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Summary Albino mice were exposed to constant light for 7 days and were then transferred to periodic light. After initial photic damage and partial cell loss, the remaining visual cells recovered and survived as a stable population. Regions of the outer nuclear layer containing 4–6 rows of nuclei were more affected than those containing 6–10 rows. Changes in the synaptic structures in the receptor terminals of these two regions were recorded after varying survival periods. Some of the rod terminals had multiple synaptic ribbons and larger numbers of horizontal cell processes and bipolar cell dendrites. The number of terminals with multiple ribbons increased during recovery in periodic light. Morphometry demonstrated that the perimeters of horizontal and bipolar cell processes within the rod terminals were significantly larger than those in age-matched control mice, especially 4 weeks after recovery; they remained significantly larger than controls after 2 and 3 months. We suggest that partial loss of rod cells within a group of cells that are synaptically related to a common bipolar or horizontal cell results in synaptic growth inside the terminals of the surviving cells.  相似文献   
Human keratinocytes in culture were labelled with 14C-dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid, 14C-arachidonic acid or 14C-eicosapentaenoic acid. All three eicosanoid precursor fatty acids were effectively incorporated into the cells. In phospholipids most of the radioactivity was recovered, in neutral lipids a substantial amount, and as free unesterified fatty acids only a minor amount. The most of the radioactivity was found in phosphatidylethanolamine which was also the major phospholipid as measured by phosphorous assay. The incorporation of dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid and arachidonic acid into lipid subfractions was essentially similar. Eicosapentaenoic acid was, however, much less effectively incorporated into phosphatidylinositol + phosphatidylserine and, correspondingly, more effectively into triacylglycerols as compared to the two other precursor fatty acids. Once incorporated, the distribution of all three precursor fatty acids was relatively stable, and only minor amounts of fatty acids were released into the culture medium during short term culture (two days). Our study demonstrates that eicosanoid precursor fatty acids are avidly taken up by human keratinocytes and esterified into membrane lipids. The clinical implication of this finding is that dietary manipulations might be employed to cause changes in the fatty acid composition of keratinocytes.  相似文献   
Simultaneously evaluating postthaw viability and acrosome integrity of spermatozoa by flow cytometry would provide a valuable testing tool in both research and routine work. In the present study, a new triple-stain combination was developed for the simultaneous evaluation of viability and acrosome integrity of bovine sperm processed in egg yolk-based extender by flow cytometer. SYBR-14 and propidium iodide (PI) enabled the discrimination of sperm cells from egg yolk and debris particles, which was instrumental for the flow cytometric analyses of frozen-thawed bovine sperm, because it implied that washing steps to remove egg yolk were no longer required. In addition, phycoerythrin-conjugated peanut agglutinin (PE-PNA) was used to discriminate acrosome-damaged/reacted sperm cells from acrosome-intact cells. Repeatability was calculated using two processed ejaculates of 10 bulls. Three straws per batch were analyzed in duplicate measurements. Method-agreement analysis between the SYBR-14/PE-PNA/PI and fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated PNA was performed, with FITC-PNA/PI staining being carried out on 14 frozen-thawed semen samples immediately after thawing and after a 3-h incubation at 37 degrees C. The British Standards Institution repeatability index of the SYBR-14/PE-PNA/PI combination was 2.6%. On average, the FITC-PNA/PI method showed a 6.3% overestimation of the live and acrosome-intact sperm cell subpopulation. In conclusion, the new triple-stain combination is highly repeatable and easy to use in routine application, and it provides a more precise estimate for the rate of sperm cells with intact head membrane and acrosome compared to the generally used and validated FITC-PNA/PI staining.  相似文献   
Cerebral vasomotor reactivity at high altitude in humans   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The purpose of this study was twofold:1) to determine whether at highaltitude cerebral blood flow (CBF) as assessed during CO2 inhalation and duringhyperventilation in subjects with acute mountain sickness (AMS) wasdifferent from that in subjects without AMS and2) to compare the CBF as assessedunder similar conditions in Sherpas at high altitude and in subjects atsea level. Resting control values of blood flow velocity in themiddle cerebral artery (VMCA), pulseoxygen saturation (SaO2), andtranscutaneous PCO2 were measured at4,243 m in 43 subjects without AMS, 17 subjects with AMS, 20 Sherpas,and 13 subjects at sea level. Responses ofCO2 inhalation andhyperventilation onVMCA,SaO2, and transcutaneous PCO2 were measured, and the cerebralvasomotor reactivity (VMR = VMCA/PCO2)was calculated as the fractional change ofVMCA per Torrchange of PCO2, yielding ahypercapnic VMR and a hypocapnic VMR. AMS subjects showeda significantly higher resting controlVMCA than didno-AMS subjects (74 ± 22 and 56 ± 14 cm/s, respectively;P < 0.001), andSaO2 was significantly lower (80 ± 8 and 88 ± 3%, respectively; P < 0.001). Resting control VMCA values inthe sea-level group (60 ± 15 cm/s), in the no-AMS group, and inSherpas (59 ± 13 cm/s) were not different. Hypercapnic VMR valuesin AMS subjects were 4.0 ± 4.4, in no-AMS subjects were 5.5 ± 4.3, in Sherpas were 5.6 ± 4.1, and in sea-level subjects were 5.6 ± 2.5 (not significant). Hypocapnic VMR values were significantly higher in AMS subjects (5.9 ± 1.5) compared with no-AMS subjects (4.8 ± 1.4; P < 0.005) but werenot significantly different between Sherpas (3.8 ± 1.1) and thesea-level group (2.8 ± 0.7). We conclude that AMS subjects havegreater cerebral hemodynamic responses to hyperventilation, higherVMCAresting control values, and lower SaO2 compared with no-AMSsubjects. Sherpas showed a cerebral hemodynamic patternsimilar to that of normal subjects at sea level.  相似文献   
A puzzling population-genetic phenomenon widely reported in allozyme surveys of marine bivalves is the occurrence of heterozygote deficits relative to Hardy-Weinberg expectations. Possible explanations for this pattern are categorized with respect to whether the effects should be confined to protein-level assays or are genomically pervasive and expected to be registered in both protein- and DNA-level assays. Anonymous nuclear DNA markers from the American oyster were employed to reexamine the phenomenon. In assays based on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), two DNA-level processes were encountered that can lead to artifactual genotypic scorings: (a) differential amplification of alleles at a target locus and (b) amplification from multiple paralogous loci. We describe symptoms of these complications and prescribe methods that should generally help to ameliorate them. When artifactual scorings at two anonymous DNA loci in the American oyster were corrected, Hardy-Weinberg deviations registered in preliminary population assays decreased to nonsignificant values. Implications of these findings for the heterozygote-deficit phenomenon in marine bivalves, and for the general development and use of PCR-based assays, are discussed.   相似文献   
