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The potency of the tricyclic antidepressant nortriptyline (NT) relative to that of its major metabolite (E-10-hydroxynortriptyline; E-10-OH-NT) to inhibit the uptake of noradrenaline in rat brain slices incubated in human plasma was 1.75 ± S.D. 0.30. The E- and Z-isomers of 10-OH-NT were equipotent. Hydroxy-metabolites of NT or amitriptyline did not inhibited the neuronal uptake of serotonin.During treatment of 87 patients with NT or amitriptyline the mean ratio between the plasma levels of unconjugated 10-OH-NT and NT was 1.40 ± S.D. 0.86 with a range of 0.32 – 5.0. This ratio increased with age. There was a significant correlation between the plasma levels of the two compounds (r = 0.63; p < 0.001). In three patients treated with NT, the CSF levels of the parent drug and unconjugated 10-OH-NT were similar and about 5 % of the plasma levels.These results indicate that during treatment with NT (or amitriptyline) 10-OH-NT contributes to the effect of these drugs on central noradrenergic neurons. This seems to be of special significance in the elderly.  相似文献   
To identify cells developing into adipocytes by accumulation of triglyceride, rat epididymal fat pad cells from small rats were exposed to (3)H-labeled chylomicron fatty acids in vivo and then liberated with collagenase. Tissue remnants were removed by filtration and mature fat cells by flotation. Aggregating cells were then removed by filtration through a 25- micro m nylon screen. Further purification of cells labeled in vivo was obtained by removing floating cells from those adhering to the bottom of a culture dish. The adhering cells multiplied to a confluent monolayer when cultured in Medium 199 containing serum, glucose, insulin, and a triglyceride emulsion. The cells then gradually enlarged due to granulation of the cytoplasm by a lipid-staining material. After about 2 weeks these granules had coalesced forming mature adipocytes of typical signet-ring appearance. Free adipocytes could then be recovered from the cultures by collagenase treatment. After about 2 weeks of culture these cells had the same size (about 30 micro m) as adipocytes recovered in the original collagenase preparation of the rat epididymal fat pad. They contained triglyceride lipase activity and incorporated glucose into triglycerides to the same extent as cells developed in vivo but had higher lipoprotein lipase activity. In vitro, heparin in a low concentration, prostaglandin E(1), isobutylmethylxanthine, and cholera toxin markedly promoted the development of these cells into adipocytes. This could be shown to occur almost completely indicating that this fraction of cells was homogeneous and consisted of cells with the capacity to form adipocytes. The duplication time was about 2 days and did not change with subculturing. Preadipocytes could be obtained by density gradient centrifugation, isolating triglyceride-containing cells either directly from the pad or after 3 days in culture. All of these cells developed into adipocytes as described above but did not multiply as readily. It was concluded that cells from the epididymal fat pad from small rats can be isolated in a homogenous fraction that develops in culture into cells of identical morphology and function as adipocytes formed in vivo. The differentiation of these cells into adipocytes may be manipulated in vitro.  相似文献   
Microvillus aminopeptidase (EC is an enzyme with a molecular weight around 300 000. Normal preparations contain three different subunits (subunit A, Mr 162 000; subunit B, Mr 123 000; subunit C, Mr 61 000). The relationship between the three subunits was studied by immunoelectrophoresis using specific antibodies against individual denatured subunits and by densitometric scanning of polyacrylamide gels after separation of the three subunits. The results suggest that microvillus aminopeptidase initially appears in the membrane as a symmetric molecule built up to two identical A subunits. These subunits are then split into equimolar amounts of subunit B and subunit C by trypsin. Subunit B cannot generate subunit C but may be further degraded. The reaction sequence described is one which occurs in vivo. Treatment of purified aminopeptidase with trypsin increases the specific activity twofold. This phenomenon does not seem to be correlated to the generation of subunit B and subunit C or to the transformation of amphiphilic form into hydrophilic form.  相似文献   
A Sj?holm 《FEBS letters》1991,289(2):249-252
