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This report describes the effect of different dose levels of infection upon worm burdens and development and fecundity of the parasites. Three groups each of 40, 9-week-old, helminth naïve pigs were inoculated once with either 2000 (group A), 20,000 (group B), or 200,000 (group C) infective third stage larvae of Oesophagostomum dentatum. Subgroups of 5 pigs from each major group were killed 3, 6, 11, 14, 18, 25, 34 and 47 days post inoculation (p.i.) and the large intestinal worm burdens were determined. Faecal egg counts were determined at frequent intervals after day 13 p.i. There were no overt clinical signs of gastrointestinal helminthosis during the experiment. Faecal egg counts became positive in groups A and B at around day 19 p.i., whereas most pigs in the high dose group C did not have positive egg counts until day 27–33 p.i. and some pigs remained with zero egg counts until the end of the study. Throughout the experiment the worm populations in group C consisted mainly of immature larval stages, while those in groups A and B were predominantly adult stages after days 14–18. Adult worms from the low dose group A were significantly longer than those from group C. At high population densities, stunted development of worms and reduced fecundity among female worms were found. Furthermore, there was a tendency for the distribution of the worms within the intestine to be altered with increasing population size.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the risk of having a low birthweight infant associated with changes in social, environmental, and genetic factors. DESIGN: Population based, historical cohort study using the Danish medical birth registry and Statistic Denmark''s fertility database. SUBJECTS: All women who had a low birthweight infant (< 2500 g) (index birth) and a subsequent liveborn infant (outcome birth) in Denmark between 1980 and 1992 (exposed cohort, n = 11,069) and a random sample of the population who gave birth to an infant weighing > or = 2500 g and to a subsequent liveborn infant (unexposed cohort, n = 10,211). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Risk of having a low birthweight infant in the outcome birth as a function of changes in male partner, area of residence, type of job, and social status between the two births. RESULTS: Women in the exposed cohort showed a high risk (18.5%) of having a subsequent low birthweight infant while women in the unexposed cohort had a risk of 2.8%. After adjustment for initial social status, a decline in social status increased the absolute risk of having a low birthweight infant by about 5% in both cohorts, though this was significant only in the unexposed cohort. Change of male partner did not modify the risk of low birth weight in either cohort. CONCLUSION: Having had a low birthweight infant and a decline in social status are strong risk factors for having a low birthweight infant subsequently.  相似文献   
Aspects of protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) function have been studied in yeast in vivo. PDI contains two thioredoxin-like domains, a and a′, each of which contains an active-site CXXC motif. The relative importance of the two domains was analyzed by rendering each one inactive by mutation to SGAS. Such mutations had no significant effect on growth. The domains however, were not equivalent since the rate of folding of carboxypeptidase Y (CPY) in vivo was reduced by inactivation of the a domain but not the a′ domain. To investigate the relevance of PDI redox potential, the G and H positions of each CGHC active site were randomly mutagenized. The resulting mutant PDIs were ranked by their growth phenotype on medium containing increasing concentrations of DTT. The rate of CPY folding in the mutants showed the same ranking as the DTT sensitivity, suggesting that the oxidative power of PDI is an important factor in folding in vivo. Mutants with a PDI that cannot perform oxidation reactions on its own (CGHS) had a strongly reduced growth rate. The growth rates, however, did not correlate with CPY folding, suggesting that the protein(s) required for optimal growth are dependent on PDI for oxidation. pdi1-deleted strains overexpressing the yeast PDI homologue EUG1 are viable. Exchanging the wild-type Eug1p C(L/I)HS active site sequences for C(L/I)HC increased the growth rate significantly, however, further highlighting the importance of the oxidizing function for optimal growth.  相似文献   
The extent of myocardial accumulation of tocainide, administered as single enantiomers and as well as racemate, was determined in the isolated, spontaneous beating rabbit heart. The heart was retrogradely perfused at a constant rate and fractions of the perfusate were collected during and after infusion. Kinetic parameters for myocardial accumulation and disposition of tocainide were indirectly determined from drug concentration/time course in the outflow perfusate. No stereoselectivity in myocardial accumulation was observed. A two compartment model with mean half-lives for distribution and elimination of 0.60 and 3.78 min, respectively, was fitted to the accumulation and disposition data. At steady-state, tocainide enantiomers were accumulated about three times in the myocardium relative to the perfusion liquid. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Fifty-nine gastrointestinal tracts and 52 blood samples were collected from eastern wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo silvestris Vieillot) during the spring turkey hunts of 1979-1980 from two areas in western Kentucky and Tennessee. Eight species of parasites were recovered, and included (combined prevalence): Haemoproteus meleagridis Levine, 1961 (25%), Hymenolepis carioca (Magalhaes, 1898) (44%), Metroliasthes lucida Ransom, 1900 (25%), Raillietina georgiensis (Reid and Nugara, 1961) (15%), R. williamsi Fuhrmann, 1932 (64%), Ascaridia dissimilis Perez Vigueras, 1931 (83%), Capillaria caudinflata (Molin, 1858) (2%), and Heterakis gallinarum (Schrank, 1788) (27%). A significant difference existed between the intensities of A. dissimilis from the two states. Twenty-two subinoculations of collected blood were made in 1979, but no Plasmodium infections were recovered. Helminths of wild turkeys from 11 southeastern states were compared using similarity and diversity indices. High similarities were observed in helminth populations of two groups of states: 1) Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Virginia, and Tennessee; and 2) Tennessee, Kentucky, and Illinois. Simpson's diversity index indicated helminth populations of wild turkeys in Florida were the most diverse (0.10), while those in Louisiana turkeys were the least diverse (0.33).  相似文献   
We have carried out measurements of the stable binding of the ribosomal protein (r-protein) complex L10-L7/L12 to mutant forms of the mRNA leader of the rplJ operon of Escherichia coli. One of the point mutations, base 1548, which lies within the L10-L7/L12-protected region, almost completely abolishes in vitro formation of a stable complex of L10-L7/L12 with rplJ mRNA leader, and a second point mutation, base 1634, strongly reduces it. These observations constitute strong support for the proposition that L10-L7/L12 binds to the rplJ leader in bringing about translational feedback. To account for the action of these and other mutations, and to explain the mechanism of translation feedback inhibition, we suggest a secondary structure model involving alternate forms of the rplJ mRNA leader.  相似文献   
During the final stages of spermatogenesis in rainbow trout a dramatic increase in the level of histone H4 hyperacetylation is observed which is closely correlated with the replacement of histones by protamines. In order to understand further how H4 hyperacetylation might assist in protamine replacement of the histones, we have investigated the effect of H4 hyperacetylation on chromatin structure in trout testes actively undergoing the replacement process. Long chromatin fragments enriched in hyperacetylated H4 have been isolated and characterized. Evidence is presented that hyperacetylated H4 is clustered in certain regions (domains) of late stage testis chromatin and within these domains the chromatin exhibits an altered, highly relaxed structure which is believed to be the result of the extensive hyperacetylation. These domains, which are nearly devoid of protamine, are postulated to represent an initial structural transition which is necessary for the proper histone removal and protamine replacement process to take place.  相似文献   
Summary Elevated levels of alpha-1-fetoprotein (AFP) were found in the amniotic fluid of a 36-year-old woman in the 15th week of gestation. Because of this and the results of repeated ultrasonography, abortion was induced. An anencephalic fetus with trisomy 18 was delivered. The possible correlation among neural-tube defects, chromosomal abnormalities, and level of AFP is discussed.  相似文献   
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