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Once the effect of stand age has been taken into account, nutrient availability and climate play a crucial role in determining the B:NPPs of woody and non-woody tissues.


Forest ecosystems accumulate large amounts of carbon in living tissues. The residence time of this carbon in the ecosystem depends largely on the turnover time of these tissues, which can be estimated as a surrogate of the ratio of biomass to net primary production (B:NPP). We used a global forest database of 310 sites containing data for biomass stocks and NPP to investigate the differences of B:NPPs among species and forest compartments and to determine B:NPPs main exogenous (mainly climate and nutrient availability) and endogenous (leaf habit and stand age) drivers. We used asymptotic exponential functions to adjust the B:NPPs of woody compartments to a theoretical stationary state to allow comparisons between forests of different ages. The B:NPPs of woody tissues (branches, stems, and coarse roots) were positively influenced by stand age, conversely to fine roots and leaves, which were weakly dependent on the age of the forest. The B:NPPs of woody tissues were positively correlated with nutrient availability, whereas fine-root B:NPPs decreased with increasing nutrient availability. The foliar B:NPP of evergreen forests was positively correlated with water deficit, and the fine-root B:NPP was correlated positively with the seasonality of precipitation and with annual thermal amplitude but negatively with water deficit. Our results support the influence of climate on the B:NPPs of non-woody compartments and identify nutrient availability as the main influence on the B:NPPs of woody tissues.
Exposure of rat pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells (rPASMC) to cytokines leads to nitric oxide (NO) production by NO synthase 2 (NOS2). NO stimulates cGMP synthesis by soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC), a heterodimer composed of alpha(1)- and beta(1)-subunits. Prolonged exposure of rPASMC to NO decreases sGC subunit mRNA and protein levels. The objective of this study was to determine whether levels of NO produced endogenously by NOS2 are sufficient to decrease sGC expression in rPASMC. Interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) increased NOS2 mRNA levels and decreased sGC subunit mRNA levels. Exposure of rPASMC to IL-1beta and TNF-alpha for 24 h decreased sGC subunit protein levels and NO-stimulated sGC enzyme activity. L-N(6)-(1-iminoethyl)lysine (NOS2 inhibitor) or 1H-[1,2,4]oxadiazolo-[4,3-a]quinoxalin-1-one (sGC inhibitor) partially prevented the cytokine-mediated decrease in sGC subunit mRNA levels. However, cytokines also decreased sGC subunit mRNA levels in PASMC derived from NOS2-deficient mice. These results demonstrate that levels of NO and cGMP produced in cytokine-exposed PASMC are sufficient to decrease sGC subunit mRNA levels. In addition, cytokines can decrease sGC subunit mRNA levels via NO-independent mechanisms.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Electroporation accomplishes transient permeabilization of cells and thus aids in the uptake of drugs. The method has been employed clinically in the treatment of dermatological tumors with bleomycin. The conditions of electroporation are still largely empirical and information is lacking as to the interrelationships among voltage pulse height, pulse number and toxicity, cell permeation, drug uptake, and effects on drug toxicity. We used propidium iodide (PI) and flow cytometry to define cell permeation into cytoplasmic and nuclear compartments to determine the improvements of drug toxicity that can be accomplished by electroporation. METHODS: Human squamous carcinoma cells of defined TP53 status and normal human epithelial cells were subjected to electroporation using a square wave pulse generator in the range of 0-5,000 V/cm. Flow cytometry served to establish entry of the drug reporter, PI, into the cytoplasm and nucleus. A dye staining method served to establish cell survival and to determine the toxicity of bleomycin alone, electroporation alone, and electroporation with bleomycin. RESULTS: The electric field intensity (EFI) required to produce 50% permeabilization (EP(50)) is cell type dependent. The EP(50) varied from 1,465 to 2,027 V/cm. An EFI below 900 V/cm is growth stimulatory whereas an EFI in excess of 1,000 V/cm is growth inhibitory. An EFI of 1,000 V/cm is sufficient to increase bleomycin toxicity by a factor of 2-3. A differential electroporation efficiency is observed between normal and tumor cells. CONCLUSIONS: Tumor cells can be targeted preferentially at electroporation voltages where normal cells are less permeable.  相似文献   