Although past studies have included Passiflora among angiosperm lineages with highly rearranged plastid genomes (plastomes), knowledge about plastome organization in the genus is limited. So far only one draft and one complete plastome have been published. Expanded sampling of Passiflora plastomes is needed to understand the extent of the genomic rearrangement in the genus, which is also unusual in having biparental plastid inheritance and plastome‐genome incompatibility. We sequenced 15 Passiflora plastomes using either Illumina paired‐end or shotgun cloning and Sanger sequencing approaches. Assembled plastomes were annotated using Dual Organellar GenoMe Annotator (DOGMA) and tRNAscan‐SE. The Populus trichocarpa plastome was used as a reference to estimate genomic rearrangements in Passiflora by performing whole genome alignment in progressiveMauve. The phylogenetic distribution of rearrangements was plotted on the maximum likelihood tree generated from 64 plastid encoded protein genes. Inverted repeat (IR) expansion/contraction and loss of the two largest hypothetical open reading frames, ycf1 and ycf2, account for most plastome size variation, which ranges from 139 262 base pairs (bp) in P. biflora to 161 494 bp in P. pittieri. Passiflora plastomes have experienced numerous inversions, gene and intron losses along with multiple independent IR expansions and contractions resulting in a distinct organization in each of the three subgenera examined. Each Passiflora subgenus has a unique plastome structure in terms of gene content, order and size. The phylogenetic distribution of rearrangements shows that Passiflora has experienced widespread genomic changes, suggesting that such events may not be reliable phylogenetic markers.  相似文献   
Climate change is forecast to increase climatic variability, in particular the occurrence of extreme events. Consequently, it is imperative to understand how climatic variation influences the dynamics of communities. We investigated synchronicity in survival in response to climatic variation among bird communities occupying habitats that differed in climatic seasonality: a more seasonal wetland and a less seasonal fynbos shrubland in South Africa. We predicted higher synchronicity at the wetland than at the shrubland because there was more potential for weather to induce variation in survival at this climatically more variable site. We estimated survival from ringing data for four wetland species and three fynbos species in hierarchical models with an asynchronous (species-specific) variance component and a synchronous (common) variance component. Comparing models including and excluding a climatic covariate enabled us to estimate the effect of climatic variation as a synchronizing and desynchronizing agent on survival. As hypothesized, synchronicity in survival was substantially greater at the more seasonal wetland than at the climatically more stable fynbos site: 0.50 (95% credible interval 0.01–1.92 on the logit scale) and 0.03 (0.00001–0.19), respectively. Similarly, asynchronicity in survival was greater for wetland species than for fynbos species. However, we found no clear evidence that weather affected survival. We provide the first survival estimates of several African endemic birds and the first estimates of synchronicity and asynchronicity in survival of communities outside the strongly seasonal northern temperate zone. Our results suggest that the relative magnitude of synchronicity and asynchronicity varies among communities and support the idea that environmental variability induces synchronicity.  相似文献   
Salmonella enterica is a zoonotic pathogen of clinical and veterinary significance, with over 2500 serovars. In previous work we compared two serovars displaying host associations inferred from isolation statistics. Here, to validate genome sequence data and to expand on the role of environmental metabolite constitution in host range determination we use a phenotypic microarray approach to assess the ability of these serovars to metabolise ~500 substrates at 25°C with oxygen (aerobic conditions) to represent the ex vivo environment and at 37°C with and without oxygen (aerobic/anaerobic conditions) to represent the in vivo environment. A total of 26 substrates elicited a significant difference in the rate of metabolism of which only one, D-galactonic acid-g-lactone, could be explained by the presence (S. Mbandaka) or the absence (S. Derby) of metabolic genes. We find that S. Mbandaka respires more efficiently at ambient temperatures and under aerobic conditions on 18 substrates including: glucosominic acid, saccharic acid, trehalose, fumaric acid, maltotriose, N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, N-acetyl-beta-D-mannosamine, fucose, L-serine and dihydroxy-acetone; whereas S. Derby is more metabolically competent anaerobically at 37°C for dipeptides, glutamine-glutamine, alanine-lysine, asparagine-glutamine and nitrogen sources glycine and nitrite. We conclude that the specific phenotype cannot be reliably predicted from the presence of metabolic genes directly relating to the metabolic pathways under study.  相似文献   
Traditional medicine has been practised in Ghana for centuries with the majority of Ghanaians still patronising the services of traditional healers. Throughout Africa a large number of people use pangolins as a source of traditional medicine, however, there is a dearth of information on the use of animals in folk medicine in Ghana, in particular the use of pangolins. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalent use of pangolins and the level of knowledge of pangolin use among traditional healers in Ghana for the treatment of human ailments. Data was gathered from 48 traditional healers using semi-structured interviews on the traditional medicinal use of pangolin body parts in the Kumasi metropolis of Ghana. The cultural importance index, relative frequency of citation, informant agreement ratio and use agreement values were calculated to ascertain the most culturally important pangolin body part as well as the level of knowledge dissemination among traditional healers with regards pangolin body parts. Our study revealed that 13 body parts of pangolins are used to treat various medicinal ailments. Pangolin scales and bones were the most prevalent prescribed body parts and indicated the highest cultural significance among traditional healing practices primarily for the treatment of spiritual protection, rheumatism, financial rituals and convulsions. Despite being classified under Schedule 1 of Ghana’s Wildlife Conservation Act of 1971 (LI 685), that prohibits anyone from hunting or being in possession of a pangolin, our results indicated that the use of pangolins for traditional medicinal purposes is widespread among traditional healers in Ghana. A study on the population status and ecology of the three species of African pangolins occurring in Ghana is urgently required in order to determine the impact this harvest for traditional medical purposes has on their respective populations as current levels appear to be unmonitored and unsustainable.  相似文献   


