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X chromosome dosage compensation in Marsupials is like that in eutherian mammals except that the paternal X chromosome is always inactive, and silence of this chromosome is not well maintained. We previously showed that the unstable inactivation of the paternal G6PD allele is associated with the lack of DNA methylation in the 5' CpG cluster. Even though this CpG island is unmethylated, the paternal allele (marked by an enzyme variant) is at least partially and often severely repressed in most tissues of the opossum, so that factors other than methylation must inactivate the locus. Here we report that when cell cultures are established from these tissues, the silent G6PD locus is depressed. Although often complete, the extent of derepression differs among tissues and within different cell types in the same tissue, and is not accompanied by obvious changes in the pattern of chromosome replication. Studies of the HPRT locus in these cells show that the paternal HPRT allele also derepresses in cultured cells. These observations suggest that without DNA methylation to maintain the silence of the locus, tissue or cell-specific factors act to repress the silent locus, but are unable to maintain inactivity through cell division, or are lost as cells proliferate in culture.  相似文献   
Jan A. Veenstra   《FEBS letters》1989,250(2):231-234
Corazonin, a new cardioaccelerating peptide, has been isolated from the corpora cardiaca of the American cockroach, Periplaneta americana, and its structure determined to be Glp-Thr-Phe-Gln-Tyr-Ser-Arg-Gly-Trp-Thr-Asn-amide. The peptide stimulated heart beat at concentrations as low as 0.2 nM, which makes it the most potent insect cardioactive neuropeptide.  相似文献   
Abstract In the process of methanogenesis, 5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin (H4MPT) is the carrier of the C1 unit at the formyl through methyl state of reduction. By the transfer of a formyl group from formylmethanofuran, 5-formyl- and 10-formyl-H4MPT are formed in hydrogenotrophic and methylotrophic organisms, respectively. Cyclohydrolysis of the 5- and 10-formyl derivatives then yields 5,10-methenyl-H4MPT, which is reduced in two subsequent coenzyme F420-dependent reactions to 5-methyl-H4MPT. Following the transfer of the methyl group to coenzyme M, the substrate of the terminal step in methanogenesis, methylcoenzyme M, is produced. In this paper properties of the enzymes catalyzing the individual H4MPT-dependent reactions are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary Endocytosis via the hyaluronic acid/chondroitin sulphate receptor of rat liver endothelial cells was studied ultrastructurally, by use of a probe consisting of chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan attached to 15-nm gold particles. The probe bound to the surface of the cells exclusively in coated regions of the plasma membrane. Internalization at 37° C took place in less than one minute during which time interval the bound probe was transferred to coated vesicles. Further transfer to lysosomes was delayed in association with an accumulation of probes in a prelysosomal compartment consisting of large vacuoles in which probes lined the inner aspect of the membrane. Transport to lysosomes occurred only after a lag phase of at least 40–60 min at 37° C.Abbreviations CS chondroitin sulphate - CSPG chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan - CSPG-Au CSPG-gold complex - EM electronmicroscopical or electron microscopy - HA hyaluronic acid - KC Kuppfer cells - LEC liver endothelial cells - PC parenchymal cells - RES reticuloendothelial system  相似文献   
Accompanying the CAM induction of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L. grown in high salinity there are changes in the enzymes of carbon metabolism. However, there are no changes in the electron transport activities, Chla/b ratios or in the distribution of chlorophyll amongst the various pigment-protein complexes of isolated thylakoids. Hence with CAM induction there are no changes in the photochemical apparatus of M. crystallinum thylakoids. Despite comparable amounts of chlorophylla/b-proteins of photosystem II to those found in typical C3 sun plants, both the C3 and CAM M. crystallinum chloroplasts have relatively more photosystem II, and, concommitantly, less photosystem I complex. This is consistent with greater fluorescence emission at 685 and 695 nm, and lower emission at 735 nm (measured at 77 K) than typically found for C3 plants, whether sun or shade species. Photoinhibition of isolated C3 and CAM thylakoids by white light led to comparable decreases in electron transport capacities and fluorescence emission at 77 K with photosystem II being more affected than PSI. We suggest however, that the presence of more core PSII complexes relative to PSI complexes in this CAM-inducible plant, may provide an additional strategy to mitigate photoinhibition in the short-term.  相似文献   
