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Transplantation experiments are a useful method to identify responses of organisms to environmental change. However, they are typically restricted to single or few species. Our experiment was carried out using entire bromeliad‐inhabiting microfauna communities which were transplanted along an elevational gradient, simulating environmental change acting on the communities. Additionally, we manipulated trophic interactions, i.e. resource availability and predator presence, thus combining abiotic and biotic effects in a full‐factorial experimental design. Using this experiment, we found a strong signal of original elevation in microfauna community structure (abundance, evenness, functional composition) with a shift from amoeba‐dominated to flagellate‐dominated communities with increasing original elevation. Surprisingly, the transplantation of communities along the elevational gradient did not affect community structure, indicating strong priority effects. Predation decreased microfauna abundance and increased microfauna evenness, specifically in higher original elevation and high resource levels. In summary, our results suggest that microfauna communities in bromeliads might be primarily shaped by priority effects and predator presence. However, interacting effects (between predator presence and resource availability, as well as between predator presence and original elevation) highlight the usefulness of studies with full‐factorial experimental designs to understand community‐structuring processes. Bromeliads and other micro‐ecosystems provide convenient study systems for community level approaches that could be used in future studies concerning the effects of environmental change, for example climate change on community structure.  相似文献   
Essentially any behavior in simple and complex animals depends on neuronal network function. Currently, the best-defined system to study neuronal circuits is the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, as the connectivity of its 302 neurons is exactly known. Individual neurons can be activated by photostimulation of Channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) using blue light, allowing to directly probe the importance of a particular neuron for the respective behavioral output of the network under study. In analogy, other excitable cells can be inhibited by expressing Halorhodopsin from Natronomonas pharaonis (NpHR) and subsequent illumination with yellow light. However, inhibiting C. elegans neurons using NpHR is difficult. Recently, proton pumps from various sources were established as valuable alternative hyperpolarizers. Here we show that archaerhodopsin-3 (Arch) from Halorubrum sodomense and a proton pump from the fungus Leptosphaeria maculans (Mac) can be utilized to effectively inhibit excitable cells in C. elegans. Arch is the most powerful hyperpolarizer when illuminated with yellow or green light while the action spectrum of Mac is more blue-shifted, as analyzed by light-evoked behaviors and electrophysiology. This allows these tools to be combined in various ways with ChR2 to analyze different subsets of neurons within a circuit. We exemplify this by means of the polymodal aversive sensory ASH neurons, and the downstream command interneurons to which ASH neurons signal to trigger a reversal followed by a directional turn. Photostimulating ASH and subsequently inhibiting command interneurons using two-color illumination of different body segments, allows investigating temporal aspects of signaling downstream of ASH.  相似文献   
Chip-based flow-through PCR implements the PCR as a continuous process for nucleic acid analytics. The sample is transported in a winding channel through temperature zones required for denaturation, annealing and extension. Main fields of application are the monitoring of continuous processes for rapid identification of contaminants and quality control as well as high throughput screening of cells or microorganisms. A modular arrangement with five heating zones for flow-through PCR is discussed and evaluated. The special heater arrangement allows the implementation of up to 40 cycles on the footprint of a microscope slide, which is placed on top ofa 5 zones heating plate. Liquid/liquid two phase flow of PCR reaction mixture and mineral oil have been applied to create a segmented flow process scheme. In that way, the developed system may provide flow-through PCR as a unit operation for the droplet based microfluidics platform. The single use of disposable devices is commonly preferred due to the sensitivity of the PCR process to contaminations. All-glass microfluidic chips and disposable chip devices, made from polycarbonate as a replication with identically geometry, have been fabricated and tested. For the first time, microchannel geometries with nearly circular profile developed by all-glass technology have been transferred to mass fabrication by injection compression molding. Both devices have been successfully applied for the detection of the tumor suppressor gene p53. Although product yield and selectivity of the amplification process do not depend on the chip material, a well defined, reliable segmented flow regime could only be realized in the all-glass chip.  相似文献   
