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The metabolic incorporation of stable isotopes such as 13C or 15N into proteins has become a powerful tool for qualitative and quantitative proteome studies. We recently introduced a method that monitors heavy isotope incorporation into proteins and presented data revealing the metabolic activity of various species in a microbial consortium using this technique. To further develop our method using an liquid chromatography (LC)-mass spectrometry (MS)-based approach, we present here a novel approach for calculating the incorporation level of 13C into peptides by using the information given in the decimal places of peptide masses obtained by modern high-resolution MS. In the present study, the applicability of this approach is demonstrated using Pseudomonas putida ML2 proteins uniformly labeled via the consumption of [13C6]benzene present in the medium at concentrations of 0, 10, 25, 50, and 100 atom %. The incorporation of 13C was calculated on the basis of several labeled peptides derived from one band on an SDS-PAGE gel. The accuracy of the calculated incorporation level depended upon the number of peptide masses included in the analysis, and it was observed that at least 100 peptide masses were required to reduce the deviation below 4 atom %. This accuracy was comparable with calculations of incorporation based on the isotope envelope. Furthermore, this method can be extended to the calculation of the labeling efficiency for a wide range of biomolecules, including RNA and DNA. The technique will therefore allow a highly accurate determination of the carbon flux in microbial consortia with a direct approach based solely on LC-MS.The metabolic incorporation of stable isotopes such as 13C or 15N into proteins has become a powerful component of qualitative and quantitative proteome studies (1). Incorporation of heavy isotopes can be used to analyze microbial processes such as turnover rates and also to help to establish structure-function relationships within microbial communities. Stable isotope probing (SIP1) techniques based on DNA-SIP (2) and RNA-SIP (3) have been used for this purpose previously. With the introduction of protein-SIP (4), the need for an accurate alternative method for calculating label incorporation into biomolecules arose. Protein-SIP has several advantages compared with DNA/RNA-SIP, the most important being its capacity to detect dynamic levels of incorporation, whereas only labeled or unlabeled states can be categorized by means of DNA/RNA-SIP because of the need to separate 13C-DNA/RNA by density gradient centrifugation. Quantitative analysis of 13C incorporation levels is of the utmost importance, especially when unraveling carbon fluxes through either microbial communities or food webs with different trophic levels.In contrast to the incorporation of isotopically labeled amino acids, which is often used in quantitative proteomics (5), metabolic labeling by growth substrates and nutrients (e.g. salts) is often imperfect and makes the processing of mass spectrometry (MS) data difficult. For example, when the incorporation of 13C exceeds ∼2 atom %, common database search algorithms fail to identify peptides and proteins. The problem can only be managed successfully if a stable, known degree of 13C incorporation can be achieved during the experiment (6). Using a low labeling efficiency of roughly 5 atom %, Huttlin et al. (6) chose the altered envelope chain for calculating the incorporation and simultaneously used the signal intensity for a quantitative comparison with the sample that had a natural abundance of 13C. Database approaches for peptide identification can cope only with the natural abundance of carbon isotopes; they fail if the incorporation of 13C significantly exceeds the natural isotope abundance or if incorporation patterns occur in unpredictable ways (7).The simplest method for determining the incorporation level is to compare the unlabeled average mass of the monoisotopic peptide with the mass of the labeled protein, as estimated by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization or electrospray ionization MS (8, 9). A more advanced approach for determining the isotopic mass distribution of peptides is based on the isotopic distribution of the peaks of a peptide envelope (10, 11). Here, for a given isotopomer, the incorporation efficiency is defined as the percentage of incorporated 13C atoms with relation to the total number of carbon atoms with the natural isotope abundance (approximately 1.01 atom % 13C). As a reference, the theoretical isotopic distribution of a peptide is calculated based upon an algorithm described elsewhere (12). The isotope distribution of both unlabeled and labeled peptides can subsequently be used to calculate the incorporation level. For this method, an Excel spreadsheet (ProSIPQuant.xls) was developed (4). A similar approach, also based on the calculation of isotopic distributions, has been used in other studies (7). In these studies, however, the identification of the peptides is limited to those that have unlabeled counterparts; in addition, an exact calculation can be hampered by overlapping signals coming from additional peaks with similar masses.In the present study, we describe a new way of determining the isotope incorporation level. Our method makes use of characteristic patterns in the digits after the decimal point of the peptide masses generated by high-accuracy instruments such as the linear ion trap LTQ-Orbitrap (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bremen, Germany). For tryptic peptides, typical regularities in the decimal