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Glucosylceramides (GlcCer), glucose‐conjugated sphingolipids, are major components of the endomembrane system and plasma membrane in most eukaryotic cells. Yet the quantitative significance and cellular functions of GlcCer are not well characterized in plants and other multi‐organ eukaryotes. To address this, we examined Arabidopsis lines that were lacking or deficient in GlcCer by insertional disruption or by RNA interference (RNAi) suppression of the single gene for GlcCer synthase (GCS, At2g19880), the enzyme that catalyzes GlcCer synthesis. Null mutants for GCS (designated ‘gcs‐1’) were viable as seedlings, albeit strongly reduced in size, and failed to develop beyond the seedling stage. Heterozygous plants harboring the insertion allele exhibited reduced transmission through the male gametophyte. Undifferentiated calli generated from gcs‐1 seedlings and lacking GlcCer proliferated in a manner similar to calli from wild‐type plants. However, gcs‐1 calli, in contrast to wild‐type calli, were unable to develop organs on differentiation media. Consistent with a role for GlcCer in organ‐specific cell differentiation, calli from gcs‐1 mutants formed roots and leaves on media supplemented with the glucosylated sphingosine glucopsychosine, which was readily converted to GlcCer independent of GCS. Underlying these phenotypes, gcs‐1 cells had altered Golgi morphology and fewer cisternae per Golgi apparatus relative to wild‐type cells, indicative of protein trafficking defects. Despite seedling lethality in the null mutant, GCS RNAi suppression lines with ≤2% of wild‐type GlcCer levels were viable and fertile. Collectively, these results indicate that GlcCer are essential for cell‐type differentiation and organogenesis, and plant cells produce amounts of GlcCer in excess of that required for normal development.  相似文献   
One hundred forty-one Campylobacter jejuni isolates from humans with diarrhea and 100 isolates from retailed poultry meat were differentiated by flaA typing. The bacteria were isolated in a specific geographical area (Dunedin) in New Zealand over a common time period. Twenty nine flaA types were detected, one of which (flaA restriction fragment length polymorphism type 15 [flaA-15]) predominated among isolates from humans (~30% of isolates). This strain was of low prevalence (5% of isolates) among poultry isolates. flaA-15 strains were five to six times more invasive of HEp2 cells in an in vitro assay than a flaA type (flaA-3) that was commonly encountered on poultry meat (23% of isolates) but was seldom associated with human illness (5%). Competitive-exclusion experiments with chickens, utilizing real-time quantitative PCR to measure the population sizes of specific strains representing flaA-15 (T1016) and flaA-3 (Pstau) in digesta, were carried out. These experiments showed that T1016 always outcompeted Pstau in the chicken intestine. Genomic comparisons of T1016 and Pstau were made using DNA microarrays representing the genome of C. jejuni NCTC 11168. These comparisons revealed differences between the strains in the gene content of the Cj1417c-to-Cj1442c region of the genome, which is associated with the formation of capsular polysaccharide. The strains differed in Penner type (T1016, O42; Pstau, O53). It was concluded that poultry meat was at least one source of human infection with C. jejuni, that some Campylobacter strains detected in poultry meat are of higher virulence for humans than others, and that bacterial attributes affecting strain virulence and commensal colonization ability may be linked.  相似文献   
Specialized Candida albicans cell surface proteins called adhesins mediate binding of the fungus to host cells. The mammalian transglutaminase (TG) substrate and adhesin, Hyphal wall protein 1 (Hwp1), is expressed on the hyphal form of C. albicans where it mediates fungal adhesion to epithelial cells. Hwp1 is also required for biofilm formation and mating thus the protein functions in both fungal-host and self-interactions. Hwp1 is required for full virulence of C. albicans in murine models of disseminated candidiasis and of esophageal candidiasis. Previous studies correlated TG activity on the surface of oral epithelial cells, produced by epithelial TG (TG1), with tight binding of C. albicans via Hwp1 to the host cell surfaces. However, the contribution of other Tgs, specifically tissue TG (TG2), to disseminated candidiasis mediated by Hwp1 was not known. A newly created hwp1 null strain in the wild type SC5314 background was as virulent as the parental strain in C57BL/6 mice, and virulence was retained in C57BL/6 mice deleted for Tgm2 (TG2). Further, the hwp1 null strains displayed modestly reduced virulence in BALB/c mice as did strain DD27-U1, an independently created hwp1Δ/Δ in CAI4 corrected for its ura3Δ defect at the URA3 locus. Hwp1 was still needed to produce wild type biofilms, and persist on murine tongues in an oral model of oropharyngeal candidiasis consistent with previous studies by us and others. Finally, lack of Hwp1 affected the translocation of C. albicans from the mouse intestine into the bloodstream of mice. Together, Hwp1 appears to have a minor role in disseminated candidiasis, independent of tissue TG, but a key function in host- and self-association to the surface of oral mucosa.  相似文献   
Glass-beads (diam. = 250 μm) were buried 10 cm deep in the sediment of a stream. After an exposure of eight weeks, bacterial densities on the beads varied between 2.7 × 105 and 2.4 × 107/cm2, and the length of the fungal mycelium between 0.2 and 5.3 mm/cm2. Bacterial densities did not show any correlation with the DOC content of the water, but were positively correlated with respiration on the beads. Fungal mycelium was negatively correlated with water temperature. Acid hydrolysis of stream-exposed beads released sugars and amino acids, whose combined carbon content exceeded that of the microbial cells by a factor of at least 4. Gut extracts of Gammarus tigrinus and Tipula caloptera released amino acids and sugars from stream-exposed beads.  相似文献   
