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The endoparasitic nematophagous fungus Meria coniospora reduced root-knot nematode galling on tomatoes in greenhouse pot trials. The fungus was introduced to pots by addition of conidia at several inoculum levels directly to the soil or addition of nematodes infected with M. coniospora to the soil; both methods reduced root galling by root-knot nematodes. These studies represent a part of a recently initiated effort to evaluate the potential of endoparasitic nematophagous fungi for biocontrol of nematodes.  相似文献   
The mechanisms of muscarinic receptor-linked increase in cAMP accumulation in SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells has been investigated. The dose-response relations of carbachol-induced cAMP synthesis and carbachol-induced rise in intracellular free Ca2+ were similar. The stimulated cAMP synthesis was inhibited by about 50% when cells were entrapped with the Ca2+ chelator BAPTA or in the presence of the protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor staurosporine. Production of cAMP could be induced also by the Ca2+ ionophore, ionomycin and by TPA, an activator of PKC. When added together TPA and ionomycin had a synergistic effect. When cAMP synthesis was activated with cholera toxin, PGE1 or PGE1 + pertussis toxin carbachol stimulated cAMP production to the same extent as in control cells. Ca2+ and protein kinase C thus seem to be the mediators of muscarinic-receptor linked cAMP synthesis by a direct action on adenylate cyclase.  相似文献   
The genotoxicity of the rodent carcinogen 2,4,6-trichlorophenol (TCP) was studied without exogenous metabolic activation in V79 Chinese hamster cells. TCP did not induce mutation at the hprt locus to 6-thioguanine resistance or structural chromosome aberrations. However, it produced statistically significant, dose-related increases in hyperdiploidy and micronuclei. From these results it appears that TCP causes chromosome malsegregation as its major mode of genotoxic action.  相似文献   
Twenty patients with mandibular dysfunction, 10 acute and 10 chronic, were trained with electromyographic biofeedback from either m. masseter or m. frontalis area. The electromyographic activity in both muscle areas were recorded during six training sessions. The mean electromyographic activity decreased significantly within the sessions for both muscle areas, progressively more often for the m. masseter area. The activity did not decrease significantly between sessions for any muscle area. The clinical and subjective symptoms of mandibular dysfunction improved significantly after the training. No differences, electromyographically or clinically, among acute, chronic, m. masseter area, or m. frontalis area feedback patients could be observed. No correlation between decrease in electromyographic activity and symptoms could be established. Since a simplistic neuromuscular learning model for biofeedback training gains little support from these results, alternative views are discussed.  相似文献   
Forestry is raising concern about the outbreaks of European spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus, causing extensive damage to the spruce forest and timber values. Precise monitoring of these beetles is a necessary step towards preventing outbreaks. Current commercial monitoring methods are catch-based and lack in both temporal and spatial resolution. In this work, light scattering from beetles is characterized, and the feasibility of entomological lidar as a tool for long-term monitoring of bark beetles is explored. Laboratory optical properties, wing thickness, and wingbeat frequency of bark beetles are reported, and these parameters can infer target identity in lidar data. Lidar results from a Swedish forest with controlled bark beetle release event are presented. The capability of lidar to simultaneously monitor both insects and a pheromone plume mixed with chemical smoke governing the dispersal of many insects is demonstrated. In conclusion, entomological lidar is a promising tool for monitoring bark beetles.  相似文献   
Two major types of intercellular communication are found in the central nervous system (CNS), namely wiring transmission (point-to-point communication, the prototype being synaptic transmission with axons and terminals) and volume transmission (VT; communication in the extracellular fluid and in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)) involving large numbers of cells in the CNS. Volume and synaptic transmission become integrated inter alia through the ability of their chemical signals to activate different types of receptor protomers in heteroreceptor complexes located synaptically or extrasynaptically in the plasma membrane. The demonstration of extracellular dopamine (DA) and serotonin (5-HT) fluorescence around the DA and 5-HT nerve cell bodies with the Falck–Hillarp formaldehyde fluorescence method after treatment with amphetamine and chlorimipramine, respectively, gave the first indications of the existence of VT in the brain, at least at the soma level. There exist different forms of VT. Early studies on VT only involved spread including diffusion and flow of soluble biological signals, especially transmitters and modulators, a communication called extrasynaptic (short distance) and long distance (paraaxonal and paravascular and CSF pathways) VT. Also, the extracellular vesicle type of VT was demonstrated. The exosomes (endosome-derived vesicles) appear to be the major vesicular carriers for VT but the larger microvesicles also participate. Both mainly originate at the soma–dendritic level. They can transfer lipids and proteins, including receptors, Rab GTPases, tetraspanins, cholesterol, sphingolipids and ceramide. Within them there are also subsets of mRNAs and non-coding regulatory microRNAs. At the soma–dendritic membrane, sets of dynamic postsynaptic heteroreceptor complexes (built up of different types of physically interacting receptors and proteins) involving inter alia G protein-coupled receptors including autoreceptors, ion channel receptors and receptor tyrosine kinases are hypothesized to be the molecular basis for learning and memory. At nerve terminals, the presynaptic heteroreceptor complexes are postulated to undergo plastic changes to maintain the pattern of multiple transmitter release reflecting the firing pattern to be learned by the heteroreceptor complexes in the postsynaptic membrane.  相似文献   
  1. Cork oak landscapes are fascinating ecosystems, historically managed for cork extraction. The persistence in this habitat of many hollow veteran trees provides suitable micro-habitats for saproxylic beetles.
  2. We investigated the saproxylic beetle community of two isolated cork oak woodlands of central Italy with different degree of recovery after human transformation: (1) an open woodland and (2) a dense mixed woodland, both dominated by cork oak trees.
  3. We found endemic, rare and threatened saproxylic beetles in both the areas, confirming the important conservation value of cork oak landscapes. In the open woodland we observed a higher number of species in all trophic categories, except for mycophagous specialists. Several microhabitat variables reflected the different stage of recovery of the two woodlands.
  4. Our findings suggest the crucial role of diversified environments in protected areas: even a small difference in the degree of recovery (i.e., tree closeness) can affect the number of beetle species. Specifically, we found (1) more xerophilous species in the open woodland and (2) more mesophilous species in the dense mixed woodland.
LAMINA: a tool for rapid quantification of leaf size and shape parameters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


An increased understanding of leaf area development is important in a number of fields: in food and non-food crops, for example short rotation forestry as a biofuels feedstock, leaf area is intricately linked to biomass productivity; in paleontology leaf shape characteristics are used to reconstruct paleoclimate history. Such fields require measurement of large collections of leaves, with resulting conclusions being highly influenced by the accuracy of the phenotypic measurement process.  相似文献   
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