The transfer of excitation energy in intact cells of the thermophilic green photosynthetic bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus was studied both at low temperature and under more physiological conditions. Analysis of excitation spectra measured at 4K indicates that the minor fraction of bacteriochlorophyll a present in the chlorosome functions as an intermediate in energy transfer between the main light-harvesting pigment BChl c and the membrane-bound B808-866 antenna complex. This supports the hypothesis that BChl a is associated with the base plate which connects the chlorosome with the membrane. The overall efficiency for energy transfer from the chlorosome to the membrane is only 15% at 4K. High efficiencies of close to 100% are observed above 40°C near the temperature where the cultures are grown. Cooling to 20°C resulted in a sudden drop of the transfer efficiency which appeared to originate in the chlorosome. This decrease may be related to a lipid phase transition. Further cooling mainly affected the efficiency of transfer between the chlorosome and the membrane. This effect can only partially be explained by a decreased Förster overlap between the chlorosomal BChl a and BChl a 808 associated with the membrane-bound antenna system. The temperature dependence of the fluorescence yield of BChl a 866 also appeared to be affected by lipid phase transitions, suggesting that this fluorescence can be used as a native probe of the physical state of the membrane.  相似文献   
Summary The on-line estimation of biomass concentration and of three variable parameters of the non-linear model of continuous cultivation by an extended Kalman filter is demonstrated. Yeast growth in aerobic conditions on an ethanol substrate is represented by an unstructured non-linear stochastic t-variant dynamic model. The filter algorithm uses easily accessible data concerning the input substrate concentration, its concentration in the fermentor and dilution rate, and estimates the biomass concentration, maximum specific growth rate, saturation constant and substrate yield coefficient. The microorganismCandida utilis, strain Vratimov, was cultivated on the ethanol substrate. The filter results obtained with the real data from one cultivation experiment are presented. The practical possibility of using this method for on-line estimation of biomass concentration, which is difficult to measure, is discussed.Nomenclature D dilution rate (h-1) - DO2 dissolved oxygen concentration (%) - E identity matrix - F Jacobi matrix of the deterministic part of the system equations g - g continuousn-vector non-linear real function - h m-vector non-linear real function - K Kalman filter gain matrix - K S saturation constant (kgm-3) - KS expectation of the saturation constant estimate - M Jacobi matrix of the deterministic part of the measurement equations h - P(t0) co-variance matrix of the initial values of the state - P(tk/tk) c-variance matrix of the error in (t k|t k) - P(tk+1/tk) co-variance matrix of the error in (t k+1|t k - Q co-variance matrix of the state noise - R co-variance matrix of the output noise - S substrate concentration (kgm-3) - S i input substrate concentration - t time - t k discrete time instant with indexk=0, 1, 2,... - u(t) input vector - v(tk) measurement (output) noise sequence - w(t) n-vector white Gaussian random process - x(t0) initial state of the system - (t0) expectation of the initial state values - x(t) n-dimensional state vector - x(tk) state vector at the time instantt k - (tk|tk) expectation of the state estimate at timet k when measurements are known to the timet k - (tk+1|tk) expectation of the state prediction - X biomass concentration (kgm-3) - expectation of the biomass concentration estimate - y(tk) m-dimensional output vector at the time instantt k - Y XIS substrate yield coefficient - X|S expectation of the substrate yield coefficient estimate - specific growth rate (h-1) - M maximum specific growth rate (h-1) - expectation of the maximum specific growth rate estimate - state transition matrix  相似文献   
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