It has been proposed that the cytokine interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta), secreted by islet-infiltrating macrophages, may be involved in the pathogenesis of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus by participation in beta-cell destruction. Addition of IL-1 beta to isolated pancreatic islets in vitro results in cytotoxic effects on beta-cell function, but there is little information on the intracellular events that convey the actions of the cytokine. In the present study, fetal rat pancreatic islets containing a high fraction of beta-cells were exposed in culture to IL-1 beta. It was found that IL-1 beta markedly decreased beta-cell DNA synthesis, insulin secretion and cyclic AMP content. In order to explore whether the decrease in cAMP resulted from IL-1 beta interaction with GTP-binding proteins coupled to adenylyl cyclase, islets were treated for 24 h with pertussis toxin prior to addition of cytokine. While this treatment restored the decrease in cAMP, the reduced DNA synthesis and insulin secretion persisted. Pertussis toxin treatment without the addition of IL-1 beta resulted in increases in cAMP, DNA synthesis and insulin secretion. Addition of the stimulatory cAMP analog Sp-cAMPS also increase DNA synthesis and insulin secretion, but failed to affect the decrease in these functions evoked by IL-1 beta. The protease inhibitor N alpha-p-tosyl-L-lysine chloromethyl ketone, recently shown to protect completely against IL-1 beta-induced suppression of insulin production and secretion, was found to markedly reduce DNA synthesis without affecting insulin secretion. When the protease inhibitor was combined with IL-1 beta, the suppressed secretion was counteracted while DNA synthesis inhibition was not. It is concluded that cAMP stimulates DNA synthesis and insulin secretion in beta-cells, but that the inhibitory effect of IL-1 beta on these functions cannot be ascribed to the decrease in cAMP evoked by the cytokine. However, the repressive effect of the cytokine on insulin secretion, but not DNA synthesis, may be prevented by protease inhibition.  相似文献   
The seasonal change in gut contents of nymphs of Isoperla grammatica and I. difformis from six streams in southern Sweden was analysed. Both species had ingested a variety of benthic prey and vegetable matter, predominantly diatoms. Some seasonality was evident with high percentages of diatoms in spring in I. grammatica, and in autumn in I. difformis. The scope of food was larger in the latter species which contained about equal proportions of vegetable matter, chironomids, mayfly, stonefly, and black fly larvae. In I. grammatica plant matter and chironomids dominated strongly, comprising > 50% of the gut contents on an annual basis, > 90 % in spring. While small nymphs of I. difformis contained a low proportion of animal matter, only gradually increasing with size, the nymphs of I. grammatica were carnivorous from very early instars. Both species switched to a temporarily strong utilization of algae in spring. This differed among sites, and appeared to reflect differences in insolation and thus the availability of algae. There was a significant negative relationship between the mean densities of Isoperla nymphs and the proportion of animal material found in the guts of I. grammatica (R 2 = 0.86). Considering the density of I. grammatica alone, the relationship was weaker (R 2 = 0.56). A positive correlation between predator and prey size was observed. With chironomid prey the size range increased with predator size. With simuliid prey, however, prey size increased with predator size in such a way that it suggests selection rather than just an expanding prey size range. Correlations were stronger and regression coefficients significantly higher for I. grammatica than for I. difformis. We suggest that I. grammatica, which ingests a much wider size range of prey might choose prey of optimal sizes more readily than the more synchronously developing I. difformis. Although the life cycles of the two species are staggered, overlap in size distribution indicates that competition for food could be important in spring. However, observed differences in diet should facilitate coexistence. Gut content differences might in turn be accomplished through microhabitat segregation.  相似文献   
In polarized epithelial cells aminopeptidase N is targeted to the apical membrane. The aim of this study was to determine whether a sorting signal is necessary for its correct transport to the apical membrane and, if so, to localize this sorting signal to one of the domains of the transmembrane protein. Anchor-minus aminopeptidase N, consisting of the hemagglutinin signal peptide including its cleavage site, and the ectoplasmic domain of human aminopeptidase N were stably expressed in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells cultured on polycarbonate filters. By measurement of the enzymatic activity it was found that the anchor-minus aminopeptidase N was secreted in a polarized manner to the apical side. As a reference the secretion of the secretory granule protein, cystatin C, was likewise studied. Cystatin C was found to be secreted in a nonpolarized manner to both domains. Our data thus show that human aminopeptidase N carries an apical sorting signal and that it is localized on the ectodomain of the enzyme.  相似文献   
