses of 500pm (45%) and 5nm (67%). Boc-VFFPWG-H represents a lead analog in the development of novel, environmentally friendly pest insect management agents based on the insect kinin class of neuropeptides.  相似文献   
Previous gene targeting studies have implicated an indispensable role of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in tumor angiogenesis, particularly in tumors of embryonal or endocrine origin. In contrast, we report here that transformation of VEGF-deficient adult fibroblasts (MDF528) with ras or neu oncogenes gives rise to highly tumorigenic and angiogenic fibrosarcomas. These aggressive VEGF-null tumors (528ras, 528neu) originated from VEGF(-/-) embryonic stem cells, which themselves were tumorigenically deficient. We also report that VEGF production by tumor stroma has a modest role in oncogene-driven tumor angiogenesis. Both ras and neu oncogenes down-regulated at least two endogenous inhibitors of angiogenesis [pigment epithelium derived factor (PEDF) and thrombospondin 1 (TSP-1)]. This is functionally important as administration of an antiangiogenic TSP-1 peptide (ABT-526) markedly inhibited growth of VEGF(-/-) tumors, with some ingress of pericytes. These results provide the first definitive genetic demonstration of the dispensability of tumor cell-derived VEGF in certain cases of 'adult' tumor angiogenesis, and thus highlight the importance of considering VEGF-independent as well as VEGF-dependent pathways when attempting to block this process pharmacologically.  相似文献   
4-Aryl-5-pyridyl and 4-aryl-5-pyrimidyl based inhibitors of TNF-alpha production, which contain a novel triazole 5-member heterocyclic core, are described. Many pyridyl triazoles containing either an alkyl ether or a substituted aryl side chain on the triazole core showed sub-micromolar activity against LPS-induced TNF-alpha, while pyrimidyl triazoles containing an ethoxymethyl side chain exhibited even better inhibitory activity. Secondary screening data are presented for the pyrimidyl triazoles. Triazole 14e combined excellent potency with good oral bioavailability in the rat.  相似文献   
Although it is known that drug addicts are a high-risk group for disruption of many homeostatic processes, little is know about changes in serum trace elements concentrations after taking the psychoactive substances. The aim of the study was to check the influence of the taking homemade heroin on serum level of copper. Blood samples were taken from 30 opiate addicts, and copper concentrations were measured by the means of atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The result of the study show that in the examined group, copper serum concentrations (1.35 mg/L) upon admission to the clinic were higher than in the control group (1.11 mg/L) but decreased during hospitalization (1.18 mg/L). There was no correlation between duration of stay at the hospital and changes in serum copper concentration.  相似文献   
In the present study, we have investigated the potential regulation of thyroglobulin (Tg) and extracellular matrix components synthesis by thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and tetradecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate (TPA) on thyroid cells. Porcine thyroid cells isolated by trypsin-EGTA digestion of thyroid glands were maintained in serum containing medium on poly (L-lysine)-coated dishes. Cells differentiated into follicular or vesicular-like structures were distinguished by their ability to organify Na[125l] and to respond to TSH stimulation. After an incubation of the cells with radiolabeled proline or methionine, two major proteins were identified, p450–480 and p290 (so named because of their molecular masses). Tg (p290) synthesis was demonstrated by the synthesis of [131l]-labeled polypeptides with electrophoretic properties identical to those of authentic Tg molecules. P450–480 resolved to Mr 190,000 under reducing sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) conditions. It was identified as thrombospondin by its reactivity with a monoclonal anti-human thrombospondin and by peptide sequencing of some of its tryptic fragments that displayed identity to thrombospondin l. Collagen synthesis was demonstrated by the formation of radioactive hydroxyproline and by the synthesis of pepsin-resistant polypeptides ranging from Mrs 120,000 to 200,000. When the cells were cultured in the presence of 100 nM TPA, the culture medium contents of thrombospondin and collagen were increased by 2.7 and 1.6-fold, respectively, whereas Tg content was decreased by a factor 3.9. In contrast, the acute treatment of control cells with TPA induced a decrease in both Tg and collagen content by factors 3.0 and 1.5, respectively, and an increase in thrombospondin content by a factor 2.5. In the presence of 100 nM TPA, TSH (1 mU/ml) did not counteract the stimulating effect of TPA on extracellular matrix components synthesis. In contrast, when cells were cultured in the presence of TSH alone at concentrations higher than 0.1 mU/ml, collagen and thrombospondin in the medium were decreased by a factor 2.0 and 1.9, respectively, and TSH preferentially activated Tg synthesis. However, no acute response to TSH was observed in cells incubated for 2 days without effectors (control cells). On TSH differentiated cells, TPA decreased both collagen and Tg accumulation by factor 1.2 and 1.8, respectively, whereas it increased the one of thrombospondin by a factor 2. These results, together with the stimulating effect of TPA on TSH mediated cell proliferation, argue for a role of thrombospondin in cell adhesion and migration events within the thyroid epithelium. