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Investigating sexual dimorphism is important for our understanding of its influence on reproductive strategies including male-male competition, mate choice, and sexual conflict. Measuring physical traits in wild animals can be logistically challenging and disruptive for the animals. Therefore body size and ornament variation in wild primates have rarely been quantified. Gorillas are amongst the most sexually dimorphic and dichromatic primates. Adult males (silverbacks) possess a prominent sagittal crest, a pad of fibrous and fatty tissue on top of the head, have red crest coloration, their saddle appears silver, and they possess a silverline along their stomach. Here we measure levels of sexual dimorphism and within-male variation of body length, head size, and sexual dichromatism in a population of wild western gorillas using photogrammetry. Digital photogrammetry is a useful and precise method to measure sexual dimorphism in physical traits yielding sexual dimorphism indices (ISD), similar to those derived from traditional measurements of skeletal remains. Silverbacks were on an average 1.23 times longer in body length than adult females. Sexual dimorphism of head size was highest in measures of crest size (max ISD: 60.4) compared with measures of facial height (max ISD: 24.7). The most sexually dimorphic head size measures also showed the highest within-sex variation. We found no clear sex differences in crest coloration but there was large sexual dichromatism with high within-male variation in saddle coloration and silverline size. Further studies should examine if these sexually dimorphic traits are honest signals of competitive ability and confer an advantage in reproductive success.  相似文献   
For decades, southern China has been considered to be an important source for emerging influenza viruses since key hosts live together in high densities in areas with intensive agriculture. However, the underlying conditions of emergence and spread of avian influenza viruses (AIV) have not been studied in detail, particularly the complex spatiotemporal interplay of viral transmission between wild and domestic ducks, two major actors of AIV epidemiology. In this synthesis, we examine the risks of avian influenza spread in Poyang Lake, an area of intensive free-ranging duck production and large numbers of wild waterfowl. Our synthesis shows that farming of free-grazing domestic ducks is intensive in this area and synchronized with wild duck migration. The presence of juvenile domestic ducks in harvested paddy fields prior to the arrival and departure of migrant ducks in the same fields may amplify the risk of AIV circulation and facilitate the transmission between wild and domestic populations. We provide evidence associating wild ducks migration with the spread of H5N1 in the spring of 2008 from southern China to South Korea, Russia, and Japan, supported by documented wild duck movements and phylogenetic analyses of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 sequences. We suggest that prevention measures based on a modification of agricultural practices may be implemented in these areas to reduce the intensity of AIV transmission between wild and domestic ducks. This would require involving all local stakeholders to discuss feasible and acceptable solutions.  相似文献   
Rotavirus infection of MA104 cells has been shown to be inhibited by cell membrane-impermeant thiol/disulfide exchange inhibitors and anti-PDI antibodies. To characterise the amino acid sequences of rotavirus structural proteins potentially mediating cell surface PDI?Csubstrate interactions, rotavirus-derived peptides from VP4 and VP7 (RRV) and VP7 (Wa), and their modified versions containing serine instead of cysteine were synthesized. Cysteine-containing VP7 peptides corresponding to residues 189?C210 or 243?C263 caused an infectivity inhibitory effect of about 64 and 85?%, respectively, when added to cells. Changing cysteine to serine significantly decreased the inhibitory effect. A cysteine-containing peptide corresponding to VP4 residues 200?C219 and its scrambled version reduced infectivity by 92 and 80?%, respectively. A cysteine to serine change in the original VP4 200?C219 peptide did not affect its inhibitory effect. Non-rotavirus related sequences containing cysteine residues efficiently inhibited rotavirus infectivity. Antibodies against VP7 residues 189?C210 or 243?C263 significantly inhibited rotavirus infectivity only after virus attachment to cells had occurred, whereas those against VP4 200?C219 peptide inhibited infectivity irrespective of whether virus or cell-attached virus was antibody-treated. A direct PDI?Cpeptide interaction was shown by ELISA for cysteine-containing VP7 and VP4 peptides. Virus?Ccell attachment was unaffected by the peptides inhibiting virus infectivity. The results showed that even though cysteine residues in the peptides tested are important in both virus infectivity inhibition and in vitro PDI?Cpeptide interaction, the accompanying amino acid sequence also plays some role. As a whole, our findings further support our hypothesis that cell surface PDI from MA104 cells might be contributing to rotavirus entry at a post-attachment step.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial stress results in changes in mitochondrial function, morphology and homeostasis (biogenesis, fission/fusion, mitophagy) and may lead to changes in mitochondrial subpopulations. While flow cytometric techniques have been developed to quantify features of individual mitochondria related to volume, Ca2+ concentration, mtDNA content, respiratory capacity and oxidative damage, less information is available concerning the identification and characterization of mitochondrial subpopulations, particularly in epithelial cells. Mitochondria from rabbit kidneys were stained with molecular probes for cardiolipin content (nonyl acridine orange, NAO) and membrane potential (tetramethylrhodamine, TMRM) and analyzed using flow cytometry. We validated that side scatter was a better indicator of volume and that as side scatter (SSC) decreased mitochondrial volume increased. Furthermore, those mitochondria with the highest NAO content had greater side scattering and were most highly charged. Mitochondria with average NAO content were of average side scattering and maintained an intermediate charge. Those mitochondria with low NAO content had minimal side scattering and exhibited minimal charge. Upon titration with the uncoupler carbonylcyanide-4-(trifluoromethoxy)-phenylhydrazone (FCCP), it was found that the high NAO content subpopulations were more resistant to uncoupling than lower NAO content populations. Ca2+-induced swelling of mitochondria was evaluated using probability binning (PB) analyses of SSC. Interestingly, only 30 % of the mitochondria showed changes in response to Ca2+, which was blocked by cyclosporine A. In addition, the small, high NAO content mitochondria swelled differentially in response to Ca2+ over time. Our results demonstrate that flow cytometry can be used to identify mitochondrial subpopulations based on high, mid and low NAO content and/or volume/complexity. These subpopulations showed differences in membrane potential, volume, and responses to uncoupling and Ca2+-induced swelling.  相似文献   
