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Summary The complete nucleotide sequence of the 5S ribosomal RNA from the cyanobacteriumSynechococcus lividus II has been determined. The sequence is 5-UGCCUAGUGUUUAUGGCGCG-GUGGAACCACGCUGAUCCAUCCCGAACUC-AGAGGUGAAACAUCGCAGCGGUGAAGAU-AGUUGGAGGGUAGCCUCCUGCAAAAAUA-GCUCAAUGCUAGGCAOH-3. This 5S RNA has the cyanobacterial- and chloroplast-specific nucleotide insertion between positions 30 and 31 (using the numbering system of the generalized eubacterial 5S RNA) and the chloroplast-specific nucleotide-deletion signature between positions 34 and 39. The 5S RNA ofS. lividus II has 27 base differences compared with the 5S RNA of the related strainS. lividus III. This large difference may reflect an ancient divergence between these two organisms. The electrophoretic mobilities on nondenaturing polyacrylamide gels of renatured 5S RNAs fromS. lividus II,S. lividus III, and spinach chloroplasts are identical, but differ considerably from that ofEscherichia coli 5S RNA. This most likely reflects differences in higher-order structure between the 5S RNA ofE. coli and these cyanobacterial and chloroplast 5S RNAs.  相似文献   
Summary The tympanic organ ofSpodoptera frugiperda, Mocis latipes, Erebus odorata (Noctuidae) andMaenas jussiae (Arctiidae) was stimulated with acoustic stimuli of 20 kHz, 45 ms and 5 s duration, and intensities ranging from 30 to 100 dB. The electric activity of the auditory receptors was recorded at the tympanic nerve with a stainless steel hook electrode. In all of these moth species there is an intensity range (ca. 20 dB) in which the response of each auditory receptor (A1 and A2 cells) to 45 ms pulses varies in a linear relation to the logarithm of stimulus intensity. For intensities higher than this value, depending on the species and the cell analysed, the spike discharge may continue to increase, may saturate or may diminish (Fig. 2). InE. odorata andM. latipes the A1-cell response shows a decrease for stimulus intensities higher than 30 dB above the threshold. In the former species there is a statistically significant linear relation between the A2-cell response and the decrease of the A1-cell response, but this is not the case inM. latipes (Fig. 3). The similarity of the responses ofE. odorata to those described inEmpyreuma pugione (Coro and Pérez 1984) suggest that also in this noctuid species one may assume that the A2 cell inhibits the A1 receptor. In all of these moth species there is a maximum firing rate of the auditory cells at the beginning of the response to pure tones of 5 s and an exponential decrease of their discharge frequency with the course of time (Fig. 5). The analysed species differ in the adaptation rates of their auditory receptors. In all of these species the A2 cell adapts more rapidly than the A1 cell. In most of these species the stimulus intensity influences the adaptation rate of the auditory receptors (Fig. 7). These results are compared with data obtained by other authors, and it is concluded that there are more interspecific differences in the physiological characteristics of the auditory receptors in noctuoid species than those reported so far.Abbreviation AP action potential  相似文献   
A procedure to recognize super-secondary structure in protein sequences is described. An idealized template, derived from known super-secondary structures, is used to locate probable sites by matching with secondary structure probability profiles. We applied the method to the identification of βαβ units in β/α type proteins with 75% accuracy. The location of super-secondary structure was then used to refine the original (Garnier et al., 1978) secondary structure prediction resulting in an 8.8% improvement, which correctly assigned 83% of secondary structure elements in 14 proteins. Slight modifications to the Garnier et al. method arc suggested, producing a more accurate identification of protein class and a better prediction for β/α. type proteins. A method for the incorporation of hydrophobic information into the prediction is also described.  相似文献   