places of the monoisotopic masses have been observed (13, 14). These observations have been explored in detail for theoretical and experimental data of proteins originating from Helicobacter pylori (15). As a result, a rule called the “half decimal place rule” (HDPR) was defined; it states that the decimal place is nearly half of the first digit for tryptic peptides with masses in the range of 500–1,000 Da. In other words, the exact mass of a peptide is equal to its nominal mass times ∼1.005. Because the difference between 12C and 13C is slightly greater than 1 Da, exactly 1.0033548378, the decimal places of a tryptic peptide''s mass are shifted in a regular manner by the incorporation level and lead to a significantly increased slope for the digits in the third and fourth place after the decimal point. This shift can be used to estimate the incorporation level of heavy isotopes into the protein. Detecting such shifts requires the highly accurate measurement possible with modern mass spectrometers such as the LTQ-Orbitrap, the Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance, or the quadrupole time of flight. In this communication, we demonstrate the applicability of this approach using Pseudomonas putida ML2 proteins labeled uniformly via the consumption of [13C6]benzene with five different substrate concentrations (0, 10, 25, 50, and 100 atom % of 13C). The 13C incorporation was calculated based on several labeled peptides derived from different proteins in one SDS-PAGE band. By these means, we have established a method that allows the determination of 13C incorporation into proteins and can be used to assess the metabolic activity of a given species within a mixed community.  相似文献   
Little is known about what dictates the round shape of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae nucleus. In spo7Delta mutants, the nucleus is misshapen, exhibiting a single protrusion. The Spo7 protein is part of a phosphatase complex that represses phospholipid biosynthesis. Here, we report that the nuclear protrusion of spo7Delta mutants colocalizes with the nucleolus, whereas the nuclear compartment containing the bulk of the DNA is unaffected. Using strains in which the nucleolus is not intimately associated with the nuclear envelope, we show that the single nuclear protrusion of spo7Delta mutants is not a result of nucleolar expansion, but rather a property of the nuclear membrane. We found that in spo7Delta mutants the peripheral endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane was also expanded. Because the nuclear membrane and the ER are contiguous, this finding indicates that in spo7Delta mutants all ER membranes, with the exception of the membrane surrounding the bulk of the DNA, undergo expansion. Our results suggest that the nuclear envelope has distinct domains that differ in their ability to resist membrane expansion in response to increased phospholipid biosynthesis. We further propose that in budding yeast there is a mechanism, or structure, that restricts nuclear membrane expansion around the bulk of the DNA.  相似文献   
A broad spectrum of fungal antagonists was evaluated as potential biocontrol agents (BCAs) against the soil-borne pathogen Rhizoctonia solani using a new combination of in vitro and in vivo assays. The in vitro characterisation of diverse parameters including the ability to parasitise mycelium and to inhibit the germination of Rhizoctonia sclerotia at different temperatures resulted in the selection of six potential fungal antagonists. These were genotypically characterised by their BOX-PCR fingerprints, and identified as Trichoderma reesei and T. viride by partial 18S rDNA sequencing. When potato sprouts were treated with Trichoderma, all isolates significantly reduced the incidence of Rhizoctonia symptoms. Evaluated under growth chamber conditions, the selected Trichoderma isolates either partly or completely controlled the dry mass loss of lettuce caused by R. solani. Furthermore, the antagonistic Trichoderma strains were active under field conditions. To analyse the effect of Trichoderma treatment on indigenous root-associated microbial communities, we performed a DNA-dependent SSCP (Single-Strand Conformation Polymorphism) analysis of 16S rDNA/ITS sequences. In this first assessment study for Trichoderma it was shown that the pathogen and the vegetation time had much more influence on the composition of the microbiota than the BCA treatment. After evaluation of all results, three Trichoderma strains originally isolated from Rhizoctonia sclerotia were selected as promising BCAs.  相似文献   
1999-2003年,在捷克共和国特布盆地生物圈保护区(Tebo Basin Biosphere Reserve)内,我们对13个采矿后形成的人工湖中水鸟群落的形成过程进行了研究.我们假定生活在邻近鱼塘中的水鸟会逐渐向这些人工湖迁移和聚集.在这些人工湖中共记录到42种水鸟,隶属于10个目,其中17种典型的海滨鸟类是该群落的重要组成部分.这些水鸟的季节动态过程与各物种自身的生活史阶段有关(如筑巢、迁徙),同时也被人类的采矿活动所影响.环境因素和人类干扰影响了绿头鸭(Anas platyrhynchos)、疣鼻天鹅(Cygnus olor)和凤头鸊鷉(Podiceps cristatus) 等优势种的分布.沙坑湖作为一种独特的生境为本保护区的濒危物种提供了栖息地,如:小苇(开鸟)(Ixobrychus minutus)、大苇莺(Acrocephalus arundinaceus)及其它潜在分布的鸟类.对南波西米亚地区沙坑湖鸟类的研究,可为其它相似地区水鸟群落演替研究提供了重要经验  相似文献   