Ribonucleotide reductase catalyzes the reduction of ribonucleotides to their corresponding deoxyribonucleotides via a radical-mediated mechanism. The enzyme from Escherichia coli consists of the two non-identical proteins, R1 and R2, the latter of which contains the necessary free radical located to a tyrosine residue. The radical scavenger hydroxyurea was found to reduce the tyrosyl radical of R2 in a second-order reaction. The rate constant (0.50 M-1 s-1 at 25 degrees C) for this process was several orders of magnitude lower than the hydroxyurea-dependent reduction of free tyrosyl radicals in solution. This difference probably reflects the fact that the R2 tyrosyl radical is buried in the interior of the protein. Formation of the R1R2 complex changed the susceptibility of the radical to hydroxyurea in a manner that reflects the regulatory state of the holoenzyme. Furthermore, binding of substrate or product to the holoenzyme complex made the R2 radical at least 10 times more susceptible to inactivation by hydroxyurea than it was in the isolated R2 protein. One active site mutation in the R1 protein was shown to affect the sensitivity of the tyrosyl radical of R2 differently than wild type protein R1 does. Our results clearly show that the susceptibility of the tyrosyl radical in R2 to inactivation by hydroxyurea can be used as an efficient probe for the regulatory state of the holoenzyme complex.  相似文献   
Immunoglobulin (Ig)-binding bacterial proteins have attracted theoretical interest for their role in molecular host-parasite interactions, and they are widely used as tools in immunology, biochemistry, medicine, and biotechnology. Protein L of the anaerobic bacterial species Peptostreptococcus magnus binds Ig light chains, whereas streptococcal protein G has affinity for the constant (Fc) region of IgG. In this report, Ig binding parts of protein L and protein G were combined to form a hybrid molecule, protein LG, which was found to bind a large majority of intact human Igs as well as Fc and Fab fragments, and Ig light chains. Binding to Ig was specific, and the affinity constants of the reactions between protein LG and human IgG, IgGFc fragments, and kappa light chains, determined by Scatchard plots, were 5.9 x 10(9), 2.2 x 10(9), and 2.0 x 10(9) M-1, respectively. The binding properties of protein LG were more complete as compared with previously described Ig-binding proteins when also tested against mouse and rat Igs. This hybrid protein thus represents a powerful tool for the binding, detection, and purification of antibodies and antibody fragments.  相似文献   
Pulse-chase studies combined with subcellular fractionation indicated that LpB 100 (i.e. the apoprotein B (apoB) 100 containing lipoproteins) was released to the lumen of the secretory pathway in a subcellular fraction enriched in smooth vesicles, and referred to as SMF (the smooth membrane fraction). The migration of SMF during gradient ultracentrifugation as well as kinetic studies indicated that the fraction was derived from a pre-Golgi compartment, probably the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Only small amounts of LpB 100 could be detected during these pulse-chase experiments in the subcellular fractions derived from the rough endoplasmatic reticulum (RER). SMF contained the major amount of the diacylglycerol acyltransferase activity present in the ER, while the major amount of membrane bound apoB 100 was present in the RER. Pulse-chase studies of the intracellular transfer of apoB 100 demonstrated the formation of a large membrane-bound preassembly pool in the ER, while no significant amount of apoB 100 radioactivity was present in the membrane of the Golgi apparatus. The maximal radioactivity of LpB 100, recovered from the ER or the Golgi lumen, was small compared with the radioactivity recovered from the ER membrane, indicating that the assembled LpB 100 rapidly leaves the cells. This in turn indicates that the rate-limiting step in the secretion of apoB 100 was the transfer of the protein from the ER membrane to the LpB 100 in the lumen. A portion of the intracellular pool of apoB 100 was not secreted but underwent posttranslational degradation.  相似文献   
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