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In Escherichia coli, the three branched-chain amino acid activating enzymes appear to be essential for multivalent repression of the isoleucine- and valine-forming enzymes. The results of experiments with a mutant, strain CU18, having an altered threonine deaminase, indicate that free isoleucine and some form of threonine deaminase (the product of the ilvA gene) are also involved in multivalent repression. This strain exhibits abnormally high derepressibility but normal repressibility of its ilv gene products, and its threonine deaminase is inhibited only by high concentrations of isoleucine. In strain CU18, the isoleucine analogue, thiaisoleucine, is incapable of replacing isoleucine in the multivalent repression of the ilv genes, whereas the analogue can fully replace the natural amino acid in repression in other strains examined. The dipeptide, glycyl-leucine, which, like isoleucine, is a heterotropic negative effector of threonine deaminase but is not a substrate for isoleucyl-transfer ribonucleic acid synthetase, can completely prevent the accumulation of threonine deaminase-forming potential during isoleucine starvation in strains with normal threonine deaminases. It can not, however, prevent such accumulation in strain CU18 or in other strains in which threonine deaminase is insensitive to any concentration of isoleucine.  相似文献   
Radiation hybrid mapping was used in conjunction with a natural deletion mapping panel to predict the order of and distance between 13 loci in the distal portion of the long arm of human chromosome 5. A panel of irradiation hybrids containing fragments of 5q was generated from an HPRT+ Chinese hamster-human cell hybrid containing a derivative chromosome 5 [der(5)t(4;5)(5qter----5p15.1::4p15.1----4pter)] as its only human DNA. One hundred nine radiation hybrids containing human DNA were screened with polymerase chain reaction primer sets representing nine genes encoding growth factors, growth factor receptors, or hormone receptors (IL3, IL4, IL5, CSF1R, FGFA, ADRB2, GRL, GABRA1, and DRD1) as well as four other loci (FER, SPARC, RPS14, and CD14) to generate a radiation hybrid map of the area 5q21-q35. A physical map predicting the order of and distance between the 13 loci was constructed based on segregation of the 13 loci in hybrid clones. The radiation hybrid panel will be useful as a mapping tool for determining the location and order of other genes and polymorphic loci in this region as well as for generating new DNA probes from specific regions.  相似文献   
A fine structure physical map of the short arm of chromosome 5.   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A series of somatic cell hybrids that retain abnormal chromosomes 5 from 11 different persons with deletions or translocations involving 5p have been isolated. One hundred twenty DNA fragments isolated from a genomic library enriched for sequences from 5p were regionally localized by Southern blot analysis of the hybrid cell deletion mapping panel, including five DNA fragments that reveal restriction fragment length polymorphisms. The fine structure physical map of 5p together with the identification of additional polymorphic loci will facilitate the construction of a complete linkage map of this region. In addition, DNA fragments localized to a region near the 5p15.2-5p15.3 border, which appears to be the segment of 5p that is critical in producing the phenotype associated with the cri du chat syndrome when it is rendered hemizygous by deletion, will be useful in a molecular and DNA level analysis of this deletion syndrome.  相似文献   
Isolation of polymorphic DNA fragments from human chromosome 4.   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
We have identified and characterized 40 DNA probes detecting restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) on human chromosome 4. Single copy human clones were isolated from a bacteriophage library enriched for chromosome 4 sequences. Each clone was hybridized to somatic cell hybrid DNAs for verification of its species and chromosomal origin and for regional localization. Sequences specific for chromosome 4 were tested for their ability to detect RFLPs in human DNA and their potential utility as genetic markers was assessed. Approximately 263,000 base pairs or 0.13% of the chromosome was screened for sequence variation. The estimate of heterozygosity calculated from this large body of data, H = 0.0021, indicates that the degree of sequence variation on chromosome 4 is comparable to other autosomes. The characterization of these 40 markers has tripled the number of polymorphic loci available for linkage studies on chromosome 4, making it feasible to begin construction of a detailed linkage map that will span the entire chromosome.  相似文献   
The retinal degeneration mouse (gene symbol, rd) is an animal model for certain forms of human hereditary retinopathies. Recent findings of a nonsense mutation in the rd mouse PDE β-subunit gene (Pdeb) prompted us to investigate the chromosome locations of the mouse and human genes. We have utilized backcross analysis in mice to verify and define more precisely the location of the Pdeb locus 6.1 ± 2.3 cM distal of Mgsa on mouse chromosome 5. We have determined that the human gene (PDEB) maps to 4p16.3, very close to the Huntington disease (HD) region. Analysis of the comparative map for mice and humans shows that the mouse homologue of the HD gene will reside on chromosome 5. Linkage of the mouse Pdeb locus with other homologues in the human 4p16.3 region is maintained but gene order is not, suggesting at least three possible sites for the corresponding mouse HD gene.  相似文献   
