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Vesicle formation at endomembranes requires the selective concentration of cargo by coat proteins. Conserved adapter protein complexes at the Golgi (AP-3), the endosome (AP-1), or the plasma membrane (AP-2) with their conserved core domain and flexible ear domains mediate this function. These complexes also rely on the small GTPase Arf1 and/or specific phosphoinositides for membrane binding. The structural details that influence these processes, however, are still poorly understood. Here we present cryo-EM structures of the full-length stable 300 kDa yeast AP-3 complex. The structures reveal that AP-3 adopts an open conformation in solution, comparable to the membrane-bound conformations of AP-1 or AP-2. This open conformation appears to be far more flexible than AP-1 or AP-2, resulting in compact, intermediate, and stretched subconformations. Mass spectrometrical analysis of the cross-linked AP-3 complex further indicates that the ear domains are flexibly attached to the surface of the complex. Using biochemical reconstitution assays, we also show that efficient AP-3 recruitment to the membrane depends primarily on cargo binding. Once bound to cargo, AP-3 clustered and immobilized cargo molecules, as revealed by single-molecule imaging on polymer-supported membranes. We conclude that its flexible open state may enable AP-3 to bind and collect cargo at the Golgi and could thus allow coordinated vesicle formation at the trans-Golgi upon Arf1 activation.

Eukaryotic cells have membrane-enclosed organelles, which carry out specialized functions, including compartmentalized biochemical reactions, metabolic channeling, and regulated signaling, inside a single cell. The transport of proteins, lipids, and other molecules between these organelles is mediated largely by small vesicular carriers that bud off at a donor compartment and fuse with the target membrane to deliver their cargo. The generation of these vesicles has been subject to extensive studies and has led to the identification of numerous coat proteins that are required for their formation at different sites (1, 2). Coat proteins can be monomers, but in most cases, they consist of several proteins, which form a heteromeric complex.Heterotetrameric adapter protein (AP) complexes are required at several endomembranes for cargo binding. Five well-conserved AP-complexes with differing functions have been identified in mammalian cells, named AP-1–AP-5, of which three (AP-1–AP-3) are conserved from yeast to human (3, 4). The three conserved adapter complexes function at different membranes along the endomembrane system. AP-1 is required for cargo transport between the Golgi and the endosome, AP-2 is required for cargo recognition and transport between the plasma membrane and the early endosome. Finally, AP-3 functions between the trans Golgi and the vacuole in yeast, whereas mammalian AP-3 localizes to a tubular endosomal compartment, in addition to or instead of the TGN (2, 5, 6).Each of the complexes consists of four different subunits: two large adaptins (named α−ζ and β1-5 respectively), a medium-sized subunit (μ1-5), and a small subunit (σ1-5). While μ- and σ-subunits together with the N-termini of the large adaptins build the membrane-binding core of the complex, the C-termini of both adaptins contain the ear domains, which are connected via flexible linkers (2). The recruitment of these complexes to membranes is not entirely conserved. They all require cargo binding, yet AP-1 binds Arf1-GTP with the γ and β1 subunit and phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate (PI4P) via a proposed conserved site on its γ-subunit (7, 8). AP-2, on the other hand, interacts with PI(4,5)P2 at the plasma membrane via its α, β2, and μ2 subunits (9, 10, 11).Several studies have uncovered how AP-3 functions in cargo sorting in yeast. AP-3 recognizes cargo at the Golgi via two sorting motifs in the cytosolic segments of membrane proteins: a Yxxφ sorting motif, as found in yeast in the SNARE Nyv1 or the Yck3 casein kinase, which binds to a site in μ3, as shown for mammalian AP-3, which is similar to μ2 in AP-2 (12, 13, 14), and dileucine motifs as found in the yeast SNARE Vam3 or the alkaline phosphatase Pho8, potentially also at a site comparable to AP-1 and AP-2 (15, 16). Unlike AP-1 and AP-2-coated vesicles, which depend on clathrin for their formation (2, 17), AP-3 vesicle formation in yeast does not require clathrin or the HOPS subunit Vps41 (18), yet Vps41 is required at the vacuole to bind AP-3 vesicles prior to fusion (19, 20, 21, 22). Studies in metazoan cells revealed that Vps41 and AP-3 function in regulated secretion (23, 24, 25), and AP-3 is required for biogenesis of lysosome-related organelles (26). This suggests that the AP-3 complex has features that are quite different from AP-1 and AP-2 complexes, which cooperate with clathrin in vesicle formation (2).Among the three conserved AP complexes, the function of the AP-3 complex is the least understood. Arf1 is necessary for efficient AP-3 vesicle generation in mammalian cells and shows a direct interaction with the β3 and δ subunits of AP-3 (27, 28). In addition, in vitro experiments on mammalian AP-3 using liposomes or enriched Golgi membranes suggest Arf1 as an important factor in AP-3 recruitment, whereas acidic lipids do not have a major effect, in contrast to what was found for AP-1 and AP-2 (7, 11, 29, 30). Another study showed that membrane recruitment of AP-3 depends on the recognition of sorting signals in cargo tails and PI3P (31), similar to AP-1 recruitment via cargo tails, Arf1 and PI4P (32).However, since AP-1 and AP-3 are both recruited to the trans-Golgi network (TGN) in yeast (33), the mechanism of their recruitment likely differs. Even though Arf1 is required, yeast AP-3 seems to be present at