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Photosynthetic organisms are responsible for converting sunlight into organic matter, and they are therefore seen as a resource for the renewable fuel industry. Ethanol and esterified fatty acids (biodiesel) are the most common fuel products derived from these photosynthetic organisms. The potential of algae as producers of biodiesel precursor (or triacylglycerols (TAGs)) has yet to be realized because of the limited knowledge of the underlying biochemistry, cell biology and genetics. Well-characterized pathways from fungi and land plants have been used to identify algal homologs of key enzymes in TAG synthesis, including diacylglcyerol acyltransferases, phospholipid diacylglycerol acyltransferase and phosphatidate phosphatases. Many laboratories have adopted Chlamydomonas reinhardtii as a reference organism for discovery of algal-specific adaptations of TAG metabolism. Stressed Chlamydomonas cells, grown either photoautotrophically or photoheterotrophically, accumulate TAG in plastid and cytoplasmic lipid bodies, reaching 46-65% of dry weight in starch accumulation (sta) mutants. State of the art genomic technologies including expression profiling and proteomics have identified new proteins, including key components of lipid droplets, candidate regulators and lipid/TAG degrading activities. By analogy with crop plants, it is expected that advances in algal breeding and genome engineering may facilitate realizing the potential in algae.  相似文献   
Human perivascular stem cells (PSCs) can be isolated in sufficient numbers from multiple tissues for purposes of skeletal tissue engineering. PSCs are a FACS-sorted population of 'pericytes' (CD146+CD34-CD45-) and 'adventitial cells' (CD146-CD34+CD45-), each of which we have previously reported to have properties of mesenchymal stem cells. PSCs, like MSCs, are able to undergo osteogenic differentiation, as well as secrete pro-osteogenic cytokines. In the present protocol, we demonstrate the osteogenicity of PSCs in several animal models including a muscle pouch implantation in SCID (severe combined immunodeficient) mice, a SCID mouse calvarial defect and a femoral segmental defect (FSD) in athymic rats. The thigh muscle pouch model is used to assess ectopic bone formation. Calvarial defects are centered on the parietal bone and are standardly 4 mm in diameter (critically sized). FSDs are bicortical and are stabilized with a polyethylene bar and K-wires. The FSD described is also a critical size defect, which does not significantly heal on its own. In contrast, if stem cells or growth factors are added to the defect site, significant bone regeneration can be appreciated. The overall goal of PSC xenografting is to demonstrate the osteogenic capability of this cell type in both ectopic and orthotopic bone regeneration models.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate the possible role of the CCR5 59029 A→G promoter point mutation polymorphism in determining the susceptibility to rheumatoid factor-positive and rheumatoid factor-negative rheumatoid arthritis. This polymorphism was assessed in 85 seropositive and 39 seronegative rheumatoid arthritis patients and in 126 healthy individuals of the same geographic and ethnic origin. We found an increase in the genetic frequency of the A allele in the 59029 A→G promoter region of the CCR5 receptor in patients with rheumatoid arthritis compared with healthy controls (p = 0.01; OR = 1.5, 95% CI (1.0-2.2). Likewise, the homozygous state for the A allele was found to be more frequent in rheumatoid arthritis patients, again when compared with healthy controls (p = 0.03; OR = 1.8, 95% CI 1.0-3.0). The increased frequency of the A allele was more evident in the more benign, seronegative rheumatoid arthritis group when compared with controls (p = 0.003; OR 2.4 95% CI 1.3-4.4), and when combining the A homozygous and the AG heterozygous patients compared with healthy subjects. These results suggest that this CCR5 promoter polymorphism seems to play an important role in determining different clinical courses in both forms of rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   


Social networks influence the spread of depression, health behaviors, and obesity. The social networks of older urban-dwelling adults were examined to assess whether physical inactivity mediated the association between social networks and obesity.