Utilizing the CEPH reference panel and genotypic data for 53 markers, we have constructed a 20-locus multipoint genetic map of human chromosome 4. New RFLPs are reported for four loci. The map integrates a high-resolution genetic map of 4p16 into a continuous map extending to 4q31 and an unlinked cluster of three loci at 4q35. The 20 linked markers form a continuous linkage group of 152 cM in males and 202 cM in females. Likely genetic locations are provided for 25 polymorphic anonymous sequences and 28 gene-specific RFLPs. The map was constructed employing the LINKAGE and CRIMAP computational methodologies to build the multipoint map via a stepwise algorithm. A detailed 10-point map of the 4p16 region constructed from the CEPH panel provides evidence for heterogeneity in the linkage maps constructed from families segregating for Huntington disease (HD). It additionally provides evidence for position-specific recombination frequencies in the telomeric region of 4p.  相似文献   
Mutations in the gene for human fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (hFGFR3) cause a variety of skeletal dysplasias, including the most common genetic form of dwarfism, achondroplasia (ACH). Evidence indicates that these phenotypes are not due to simple haploinsufficiency of FGFR3 but are more likely related to a role in negatively regulating skeletal growth. The effects of one of these mutations on FGFR3 signaling were examined by constructing chimeric receptors composed of the extracellular domain of human platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta (hPDGFR beta) and the transmembrane and intracellular domains of hFGFR3 or of an ACH (G375C) mutant. Following stable transfection in PC12 cells, which lack platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) receptors, all clonal cell lines, with either type of chimera, showed strong neurite outgrowth in the presence of PDGF but not in its absence. Antiphosphotyrosine immunoblots showed ligand-dependent autophosphorylation, and both receptor types stimulated strong phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)/extracellular signal-regulated kinase, an event associated with the differentiative response of these cells. In addition, ligand-dependent phosphorylation of phospholipase Cgamma and Shc was also observed. All of these responses were comparable to those observed from ligand activation, such as by nerve growth factor, of the native PC12 cells used to prepare the stable transfectants. The cells with the chimera bearing the ACH mutation were more rapidly responsive to ligand with less sustained MAPK activation, indicative of a preactivated or primed condition and consistent with the view that these mutations weaken ligand control of FGFR3 function. However, the full effect of the mutation likely depends in part on structural features of the extracellular domain. Although FGFR3 has been suggested to act as a negative regulator of long-bone growth in chrondrocytes, it produces differentiative signals similar to those of FGFR1, to which only positive effects have been ascribed, in PC12 cells. Therefore, its regulatory effects on bone growth likely result from cellular contexts and not the induction of a unique FGFR3 signaling pathway.  相似文献   
Two isoleucine analogues and two leucine analogues were examined for their ability to replace the natural amino acid preventing the accumulation of threonine deaminase-forming potential. The procedure used to study repression by the analogues distinguishes between true repression and the formation of inactive enzyme by the analogue in question. The leucine analogue 4-azaleucine was found to replace leucine in multivalent repression of threonine deaminase-forming potential in Escherichia coli but not in Salmonella typhimurium. Another leucine analogue, trifluoroleucine, was only partially effective in causing repression in either organism. The isoleucine analogue 4-azaisoleucine was ineffective in replacing isoleucine in repression. In contrast, 4-thiaisoleucine effectively replaced isoleucine in the repression of threonine deaminase-forming potential in S. typhimurium and E. coli.  相似文献   
The derepression of the isoleucine and valine biosynthetic enzymes in Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium was examined under conditions of restriction of isoleucine, valine, or leucine (the three amino acids needed for multivalent repression of these enzymes). A procedure was used that allowed the measurement of enzyme-forming potential that accumulated during the starvation period, but could not be expressed unless the missing amino acid was supplied. The threonine deaminase (the product of the ilvA gene)-forming potential that accumulated under such conditions was found to be unstable and decayed with a half-life of about 2.5 min (at 37 C). Evidence was obtained that indicates the threonine deaminase-forming potential that accumulates under conditions of isoleucine starvation is in the form of initiated (rifampin-resistant), but uncompleted (actinomycin D-sensitive), messenger ribonucleic acid chains. Furthermore, it appears that a large portion of the threonine deaminase- and dehydrase (the product of the ilvD gene)-forming potential, under such conditions, is in the form of initiated polypeptide chains. Based on these results and results obtained with SuA(-) strains, a model is presented that explains how the second gene (D) in the ilvADE operon can be partially transcribed and translated under conditions in which there are no completed messenger ribonucleic acids for the gene (A) transcribed before it.  相似文献   
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