Men who have sex with men (MSM) are at higher risk for coinfection with hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), and syphilis than the general population. HIV infection and these coinfections accelerate disease progression reciprocally. This study evaluated the prevalence and incidence of these coinfections in HIV1-positive MSM in Germany.

Materials and Methods

As part of a nationwide, multicenter, prospective cohort study of HIV-infected MSM, plasma samples collected yearly were screened for HBsAg and antibodies to HBc, HBs, HCV, and syphilis. Samples with indications of active HBV or HCV infection were confirmed by polymerase chain reaction. Prevalence and incidence of each infection and incidence rates per study participant were calculated, and incidences over 4-year time intervals compared.


This study screened 5,445 samples from 1,843 MSM. Median age at HIV seroconversion was 33 years. Prevalences of active, cleared, and occult HBV, and of active/cleared HCV were 1.7%, 27.1%, 0.2%, and 8.2%, respectively, and 47.5% had been effectively vaccinated against HBV. Prevalence of antibodies to Treponema pallidum and of triple or quadruple sexually transmitted infections (STIs) were 39.6% and 18.9%, respectively. Prevalence of STI, cleared HBV, HBV vaccination, and history of syphilis differed significantly among age groups. Incidences of HBV, HCV, and syphilis were 2.51, 1.54, and 4.06 per 100 person-years, respectively. Incidences of HCV and syphilis increased over time. HCV incidence was significantly higher in MSM coinfected with syphilis and living in Berlin, and syphilis incidence was significantly higher for MSM living in Berlin.


Despite extensive HBV vaccination campaigns, fewer than 50% of screened MSM were effectively vaccinated, with a high proportion of HIV-positive MSM coinfected with HBV. High rates of STI coinfections in HIV-positive MSM and increasing incidences emphasize the need for better tailored campaigns for HBV vaccination and STI prevention.  相似文献   
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