Data come from the Montreal Neighborhood Networks and Healthy Aging study (n = 2707). Self-reported height and weight were used to calculate body mass index (BMI) with obesity defined as a BMI≥30. A name generator/interpreter instrument was used to elicit participants’ core ties (i.e., alters), and assess whether alters exercised regularly and resided in participants’ neighborhoods. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire was used to measure physical inactivity. Separate multilevel logistic regression analyses were conducted for younger (18–54 years) and older (55 years plus) age groups to examine the association between the exercising behavior of alters and obesity. Ancillary analyses examined whether the residential location of alters was associated with obesity. Mediation analyses assessed whether physical inactivity mediated the association between alter exercising behavior and obesity. Models adjusted for participant socio-demographic and -economic characteristics.


Among the older age stratum (55 years plus), physically inactive individuals were more likely obese (OR 2.14; 95% CIs: 1.48–3.10); participants who had more exercising alters were less likely obese (OR: 0.85; 95% CIs: 0.72–0.99). Physical inactivity mediated the association between exercising alters and obesity. Ancillary analyses showed that having exercising alters in the neighborhood compared to other locations tended to reduce the odds of obesity.


This work demonstrates the importance of social networks among older adults in facilitating a physically active lifestyle and reducing the odds of obesity. Such findings can inform the design of public health interventions that seek to improve the environmental conditions supporting the physical activity of older adults.  相似文献   


While most of the clinical benefits of inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) therapy may occur at low doses, results of dose-ranging studies are inconsistent. Although symptom/lung function response to low and high dose ICS medication is comparable, it is uncertain whether low dose ICSs are as effective as high dose in the treatment of inflammation and remodeling.


22 mild or moderate asthmatic adult subjects (corticosteroid free for > 2 months) participated in a randomized, parallel group study to compare effects of fluticasone propionate (FP) 200 mcg/day and 1000 mcg/day. Alveolar macrophage (AM)-derived cytokines and basement membrane thickness (BMT) were measured at baseline and after 7 weeks treatment while symptoms, spirometry, exhaled nitric oxide (eNO) and airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) to mannitol at baseline and 6 weeks.


FP improved spirometry, eNO, symptoms and AHR with no difference between low and high dose FP. Both high and low dose FP reduced GM-CSF, TNF-alpha and IL-1ra, with no change in BMT and with no differences between low and high dose FP.


