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We tested the hypothesis that the carcasses of anadromous Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) constitute a significant source of nutrients in the nutrient-poor freshwaters where these fish migrate, spawn, senesce, and die. In a 110 m-long stream reach in Southeast Alaska, we retained nearly 3000 salmon carcasses and compared streamwater nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and the biomass of benthic biofilm in this reach with an upstream reference reach. The study spanned 5 months, bracketed the entire salmon run, and encompassed significant seasonal variation in abiotic stream conditions. Concentrations of dissolved and particulate N and P followed distinctly unimodal patterns through time, which tracked the abundance of live salmon, and we observed strong predictive relationships between live-salmon abundance and streamwater-nutrient concentrations. In contrast, we did not observe clear relationships between salmon carcasses and streamwater nutrients. Biofilm biomass within our study reaches seemed to more closely track the abundance of live salmon than the abundance of carcasses. The experimental retention of carcasses had a minor or undetectable influence on nutrient concentrations and biofilm within the study reach as compared to the reference reach. We conclude that physical factors such as temperature, discharge, nutrient limitation, and irradiance vary seasonally in ways that maximize the influence of nutrients provisioned by live salmon and minimize the influence of carcass-derived nutrients on the aspects of stream ecosystems that we examined. Overall, our results promote a new perspective on the ecological role of salmon in freshwaters, and contribute to a more mechanistic understanding of how migratory fishes can influence aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   
Groundwaters are increasingly viewed as resource-limited ecosystems in which fluxes of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from surface water are efficiently mineralized by a consortium of microorganisms which are grazed by invertebrates. We tested for the effect of groundwater recharge on resource supply and trophic interactions by measuring physico-chemistry, microbial activity and biomass, structure of bacterial communities and invertebrate density at three sites intensively recharged with surface water. Comparison of measurements made in recharge and control well clusters at each site showed that groundwater recharge significantly increased fluxes of DOC and phosphate, elevated groundwater temperature, and diminished dissolved oxygen (DO). Microbial biomass and activity were significantly higher in recharge well clusters but stimulation of autochthonous microorganisms was not associated with a major shift in bacterial community structure. Invertebrate assemblages were not significantly more abundant in recharge well clusters and did not show any relationship with microbial biomass and activity. Microbial communities were bottom-up regulated by DOC and nutrient fluxes but trophic interactions between microorganisms and invertebrates were apparently limited by environmental stresses, particularly DO depletion and groundwater warming. Hydrological connectivity is a key factor regulating the function of DOC-based groundwater food webs as it influences both resource availability for microorganisms and environmental stresses which affect energy transfer to invertebrates and top-down control on microorganisms.  相似文献   
A phenomenological mixture model is presented for interactions between biosynthesis of extracellular matrix (ECM) constituents and ECM linking in a scaffold seeded with chondrocytes. A system of three ordinary differential equations for average apparent densities of unlinked ECM, linked ECM and scaffold is developed along with associated initial conditions for scaffold material properties. Equations for unlinked ECM synthesis and ECM linking include an inhibitory mechanism where associated rates decrease as unlinked ECM concentration in the interstitial fluid increases. Linking rates are proposed to depend on average porosity in the evolving tissue construct. The resulting initial value problem contains nine independent parameters that account for scaffold biomaterial properties and interacting mechanisms in the engineered system. Effects of parameter variations on model variables are analyzed relative to a baseline case with emphasis on the evolution of solid phase apparent density, which is often correlated with the compressive elastic modulus of the tissue construct. The new model provides an additional quantitative framework for assessing and optimizing the design of engineered cell-scaffold systems and guiding strategies for articular cartilage tissue engineering.  相似文献   
Studying the physiological properties and synaptic connections of specific neurons in the intact tissue is a challenge for those cells that lack conspicuous morphological features or show a low population density. This applies particularly to retinal amacrine cells, an exceptionally multiform class of interneurons that comprise roughly 30 subtypes in mammals1. Though being a crucial part of the visual processing by shaping the retinal output2, most of these subtypes have not been studied up to now in a functional context because encountering these cells with a recording electrode is a rare event.Recently, a multitude of transgenic mouse lines is available that express fluorescent markers like green fluorescent protein (GFP) under the control of promoters for membrane receptors or enzymes that are specific to only a subset of neurons in a given tissue3,4. These pre-labeled cells are therefore accessible to directed microelectrode targeting under microscopic control, permitting the systematic study of their physiological properties in situ. However, excitation of fluorescent markers is accompanied by the risk of phototoxicity for the living tissue. In the retina, this approach is additionally hampered by the problem that excitation light causes appropriate stimulation of the photoreceptors, thus inflicting photopigment bleaching and transferring the retinal circuits into a light-adapted condition. These drawbacks are overcome by using infrared excitation delivered by a mode-locked laser in short pulses of the femtosecond range. Two-photon excitation provides energy sufficient for fluorophore excitation and at the same time restricts the excitation to a small tissue volume minimizing the hazards of photodamage5. Also, it leaves the retina responsive to visual stimuli since infrared light (>850 nm) is only poorly absorbed by photopigments6.In this article we demonstrate the use of a transgenic mouse retina to attain electrophysiological in situ recordings from GFP-expressing cells that are visually targeted by two-photon excitation. The retina is prepared and maintained in darkness and can be subjected to optical stimuli which are projected through the condenser of the microscope (Figure 1). Patch-clamp recording of light responses can be combined with dye filling to reveal the morphology and to check for gap junction-mediated dye coupling to neighboring cells, so that the target cell can by studied on different experimental levels.  相似文献   
