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Mechanical signaling plays an important role in cell physiology and pathology. Many cell types, including neurons and glial cells, respond to the mechanical properties of their environment. Yet, for spinal cord tissue, data on tissue stiffness are sparse. To investigate the regional and direction-dependent mechanical properties of spinal cord tissue at a spatial resolution relevant to individual cells, we conducted atomic force microscopy (AFM) indentation and tensile measurements on acutely isolated mouse spinal cord tissue sectioned along the three major anatomical planes, and correlated local mechanical properties with the underlying cellular structures. Stiffness maps revealed that gray matter is significantly stiffer than white matter irrespective of directionality (transverse, coronal, and sagittal planes) and force direction (compression or tension) (Kg= ∼130 Pa vs. Kw= ∼70 Pa); both matters stiffened with increasing strain. When all data were pooled for each plane, gray matter behaved like an isotropic material under compression; however, subregions of the gray matter were rather heterogeneous and anisotropic. For example, in sagittal sections the dorsal horn was significantly stiffer than the ventral horn. In contrast, white matter behaved transversely isotropic, with the elastic stiffness along the craniocaudal (i.e., longitudinal) axis being lower than perpendicular to it. The stiffness distributions we found under compression strongly correlated with the orientation of axons, the areas of cell nuclei, and cellular in plane proximity. Based on these morphological parameters, we developed a phenomenological model to estimate local mechanical properties of central nervous system (CNS) tissue. Our study may thus ultimately help predicting local tissue stiffness, and hence cell behavior in response to mechanical signaling under physiological and pathological conditions, purely based on histological data.  相似文献   
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) are widely applied to analyze the genetic effects on phenotypes. With the availability of high-throughput technologies for metabolite measurements, GWAS successfully identified loci that affect metabolite concentrations and underlying pathways. In most GWAS, the effect of each SNP on the phenotype is assumed to be additive. Other genetic models such as recessive, dominant, or overdominant were considered only by very few studies. In contrast to this, there are theories that emphasize the relevance of nonadditive effects as a consequence of physiologic mechanisms. This might be especially important for metabolites because these intermediate phenotypes are closer to the underlying pathways than other traits or diseases. In this study we analyzed systematically nonadditive effects on a large panel of serum metabolites and all possible ratios (22,801 total) in a population-based study [Cooperative Health Research in the Region of Augsburg (KORA) F4, N = 1,785]. We applied four different 1-degree-of-freedom (1-df) tests corresponding to an additive, dominant, recessive, and overdominant trait model as well as a genotypic model with two degree-of-freedom (2-df) that allows a more general consideration of genetic effects. Twenty-three loci were found to be genome-wide significantly associated (Bonferroni corrected P ≤ 2.19 × 10−12) with at least one metabolite or ratio. For five of them, we show the evidence of nonadditive effects. We replicated 17 loci, including 3 loci with nonadditive effects, in an independent study (TwinsUK, N = 846). In conclusion, we found that most genetic effects on metabolite concentrations and ratios were indeed additive, which verifies the practice of using the additive model for analyzing SNP effects on metabolites.  相似文献   
The protein arginine methyltransferase PRMT5 is complexed with the WD repeat protein MEP50 (also known as Wdr77 or androgen coactivator p44) in vertebrates in a tetramer of heterodimers. MEP50 is hypothesized to be required for protein substrate recruitment to the catalytic domain of PRMT5. Here we demonstrate that the cross-dimer MEP50 is paired with its cognate PRMT5 molecule to promote histone methylation. We employed qualitative methylation assays and a novel ultrasensitive continuous assay to measure enzyme kinetics. We demonstrate that neither full-length human PRMT5 nor the Xenopus laevis PRMT5 catalytic domain has appreciable protein methyltransferase activity. We show that histones H4 and H3 bind PRMT5-MEP50 more efficiently compared with histone H2A(1–20) and H4(1–20) peptides. Histone binding is mediated through histone fold interactions as determined by competition experiments and by high density histone peptide array interaction studies. Nucleosomes are not a substrate for PRMT5-MEP50, consistent with the primary mode of interaction via the histone fold of H3-H4, obscured by DNA in the nucleosome. Mutation of a conserved arginine (Arg-42) on the MEP50 insertion loop impaired the PRMT5-MEP50 enzymatic efficiency by increasing its histone substrate Km, comparable with that of Caenorhabditis elegans PRMT5. We show that PRMT5-MEP50 prefers unmethylated substrates, consistent with a distributive model for dimethylation and suggesting discrete biological roles for mono- and dimethylarginine-modified proteins. We propose a model in which MEP50 and PRMT5 simultaneously engage the protein substrate, orienting its targeted arginine to the catalytic site.  相似文献   