the TGN before the arrival of the Arf1 guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) Sec7 (33). This implies the necessity for additional factors at the TGN and a distinct mechanism to allow for spatial and temporal separation of AP-1 and AP-3 recruitment to membranes. Structural data on mammalian AP-1 and AP-2 “core” complexes without the hinge and ear domains of their large subunits revealed that both exist in at least two very defined conformational states: a “closed” cytosolic state, where the cargo-binding sites are buried within the complex, and an “open” state, where the same sites are available to bind cargo (7, 8, 10, 34, 35). Binding of Arf1 to AP-1 or PI(4,5)P2 in case of AP-2 induces a conformational change in the complexes that enables them to bind cargo molecules carrying a conserved acidic di-Leucine or a Tyrosine-based motif, as for all three AP complexes in yeast (8, 34). Additional conformational states and intermediates have been reported for both, mammalian AP-1 and AP-2 complex. AP-1, for example, can be hijacked by the human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) proteins viral protein u (Vpu) and negative factor (Nef), resulting in a hyper-open conformation of AP-1 (36, 37).An emerging model over the past years has suggested that APs have several binding sites that allow for the stabilization of membrane binding and the open conformation of the complexes, but there are initial interactions required that dictate their recruitment to the target membrane. Although these interaction sites for mammalian AP-1 and AP-2 have been identified in great detail based on interaction analyses and structural studies (8, 10, 11, 35, 36, 38, 39), structural data for AP-3 is largely missing. The C-terminal part of the μ-subunit of mammalian AP-3 has been crystallized together with a Yxxφ motif-containing a cargo peptide, which revealed a similar fold and cargo-binding site as shown for AP-1 and AP-2 (14). However, positively charged binding surfaces required for PIP-interaction were not well conserved. Although the “trunk” segment of AP-1 and AP-2 is known quite well by now, information on hinge and ear domains in context of these complexes is largely missing. Crystal structures of the isolated ear domains of α-, γ- and β2-adaptin have been published (40, 41, 42), and a study on mammalian AP-3 suggested a direct interaction between δ-ear and δ3 that interfered with Arf1-binding (43). Furthermore, during tethering of AP-3 vesicles with the yeast vacuole, the δ−subunit Apl5 of the yeast AP-3 complex binds to the Vps41 subunit of the HOPS complex as a prerequisite of fusion (18, 19, 21, 22).In this study, we applied single particle electron cryo-microscopy (cryo-EM) to analyze the purified full-length AP-3 complex from yeast and unraveled the factors required for AP-3 recruitment to membranes by biochemical reconstitution. Our data reveal that a surprisingly flexible AP-3 complex requires a combination of cargo, PI4P, and Arf1 for membrane binding, which explains its function in selective cargo sorting at the Golgi.  相似文献   
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) induces reactive oxygen species (ROS) production that contribute to pathogenesis of a variety of H. pylori-related gastric diseases, as shown in animal and human studies. Helicobacter pylori infection is also associated with variety of systemic extragastric diseases in which H. pylori-related ROS production might also be involved in the pathogenesis of these systemic conditions. We proposed that Hp-related ROS may play a crucial role in the pathophysiology of Hp-related systemic diseases including Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, glaucoma and other relative neurodegenerative diseases, thereby suggesting introduction of relative ROS scavengers as therapeutic strategies against these diseases which are among the leading causes of disability and are associated with a large public health global burden. Moreover, we postulated that H. pylori-related ROS might also be involved in the pathogenesis of extragastric common malignancies, thereby suggesting that H. pylori eradication might inhibit the development or delay the progression of aforementioned diseases. However, large-scale future studies are warranted to elucidate the proposed pathophysiological mechanisms, including H. pylori-related ROS, involved in H. pylori-associated systemic and malignant conditions.  相似文献   
Both cognitive abilities and dispersal tendencies can vary strongly between individuals. Since cognitive abilities may help dealing with unknown circumstances, it is conceivable that dispersers may rely more heavily on learning abilities than residents. However, cognitive abilities are costly and leaving a familiar place might result in losing the advantage of having learned to deal with local conditions. Thus, individuals which invested in learning to cope with local conditions may be better off staying at their natal place. In order to disentangle the complex relationship between dispersal and learning abilities, we implemented individual‐based simulations. By allowing for developmental plasticity, individuals could either become a ''resident'' or ''dispersal'' cognitive phenotype. The model showed that in general residents have higher learning abilities than dispersers. Dispersers evolve higher learning ability than residents when dispersers have long life spans and when dispersal occurs either early or late in life, thereby maximizing the time in one habitat patch. Time is crucial here, because the longer an individual resides in a location where it can use its learned knowledge or behavior, the more often it profits from it and thus eventually obtains a net benefit from its investment into learning. Both, longevity and the timing of dispersal within lifecycles determine the time individuals have to recoup that investment and thus crucially influence this correlation. We therefore suggest that species'' life history will strongly impact the expected cognitive abilities of dispersers, relative to their resident conspecifics, and that cognitive abilities might be an integral part of dispersal syndromes.  相似文献   
