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α-Hemoglobin stabilizing protein (AHSP) is believed to facilitate adult Hemoglobin A assembly and protect against toxic free α-globin subunits. Recombinant AHSP binds multiple forms of free α-globin to stabilize their structures and inhibit precipitation. However, AHSP also stimulates autooxidation of αO(2) subunit and its rapid conversion to a partially unfolded bishistidyl hemichrome structure. To investigate these biochemical properties, we altered the evolutionarily conserved AHSP proline 30 in recombinantly expressed proteins and introduced identical mutations into the endogenous murine Ahsp gene. In vitro, the P30W AHSP variant bound oxygenated α chains with 30-fold increased affinity. Both P30W and P30A mutant proteins also caused decreased rates of αO(2) autooxidation as compared with wild-type AHSP. Despite these abnormalities, mice harboring P30A or P30W Ahsp mutations exhibited no detectable defects in erythropoiesis at steady state or during induced stresses. Further biochemical studies revealed that the AHSP P30A and P30W substitutions had minimal effects on AHSP interactions with ferric α subunits. Together, our findings indicate that the ability of AHSP to stabilize nascent α chain folding intermediates prior to hemin reduction and incorporation into adult Hemoglobin A is physiologically more important than AHSP interactions with ferrous αO(2) subunits.  相似文献   
Epstein-Barr-related herpesviruses, or lymphocryptoviruses (LCV), naturally infect humans and nonhuman primates (NHP), but their host range is not well characterized. Using LCV and B cells from multiple species of Hominidae and Cercopithecidae, we show that LCV can immortalize B cells from some nonnative species but that growth transformation is restricted to B cells from their own family of hominoids or Old World NHP, suggesting a high degree of LCV adaptation to their natural primate host.  相似文献   
The use of miniaturized video cameras to study the at‐sea behavior of flying seabirds has increased in recent years. These cameras allow researchers to record several behaviors that were not previously possible to observe. However, video recorders produce large amounts of data and videos can often be time‐consuming to analyze. We present a new technique using open‐source software to extract bank angles from bird‐borne video footage. Bank angle is a key facet of dynamic soaring, which allows albatrosses and petrels to efficiently search vast areas of ocean for food. Miniaturized video cameras were deployed on 28 Wandering Albatrosses (Diomedea exulans) on Marion Island (one of the two Prince Edward Islands) from 2016 to 2018. The OpenCV library for the Python programming language was used to extract the angle of the horizon relative to the bird’s body (= bank angle) from footage when the birds were flying using a series of steps focused on edge detection. The extracted angles were not significantly different from angles measured manually by three independent observers, thus being a valid method to measure bank angles. Image quality, high wind speeds, and sunlight all influenced the accuracy of angle estimates, but post‐processing eliminated most of these errors. Birds flew most often with cross‐winds (58%) and tailwinds (39%), resulting in skewed distributions of bank angles when birds turned into the wind more often. Higher wind speeds resulted in extreme bank angles (maximum observed was 94°). We present a novel method for measuring postural data from seabirds that can be used to describe the fine‐scale movements of the dynamic‐soaring cycle. Birds appeared to alter their bank angle in response to varying wind conditions to counter wind drift associated with the prevailing westerly winds in the Southern Ocean. These data, in combination with fine‐scale positional data, may lead to new insights into dynamic‐soaring flight.  相似文献   
Simple biometric data of fish aid fishery management tasks such as monitoring the structure of fish populations and regulating recreational harvest. While these data are foundational to fishery research and management, the collection of length and weight data through physical handling of the fish is challenging as it is time consuming for personnel and can be stressful for the fish. Recent advances in imaging technology and machine learning now offer alternatives for capturing biometric data. To investigate the potential of deep convolutional neural networks to predict biometric data, several regressors were trained and evaluated on data stemming from the FishL? Recognition System and manual measurements of length, girth, and weight. The dataset consisted of 694 fish from 22 different species common to Laurentian Great Lakes. Even with such a diverse dataset and variety of presentations by the fish, the regressors proved to be robust and achieved competitive mean percent errors in the range of 5.5 to 7.6% for length and girth on an evaluation dataset. Potential applications of this work could increase the efficiency and accuracy of routine survey work by fishery professionals and provide a means for longer‐term automated collection of fish biometric data.  相似文献   