Although adolescents account for only 0.4% of reported cases of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in the United States, they are sexually active and, therefore, at risk of acquiring human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. To address issues of HIV control in adolescents, we developed guidelines that emphasize education and medical care and deemphasize antibody testing. For adolescents known to be infected with HIV, we recommend no restrictions on access to educational or treatment programs except when their health providers recommend such restrictions to protect them from exposure to opportunistic infections. For adolescents of unknown antibody status with a possible previous exposure to HIV, we recommend that as long as the incidence of HIV infection and clinical AIDS remains low, there should be no restrictions on residential placements and no routine antibody testing.  相似文献   
Hair morphology was exammed on developing seedlings and mature plants of ten species from five of seven series inPhysalis. The taxonomic importance of hair development and the distribution of hair types then was evaluated with respect to other comparative data. Two classes of hair types were observed, as found in earlier investigations ofSolanum andRhododendron. The first hair class comprises a sequence from unbranched hairs to dendroid-stelliform hairs. Hairs of this class show considerable variability among taxa in size, presence or absence of glandular tips, and presence and degree of branching, and so were useful in making taxonomic comparisons. The second hair class consists of short hairs, each tipped with a multicellular gland. This second hair class was not useful taxonomically because of its lack of variability in morphology and its often rare occurrence on a plant. The taxa studied exhibit distinctive trichome features which serve to distinguish series and, in some cases together with other data, provided new insight into previously enigmatic species relationships.  相似文献   
A common assumption about the shape of protein binding pockets is that they are related to the shape of the small ligand molecules that can bind there. But to what extent is that assumption true? Here we use a recently developed shape matching method to compare the shapes of protein binding pockets to the shapes of their ligands. We find that pockets binding the same ligand show greater variation in their shapes than can be accounted for by the conformational variability of the ligand. This suggests that geometrical complementarity in general is not sufficient to drive molecular recognition. Nevertheless, we show when considering only shape and size that a significant proportion of the recognition power of a binding pocket for its ligand resides in its shape. Additionally, we observe a "buffer zone" or a region of free space between the ligand and protein, which results in binding pockets being on average three times larger than the ligand that they bind.  相似文献   
Tool-use research has focused primarily on land-based animals, with less consideration given to aquatic animals and the environmental challenges and conditions they face. Here, we review aquatic tool use and examine the contributing ecological, physiological, cognitive and social factors. Tool use among aquatic animals is rare but taxonomically diverse, occurring in fish, cephalopods, mammals, crabs, urchins and possibly gastropods. While additional research is required, the scarcity of tool use can likely be attributable to the characteristics of aquatic habitats, which are generally not conducive to tool use. Nonetheless, studying tool use by aquatic animals provides insights into the conditions that promote and inhibit tool-use behaviour across biomes. Like land-based tool users, aquatic animals tend to find tools on the substrate and use tools during foraging. However, unlike on land, tool users in water often use other animals (and their products) and water itself as a tool. Among sea otters and dolphins, the two aquatic tool users studied in greatest detail, some individuals specialize in tool use, which is vertically socially transmitted possibly because of their long dependency periods. In all, the contrasts between aquatic- and land-based tool users enlighten our understanding of the adaptive value of tool-use behaviour.  相似文献   
Discussions of maize agriculture in Mexico often treat “maize” as a uniform commodity, sold in a relatively homogeneous market, and for which there is a single, “economically rational” production strategy. Based on qualitative research on maize value chains, we suggest that this unitary notion entails significant oversimplifications. We offer a heuristic model of farm-size related “profitability crossover,” based on observations of highland maize varieties’ roles within a series of farm-cycle opportunities and constraints. We suggest that while improved maize varieties may be profitable for large-scale farms taking advantage of economies of scale, landrace cultivation may offer advantages to small- to medium-scale farmers, who utilize a diverse range of input strategies, and sell their products in specialty markets. Understanding maize agriculture as a multi-product and multi-market pursuit rather than uniform commodity production would add greater depth to policy and academic debates.  相似文献   
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