4-Pyrimidinone ribofuranoside (H(2)o(4)U) and 4-pyrimidinone 2'-deoxyribofuranoside (dH(2)o(4)U) were synthesized by the oxidative desulfurization of parent 2-thiouracil nucleosides with m-chloroperbenzoic acid. The crystal structures of H(2)o(4)U and dH(2)o(4)U and their conformations in solution were determined and compared with corresponding 2-thiouracil and uracil nucleosides. The absence of a large 2-thiocarbonyl/2-carbonyl group in the nucleobase moiety results in C2'-endo puckering of the ribofuranose ring (S conformer) in the crystal structure of H(2)o(4)U, which is not typical of RNA nucleosides. Interestingly, the hydrogen bonding network in the crystals of dH(2)o(4)U stabilizes the sugar moiety conformation in the C3'-endo form (N conformer), rarely found in DNA nucleosides. In aqueous solution, dH(2)o(4)U reveals a similar population of the C2'-endo conformation (65%) to that of 2'-deoxy-2-thiouridine (62%), while the 62% population of the S conformer for H(2)o(4)U is significantly different from that of the parent 2-thiouridine, for which the N conformer is dominant (71%). Such a difference may be of biological importance, as the desulfurization process of natural tRNA 2-thiouridines may occur under conditions of oxidative stress in the cell and may influence the decoding process.  相似文献   
Background aimsLimited cell dose has hampered the use of cord blood transplantation (CBT) in adults. One method of minimizing nucleated cell loss in cord blood (CB) processing is to deplete or reduce plasma but not red blood cells - plasma depletion/reduction (PDR).MethodsThe nucleated cell loss of PDR was studied, and determined to be less than 0.1% in the discarded supernatant plasma fraction in validation experiments. After testing and archival sampling, the median nucleated cell recovery for PDR processing was 90%, and median CD34+ cell recovery 88%. In a CB bank inventory of 12 339 products with both pre- and post-processing total nucleated cells (TNC), PDR processing resulted in median post-processing TNC recoveries of 90.0% after testing and archival samples removal. Using the same 10 CB units divided into two halves, we compared directly the recovery of PDR against hydroxyethyl starch red cell reduction (RCR) for TNC, CD34+ cells and colony-forming units (CFU-GM, CFU-E, CFU-GEMM and total CFU) after parallel processing. We also compared the loss of very small embryonic-like stem cells (VSEL).ResultsWe demonstrated significantly higher recoveries using PDR for TNC (124%), CD34+ cells (121%), CFU-GM (225%), CFU-GEMM (201%), total CFU (186%) and VSEL (187%). The proportion of high TNC products was compared between 10 912 PDR and 38 819 RCR CB products and found to be 200% higher for products that had TNC ≥150 × 107 (P = 0.0001) for the PDR inventory.ConclusionsOur data indicate that PDR processing of CB provides a significantly more efficient usage of this valuable and scarce resource.  相似文献   
During the workshop organized by ILSI/HESI on May 5-6, 2010 on the value of juvenile animal toxicity studies, the implementation of the European Pediatric Regulation and in particular the review process of the nonclinical part of the Pediatric Investigation Plan (PIP) were described. A PIP is intended to outline the development of a medicinal product in the pediatric population (i.e. quality, safety, efficacy of the medicine and timing of studies); it is reviewed and agreed by the Pediatric Committee (PDCO) of the European Medicines Agency (EMA). The Nonclinical Working Group (NcWG) supports the PDCO in the review process of the nonclinical part of a PIP and is composed of members from the PDCO, the EMA Safety Working Party, additional experts from national competent authorities and the FDA. This article summarizes the NcWG review process and outcomes of 97 approved or ongoing PIPs, from the establishment of the NcWG in November 2008 to May 2010, as presented during the workshop. Juvenile animal studies were proposed by the applicant in 33% or required by the NcWG in 26% of the PIPs. The requirements were mainly motivated by concerns regarding potential developmental toxicities, in view of the young age of the pediatric population to be investigated, the lack of knowledge concerning the maturation of the pharmacological target, the lack of sufficient (non)clinical data, observed toxicities in the adult (non)clinical studies and the long duration of the intended treatments. Most juvenile animal studies were in the therapeutic areas of oncology, infectious diseases and endocrinology. In about 14% of the PIPs submitted, the NcWG requested either justifications of, or amendments to the study designs proposed by the applicants (e.g. justification of endpoints, study duration, species selection and timing with regards to clinical pediatric studies). Generally, only one species was selected or proposed for the juvenile studies, the rat being the most prevalent. The number of juvenile studies initially proposed by the applicant plus those requested by the NcWG was higher than the number of studies included in the "key binding elements" of the PIP opinions. This apparent discrepancy was mainly due to additional information or justifications submitted by the applicant during the clock stop. It was noted that the PIPs initially submitted often lacked information relevant to the nonclinical evaluation. Therefore, during the workshop, the need to provide scientifically based justifications when no juvenile animal studies are proposed in the initial PIP submission was stressed.  相似文献   