This is the first report on the production of double-haploid chickpea embryos and regenerated plants through anther culture using Canadian cultivar CDC Xena (kabuli) and Australian cultivar Sonali (desi). Maximum anther induction rates were 69% for Sonali and 63% for CDC Xena. Under optimal conditions, embryo formation occurred within 15–20 days of culture initiation with 2.3 embryos produced per anther for CDC Xena and 2.0 embryos per anther for Sonali. For anther induction, the following stress treatments were used: (1) flower clusters were treated at 4°C for 4 days, (2) anthers were subjected to electric shock treatment of three exponentially decaying pulses of 50–400 V with 25 μF capacitance and 25 Ω resistance, (3) anthers were centrifuged at 168–1,509g for 2–15 min, and finally (4) anthers were cultured for 4 days in high-osmotic pressure (563 mmol) liquid medium. Anthers were then transferred to a solid embryo development medium and, 15–20 days later, embryo development was observed concomitant with a small amount of callus growth of 0.1–3 mm. Anther-derived embryos were regenerated on plant regeneration medium. Electroporation treatment of anthers enhanced root formation, which is often a major hurdle in legume regeneration protocols. Cytological studies using DAPI staining showed a wide range of ploidy levels from haploid to tetraploid in 10–30-day-old calli. Flow cytometric analysis of calli, embryos and regenerated plants showed haploid profiles and/or spontaneous doubling of the chromosomes during early regeneration stages.  相似文献   
ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase) catalyzes a rate-limiting step in glycogen and starch synthesis in bacteria and plants, respectively. Plant AGPase consists of two large and two small subunits that were derived by gene duplication. AGPase large subunits have functionally diverged, leading to different kinetic and allosteric properties. Amino acid changes that could account for these differences were identified previously by evolutionary analysis. In this study, these large subunit residues were mapped onto a modeled structure of the maize (Zea mays) endosperm enzyme. Surprisingly, of 29 amino acids identified via evolutionary considerations, 17 were located at subunit interfaces. Fourteen of the 29 amino acids were mutagenized in the maize endosperm large subunit (SHRUNKEN-2 [SH2]), and resulting variants were expressed in Escherichia coli with the maize endosperm small subunit (BT2). Comparisons of the amount of glycogen produced in E. coli, and the kinetic and allosteric properties of the variants with wild-type SH2/BT2, indicate that 11 variants differ from the wild type in enzyme properties or in vivo glycogen level. More interestingly, six of nine residues located at subunit interfaces exhibit altered allosteric properties. These results indicate that the interfaces between the large and small subunits are important for the allosteric properties of AGPase, and changes at these interfaces contribute to AGPase functional specialization. Our results also demonstrate that evolutionary analysis can greatly facilitate enzyme structure-function analyses.ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase) catalyzes the conversion of Glc-1-P (G-1-P) and ATP to ADP-Glc and pyrophosphate. This reaction represents a rate-limiting step in starch synthesis (Hannah, 2005). AGPase is an allosteric enzyme whose activity is regulated by small effector molecules. In plants, AGPase is activated by 3-phosphoglyceraldehyde (3-PGA) and deactivated by inorganic phosphate (Pi).Plant AGPase is a heterotetramer consisting of two identical large and two identical small subunits. The large and small subunits of AGPase were generated by a gene duplication. Subsequent sequence divergence has given rise to complementary rather than interchangeable subunits. Indeed, both subunits are needed for AGPase activity (Hannah and Nelson, 1976, Burger et al., 2003). Biochemical studies have indicated that both subunits are important for catalytic and allosteric properties (Hannah and Nelson, 1976; Greene et al., 1996a, 1996b; Ballicora et al., 1998; Laughlin et al., 1998; Frueauf et al., 2001; Kavakli et al., 2001a, 2001b; Cross et al., 2004, 2005; Hwang et al., 2005, 2006, 2007; Kim et al., 2007; Ventriglia et al., 2008). Surprisingly, Georgelis et al. (2007, 2008) showed that, in angiosperms, the small subunit is under greater evolutionary pressure compared with the large subunit. Detailed analyses have shown that the greater constraint on the small subunit is due to its broader tissue expression patterns compared with the large subunit and the fact that the small subunit must interact with multiple large subunits.Large subunits have undergone more duplication events than have small subunits (Georgelis et al., 2008). This has led to the creation of five groups of large subunits that differ in their patterns of tissue of expression (Akihiro et al., 2005; Crevillen et al., 2005; Ohdan et al., 2005). Crevillen et al. (2003) studied the biochemical properties of four Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) AGPases consisting of the four different large subunits and the only functional small subunit in Arabidopsis. The different AGPases had different kinetic and allosteric properties. More specifically, the AGPases differed in their affinity for the allosteric regulator 3-PGA and the substrates G-1-P and ATP. This possibly reflects the different 3-PGA, G-1-P, and ATP levels in the various tissues. This evidence indicates that not only did the different large subunit groups subfunctionalize in terms of expression, but also these groups may have specialized in terms of protein function. While the study of Crevillen et al. (2003) pointed to functional specialization of the large subunit, the identity of the amino acid sites in the large subunit that account for these kinetic and allosteric differences was not pursued.Georgelis