200 μg/day of FP was as effective as 1000 μg/day in improving asthma control, airway inflammation, lung function and AHR in adults in the short term. Future studies should examine potential differential effects between low and high dose combination therapy (ICS/long acting beta agonist) on inflammation and airway remodeling over longer treatment periods.  相似文献   
Although a variety of industrial chemicals, as well as several chemotherapeutic agents used to treat cancer or HIV, preferentially induce a peripheral sensory neuropathy what remains unclear is why these agents induce a sensory vs. a motor or mixed neuropathy. Previous studies have shown that the endothelial cells that vascularize the dorsal root ganglion (DRG), which houses the primary afferent sensory neurons, are unique in that they have large fenestrations and are permeable to a variety of low and high molecular weight agents. In the present report we used whole-mount preparations, immunohistochemistry, and confocal laser scanning microscopy to show that the cell body-rich area of the L4 mouse DRG has a 7 fold higher density of CD31+ capillaries than cell fiber rich area of the DRG or the distal or proximal aspect of the sciatic nerve. This dense vascularization, coupled with the high permeability of these capillaries, may synergistically contribute, and in part explain, why many potentially neurotoxic agents preferentially accumulate and injure cells within the DRG. Currently, cancer survivors and HIV patients constitute the largest and most rapidly expanding groups that have chemically induced peripheral sensory neuropathy. Understanding the unique aspects of the vascularization of the DRG and closing the endothelial fenestrations of the rich vascular bed of capillaries that vascularize the DRG before intravenous administration of anti-neoplastic or anti-HIV therapies, may offer a mechanism based approach to attenuate these chemically induced peripheral neuropathies in these patients.  相似文献   
Cyst bank life-history model for a fairy shrimp from ephemeral ponds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Ephemeral wetland habitats provide a useful model system for studying how life‐history patterns enable populations to persist despite high environmental variation. One important life‐history trait of both plants and crustaceans in such habitats involves hatching/germination of only some of the eggs/seeds at any time. This bet‐hedging leads to the development of a bank composed of dormant propagules of many ages. 2. The San Diego fairy shrimp, Branchinecta sandiegonensis (Crustacea: Anostraca), a dominant faunal element of ephemeral ponds in San Diego, California, is a suitable organism for studying the consequences of highly fluctuating environmental conditions. As a result of large‐scale habitat loss, the species is also endangered, and this motivated our specific study towards understanding the hatching dynamics of its egg bank for planning conservation efforts such as pool restoration and re‐creation. 3. We formulated a matrix population model using egg age within the bank to study the relationship between adult survival and reproduction, and survival in and hatching from the egg bank. As vital rates for fairy shrimp are only poorly known, we generated 48 matrices with parameters encompassing ranges of likely values for the vital rates of B. sandiegonensis. We calculated population growth rates and eigenvalue elasticities both for a static model and a model with periodic reproductive failure. 4. The model shows that in good filling events, population growth rate is very high and the egg bank is increased dramatically. While population growth rate is insensitive to long‐term survival in the egg bank in our static deterministic model, it becomes sensitive to survival in the egg bank when a regime of periodically failed reproductive events is imposed. 5. Under favourable conditions, it was best for shrimp to hatch from eggs as soon as possible. However, under a regime where failed reproductive events were common, it was best to hatch after several pool fillings. Because conditions change from favourable to unfavourable unpredictably, variation in age within the egg bank appears to be critical for the persistence of the population. This attribute needs to be carefully considered when restoring or creating new pools for conservation purposes.  相似文献   
Chemically-induced diabetic mice and spontaneously diabetic NOD mice have been valuable as recipients for experimental islet transplantation. However, their maintenance often requires parenteral insulin. Diabetogenic chemicals can be cytotoxic to the host’s immune system and to other organs some of which are often used as the transplant site. Procurement of diabetic cohorts in the NOD mouse is problematic due to variability in the age of disease onset. We show that RIP-Kb mice, which spontaneously develop non-immune diabetes due to over-expression of the H-2Kb heavy chain in beta cells, offer many advantages as islet transplant recipients. Diabetes is predictable with a relatively narrow range of onset (4 wk) and blood glucose levels (23.0± 4.0 mmol/l for 39 males at 6 weeks of age). The diabetes is mild enough so that most diabetic mice can be maintained to 40 weeks of age without parenteral insulin. This consistency of diabetes avails that outcomes of intervention can be interpreted with confidence.  相似文献   
This study measured changes in switches of attention between 1 and 9 months of age in 67 typically developing infants. Remote eye-tracking (Tobii X120) was used to measure saccadic latencies, related to switches of fixation, as a measure of shifts of attention, from a central stimulus to a peripheral visual target, measured in the Fixation Shift Paradigm. Fixation shifts occur later if the central fixation stimulus stays visible when the peripheral target appears (competition condition), than if the central stimulus disappears as the peripheral target appears (non-competition condition). This difference decreases with age. Our results show significantly faster disengagement in infants over 4 months than in the younger group, and provide more precise measures of fixation shifts, than behavioural observation with the same paradigm. Reduced saccadic latencies in the course of a test session indicate a novel learning effect. The Fixation Shift Paradigm combined with remote eye-tracking measures showed improved temporal and spatial accuracy compared to direct observation by a trained observer, and allowed an increased number of trials in a short testing time. This makes it an infant-friendly non-invasive procedure, involving minimal observational training, suitable for use in future studies of clinical populations to detect early attentional abnormalities in the first few months of life.  相似文献   
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