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UBL5 is a widely expressed human protein that is strongly conserved across phylogeny. Orthologs of UBL5 occur in every eukaryotic genome characterized to date. The yeast ortholog of UBL5, HUB1, was reported to be a ubiquitin-like protein modifier important for modulation of protein function. However, unlike ubiquitin and all other ubiquitin-like modifiers, UBL5 and its yeast ortholog HUB1 both contain a C-terminal di-tyrosine motif followed by a single variable residue instead of the characteristic di-glycine found in all other ubiquitin-like modifiers. Here we describe the three-dimensional structure of UBL5 determined by NMR. The overall structure of the protein was found to be very similar to ubiquitin despite the low approximately 25% residue similarity. The signature C-terminal di-tyrosine residues in UBL5 are involved in the final beta sheet of the protein. This is very different to the di-glycine motif found in ubiquitin, which extends beyond the final beta sheet. In addition, we have confirmed an earlier report of an interaction between UBL5 and the cyclin-like kinase, CLK4, which we have determined is specific and does not extend to other cyclin-like kinase family members.  相似文献   
We used herbarium specimens of Silene virginica, S. caroliniana, S. rotundifolia, and S. latifolia to survey the incidence of anther-smut disease (caused by Microbotryum violaceum sensu lato) in the eastern USA. We found no evidence of a collector bias against diseased specimens. Diseased specimens were frequently found in collections of S. virginica and S. caroliniana, but not in those of S. rotundifolia or S. latifolia. Disease incidence in S. virginica and S. caroliniana increased significantly over the past century and was higher in marginal populations. The absence of disease in specimens of S. rotundifolia is consistent with field observations, but its presence in natural populations of S. latifolia (especially in Virginia) suggests that the disease is recently introduced. Changes in the host distributions were also evident. The relative abundance of S. caroliniana declined over time (especially further north), while the relative abundance of S. virginica increased. Silene latifolia was absent or rare south of Pennsylvania before ca. 1920, indicating that S. latifolia and its anther smut are likely to be recent introductions in Virginia. Methods are also presented that quantify the completeness of coverage provided by herbarium specimens.  相似文献   
Chromosome ends, or telomeres, are maintained by telomerase. Work in selected vertebrates has implied that telomerase is often repressed in differentiated cells, and telomere erosion results in senescence of cultured cells. Tissues from mature Xenopus laevis frogs were examined for telomerase enzymatic activity with the TRAP (telomere repeat amplification protocol) assay. All tissues contained active telomerase, most abundantly in testis, spleen, liver, and embryos; activity was less abundant but still readily detectable with < 100 ng of protein extract from brain and muscle tissues. Activity in somatic tissues of the diploid Xenopus tropicalis suggests this condition is not limited to the polyploid members of the genus, and that extensive differentiation-linked telomerase repression does not occur in Xenopus.  相似文献   
Setting priorities for health research is a difficult task, especially for the neglected diseases of the poor. A new approach to priority setting for tropical diseases research has been adopted by the UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (known as the TDR). Priorities are defined on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of research needs and research opportunities for each of the ten major tropical diseases in the TDR portfolio. The resulting strategic emphases matrix reflects the priorities for tropical diseases research from the perspective of the TDR. Its purpose is not to impose global research priorities, but we believe the results could be useful to other organizations.  相似文献   
Client protein activation by Hsp90 involves a plethora of cochaperones whose roles are poorly defined. A ubiquitous family of stress-regulated proteins have been identified (Aha1, activator of Hsp90 ATPase) that bind directly to Hsp90 and are required for the in vivo Hsp90-dependent activation of clients such as v-Src, implicating them as cochaperones of the Hsp90 system. In vitro, Aha1 and its shorter homolog, Hch1, stimulate the inherent ATPase activity of yeast and human Hsp90. The identification of these Hsp90 cochaperone activators adds to the complex roles of cochaperones in regulating the ATPase-coupled conformational changes of the Hsp90 chaperone cycle.  相似文献   