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Eukaryotic mRNA translation begins with recruitment of the 40S ribosome complex to the mRNA 5′ end through the eIF4F initiation complex binding to the 5′ m7G-mRNA cap. Spliced leader (SL) RNA trans splicing adds a trimethylguanosine (TMG) cap and a sequence, the SL, to the 5′ end of mRNAs. Efficient translation of TMG-capped mRNAs in nematodes requires the SL sequence. Here we define a core set of nucleotides and a stem-loop within the 22-nucleotide nematode SL that stimulate translation of mRNAs with a TMG cap. The structure and core nucleotides are conserved in other nematode SLs and correspond to regions of SL1 required for early Caenorhabditis elegans development. These SL elements do not facilitate translation of m7G-capped RNAs in nematodes or TMG-capped mRNAs in mammalian or plant translation systems. Similar stem-loop structures in phylogenetically diverse SLs are predicted. We show that the nematode eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E/G (eIF4E/G) complex enables efficient translation of the TMG-SL RNAs in diverse in vitro translation systems. TMG-capped mRNA translation is determined by eIF4E/G interaction with the cap and the SL RNA, although the SL does not increase the affinity of eIF4E/G for capped RNA. These results suggest that the mRNA 5′ untranslated region (UTR) can play a positive and novel role in translation initiation through interaction with the eIF4E/G complex in nematodes and raise the issue of whether eIF4E/G-RNA interactions play a role in the translation of other eukaryotic mRNAs.Cap-dependent translation initiation in eukaryotes is a complex process involving many factors and serves as the primary mechanism for eukaryotic translation (37, 44). The first step in the initiation process, recruitment of the m7G (7-methylguanosine)-capped mRNA to the ribosome, is widely considered the rate-limiting step. It begins with recognition of and binding to the m7G cap at the 5′ end of the mRNA by the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4F (eIF4F) complex, which contains three proteins: eIF4E (a cap-binding protein), eIF4G (a scaffold protein with RNA binding sites), and eIF4A (an RNA helicase). eIF4G''s interaction with eIF3, itself a multisubunit complex that interacts with the 40S ribosome, facilitates the actual recruitment of capped RNA to the ribosome. With the help of several other initiation factors, the small ribosomal subunit scans the mRNA from 5′ to 3′ until a translation initiation codon (AUG) in appropriate context is identified and an 80S ribosomal complex is formed, after which the first peptide bond is formed, thus ending the initiation process (37, 44). The AUG context can play an important role in the efficiency of translation initiation (23, 44). The length, structure, and presence of AUGs or open reading frames in the mRNA 5′ untranslated region (UTR) can negatively affect cap-dependent translation and ribosomal scanning. In general, long and highly structured 5′ UTRs, as well as upstream AUGs leading to short open reading frames, can impede ribosome scanning and lead to reduced translation (23, 44). In addition, 5′ UTRs less than 10 nucleotides (nt) in length are thought to be too short to enable preinitiation complex assembly and scanning (24). Thus, several attributes of the mRNA 5′ UTR are known to negatively affect translation initiation, whereas only the AUG context and the absence of negative elements are known to have a positive effect on translation initiation (44).Two of the important mRNA features associated with cap-dependent translation, the cap and the 5′ UTR, are significantly altered by an RNA processing event known as spliced leader (SL) trans splicing (3, 8, 17, 26, 36, 47). This takes place in members of a diverse group of eukaryotic organisms, including some protozoa, sponges, cnidarians, chaetognaths, flatworms, nematodes, rotifers, crustaceans, and tunicates (17, 28, 39, 55, 56). In SL trans splicing, a separately transcribed small exon (16 to 51 nucleotides [nt]) with its own cap gets added to the 5′ end of pre-mRNAs. This produces mature mRNAs with a unique cap and a conserved sequence in the 5′ UTR. In metazoa, the m7G cap is replaced with a trimethylguanosine (TMG) cap (m2,2,7GpppN) (27, 30, 46, 49). In nematodes, ∼70% of all mRNAs are trans spliced and therefore have a TMG cap and an SL (2). In general, eukaryotic eIF4E proteins do not effectively recognize the TMG cap (35). This raises the issues of how the translation machinery in trans-splicing metazoa effectively recognizes TMG-capped trans-spliced mRNAs, what role the SL sequence plays in translation initiation, and how the conserved translation initiation machinery has adapted to effectively translate trans-spliced mRNAs.Previous work has shown that efficient translation of TMG-capped messages in nematodes requires the SL sequence (22 nt) immediately downstream of the cap (5, 25, 29). In the current studies, we sought to understand the manner in which the SL enhanced the translation of TMG-capped mRNAs. Using a cell-free nematode in vitro translation system, we carried out mutational analyses that define the specific sequences in the SL that are required and sufficient for efficient translation of TMG-capped mRNAs. These analyses led to the discovery of a small, discrete stem-loop immediately adjacent to the TMG cap in trans-spliced messages required for efficient translation. Notably, the sequences involved in the base pairing of the stem are highly conserved in alternative SL sequences found in nematodes. We further show that the nematode eIF4E/G complex plays a major role in facilitating the SL enhancement of TMG-capped mRNA that likely occurs after the initial cap-binding step. The results demonstrate the importance of specific enhancing elements in the 5′ UTR and adaptation in the eIF4F complex necessary for optimal cap-dependent translation.  相似文献   