Basal keratinocytes of the epidermis adhere to their underlying basement membrane through a specific interaction with laminin-5, which is composed by the association of alpha3, beta3, and gamma2 chains. Laminin-5 has the ability to induce either stable cell adhesion or migration depending on specific processing of different parts of the molecule. One event results in the cleavage of the carboxyl-terminal globular domains 4 and 5 (LG4/5) of the alpha3 chain. In this study, we recombinantly expressed the human alpha3LG4/5 fragment in mammalian cells, and we show that this fragment induces adhesion of normal human keratinocytes and fibrosarcoma-derived HT1080 cells in a heparan- and chondroitin sulfate-dependent manner. Immunoprecipitation experiments with Na2 35SO4-labeled keratinocyte and HT1080 cell lysates as well as immunoblotting experiments revealed that the major proteoglycan receptor for the alpha3LG4/5 fragment is syndecan-1. Syndecan-4 from keratinocytes also bound to alpha3LG4/5. Furthermore we could show for the first time that unprocessed laminin-5 specifically binds syndecan-1, while processed laminin-5 does not. These results demonstrate that the LG4/5 modules within unprocessed laminin-5 permit its cell binding activity through heparan and chondroitin sulfate chains of syndecan-1 and reinforce previous data suggesting specific properties for the precursor molecule.  相似文献   
Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi take up photosynthetically fixed carbon from plant roots and translocate it to their external mycelium. Previous experiments have shown that fungal lipid synthesized from carbohydrate in the root is one form of exported carbon. In this study, an analysis of the labeling in storage and structural carbohydrates after (13)C(1) glucose was provided to AM roots shows that this is not the only pathway for the flow of carbon from the intraradical to the extraradical mycelium (ERM). Labeling patterns in glycogen, chitin, and trehalose during the development of the symbiosis are consistent with a significant flux of exported glycogen. The identification, among expressed genes, of putative sequences for glycogen synthase, glycogen branching enzyme, chitin synthase, and for the first enzyme in chitin synthesis (glutamine fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase) is reported. The results of quantifying glycogen synthase gene expression within mycorrhizal roots, germinating spores, and ERM are consistent with labeling observations using (13)C-labeled acetate and glycerol, both of which indicate that glycogen is synthesized by the fungus in germinating spores and during symbiosis. Implications of the labeling analyses and gene sequences for the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism are discussed, and a 4-fold role for glycogen in the AM symbiosis is proposed: sequestration of hexose taken from the host, long-term storage in spores, translocation from intraradical mycelium to ERM, and buffering of intracellular hexose levels throughout the life cycle.  相似文献   
The trafficking and function of cell surface proteins in eukaryotic cells may require association with detergent-resistant sphingolipid- and sterol-rich membrane domains. The aim of this work was to obtain evidence for lipid domain phenomena in plant membranes. A protocol to prepare Triton X-100 detergent-resistant membranes (DRMs) was developed using Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) callus membranes. A comparative proteomics approach using two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry revealed that the DRMs were highly enriched in specific proteins. They included eight glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins, several plasma membrane (PM) ATPases, multidrug resistance proteins, and proteins of the stomatin/prohibitin/hypersensitive response family, suggesting that the DRMs originated from PM domains. We also identified a plant homolog of flotillin, a major mammalian DRM protein, suggesting a conserved role for this protein in lipid domain phenomena in eukaryotic cells. Lipid analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry showed that the DRMs had a 4-fold higher sterol-to-protein content than the average for Arabidopsis membranes. The DRMs were also 5-fold increased in sphingolipid-to-protein ratio. Our results indicate that the preparation of DRMs can yield a very specific set of membrane proteins and suggest that the PM contains phytosterol and sphingolipid-rich lipid domains with a specialized protein composition. Our results also suggest a conserved role of lipid modification in targeting proteins to both the intracellular and extracellular leaflet of these domains. The proteins associated with these domains provide important new experimental avenues into understanding plant cell polarity and cell surface processes.  相似文献   
Cryptococcal infection had an increased incidence in last years due to the explosion of acquired immune deficiency syndrome epidemic and by using new and effective immunosuppressive agents. The currently antifungal therapies used such as amphotericin B, fluconazole, and itraconazole have certain limitations due to side effects and emergence of resistant strains. So, a permanent search to find new drugs for cryptococcosis treatment is essential. Ocimum gratissimum, plant known as alfavaca (Labiatae family), has been reported earlier with in vitro activity against some bacteria and dermatophytes. In our work, we study the in vitro activity of the ethanolic crude extract, ethyl acetate, hexane, and chloroformic fractions, essential oil, and eugenol of O. gratissimum using an agar dilution susceptibility method towards 25 isolates of Cryptococcus neoformans. All the extracts of O. gratissimum studied showed activity in vitro towards C. neoformans. Based on the minimal inhibitory concentration values the most significant results were obtained with chloroformic fraction and eugenol. It was observed that chloroformic fraction inhibited 23 isolates (92%) of C. neoformans at a concentration of 62.5 microg/ml and eugenol inhibited 4 isolates (16%) at a concentration of 0.9 microg/ml. This screening may be the basis for the study of O. gratissimum as a possible antifungal agent.  相似文献   
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