Many studies have established a correlation of differences in the activities of various muscle types with differences in the expression of myosin isoforms. In this paper we report the sequence determination of myosin light chain-2 from rabbit slow skeletal (LC2s) and ventricular (LC2v) nmscles. We sequenced tryptic peptides from LC2v which account for all except a few terminal amino acid residues. The major part (87 residues) of the rabbit LC2s sequence, obtained from tryptic and cyanogen bromide (CNBr) peptides, was found to be identical to rabbit LC2v. Our results provide the first sequence information on LC2s from any species, and lend strong support to the hypothesis that LC2s and LC2v are identical. Comparisons of rabbit LC2v and LC2s with rabbit LC2f (from fast skeletal muscle), and also with chicken LC2f and LC2v, show clearly that LC2s and LC2v from mammalian and avian species are more closely related to each other than they are to LC2f isoforms from the same species.  相似文献   
The steroid sulfatase (STS) levels in mature oocytes of XX and XO mice were assayed along with lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), an autosomal marker, and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), a known X-linked gene. LDH levels in XX and XO oocytes were equal, whereas STS and G6PD levels were approximately twice as high in XX oocytes as in XO oocytes. These results indicate that the STS gene is X-linked in the mouse just as it is in humans. Assays of STS in kidney tissue of XX and XO mice indicated dosage compensation for the gene, which is different from that observed in humans.  相似文献   
A mutant strain AA-522, temperature-sensitive for protein synthesis, was isolated from a stringent strain (CP-78) of Escherichia coli K-12. The mutant strain has a relaxed phenotype at the nonpermissive growth temperature. Protein synthesis stops completely at 42 C, whereas the rate of ribonucleic acid (RNA) synthesis is maintained at 20% of the 30 C rate. Sucrose-gradient centrifugation analysis of RNA-containing particles formed at 42 C indicated the presence of “relaxed particles.” These particles possess 16S and 23S RNA and are precursors to normal 50S and 30S ribosomal subunits. A search for the temperature-sensitive protein responsible for the halt in protein synthesis implicated phenylalanyl transfer RNA (tRNA) synthetase. Essentially no enzyme activity is detected in vitro at 30 or 40 C. Analysis of phenylalanyl tRNA synthetase activity in revertants of strain AA-522 indicated the presence of intragenic suppressor mutations. Revertants of strain AA-522 analyzed for the relaxed response at 42 C were all stringent; strain AA-522 was stringent at 30 C. These data indicate that a single mutation in phenylalanyl tRNA synthetase is responsible for both a block in protein synthesis and the relaxed phenotype at 42 C.  相似文献   
Dispersed rat adrenal cells prepared from both the capsule and the decapsulated gland were used to investigate the effects on cyclic AMP accumulation of known stimuli of steroidogenesis [ACTH (adrenocorticotrophin), angiotensin II, K(+) ions and 5-hydroxytryptamine]. Since glomerulosa-cell preparations from capsular strippings are normally contaminated with a proportion of fasciculata cells, cells purified by fractionation on a bovine serum albumin gradient were also used. The results showed that: (1) ACTH and angiotensin II stimulated cyclic AMP accumulation in both fractionated and unfractionated zona fasciculata cells; (2) 5-hydroxytryptamine and an increased extracellular K(+) concentration (from 3.6 to 8.4mm) had no effect on cyclic AMP concentrations in fasciculata cell preparations; (3) the addition of ACTH, angiotensin II, 5-hydroxytryptamine or K(+) to the incubation medium resulted in increased cyclic AMP concentrations in unpurified zona glomerulosa cell preparations; (4) fractionation and hence the virtual elimination of fasciculata contamination, did not affect the response to 5-hydroxytryptamine and increased K(+) concentration. However, the responses to ACTH and angiotensin II were markedly lowered but not abolished. These results strongly suggest a link between cyclic AMP production and steroidogenesis in the zone of the adrenal gland that specifically secretes aldosterone. All four agents used stimulated both steroid output and cyclic AMP accumulation. However, at certain doses of 5-hydroxytryptamine, K(+) and angiotensin II the significant increases in corticosterone output were not accompanied by measurable increases in cyclic AMP accumulation.  相似文献   
Summary From studies of the DNA base composition of Microcyclus species, it is concluded that the genus is to be regarded as a taxonomically heterogeneous group. This agrees with morphological observations of the different species.  相似文献   
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