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Conferences are spaces to meet and network within and across academic and technical fields, learn about new advances, and share our work. They can help define career paths and create long-lasting collaborations and opportunities. However, these opportunities are not equal for all. This article introduces 10 simple rules to host an inclusive conference based on the authors’ recent experience organizing the 2021 edition of the useR! statistical computing conference, which attracted a broad range of participants from academia, industry, government, and the nonprofit sector. Coming from different backgrounds, career stages, and even continents, we embraced the challenge of organizing a high-quality virtual conference in the context of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and making it a kind, inclusive, and accessible experience for as many people as possible. The rules result from our lessons learned before, during, and after the organization of the conference. They have been written mainly for potential organizers and selection committees of conferences and contain multiple practical tips to help a variety of events become more accessible and inclusive. We see this as a starting point for conversations and efforts towards building more inclusive conferences across the world. * Translated versions of the English abstract and the list of rules are available in 10 languages in S1 Text: Arabic, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Tamil, and Thai.  相似文献   
DNA damage was assessed in smoker lymphocytes by subjecting them to the single cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE) assay. In addition to the appearance of comet tails, smoker cells exhibited enlarged nuclei when analysed by the comet assay. On comparing basal DNA damage among smokers and a non-smoking control group, smoker lymphocytes showed higher basal DNA damage (smokers, 36.25±8.45 μm; non-smokers, 21.6±2.06 μm). A significant difference in DNA migration lengths was observed between the two groups at 10 min after UV exposure (smokers, 65.5±20.34 μm; non-smokers, 79.2±11.59 μm), but no significant differences were seen at 30 min after UV exposure (smokers, 21.13±10.73 μm; non-smokers, (27.2±4.13 μm). The study thus implies that cigarette smoking perhaps interferes with the incision steps of the nucleotide excision repair (NER) process. There appeared be no correlation between the frequency of smoking and DNA damage or the capacity of the cells to repair UV-induced DNA damage that suggests inherited host factors may be responsible for the inter-individual differences in DNA repair capacities. The study also suggests monitoring NER following UV insult using the SCGE assay is a sensitive and simple method to assess DNA damage and integrity of DNA repair in human cells exposed to chemical mutagens.  相似文献   
Epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT) and cancer stem cells (CSC) have been associated with resistance to chemotherapy. Eighty percent of ovarian cancer patients initially respond to platinum-based combination therapy but most return with recurrence and ultimate demise. To better understand such chemoresistance we have assessed the potential role of EMT in tumor cells collected from advanced-stage ovarian cancer patients and the ovarian cancer cell line OVCA 433 in response to cisplatin in vitro. We demonstrate that cisplatin-induced transition from epithelial to mesenchymal morphology in residual cancer cells correlated with reduced E-cadherin, and increased N-cadherin and vimentin expression. The mRNA expression of Snail, Slug, Twist, and MMP-2 were significantly enhanced in response to cisplatin and correlated with increased migration. This coincided with increased cell surface expression of CSC-like markers such as CD44, α2 integrin subunit, CD117, CD133, EpCAM, and the expression of stem cell factors Nanog and Oct-4. EMT and CSC-like changes in response to cisplatin correlated with enhanced activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)1/2. The selective MEK inhibitor U0126 inhibited ERK2 activation and partially suppressed cisplatin-induced EMT and CSC markers. In vivo xenotransplantation of cisplatin-treated OVCA 433 cells in zebrafish embryos demonstrated significantly enhanced migration of cells compared to control untreated cells. U0126 inhibited cisplatin-induced migration of cells in vivo, suggesting that ERK2 signaling is critical to cisplatin-induced EMT and CSC phenotypes, and that targeting ERK2 in the presence of cisplatin may reduce the burden of residual tumor, the ultimate cause of recurrence in ovarian cancer patients.  相似文献   
The ‘Manning hypothesis,’ the idea that small differences in the ratio of the lengths of the human second to fourth digits—the 2D:4D ratio—reflect differences in the level of fetal androgen exposure, has been highly influential in the biological and biobehavioral sciences. The ratio is widely used to investigate the involvement of fetal androgens in the differentiation of sexually dimorphic traits. The validity of such studies is based on the premise that individual differences in the size of the 2D:4D ratio mirror differences across individuals in developmental levels of androgen exposure in a dose-dependent manner. Despite its widespread adoption by researchers, clinical evidence has yet to confirm that individual gradation in the ratio denotes differences in testosterone action. Key support for the view that 2D:4D does, in fact, reflect fetal testosterone in a graded fashion is the finding, based on a single small-sample study, that the magnitude of 2D:4D covaries with a polymorphic repeat (CAG) sequence in exon 1 of the gene coding the androgen receptor, AR. In a larger independent sample, we reexamine this genetic association and fail to substantiate a correlation between AR CAG length and 2D:4D. Combined with other recent reports, these data question one of the fundamental pieces of evidence on which the Manning hypothesis rests and raise new issues regarding the extent to which 2D:4D is a valid reflection of differences in fetal testosterone action in normally developing individuals.  相似文献   


The genus Acronychia (Citrus family, Rutaceae) contains 49 species of trees and shrubs that are found mainly in rain forest. The genus has a large distributional range from mainland southern Asia to Australia and New Caledonia, but most species are endemic to either New Guinea or Australia. This study aimed to provide the first detailed molecular phylogeny of Acronychia and use it to test the taxonomic value of fruit morphological characters, and infer the historical biogeography of the genus.