Pathogens that infect multiple hosts are commonly transmitted by vectors, and their transmission rate is often thought to depend on the proportion of hosts or vectors infected (i.e., frequency dependence). A model of a two-host, one-pathogen system with frequency-dependent transmission is used to investigate how sharing a pathogen with an alternative host influences pathogen-mediated extinction. The results show that if there is frequency-dependent transmission, a host can be rescued from pathogen-mediated extinction by the presence of a second host with which it shares a pathogen. The study provides an important conceptual counterexample to the idea that shared pathogens necessarily result in apparent competition by showing that shared pathogens can mediate apparent mutualism. We distinguish two types of dilution effect (pathogen reduction with increasing host diversity), each resulting from different underlying pathogen transmission processes and host density effects. These results have important consequences for understanding the role of pathogens in species interactions and in maintaining host species diversity.  相似文献   
Because body condition can affect reproduction, research has focused on the role of leptin, a body condition signal, in regulation of reproductive function. Objectives of this study were to determine if leptin supplementation directly affects 1) ovarian follicle growth and function, 2) oocyte maturation, or 3) preimplantation embryo development. Follicles cultured in the presence of recombinant mouse leptin resulted in a significant decrease in rate of follicle, but not oocyte, growth in a dose-dependent manner, with higher doses of leptin inhibiting growth. Leptin was also found to significantly increase stimulated progesterone, estradiol, and testosterone production/secretion by cultured follicles in a dose-dependent manner, with higher concentrations of leptin significantly increasing steroidogenesis. Culture of fully grown cumulus-enclosed germinal vesicle-intact (GV) mouse oocytes in the presence of increasing concentrations of leptin (0, 12.5, 25, 50, 100 ng/ml) had no effect on germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) or development to metaphase II (MII). Similarly, fully grown denuded oocytes showed no difference in GVBD at any concentration of leptin. However, maturation of denuded oocytes with 100 ng/ml leptin resulted in significantly reduced development to MII compared with oocytes matured with 0 or 12.5 ng/ml leptin. Culture of one-cell mouse embryos in increasing concentrations of leptin had no effect on cleavage or blastomere degeneration at 24 h of culture. Exposure of embryos for the first 96 h of development to increasing concentrations of leptin did not significantly affect total or expanded blastocyst development or hatching of blastocysts from zona pellucida. These results indicate leptin directly enhances insulin and gonadotropin-stimulated ovarian steroidogenesis, compromises denuded oocyte maturation, yet has no direct effect on preimplantation embryo development.  相似文献   
Mating among the immediate products of meiosis (intratetrad mating) is a common feature of many organisms with parthenogenesis or with mating-type determination in the haploid phase. Using a three-locus deterministic model we show that intratetrad mating, unlike other systems of mating, allows sheltering of deleterious recessive alleles even if there is only partial linkage between a mating locus and a load locus. Moreover, modifiers that reduce recombination between the load and mating-type locus will spread to fixation, even when there is no linkage disequilibrium between these loci in the population as a whole. This seeming contradiction to classical expectation is because partial linkage generates linkage disequilibrium among segregating loci within a tetrad, which then acts as the "mating unit."  相似文献   
The molecular mechanisms required for inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (InsP(3)R) targeting to specialized endoplasmic reticulum membrane domains are unknown. We report here a direct, high affinity interaction between InsP(3)R and ankyrin-B and demonstrate that this association is critical for InsP(3)R post-translational stability and localization in cultures of neonatal cardiomyocytes. Recombinant ankyrin-B membrane-binding domain directly interacts with purified cerebellar InsP(3)R (K(d) = 2 nm). 220-kDa ankyrin-B co-immunoprecipitates with InsP(3)R in tissue extracts from brain, heart, and lung. Alanine-scanning mutagenesis of the ankyrin-B ANK (ankyrin repeat) repeat beta-hairpin loop tips revealed that consecutive ANK repeat beta-hairpin loop tips (repeats 22-24) are required for InsP(3)R interaction, thus providing the first detailed evidence of how ankyrin polypeptides associate with membrane proteins. Pulse-chase biosynthesis experiments demonstrate that reduction or loss of ankyrin-B in ankyrin-B (+/-) or ankyrin-B (-/-) neonatal cardiomyocytes leads to approximately 3-fold reduction in half-life of newly synthesized InsP(3)R. Furthermore, interactions with ankyrin-B are required for InsP(3)R stability as abnormal InsP(3)R phenotypes, including mis-localization, and reduced half-life in ankyrin-B (+/-) cardiomyocytes can be rescued by green fluorescent protein (GFP)-220-kDa ankyrin-B but not by GFP-220-kDa ankyrin-B mutants, which do not associate with InsP(3)R. These new results provide the first physiological evidence of a molecular partner required for early post-translational stability of InsP(3)R.  相似文献   
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