et al. (2008) presented supporting evidence for AGPase large subunit specialization by identifying positively selected amino acid sites in the phylogenetic branches following gene duplication events. We also identified amino acid residues that were conserved in one large subunit group but not conserved in another large subunit group (type I functional divergence; Gu, 1999) and amino acid residues that are conserved within large subunit groups but are variable among large subunit groups (type II functional divergence; Gu, 2006). Positively selected type I and type II sites could have contributed to specialization of the different large subunit groups. Indeed, positively selected type II sites in several proteins have been proven via site-directed mutagenesis (Bishop, 2005; Norrgård et al., 2006; Cavatorta et al., 2008; Courville et al., 2008) to be important for protein function and functional specialization. Additionally, several positively selected type I and type II amino acid sites in the large AGPase subunit identified in our previous evolutionary analysis (Georgelis et al., 2008) have been implicated in the kinetic and allosteric properties and heat stability of AGPase. The role of these sites was demonstrated by site-directed mutagenesis experiments of large subunits from Arabidopsis, maize endosperm, and potato (Solanum tuberosum) tuber (Ballicora et al., 1998, 2005; Kavakli et al., 2001a; Jin et al., 2005; Linebarger et al., 2005; Ventriglia et al., 2008). These analyses indicate that the rest of the amino acid sites identified as positive type I and type II sites in our previous evolutionary analysis (Georgelis et al., 2008) represent promising candidate targets for mutagenesis.To identify large subunit amino acids that are possibly important in controlling enzyme properties and that may have contributed to large subunit specialization, we conducted site-directed mutagenesis of the maize endosperm large subunit encoded by Shrunken-2 (Sh2). We specifically identified amino acids of SH2 that correspond to amino acid sites that were detected as positive type I and type II sites during the large subunit evolution (Georgelis et al., 2008). We then replaced the SH2 residues with amino acids of a group different from the SH2 family. Several amino acid sites important for the kinetic and allosteric properties and heat stability of AGPase were identified. Our results indicate that the subunit interfaces between the large and small subunits are important for the allosteric properties of AGPase. They also indicate that amino acid changes at subunit interfaces have been important for AGPase specialization in terms of allosteric properties. These experiments also support the idea that the majority of positively selected sites as detected by codon substitution models (Nielsen and Yang, 1998; Yang et al., 2000) and type II sites are not false positives. Site-directed mutagenesis of such sites can greatly facilitate enzyme structure-function analyses.  相似文献   


Aedes aegypti, the ‘yellow fever mosquito’, is the primary vector to humans of dengue and yellow fever flaviviruses (DENV, YFV), and is a known vector of the chikungunya alphavirus (CV). Because vaccines are not yet available for DENV or CV or are inadequately distributed in developing countries (YFV), management of Ae. aegypti remains the primary option to prevent and control outbreaks of the diseases caused by these arboviruses. Permethrin is one of the most widely used active ingredients in insecticides for suppression of adult Ae. aegypti. In 2007, we documented a replacement mutation in codon 1,016 of the voltage-gated sodium channel gene (para) of Ae. aegypti that encodes an isoleucine rather than a valine and confers resistance to permethrin. Ile1,016 segregates as a recessive allele conferring knockdown resistance to homozygous mosquitoes at 5–10 µg of permethrin in bottle bioassays.

Methods and Findings

A total of 81 field collections containing 3,951 Ae. aegypti were made throughout México from 1996 to 2009. These mosquitoes were analyzed for the frequency of the Ile1,016 mutation using a melting-curve PCR assay. Dramatic increases in frequencies of Ile1,016 were recorded from the late 1990''s to 2006–2009 in several states including Nuevo León in the north, Veracruz on the central Atlantic coast, and Yucatán, Quintana Roo and Chiapas in the south. From 1996 to 2000, the overall frequency of Ile1,016 was 0.04% (95% confidence interval (CI95) = 0.12%; n = 1,359 mosquitoes examined). The earliest detection of Ile1,016 was in Nuevo Laredo on the U.S. border in 1997. By 2003–2004 the overall frequency of Ile1,016 had increased ∼100-fold to 2.7% (±0.80% CI95; n = 808). When checked again in 2006, the frequency had increased slightly to 3.9% (±1.15% CI95; n = 473). This was followed in 2007–2009 by a sudden jump in Ile1,016 frequency to 33.2% (±1.99% CI95; n = 1,074 mosquitoes). There was spatial heterogeneity in Ile1,016 frequencies among 2007–2008 collections, which ranged from 45.7% (±2.00% CI95) in the state of Veracruz to 51.2% (±4.36% CI95) in the Yucatán peninsula and 14.5% (±2.23% CI95) in and around Tapachula in the state of Chiapas. Spatial heterogeneity was also evident at smaller geographic scales. For example within the city of Chetumal, Quintana Roo, Ile1,016 frequencies varied from 38.3%–88.3%. A linear regression analysis based on seven collections from 2007 revealed that the frequency of Ile1,016 homozygotes accurately predicted knockdown rate for mosquitoes exposed to permethrin in a bioassay (R2 = 0.98).