Phylogenetic analyses (Bayesian Inference, Maximum Likelihood) were undertaken on nucleotide sequence data from two plastid (psbA-trnH, trnL-trnF) and three nuclear markers (ETS, ITS, NIAi3) from 29 Acronychia species (59% of the genus) and representatives of related genera.

Results and Conclusions

The results indicate that the South-East Asian genus Maclurodendron is nested phylogenetically within Acronychia and must be synonymized to render Acronychia monophyletic. Fruit morphological characters have been used previously to infer relationships within Acronychia and our analyses show that these characters are informative for some subclades but are homoplasious for the group as a whole. Apocarpous fruits are the ancestral state in Acronychia and subapocarpous and fully syncarpous fruits are derived. The unisexual flowers of Maclurodendron are derived from bisexual flowers, which are found in all species of Acronychia as well as its relatives. Acronychia probably first evolved on Australia with range expansion to New Guinea via stepping-stone dispersal or direct land connections within the Sahul Shelf, followed by two independent dispersals to areas west of New Guinea. Most species of Acronychia occur in either Australia or New Guinea, but no species occurs in both regions. This is surprising given the close proximity of the landmasses, but might be explained by ecological factors.  相似文献   
Carbon sources such as methanol and glycerol are used for enhancing denitrification at wastewater treatment plants, which are required to meet increasingly stringent effluent nitrogen limits. Consequently, dosing strategies for these compounds could benefit from the development and application of molecular activity biomarkers to infer and distinguish between methanol- or glycerol-based denitrification in activated sludge. In this study, the applicability of genes coding for methanol dehydrogenase (mdh2 and mxaF) and glycerol dehydrogenase (dhaD) as potential biomarkers of denitrification activity using these specific substrates was explored and confirmed using a two-pronged approach. First, during short-term spikes of activated sludge biomass with glycerol, the ability of dhaD mRNA concentrations to closely track nitrate depletion profiles was demonstrated. Second, a high-degree of correlation of the mRNA concentrations of mdh2, mxaF and dhaD with methanol- and glycerol-based denitrification kinetics during long-term bioreactor operation using these substrates was also shown. Based on these results, expression of mdh2, mxaF and dhaD genes are promising biomarkers of in situ denitrification activity on methanol and glycerol, respectively, in mixed-culture engineered wastewater treatment processes.  相似文献   
A safe, replication-defective viral vector that can induce mucosal and systemic immune responses and confer protection against many infectious pathogens, such as human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), may be an ideal vaccine platform. Accordingly, we have generated and tested alphavirus replicon particles encoding HIV-1 Gag from Sindbis virus (SIN-Gag) and Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEE-Gag), as well as chimeras between the two (VEE/SIN-Gag). Following intramuscular (i.m.), intranasal (i.n.), or intravaginal (IVAG) immunization with VEE/SIN-Gag and an IVAG challenge with vaccinia virus encoding HIV Gag (VV-Gag), a larger number of Gag-specific CD8+ intracellular gamma interferon-expressing cells (iIFNEC) were detected in iliac lymph nodes (ILN), which drain the vaginal/uterine mucosa (VUM), than were observed after immunizations with SIN-Gag. Moreover, a single i.n. or IVAG immunization with VEE/SIN-Gag induced a larger number of cells expressing HIV Gag in ILN, and immunizations with VEE/SIN-Gag through any route induced better protective responses than immunizations with SIN-Gag. In VUM, a larger percentage of iIFNEC expressed alpha4beta7 or alpha(Ebeta)7 integrin than expressed CD62L integrin. However, in spleens (SP), a larger percentage of iIFNEC expressed alpha4beta7 or CD62L than expressed alpha(Ebeta)7. Moreover, a larger percentage of iIFNEC expressed the chemokine receptor CCR5 in VUM and ILN than in SP. These results demonstrate a better induction of cellular and protective responses following immunizations with VEE/SIN-Gag than that following immunizations with SIN-Gag and also indicate a differential expression of homing and chemokine receptors on iIFNEC in mucosal effector and inductive sites versus systemic lymphoid tissues.  相似文献   
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