Cerrena unicolor was found to produce large amounts of extracellular laccase when grown aerobically on the optimized Lindenberg and Holm medium in fermenter culture with an automatic pH control. The laccase from this source was purified to homogeneity by a rapid procedure, using ion-exchange chromatography, affinity chromatography, and chromatofocusing. The enzymes isoforms were recovered with a 65- to 92-fold increase in specific activity and a yield for Ia1?=?6.7%; Ia2?=?27.5%; Ib?=?9.7%; and IIa1?=?21%. The molecular mass of the purified enzymes proved to be 45, 47, 54, and 62?kD, respectively, as determined by size-exclusion high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The isoelectric points were in the range of 4.7 to 4.2, and the carbohydrate content in the purified enzymes was between 1.6 and 3.5%.  相似文献   
In fly ovaries, the follicular epithelium surrounding germline cells diversifies into several morphologically distinct cell subpopulations. This complex process is crucial for the formation of a regionally complex eggshell and establishment of polarity of the future embryo. Morphogenetic changes accompanying patterning of the follicular epithelium have been best characterized in the model fly, Drosophila melanogaster. Here, we analyze follicular epithelium diversification in the ovaries of Tachypeza nubila, a brachyceran fly closely related to the group Cyclorrhapha, which also includes Drosophila. We provide morphological evidence that in Tachypeza, the diversification process differs from that described in the Drosophila model system in several important respects: (i) follicle cells differentiate into five subpopulations (versus eight in Drosophila); (ii) only one of these subpopulations (i.e. border cells) is migratory (versus four in Drosophila); (iii) the main body follicle cells form a uniform epithelium with no distinct border between follicle cells covering the nurse cell compartment and the oocyte; (iv) chorionic material is deposited not only on the surface of the oocyte but also on the nurse cells; (v) there is no centripetal migration of the follicle cells; (vi) the resulting eggshell is morphologically simple with no regional specializations except for the micropylar apparatus at the anterior pole of the oocyte. Our findings provide novel insights into the evolution of the follicle cell patterning and functioning in dipterans. A critical analysis of these processes in different dipteran groups strongly indicates that in Tachypeza, follicular epithelium diversification follows a distinct pattern, novel for higher dipterans.  相似文献   
Starting from peracetylated chloro- or bromo-glycosyl donors ofN-acetylneurmainic acid,N-acetylglucosamine, glucose and lactose, the correspondingp-formylphenyl glycosides were synthesized stereospecifically under phase transfer catalysed conditions at room temperature in yields of 38–67%. After Zemplén de-O-acetylation, the formyl groups were directly and chemoselectively coupled to the lysine residues of bovine serum albumin by reductive amination using sodium cyanoborohydride. The conjugation reactions were followed as a function of time and under a series of different molar ratios of the reactants to provide glycoconjugates of varying degree of antigenicities. Thus, carbohydrate protein conjugates were made readily available using essentially two key reactions.Presented in part at the 15th International Carbohydrate Symposium, Yokohama, Japan, August 12–17, 1990.  相似文献   
Summary Omega-type I-neurons (ON/1) (Fig. 1A) were recorded intracellularly with the prothoracic ganglion kept at temperatures of either 8–9°, or 20–22° or 30–33 °C and the forelegs with the tympanal organs kept at ambient temperature (20–22 °C). The neurons were stimulated with synthetic calling songs (5 kHz carrier frequency) with syllable periods (SP in ms) varying between 20 and 100, presented at sound intensities between 40 and 80 dB SPL. The amplitude and duration of spikes as well as response latency decreased at higher temperatures (Figs. 1 B, 2, 6). At lower prothoracic temperatures (8–9 °C) the neuron's responses to songs with short SP (20 ms) failed to copy single syllables, or with moderate SP (40 ms) copied the syllable with low signal to noise ratio (Fig. 3). The auditory threshold of the ON/1 type neuron, when tested with the song model, was temperature-dependent. At 9° and 20 °C it was between 40 and 50 dB SPL and at 33 °C it was less than 40 dB SPL (Fig. 4). For each SP, the slope of the intensity-response function was positively correlated with temperature, however, at low prothoracic temperatures the slope was lower for songs with shorter SPs (Fig. 5). The poor copying of the syllabic structure of the songs with short SPs at low prothoracic temperatures finds a behavioral correlate because females when tested for phonotaxis on a walking compensator responded best to songs with longer SPs at a similar temperature.Abbreviations epsps excitatory postsynaptic potentials - ON/1 omega-type I-neuron - SP syllable period - SPL sound pressure level  相似文献   
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