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The effects of ontogeny (larval size), light and turbulence on the attack rate and swimming activity (proportion of time swimming and duration of swimming bout) of herring larvae (15-28 mm TL) have been investigated. Emphasis was put on the experimental design in order to create a set-up where the turbulence intensity distribution could be accurately measured as well as controlled in the entire experimental tank.Both larval size (ontogeny) and light had a significant positive effect on prey attack rate. Likewise, an intermediate increase in turbulence had a positive effect on prey attack rate, but this effect was dependent of light intensity and larval size.At low light (1.5 μE m2 s−1) intermediate turbulence increased the prey attack rate significantly for larger larvae (26 and 28 mm), while at high light (18 μE m2 s−1) intermediate turbulence had only a significant positive effect on the attack rate of smaller larvae 20 and 23 mm.In general, our data show a dome-shaped response of turbulence on attack rate and a U-shaped response of turbulence on swimming activity.For herring larvae >20 mm, the maximum (attack rate) and minimum (swimming activity) response of turbulence were found at intermediate turbulence intensities (energy dissipation rates between 7∗10−8 and 1∗10−6 W/kg). The highest turbulence level tested (8∗10−6 W/kg) showed only negative effects, as attack rates where at the lowest and swimming activity at the highest.Swimming activity increased with larval size or light, and decreased at intermediate turbulence. Compared to turbulent intensities under natural conditions this implies that larger herring larvae at 10 m depth have to be exposed to wind speeds of more than 17 m/s before negative effects on attack rate and swimming activity occurs.  相似文献   
A comparative study on scanning and transmission electron microscopy of apical ultrastructure in epithelia of the axolotl neurula (Ambystoma mexicanum, Cope) is presented. The aim of the work is to determine whether apical surface topography is correlated to other morphological features of the cells, and whether there are any ultrastructural differences between surfaces of invaginating and noninvaginating regions. Scanning specimens are prepared by critical point drying and benzene freeze-drying. Comparisons show that the scanning specimens are comparable to the standard transmission specimens with regard to surface topography.Apical surfaces are sculptured by folds and microvilli-like processes. Assessment of the relative abundance of surface projections shows that these occur in largest numbers on invaginating, bottle-shaped cells in the neural plate and in the notochord rudiment of stage-16 larvae. It is proposed that the surface projections may support apical narrowing in these cells, by facilitating endocytosis, and that they may be lateral attachment organelles. It is suggested that the morphogenesis of the invaginating cells may be the result of coordination between microfilaments, apical endocytosis, microtubules, and “adhesive peripheral surface projections.”  相似文献   
Cell-death and -survival decisions are critically controlled by intracellular Ca2 + homeostasis and dynamics at the level of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) receptors (IP3Rs) play a pivotal role in these processes by mediating Ca2 + flux from the ER into the cytosol and mitochondria. Hence, it is clear that many pro-survival and pro-death signaling pathways and proteins affect Ca2 + signaling by directly targeting IP3R channels, which can happen in an IP3R-isoform-dependent manner. In this review, we will focus on how the different IP3R isoforms (IP3R1, IP3R2 and IP3R3) control cell death and survival. First, we will present an overview of the isoform-specific regulation of IP3Rs by cellular factors like IP3, Ca2 +, Ca2 +-binding proteins, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), thiol modification, phosphorylation and interacting proteins, and of IP3R-isoform specific expression patterns. Second, we will discuss the role of the ER as a Ca2 + store in cell death and survival and how IP3Rs and pro-survival/pro-death proteins can modulate the basal ER Ca2 + leak. Third, we will review the regulation of the Ca2 +-flux properties of the IP3R isoforms by the ER-resident and by the cytoplasmic proteins involved in cell death and survival as well as by redox regulation. Hence, we aim to highlight the specific roles of the various IP3R isoforms in cell-death and -survival signaling. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Calcium signaling in health and disease. Guest Editors: Geert Bultynck, Jacques Haiech, Claus W. Heizmann, Joachim Krebs, and Marc Moreau.  相似文献   


The neuropathological process underlying amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) can be traced as a four-stage progression scheme of sequential corticofugal axonal spread. The examination of eye movement control gains deep insights into brain network pathology and provides the opportunity to detect both disturbance of the brainstem oculomotor circuitry as well as executive deficits of oculomotor function associated with higher brain networks.


To study systematically oculomotor characteristics in ALS and its underlying network pathology in order to determine whether eye movement deterioration can be categorized within a staging system of oculomotor decline that corresponds to the neuropathological model.


Sixty-eight ALS patients and 31 controls underwent video-oculographic, clinical and neuropsychological assessments.


Oculomotor examinations revealed increased anti- and delayed saccades’ errors, gaze-palsy and a cerebellary type of smooth pursuit disturbance. The oculomotor disturbances occurred in a sequential manner: Stage 1, only executive control of eye movements was affected. Stage 2 indicates disturbed executive control plus ‘genuine’ oculomotor dysfunctions such as gaze-paly. We found high correlations (p<0.001) between the oculomotor stages and both, the clinical presentation as assessed by the ALS Functional Rating Scale (ALSFRS) score, and cognitive scores from the Edinburgh Cognitive and Behavioral ALS Screen (ECAS).