Abstract: Hippocampal slices were prepared under three conditions: (1) in medium containing glucose and oxygen at 4°C; (2) as in (1), but at 37°C; (3) in medium devoid of glucose and oxygen at 37°C. The rates of recovery to roughly steady-state levels and through 8 h of incubation were monitored for energy metabolite levels and related parameters. In vitro stable values are compared with in situ hippocampal levels. Regardless of the conditions under which slices were prepared, metabolite levels required up to 3 h to stabilize, and these levels were maintained or improved through 8 h of incubation. Further, the maximal concentrations of metabolites were independent of the conditions of slice preparation. Total adenylates and total creatine levels reached 55% of those in vivo. Lactate decreased from the decapitation-induced high levels, but stabilized at concentrations about twice those in rapidly frozen brain. Cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP exhibited peak levels at 30 min of incubation, and cyclic GMP remained elevated for 3 h. Although all three methods of slice preparation resulted in similar metabolite profiles on incubation, the initial decreases in high energy phosphates were delayed by chilling. Most striking, the slices prepared in the absence of glucose and oxygen exhibited much smaller orthodromic evoked potentials in the dentate gyrus. The presence of glucose and oxygen during preparation of the slices appears to be critical to the electrophysiological response of the tissue.  相似文献   
Enzymes are basically composed of 20 naturally occurring amino acids, yet they catalyse a dizzying array of chemical reactions, with regiospecificity and stereospecificity and under physiological conditions. In this review, we attempt to gain some understanding of these complex proteins, from the chemical versatility of the catalytic toolkit, including the use of cofactors (both metal ions and organic molecules), to the complex mapping of reactions to proteins (which is rarely one-to-one), and finally the structural complexity of enzymes and their active sites, often involving multidomain or multisubunit assemblies. This work highlights how the enzymes that we see today reflect millions of years of evolution, involving de novo design followed by exquisite regulation and modulation to create optimal fitness for life.  相似文献   
A tissue culture cell system for isolation and identification of members of the murine leukemia virus group (the complement fixation for murine leukemia test) was modified to permit the isolation of naturally occurring virus from leukemic and normal mice. The important factors for increasing the sensitivity of the test were the use of National Institutes of Health (NIH) strain Webster Swiss embryo cell cultures and the selection of rat-immune sera having complement-fixing antibodies to tissue culture antigens of both the Gross and FMR subgroups. In all, 163 strains of mouse leukemia virus, from 11 inbred mouse strains, have been isolated. Representative virus isolates were shown to possess the properties of the murine leukemia virus group; i.e., they were chloroform-sensitive, noncytopathic agents which replicated in mouse embryo tissue culture and produced group-reactive, complement-fixing antigen and budding C-type particles visible by electron microscopy. These viruses could serve as helpers in the rescue of Moloney sarcoma virus genome from non-producer hamster sarcoma cells, yielding pseudotypes. All of the 19 field isolates tested were neutralized by Gross passage A antiserum but not by potent antisera to the Moloney, Rauscher, and Friend strains. Virus was recovered regularly from embryos and from the plasma and spleen of adult mice of high leukemic strains. In low leukemic mouse strains, different patterns of virus detection were observed. In C3H/He mice, virus was occasionally present in embryos and was found in 40% of adult spleens. BALB/c mice were virus-negative as fetuses or weanlings, but spleens of more than half of the mice over 6 months of age yielded virus. NIH mice have never yielded virus. In reciprocal matings between AKR and BALB/c mice, virus recovery from embryos was maternally determined. The development of tissue culture isolation procedures made possible for the first time the application of classical infectious disease methods to the study of the natural history of murine leukemia virus infection.  相似文献   
Mountain, western, and Grauer's gorillas exhibit broad differences in ecological patterns with western gorillas eating more fruit and having larger home ranges than their largely folivorous counterparts in the Virunga Volcanoes. We studied the home range and frugivory patterns of one group of Gorilla beringei beringei in the little-studied population of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda, to compare with other populations and to investigate whether there was any relationship between patterns of frugivory and home range size. During the 3-year study, the gorillas ate 16 species of fruit on 27% of observation days. There was high variability in frugivory among the 3 years and no consistent seasonal pattern. Annual home range size was ca. 21 km2 for Years 1 and 2, and it increased dramatically to 40 km2 in Year 3. Home range size varied considerable between months and seasons, but there is no clear relationship between occurrence of fruit-eating and home range size. The group exhibited more fruit-eating and a larger home range size those ofthe gorillas in the Virunga Volcanoes. Their home range size is comparable to that of western gorillas, though Bwindi gorillas consumed less fruit. Home range size and utilization by all gorillas probably depends on a complex relationship between the distribution and abundance of both fruit and herbaceous vegetation and social factors such as male mating tactics.  相似文献   
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