Climate warming is substantially shifting the leaf phenological events of plants, and thereby impacting on their individual fitness and also on the structure and functioning of ecosystems. Previous studies have largely focused on the climate impact on spring phenology, and to date the processes underlying leaf senescence and their associated environmental drivers remain poorly understood. In this study, experiments with temperature gradients imposed during the summer and autumn were conducted on saplings of European beech to explore the temperature responses of leaf senescence. An additional warming experiment during winter enabled us to assess the differences in temperature responses of spring leaf‐out and autumn leaf senescence. We found that warming significantly delayed the dates of leaf senescence both during summer and autumn warming, with similar temperature sensitivities (6–8 days delay per °C warming), suggesting that, in the absence of water and nutrient limitation, temperature may be a dominant factor controlling the leaf senescence in European beech. Interestingly, we found a significantly larger temperature response of autumn leaf senescence than of spring leaf‐out. This suggests a possible larger contribution of delays in autumn senescence, than of the advancement in spring leaf‐out, to extending the growing season under future warmer conditions.  相似文献   
Well‐defined productivity–precipitation relationships of ecosystems are needed as benchmarks for the validation of land models used for future projections. The productivity–precipitation relationship may be studied in two ways: the spatial approach relates differences in productivity to those in precipitation among sites along a precipitation gradient (the spatial fit, with a steeper slope); the temporal approach relates interannual productivity changes to variation in precipitation within sites (the temporal fits, with flatter slopes). Precipitation–reduction experiments in natural ecosystems represent a complement to the fits, because they can reduce precipitation below the natural range and are thus well suited to study potential effects of climate drying. Here, we analyse the effects of dry treatments in eleven multiyear precipitation–manipulation experiments, focusing on changes in the temporal fit. We expected that structural changes in the dry treatments would occur in some experiments, thereby reducing the intercept of the temporal fit and displacing the productivity–precipitation relationship downward the spatial fit. The majority of experiments (72%) showed that dry treatments did not alter the temporal fit. This implies that current temporal fits are to be preferred over the spatial fit to benchmark land‐model projections of productivity under future climate within the precipitation ranges covered by the experiments. Moreover, in two experiments, the intercept of the temporal fit unexpectedly increased due to mechanisms that reduced either water loss or nutrient loss. The expected decrease of the intercept was observed in only one experiment, and only when distinguishing between the late and the early phases of the experiment. This implies that we currently do not know at which precipitation–reduction level or at which experimental duration structural changes will start to alter ecosystem productivity. Our study highlights the need for experiments with multiple, including more extreme, dry treatments, to identify the precipitation boundaries within which the current temporal fits remain valid.  相似文献   
Fresh carbon input (above and belowground) contributes to soil carbon sequestration, but also accelerates decomposition of soil organic matter through biological priming mechanisms. Currently, poor understanding precludes the incorporation of these priming mechanisms into the global carbon models used for future projections. Here, we show that priming can be incorporated based on a simple equation calibrated from incubation and verified against independent litter manipulation experiments in the global land surface model, ORCHIDEE. When incorporated into ORCHIDEE, priming improved the model's representation of global soil carbon stocks and decreased soil carbon sequestration by 51% (12 ± 3 Pg C) during the period 1901–2010. Future projections with the same model across the range of CO2 and climate changes defined by the IPCC‐RCP scenarios reveal that priming buffers the projected changes in soil carbon stocks — both the increases due to enhanced productivity and new input to the soil, and the decreases due to warming‐induced accelerated decomposition. Including priming in Earth system models leads to different projections of soil carbon changes, which are challenging to verify at large spatial scales.  相似文献   