Novel chemical entities (NCEs) may be investigated for emetic liability in a range of unpleasant experiments involving retching, vomiting or conditioned taste aversion/food avoidance in sentient animals. We have used a range of compounds with known emetic /aversive properties to examine the possibility of using the social amoeba, Dictyostelium discoideum, for research into identifying and understanding emetic liability, and hence reduce adverse animal experimentation in this area. Twenty eight emetic or taste aversive compounds were employed to investigate the acute (10 min) effect of compounds on Dictyostelium cell behaviour (shape, speed and direction of movement) in a shallow chemotaxic gradient (Dunn chamber). Compound concentrations were chosen based on those previously reported to be emetic or aversive in in vivo studies and results were recorded and quantified by automated image analysis. Dictyostelium cell motility was rapidly and strongly inhibited by four structurally distinct tastants (three bitter tasting compounds--denatonium benzoate, quinine hydrochloride, phenylthiourea, and the pungent constituent of chilli peppers--capsaicin). In addition, stomach irritants (copper chloride and copper sulphate), and a phosphodiesterase IV inhibitor also rapidly blocked movement. A concentration-dependant relationship was established for five of these compounds, showing potency of inhibition as capsaicin (IC(50) = 11.9 ± 4.0 μM) > quinine hydrochloride (IC(50) = 44.3 ± 6.8 μM) > denatonium benzoate (IC(50) = 129 ± 4 μM) > phenylthiourea (IC(50) = 366 ± 5 μM) > copper sulphate (IC(50) = 1433 ± 3 μM). In contrast, 21 compounds within the cytotoxic and receptor agonist/antagonist classes did not affect cell behaviour. Further analysis of bitter and pungent compounds showed that the effect on cell behaviour was reversible and not cytotoxic, suggesting an uncharacterised molecular mechanism of action for these compounds. These results therefore demonstrate that Dictyostelium has potential as a non-sentient model in the analysis of the molecular effects of tastants, although it has limited utility in identification of emetic agents in general.  相似文献   
Additive manufacturing (3D printing) enables the fabrication of highly customized and complex devices and is therefore increasingly used in the field of life sciences and biotechnology. However, the application of 3D‐printed parts in these fields requires not only their biocompatibility but also their sterility. The most common method for sterilizing 3D‐printed parts is heat steam sterilization—but most commercially available 3D printing materials cannot withstand high temperatures. In this study, a novel heat‐resistant polyacrylate material for high‐resolution 3D Multijet printing was evaluated for the first time for its resistance to heat steam sterilization and in vitro biocompatibility with mouse fibroblasts (L929), human embryonic kidney cells (HEK 293E), and yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae)). Analysis of the growth and viability of L929 cells and the growth of S. cerevisiae confirmed that the extraction media obtained from 3D‐printed parts had no negative effect on the aforementioned cell types, while, in contrast, viability and growth of HEK 293E cells were affected. No different effects of the material on the cells were found when comparing heat steam sterilization and disinfection with ethanol (70%, v/v). In principle, the investigated material shows great potential for high‐resolution 3D printing of novel cell culture systems that are highly complex in design, customized and easily sterilizable—however, the biocompatibility of the material for other cell types needs to be re‐evaluated.  相似文献   
Summary An easy and sensitive method is reported here for testing the similarities of individual patterns by photographically transforming maps of these patterns to given, deductively chosen conventions involving constant distances between selected reference points. A cumulative map is produced by loading all landmarks from a set of individual maps on to one sheet of paper. The use of various a priori conventions results in variable cumulative maps, which are then optically transformed on an analog digital converter, with additional input for optical picture processing. The densitometrical maps thus obtained may be compared as to the cumulative degree of areas of maximal and minimal density of landmarks. The best conventions are those that yield the map with the most contrast.Maps of spatial patterns of the sites of contractile vacuole pore (CVP) primordia in an early stage of divisional morphogenesis of the ciliateChilodonella steini were compared after four different transformations and adjustments of the same set of individual maps. The best focusing of the sites of CVP differentiation was achieved by use of the postoral axis, defined by the center of the oral apparatus and the posterior end of the cell as the scaling parameter. The composite domain map obtained by optical transformation of this cumulative map could distinguish the specific CVP territories observed in earlier work (Kaczanowska 1981). These results confirm earlier findings that indicated the site of the oral apparatus is an important reference point in CVP primordia positioning. They also strongly suggest the existence of an overriding scaling factor governing the positioning of sites of differentiation in both dimensions of the developmental field. The method of superposition and scaling of pattern maps is generally applicable to situations in which pattern elements appear at discrete points on a flat surface.  相似文献   
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