Species distributional or trait data based on range map (extent‐of‐occurrence) or atlas survey data often display spatial autocorrelation, i.e. locations close to each other exhibit more similar values than those further apart. If this pattern remains present in the residuals of a statistical model based on such data, one of the key assumptions of standard statistical analyses, that residuals are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d), is violated. The violation of the assumption of i.i.d. residuals may bias parameter estimates and can increase type I error rates (falsely rejecting the null hypothesis of no effect). While this is increasingly recognised by researchers analysing species distribution data, there is, to our knowledge, no comprehensive overview of the many available spatial statistical methods to take spatial autocorrelation into account in tests of statistical significance. Here, we describe six different statistical approaches to infer correlates of species’ distributions, for both presence/absence (binary response) and species abundance data (poisson or normally distributed response), while accounting for spatial autocorrelation in model residuals: autocovariate regression; spatial eigenvector mapping; generalised least squares; (conditional and simultaneous) autoregressive models and generalised estimating equations. A comprehensive comparison of the relative merits of these methods is beyond the scope of this paper. To demonstrate each method's implementation, however, we undertook preliminary tests based on simulated data. These preliminary tests verified that most of the spatial modeling techniques we examined showed good type I error control and precise parameter estimates, at least when confronted with simplistic simulated data containing spatial autocorrelation in the errors. However, we found that for presence/absence data the results and conclusions were very variable between the different methods. This is likely due to the low information content of binary maps. Also, in contrast with previous studies, we found that autocovariate methods consistently underestimated the effects of environmental controls of species distributions. Given their widespread use, in particular for the modelling of species presence/absence data (e.g. climate envelope models), we argue that this warrants further study and caution in their use. To aid other ecologists in making use of the methods described, code to implement them in freely available software is provided in an electronic appendix.  相似文献   
The successional dental lamina (SDL) plays an essential role in the development of replacement teeth in diphyodont and polyphyodont animals. A morphologically similar structure, the rudimental successional dental lamina (RSDL), has been described in monophyodont (only one tooth generation) lizards on the lingual side of the developing functional tooth. This rudimentary lamina regresses, which has been proposed to play a role in preventing the formation of future generations of teeth. A similar rudimentary lingual structure has been reported associated with the first molar in the monophyodont mouse, and we show that this structure is common to all murine molars. Intriguingly, a lingual lamina is also observed on the non-replacing molars of other diphyodont mammals (pig and hedgehog), initially appearing very similar to the successional dental lamina on the replacing teeth. We have analyzed the morphological as well as ultrastructural changes that occur during the development and loss of this molar lamina in the mouse, from its initiation at late embryonic stages to its disappearance at postnatal stages. We show that loss appears to be driven by a reduction in cell proliferation, down-regulation of the progenitor marker Sox2, with only a small number of cells undergoing programmed cell death. The lingual lamina was associated with the dental stalk, a short epithelial connection between the tooth germ and the oral epithelium. The dental stalk remained in contact with the oral epithelium throughout tooth development up to eruption when connective tissue and numerous capillaries progressively invaded the dental stalk. The buccal side of the dental stalk underwent keratinisation and became part of the gingival epithelium, while most of the lingual cells underwent programmed cell death and the tissue directly above the erupting tooth was shed into the oral cavity.  相似文献   
The intercellular communication mediated by extracellular vesicles (EVs) has gained international interest during the last decade. Interfering with the mechanisms regulating this cellular process might find application particularly in oncology where cancer cell‐derived EVs play a role in tumour microenvironment transformation. Although several mechanisms were ascribed to explain the internalization of EVs, little is our knowledge about the fate of their cargos, which are crucial to mediate their function. We recently demonstrated a new intracellular pathway in which a fraction of endocytosed EV‐associated proteins is transported into the nucleoplasm of the host cell via a subpopulation of late endosomes penetrating into the nucleoplasmic reticulum. Silencing tetraspanin CD9 both in EVs and recipient cells strongly decreased the endocytosis of EVs and abolished the nuclear transfer of their cargos. Here, we investigated whether monovalent Fab fragments derived from 5H9 anti‐CD9 monoclonal antibody (referred hereafter as CD9 Fab) interfered with these cellular processes. To monitor the intracellular transport of proteins, we used fluorescent EVs containing CD9‐green fluorescent protein fusion protein and various melanoma cell lines and bone marrow‐derived mesenchymal stromal cells as recipient cells. Interestingly, CD9 Fab considerably reduced EV uptake and the nuclear transfer of their proteins in all examined cells. In contrast, the divalent CD9 antibody stimulated both events. By impeding intercellular communication in the tumour microenvironment, CD9 Fab‐mediated inhibition of EV uptake, combined with direct targeting of cancerous cells could lead to the development of novel anti‐melanoma therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   
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