Species distributional or trait data based on range map (extent‐of‐occurrence) or atlas survey data often display spatial autocorrelation, i.e. locations close to each other exhibit more similar values than those further apart. If this pattern remains present in the residuals of a statistical model based on such data, one of the key assumptions of standard statistical analyses, that residuals are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d), is violated. The violation of the assumption of i.i.d. residuals may bias parameter estimates and can increase type I error rates (falsely rejecting the null hypothesis of no effect). While this is increasingly recognised by researchers analysing species distribution data, there is, to our knowledge, no comprehensive overview of the many available spatial statistical methods to take spatial autocorrelation into account in tests of statistical significance. Here, we describe six different statistical approaches to infer correlates of species’ distributions, for both presence/absence (binary response) and species abundance data (poisson or normally distributed response), while accounting for spatial autocorrelation in model residuals: autocovariate regression; spatial eigenvector mapping; generalised least squares; (conditional and simultaneous) autoregressive models and generalised estimating equations. A comprehensive comparison of the relative merits of these methods is beyond the scope of this paper. To demonstrate each method's implementation, however, we undertook preliminary tests based on simulated data. These preliminary tests verified that most of the spatial modeling techniques we examined showed good type I error control and precise parameter estimates, at least when confronted with simplistic simulated data containing spatial autocorrelation in the errors. However, we found that for presence/absence data the results and conclusions were very variable between the different methods. This is likely due to the low information content of binary maps. Also, in contrast with previous studies, we found that autocovariate methods consistently underestimated the effects of environmental controls of species distributions. Given their widespread use, in particular for the modelling of species presence/absence data (e.g. climate envelope models), we argue that this warrants further study and caution in their use. To aid other ecologists in making use of the methods described, code to implement them in freely available software is provided in an electronic appendix.  相似文献   
In callus cultures of Taxus baccata grown on agar media according to Murashige and Skoog supplemented with different growth hormones 8 taxol analogues were identified.  相似文献   
The present investigation was done to understand the fungal-fungal interactions mechanisms based on level of nonspecific adhesion of a potential fungal mycoparasite (Trichoderma) to their fungal host (Macrophomina phaseolina). The relative cell surface hydrophobicity (CSH) and cell surface electrostatic charge (CSEC) of 29 isolates of Trichoderma species, analyzed by bacterial adhesion to hydrocarbon (BATH), hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC), microelectrophoresis and contact angle, revealed a large degree of variability. CSH and CSEC of conidia depended on culture age, pH and temperature. Maximum CSH and CSEC were recorded in 25–28 °C range, and both declined significantly with increasing temperature. Isolate Trichoderma hazianum (Th)-23/98 expressed surface hydrophobicity at 25–28 °C and hydrophilicity at 40 °C. Surface hydrophobicity of the isolate was susceptible to various proteases (trypsin, pepsin, proteinase k and a-chymotrypsin) and inhibitors (SDS, mercaptoethanol and Triton X-100) and a significant reduction in CSH was recorded in hydrophobic conidia. Hydrophilic conidia remained more or less unaffected by such treatments. SDS-PAGE analysis of the hydrophobic and hydrophilic conidia exhibited several protein bands in the 25 to 61 kDa range. However, each protein population contained one protein that was not observed in the other population. For hydrophobic conidia, the unique protein had an apparent molecular mass of 49 kDa, while the unique protein associated with hydrophilic conidia had a molecular mass of 61 kDa. Our findings suggest that CSH and CSEC of mycoparasitic Trichoderma may contribute to non-specific adhesion on to the sclerotial surfaces of Macrophomina phaseolina that may be influenced by growth and environmental conditions.  相似文献   
The content of phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) was determined in samples of polyvinyl alcohol lenses (Lentikats Biocatalyst, LB) with encapsulated Paracoccus denitrificans withdrawn during long-term denitrification experiments. The total PLFA content correlated highly with specific denitrification activities of LB as well as biomass estimation based on image analyses of microscopic photos. The results confirmed the applicability of PLFA determination for estimation of the amount of living encapsulated microbial biomass during biotechnological applications.  相似文献   
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