The spatial variation of soil greenhouse gas fluxes (GHG; carbon dioxide—CO2, methane—CH4 and nitrous oxide—N2O) remains poorly understood in highly complex ecosystems such as tropical forests. We used 240 individual flux measurements of these three GHGs from different soil types, at three topographical positions and in two extreme hydric conditions in the tropical forests of the Guiana Shield (French Guiana, South America) to (1) test the effect of topographical positions on GHG fluxes and (2) identify the soil characteristics driving flux variation in these nutrient-poor tropical soils. Surprisingly, none of the three GHG flux rates differed with topographical position. CO2 effluxes covaried with soil pH, soil water content (SWC), available nitrogen and total phosphorus. The CH4 fluxes were best explained by variation in SWC, with soils acting as a sink under drier conditions and as a source under wetter conditions. Unexpectedly, our study areas were generally sinks for N2O and N2O fluxes were partly explained by total phosphorus and available nitrogen concentrations. This first study describing the spatial variation of soil fluxes of the three main GHGs measured simultaneously in forests of the Guiana Shield lays the foundation for specific studies of the processes underlying the observed patterns.  相似文献   
We report on the use of spectral map analysis of the inter- and intraclade neutralization data of 14 sera of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-infected individuals and 16 primary isolates, representing genetic clades A to H in group M and group O. This multivariate analysis has been used previously to study the interaction between drugs and receptors and between viruses and antiviral compounds. The analysis reveals the existence of neutralization clusters, not correlated with the known genetic clades. The structural factors that have been identified may correlate with the most important neutralization epitopes. Three key primary HIV-1 isolates, which allow discrimination of sera that are likely or unlikely to neutralize primary isolates from most of the genetic clades, were identified. Our method of analysis will facilitate the evaluation as well as the design of suitable HIV-1 vaccines, which induce high-titer interclade cross-neutralizing antibodies.  相似文献   
Tribe Sabiceeae (Ixoroideae, Rubiaceae) has undergone recent taxonomical changes with the incorporation of the related genera Ecpoma, Pseudosabicea and Stipularia into the type genus Sabicea. We use phylogenetic analysis and morphological data to verify the relationships among members of the tribe, including the most comprehensive taxon sampling of the tribe to date with 74 of 145 species. Sequence data from the nuclear internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and three plastid markers (petD, rps16, trnT–F) were used to infer relationships among the members of the tribe. Individual analyses using maximum likelihood, parsimony and Bayesian approaches reveal several supported clades: the former genus Stipularia is resolved as a monophyletic unit, but Ecpoma is monophyletic only if Sabicea urbaniana and Sabicea xanthotricha are included (corresponding to Sabicea subgenus Stipulariopsis sensu Wernham). Pseudosabicea is biphyletic, with one clade corresponding to section Anisophyllae of Hallé (1964) and the other one to the other sections (Floribundae and Sphaericae) of the genus. Eleven morphological characteristics were recorded for all species studied and seven have been mapped onto the phylogenetic tree to study their evolution in the group and assess their value for the classification of Sabicea s.l. Finally, our study shows that a combination of diagnostic characteristics should be used to differentiate each group and we propose to recognise four subgenera in Sabicea.  相似文献   
Leaves of fast‐growing, woody bioenergy crops often emit volatile organic compounds (VOC). Some reactive VOC (especially isoprene) play a key role in climate forcing and may negatively affect local air quality. We monitored the seasonal exchange of VOC using the eddy covariance technique in a ‘coppiced’ poplar plantation. The complex interactions of VOC fluxes with climatic and physiological variables were also explored by using an artificial neural network (Self Organizing Map). Isoprene and methanol were the most abundant VOC emitted by the plantation. Rapid development of the canopy (and thus of the leaf area index, LAI) was associated with high methanol emissions and high rates of gross primary production (GPP) since the beginning of the growing season, while the onset of isoprene emission was delayed. The highest emissions of isoprene, and of isoprene photo‐oxidation products (Methyl Vinyl Ketone and Methacrolein, iox), occurred on the hottest and sunniest days, when GPP and evapotranspiration were highest, and formaldehyde was significantly deposited. Canopy senescence enhanced the exchange of oxygenated VOC. The accuracy of methanol and isoprene emission simulations with the Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature increased by applying a function to modify their basal emission factors, accounting for seasonality of GPP or LAI.  相似文献   
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