We have recorded a dramatic increase in the frequency of the Ile1,016 mutation in the voltage-gated sodium channel gene of Ae. aegypti in México from 1996 to 2009. This may be related to heavy use of permethrin-based insecticides in mosquito control programs. Spatial heterogeneity in Ile1,016 frequencies in 2007 and 2008 collections may reflect differences in selection pressure or in the initial frequency of Ile1,016. The rapid recent increase in Ile1,016 is predicted by a simple model of positive directional selection on a recessive allele. Unfortunately this model also predicts rapid fixation of Ile1,016 unless there is negative fitness associated with Ile1,016 in the absence of permethrin. If so, then spatial refugia of susceptible Ae. aegypti or rotational schedules of different classes of adulticides could be established to slow or prevent fixation of Ile1,016.  相似文献   
It has been demonstrated that anti-CD154 mAb treatment effectively inhibits the development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). However, although it appears to prevent the induction of Th1 cells and reactivation of encephalitogenic T cells within the CNS, little information is available regarding the involvement of alternative mechanisms, nor has the contribution of Fc effector mechanisms in this context been addressed. By contrast, efficacy of anti-CD154 mAbs in models of allotransplantation has been reported to involve long-term unresponsiveness, potentially via activation of T regulatory cells, and recently was reported to depend on Fc-dependent functions, such as activated T cell depletion through FcgammaR or complement. In this study we demonstrate that anti-CD154 mAb treatment inhibits EAE development in SJL mice without apparent long-term unresponsiveness or active suppression of disease. To address whether the mechanism of inhibition of EAE by anti-CD154 mAb depends on its Fc effector interactions, we compared an anti-CD154 mAb with its aglycosyl counterpart with severely impaired FcgammaR binding and reduced complement binding activity with regard to their ability to inhibit clinical signs of EAE and report that both forms of the Ab are similarly protective. This observation was largely confirmed by the extent of leukocyte infiltration of the CNS; however, mice treated with the aglycosyl form may display slightly more proteolipid protein 139-151-specific immune reactivity. It is concluded that FcR interactions do not play a major role in the protective effect of anti-CD154 mAb in the context of EAE, though they may contribute to the full abrogation of peripheral peptide-specific lymphocyte responses.  相似文献   
ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase) is highly regulated by allosteric effectors acting both positively and negatively. Enzymes from various sources differ, however, in the mechanism of allosteric regulation. Here, we determined how the effector, inorganic phosphate (Pi), functions in the presence and absence of saturating amounts of the activator, 3-phosphoglyceric acid (3-PGA). This regulation was examined in the maize endosperm enzyme, the oxidized and reduced forms of the potato tuber enzyme as well as a small subunit chimeric AGPase (MP), which contains both maize endosperm and potato tuber sequences paired with a wild-type maize large subunit. These data, combined with our previous kinetic studies of these enzymes led to a model of Pi inhibition for the various enzymes. The Pi inhibition data suggest that while the maize enzyme contains a single effector site that binds both 3-PGA and Pi, the other enzymes exhibit more complex behavior and most likely have at least two separate interacting binding sites for Pi. The possible physiological implications of the differences in Pi inhibition distinguishing the maize endosperm and potato tuber AGPases are discussed.  相似文献   
Between 2013 and 2019, 63 presumed Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha sampled primarily in the Strait of Georgia (0.63% of total sample) were identified as potential Chinook–Coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch) hybrids by the presence of anomalous microsatellite genotypes. Their hybrid origin was confirmed by single nucleotide polymorphism amplification of two species‐specific amplicons. Mitochondrial DNA indicated that most of these fish resulted from the hybridization of Coho salmon females and Chinook salmon males. Although no diagnostic external features were identified, several individuals displayed an abnormal scale arrangement on the caudal peduncle. One hybrid juvenile examined for meristics exhibited a pyloric caeca count intermediate between published values for Chinook and Coho salmon. Most hybrids originated in the Cowichan River during the 2014 brood year. Their prevalence in the watershed is a naturally occurring event, likely exacerbated by prolonged low water levels which limit habitat and delay Chinook salmon spawning, in addition to the differential abundance of the parental species. This research is the first to document ongoing natural hybridization (Chinook–Coho salmon crosses) and link it to habitat and climatic changes, and includes the identification of eight F1 adults and two juvenile backcross or F2 hybrids. The potential negative impacts of hybridization, particularly in Coho salmon through potential introgression, warrant hybrid identification as an ecosystem monitoring tool within a survey program.  相似文献   
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