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The steady state rate equations of transfer reactions catalysed by enzymes that follow the serine proteinase reaction mechanism in their hydrolysis reactions, have been solved and integrated. The integrated equations allow for calculations of maximal yields of product and of the time, tmax, at which that yield is present in a given reaction mixture. These important quantities have not been dealt with in previous theoretical studies of such systems.  相似文献   
The effect of dietary magnesium on the post mortem PCr (phosphocreatine) decay in muscle of heterozygote malignant hyperthermia pigs was studied after in vivo exposure to a combination of halothane and succinylcholine. The pigs were anaesthetized with halothane and succinylcholine was injected in the ear vein. Immediately after initiation of the depolarizing neuromuscular blocking effect of succinylcholine the animals were captive-bolt stunned. The PCr decay, reflecting ATP turnover, was followed in situ by 31P-NMR spectroscopy in the biceps femoris muscle for the subsequent 40-70 min post mortem. In 3 of the 4 experiments, the Mg-fed pig had a significantly reduced rate of PCr hydrolysis compared to the control animal. The mechanism of this magnesium effect is unknown.  相似文献   
A total of 578 slaughter pigs from 2 Danish conventional farrow-to-finish operations (Herds A and B) were followed from an age of 14 days to slaughter. Pigs were weighed at 3 weeks intervals and at slaughter and an extended post mortem examination of the plucks was done. Comparison of growth rates in pigs with and without specific types of lesions by the t-test and those with multiple lesions with regression models demonstrated that Mycoplasma-like pneumonia, complicated pneumonia, anterio-ventral pleuritis, fissures and atrophic rhinitis significantly reduced mean daily gain and increased the time required to reach slaughter weight. The total impact of the lesions in Herd A was an estimated reduction in mean daily gain of 27 grams and a 2 day increase in the interval from 14 days of age until slaughter (MDG14). Decreases in MDG14 in Herd B were more substantial, 98 grams and 16.7 days. Reductions in mean daily gains during the interval from the fourth weighing until slaughter were 31 grams in Herd A and 137 grams in Herd B. Chronic dorso-caudal and parietal pleuritis, without other lesions present, had no significant adverse effects on growth rates in either herd. Interactions between lesions did not significantly alter the estimates. The R2 values obtained for the regression models showed that the presence, absence or extent of lesions at slaughter explained only 13-27% of the variations in growth rates in the 2 herds.  相似文献   
The interstitial tissue of the opossum testis includes interstitial or Leydig cells, macrophages, and small cells which morphologically resemble mesenchymal cells. The latter are thought to give rise to mature interstitial cells. The most prominent feature of the interstitial cell cytoplasm is an exceedingly abundant agranular endoplasmic reticulum. This reticulum is generally in the form of a meshwork of interconnected tubules about 300 to 450 A in diameter, but occasionally it assumes the form of flattened, fenestrated cisternae resembling those of pancreatic acinar cells, except for the lack of ribonucleoprotein particles on the surface of the membranes. The interstitial cells vary considerably in their cytoplasmic density. The majority are quite light, but some appear extremely dense, and in addition usually have a more irregular cell surface, with numerous small pseudopodia. These differences may well reflect variations in physiological state. Cytoplasmic structures previously interpreted as "crystalloids" consist of long bundles of minute parallel tubules, each about 180 A in diameter, which seem to be local differentiations of the endoplasmic reticulum. The mitochondria are rod-shaped, and contain a moderately complex internal membrane structure, and also occasional large inclusions that are spherical and homogeneous. The prominent juxtanuclear Golgi complex contains closely packed flattened sacs and small vesicles. The results of the present study, coupled with biochemical evidence from other laboratories, make it seem highly probable that the agranular endoplasmic reticulum is involved in the synthesis of the steroid hormones produced by the interstitial cell. This finding therefore constitutes one of the first functions of the agranular reticulum for which there is good morphological and biochemical evidence.  相似文献   
Etlingera kenyalang is described from southern Sarawak. Ecological notes are given including a possible pollinator and seed dispersers. The Iban ethnobotany of the species is discussed; the shoots and fruits are edible and the leaves are used ritually during the Gawai Kenyalang (Hornbill Festival).  相似文献   
Madsen, Klavs, Dave A. MacLean, Bente Kiens, and DirkChristensen. Effects of glucose, glucose plus branched-chain aminoacids, or placebo on bike performance over 100 km. J. Appl. Physiol. 81(6): 2644-2650, 1996.This studywas undertaken to determine the effects of ingesting either glucose(trial G) or glucose plusbranched-chain amino acids (BCAA; trialB), compared with placebo (trialP), during prolonged exercise. Nine well-trained cyclists with a maximal oxygen uptake of 63.1 ± 1.5 mlO2 · min1 · kg1performed three laboratory trials consisting of 100 km of cycling separated by 7 days between each trial. During these trials, the subjects were encouraged to complete the 100 km as fast as possible ontheir own bicycles connected to a magnetic brake. No differences inperformance times were observed between the three trials (160.1 ± 4.1, 157.2 ± 4.5, and 159.8 ± 3.7 min, respectively). Intrial B, plasma BCAA levels increased from339 ± 28 µM at rest to 1,026 ± 62 µM after exercise(P < 0.01). Plasma ammoniaconcentrations increased during the entire exercise period for allthree trials and were significantly higher intrial B compared withtrials G andP (P < 0.05). The respiratory exchange ratio was similar in the threetrials during the first 90 min of exercise; thereafter, it tended todrop more in trial P than intrials G andB. These data suggest that neitherglucose nor glucose plus BCAA ingestion during 100 km of cyclingenhance performance in well-trained cyclists.

Light-limited metalimnetic phytoplankton communities are thoughtto be negatively impacted by epilimnetic nutrient enrichmentbecause of shading by increased epilimnetic phytoplankton biomass.We tested this expectation with a dynamic simulation model thatwas calibrated to three lakes undergoing whole-lake nutrientand food web manipulations. Total areal chlorophyll increaseddue to nutrient enrichment in each lake, but the magnitude ofthe response varied between lakes. Modeling experiments, whichallowed analysis of separate components of each lake's responseto nutrient enrichment, indicated that the response to enrichmentdepended on lake water color and food web structure. In weaklystained lakes ({small tilde}10 mg Pt 1–1, k4 = 0.4 m–1),metalimnetic chlorophyll was stimulated by nutrient enrichmentup to moderate levels (1 µg Pt1–1 day–1).In more strongly colored lakes (25 mg Pt 1–1, k4 = 1.0),metalimnetic chlorophyll responded negatively to nutrient enrichmentat all P loading rates. Food web structure, as expressed byrates of zooplanktivory, interacted with water color in twoways. One impact was through direct grazing losses on metalimneticchlorophyll. The other process involved was indirect impactfrom grazing on epilimnetic phytoplankton, which reduced shadingon metalimnetic chlorophyll. Vertical redistribution of chlorophyllbetween the epilimnion and the metalimnion led to little accumulationof areal chlorophyll with increased P loading over limited rangesof water color and nutrient input rates. Model predictions maybe most effectively tested with whole-lake experiments contrastingfood web structure, water color and nutrient loading.  相似文献   
A gene (Chl) encoding a novel type of chitinase was isolated from Beta vulgaris. The Ch1 protein consists of an N-terminal hydrophobic prepeptide of 25 amino acids followed by a hevein-like domain of 22 amino acid residues, an unusually long proline-rich domain of 131 amino acid residues with 90 prolines, and finally a catalytic domain of 261 amino acid residues. Proteins with similar proline-rich domains are present in some other plants. The Chl gene shows a transient expression in response to fungal infection.  相似文献   
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