In socially monogamous species with bi-parental care, males suffer reduced reproductive success if their mate engages in extra-pair copulations (EPCs). One might therefore expect that males should refuse to care for a brood if they can detect that an EPC has occurred. Here, we use a game-theory model to study male brood care in the face of EPCs in a cooperatively breeding species in which offspring help to raise their (half-) siblings in their parents' next breeding attempt. We show that under certain conditions males are selected to care even for broods completely unrelated to themselves. This counterintuitive result arises through a form of pseudo-reciprocity, whereby surviving extra-pair offspring, when helping to rear their younger half-siblings, can more than compensate for the cost incurred by the male that raised them. We argue that similar effects may not be limited to cooperative breeders, but may arise in various contexts in which cooperation between (half-) siblings occurs.  相似文献   
The isotropic metaphase actin cortex progressively polarizes as the anaphase spindle elongates during mitotic exit. This involves the loss of actomyosin cortex from opposing cell poles and the accumulation of an actomyosin belt at the cell centre. Although these spatially distinct cortical remodelling events are coordinated in time, here we show that they are independent of each other. Thus, actomyosin is lost from opposing poles in anaphase cells that lack an actomyosin ring owing to centralspindlin depletion. In examining potential regulators of this process, we identify a role for Aurora B kinase in actin clearance at cell poles. Upon combining Aurora B inhibition with centralspindlin depletion, cells exiting mitosis fail to change shape and remain completely spherical. Additionally, we demonstrate a requirement for Aurora B in the clearance of cortical actin close to anaphase chromatin in cells exiting mitosis with a bipolar spindle and in monopolar cells forced to divide while flat. Altogether, these data suggest a novel role for Aurora B activity in facilitating DNA‐mediated polar relaxation at anaphase, polarization of the actomyosin cortex, and cell division.  相似文献   
Although IncP-1 plasmids are important for horizontal gene transfer among bacteria, in particular antibiotic resistance spread, so far only three plasmids from the subgroup IncP-1α have been completely sequenced. In this study we doubled this number. The three IncP-1α plasmids pB5, pB11 and pSP21 were isolated from bacteria of two different sewage treatment plants and sequenced by a combination of next-generation and capillary sequencing technologies. A comparative analysis including the previously analysed IncP-1α plasmids RK2, pTB11 and pBS228 revealed a highly conserved plasmid backbone (at least 99.9% DNA sequence identity) comprising 54 core genes. The accessory elements of the plasmid pB5 constitute a class 1 integron interrupting the parC gene and an IS6100 copy inserted into the integron. In addition, the tetracycline resistance genes tetAR and the ISTB11-like element are located between the klc operon and the trfA-ssb operon. Plasmid pB11 is loaded with a Tn5053-like mercury resistance transposon between the parCBA and parDE operons and contains tetAR that are identical to those identified in plasmid pB5 and the insertion sequence ISSP21. Plasmid pSP21 harbours an ISPa7 element in a Tn402 transposon including a class 1 integron between the partitioning genes parCBA and parDE. The IS-element ISSP21 (99.89% DNA sequence identity to ISSP21 from pB11), inserted downstream of the tetR gene and a copy of ISTB11 (identical to ISTB11 on pTB11) inserted between the genes pncA and pinR. On all three plasmids the accessory genes are almost always located between the backbone modules confirming the importance of the backbone functions for plasmid maintenance. The striking backbone conservation among the six completely sequenced IncP-1α plasmids is in contrast to the much higher diversity within the IncP-1β subgroup.  相似文献   
The senses of animals are confronted with changing environments and different contexts. Neural adaptation is one important tool to adjust sensitivity to varying intensity ranges. For instance, in a quiet night outdoors, our hearing is more sensitive than when we are confronted with the plurality of sounds in a large city during the day. However, adaptation also removes available information on absolute sound levels and may thus cause ambiguity. Experimental data on the trade-off between benefits and loss through adaptation is scarce and very few mechanisms have been proposed to resolve it. We present an example where adaptation is beneficial for one task—namely, the reliable encoding of the pattern of an acoustic signal—but detrimental for another—the localization of the same acoustic stimulus. With a combination of neurophysiological data, modeling, and behavioral tests, we show that adaptation in the periphery of the auditory pathway of grasshoppers enables intensity-invariant coding of amplitude modulations, but at the same time, degrades information available for sound localization. We demonstrate how focusing the response of localization neurons to the onset of relevant signals separates processing of localization and pattern information temporally. In this way, the ambiguity of adaptive coding can be circumvented and both absolute and relative levels can be processed using the same set of peripheral neurons.  相似文献   
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