Dysfunction of eye movement control in ALS can be characterized by a two-staged sequential pattern comprising executive deficits in Stage 1 and additional impaired infratentorial oculomotor control pathways in Stage 2. This pattern parallels the neuropathological staging of ALS and may serve as a technical marker of the neuropathological spreading.  相似文献   
Porphyromonas gingivalis is a peptide-fermenting asaccharolytic periodontal pathogen. Its genome contains several genes encoding cysteine peptidases other than gingipains. One of these genes (PG1055) encodes a protein called Tpr (thiol protease) that has sequence similarity to cysteine peptidases of the papain and calpain families. In this study we biochemically characterize Tpr. We found that the 55-kDa Tpr inactive zymogen proteolytically processes itself into active forms of 48, 37, and 33 kDa via sequential truncations at the N terminus. These processed molecular forms of Tpr are associated with the bacterial outer membrane where they are likely responsible for the generation of metabolic peptides required for survival of the pathogen. Both autoprocessing and activity were dependent on calcium concentrations >1 mm, consistent with the protein''s activity within the intestinal and inflammatory milieus. Calcium also stabilized the Tpr structure and rendered the protein fully resistant to proteolytic degradation by gingipains. Together, our findings suggest that Tpr is an example of a bacterial calpain, a calcium-responsive peptidase that may generate substrates required for the peptide-fermenting metabolism of P. gingivalis. Aside from nutrient generation, Tpr may also be involved in evasion of host immune response through degradation of the antimicrobial peptide LL-37 and complement proteins C3, C4, and C5. Taken together, these results indicate that Tpr likely represents an important pathogenesis factor for P. gingivalis.  相似文献   
The inheritance of a previously identified dominant Rf gene in the confection sunflower line RHA 280 has been determined and designated as Rf 3 . This study reports the mapping of the Rf 3 locus using an F2 population of 227 individuals derived from CMS HA 89-3149 × RHA 280. Bulked segregant analysis with 624 pairs of simple sequence repeat (SSR) primers and sequence tagged site (STS) primers identified two polymorphic SSR markers each of linkage groups (LGs) 7 and 11 from a previous map. Results on 90 F2 individuals with 42 polymorphic markers of LGs 7 and 11 indicated that the Rf 3 gene was linked with eight markers on LG 7, including five SSR markers (ORS328, ORS331, ORS928, ORS966, and ORS1092) and three expressed sequence tag (EST)-SSR markers (HT619-1, HT619-2, and HT1013). Further analysis of the total F2 population of 227 individuals identified a co-dominant marker, ORS328, linked to Rf 3 at a genetic distance of 0.7 cM on one side, and a female-dominant marker HT1013 at 12.6 cM proximal to Rf 3 on the other side; a genetic distance of 47.1 cM for LG 7 was covered. This is the first report of an Rf gene from the confection sunflower. The closely linked marker to Rf 3 will facilitate marker-assisted selection, and provide a basis for cloning of this gene.  相似文献   


Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is an established tool in diagnosing and evaluating disease activity in Multiple Sclerosis (MS). While clinical-radiological correlations are limited in general, hypointense T1 lesions (also known as Black Holes (BH)) have shown some promising results. The definition of BHs is very heterogeneous and depends on subjective visual evaluation.


We aimed to improve clinical-radiological correlations by defining BHs using T1 relaxation time (T1-RT) thresholds to achieve best possible correlation between BH lesion volume and clinical disability.


40 patients with mainly relapsing-remitting MS underwent MRI including 3-dimensional fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR), magnetization-prepared rapid gradient echo (MPRAGE) before and after Gadolinium (GD) injection and double inversion-contrast magnetization-prepared rapid gradient echo (MP2RAGE) sequences. BHs (BHvis) were marked by two raters on native T1-weighted (T1w)-MPRAGE, contrast-enhancing lesions (CE lesions) on T1w-MPRAGE after GD and FLAIR lesions (total-FLAIR lesions) were detected separately. BHvis and total-FLAIR lesion maps were registered to MP2RAGE images, and the mean T1-RT were calculated for all lesion ROIs. Mean T1 values of the cortex (CTX) were calculated for each patient. Subsequently, Spearman rank correlations between clinical scores (Expanded Disability Status Scale and Multiple Sclerosis Functional Composite) and lesion volume were determined for different T1-RT thresholds.


Significant differences in T1-RT were obtained between all different lesion types with highest T1 values in visually marked BHs (BHvis: 1453.3±213.4 ms, total-FLAIR lesions: 1394.33±187.38 ms, CTX: 1305.6±35.8 ms; p<0.05). Significant correlations between BHvis/total-FLAIR lesion volume and clinical disability were obtained for a wide range of T1-RT thresholds. The highest correlation for BHvis and total-FLAIR lesion masks were found at T1-RT>1500 ms (Expanded Disability Status Scale vs. lesion volume: rBHvis = 0.442 and rtotal-FLAIR = 0.497, p<0.05; Multiple Sclerosis Functional Composite vs. lesion volume: rBHvis = -0.53 and rtotal-FLAIR = -0.627, p<0.05).


Clinical-radiological correlations in MS patients are increased by application of T1-RT thresholds. With the short acquisition time of the MP2RAGE sequences, quantitative T1 maps could be easily established in clinical studies.  相似文献   
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