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Summary Labelling of renal tubule cytosomes with electron dense iron granules can be attained by daily intramuscular injections to mice of an iron sorbitol citric-acid compound in a total of approximately 50 mg Fe+++/100 g of body weight. The labelled cytosomes correspond to secondary lysosomes and represent heterolysosomes or ambilysosomes. The evidence suggests that tubule and lysosome function are undisturbed by the labelling procedure. The use of this method for fine structural studies of the interaction between secondary lysosomes and other cytoplasmic organelles and elements is indicated.Microbodies do not incorporate administered Fe+++. The morphological observations support the opinion that these bodies are formed in specialized portions of the smooth surfaced endoplasmic reticulum of proximal tubule cells.Supported in part by grants from the Swedish Medical Research Council (Projects No. K 67-12x-1006-2, B 67-12x-1006-02K, K 68-12x-1006-03, and B 69-12x-1006-04A). The assistance of Miss Silwa Mengarelli and Miss Britt-Marie Pettersson is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es wurden mit histochemischen Methoden Milchdrüsen von Meerschweinchen in physiologischer und durch Kastration während der Laktationsperiode hervorgerufener Involution untersucht. Nachgewiesen wurden alkalische und saure Phosphatase (APh und SPh), unspezifische Esterase, Sukzinodehydrase, SH-Gruppen, Nukleinsäuren und Lipide. — Die Aktivität der SPh nimmt während der Involution zu. Die Bedeutung dieses Enzyms für den Rückbildungsprozeß des Drüsengewebes wird diskutiert. — Das Vorkommen der APh-Aktivität in Drüsenendstücken im Involutionsstadium kann auf die Beteiligung dieses Enzyms an der Rückresorption der mit der Milch ausgeschiedenen Substanzen hinweisen. — Zwischen der Aktivität der unspezifischen Esterase und dem Gehalt sowie der Lokalisation von Lipiden besteht eine Abhängigkeit. — Es konnten keine Unterschiede in der Sukzinodehydraseaktivität und dem DNS-Gehalt aufgezeigt werden. — Die Verminderung von SH-Gruppen und RNS hängt mit dem Aufhören der Sekretionsproduktion durch die Zellen der Drüsenendstücke der Milchdrüsen zusammen.
Histochemical studies on the involution mechanism of the mammary gland
Summary Histochemical methods were used to study mammary glands of guinea pigs in the course of physiologic involution and that induced by castration during lactation. Alkaline and acid phosphatases, unspecific esterase, succinic dehydrogenase, SH groups, nucleic acids and lipids were determined. Acid phosphatase activity was found to be increased in mammary glands, subject to involution. The participation of the enzyme in the involutionary process of the gland tissue is discussed. The distribution of alkaline phosphatase in the secretory sections of the gland during involution would suggest the participation of the enzyme in the reabsorption of the substance secreted with milk. A correlation existing between the activity of unspecific esterase, the level and distribution of lipids in the mammary gland could be established. No differences were detected in the activity of succinic dehydrogenase and DNA level. A decrease in SH groups and RNA content is related to cessation of milk secretion.
The change in specific airway conductance produced by smoking a cigarette under standard conditions was measured in 91 heavy smokers. Subsequently 19 of the most reactive subjects smoked two cigarettes with different filters and another containing cigar tobacco. The results indicated that reactivity to cigarette smoke was reduced significantly by increasing the retention efficiency of the filter and that reactivity to inhaled cigar-tobacco smoke was no less than that to cigarette smoke.  相似文献   
An investigation was made of the anatomical structure of the shoot apex ofSenecio vulgaris L. a photoperiodically neutral plant, and compared with the formation of successive leaf primordia along the axis up to the initiation of the terminal inflorescence. In the shoot apex of a germinating plant a central zone can first be distinguished from the peripheral zone which is composed of small and intensely stained cells. Later, a rib meristem appears. At the time of the initiation of the middle (the largest) leaves, the shoot apex has a distinct small central zone and a well developed peripheral zone and rib meristem. Between these zones there is a group of cells dividing in all directions, the subcentral zone. At the time of initiation of the last leaves, the central zone extends to the flanks and gradually ceases to be distinguishable. At the same time, the subcentral zone increases in size. This is caused first by cell division and later, with the initiation of the last, most reduced leaves, by enlargement of the cells. Vacuolization in the inner part of the apex and the arrangement of the superficial cells in rows parallel to the surface of the apex, is a preparatory step to the initiation of the inflorescence.  相似文献   
Oscillatory flow in the lung is studied using an order-of-magnitude analysis and flow visualization experiments in a single bifurcation with lung-like geometry. The results are used to obtain a classification scheme that identifies three major flow regimes, distinguished on the basis of whether the flow is dominated by unsteadiness, viscous effects, or the effects of convective acceleration. The unsteady regime is found to exist for values of a dimensionless stroke length (L/a, i.e., stroke volume/local cross-sectional area) less than or equal to 3 and for values of a dimensionless frequency (alpha 2 = alpha 2 omega/nu, where alpha is airway radius, omega the oscillatory frequency, and nu the kinematic viscosity) less than or equal to 10 in basic agreement with previous studies. The viscous regime is found when alpha 2(L/a)(a/R)1/2 less than 10 and alpha 2 less than 10 where R is the local radius of curvature in the bifurcation; the convective regime is found when alpha 2(L/a)(a/R)1/2 greater than 10 and L/a greater than 3. This same approach yields scaling laws for the magnitude of secondary flow velocities and shows that the ratio of secondary-to-axial velocity is small everywhere outside of the convective regime where it scales with (a/R)1/2. Comparison of these results to related simple flows shows that many of the features observed can be attributed to the effects of curvature, suggesting that the influence of the flow divider and of area change may be of lesser importance than previously thought.  相似文献   
Spider toxins selectively block calcium currents in Drosophila   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Toxins from spider venom, originally purified for their ability to block synaptic transmission in Drosophila, are potent and specific blockers of Ca2+ currents measured in cultured embryonic Drosophila neurons using the whole-cell, patch-clamp technique. Differential actions of toxins from two species of spiders indicate that different types of Drosophila neuronal Ca2+ currents can be pharmacologically distinguished. Hololena toxin preferentially blocks a non-inactivating component of the current, whereas Plectreurys toxin blocks both inactivating and non-inactivating components. These results suggest that block of a non-inactivating Ca2+ current is sufficient to block neurotransmitter release at Drosophila neuromuscular junction.  相似文献   
A method of trapping local populations of Ips typographus was investigated in the field. The size of a population emerging from a hibernation site in the forest litter was estimated using tent traps. This estimate was compared with another estimate where beetles from the population were marked and recaptured in pheromone traps. The estimate of population size with mark-recapture was much higher than the estimate with tent traps, indicating a high degree of immigration. According to calculations only a minor part (less than 20%) of the beetles caught in the pipe traps originated in the local population. Re-emerging parent-adults were marked and released during the second flight period. The recapture rate was 29.8%, almost the same as during the first flight. Immigration during the first and second flight periods was estimated to be of similar magnitude. The results show that it is difficult to suppress local populations of highly mobile bark beetles by trapping.  相似文献   
Summary We have recently demonstrated tight linkage of the Duffy blood group marker to the -spectrin gene in an extended pedigree with Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy. To determine a more precise location of the Duffy blood group locus on the chromosome 1 map we have tested several more chromosome 1 genes for linkage with this marker. We found suggestive linkage with the antithrombin III and apolipoprotein A2 genes and conclusive linkage with the gene coding for -nerve growth factor.  相似文献   
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