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Serological data identify a single major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I locus in cattle. Molecular data, however, demonstrate the presence of at least two cattle MHC (BoLA) class I loci. To investigate the number of transcribed BoLA class I genes, we amplified cattle cDNA by using a single MHC class I-specific primer that hybridized to a conserved region of exon 4 and a non-specific 3 primer. Six BoLA class I cDNAs have been cloned and sequenced from a Bos taurus bull heterozygous for BoLA class I serological antigens, demonstrating the presence of a minimum of three loci. Sequence comparisons suggested that one of these cDNAs may be an unexpressed allele or the product of a nonclassical locus.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession numbers U01186 and U01187.  相似文献   
We propose yet another function for the unique appressed thylakoids of grana stacks of higher plants, namely that during prolonged high light, the non-functional, photoinhibited PS II centres accumulate as D1 protein degradation is prevented and may act as dissipative conduits to protect other functional PS II centres. The need for this photoprotective mechanism to prevent high D1 protein turnover under excess photons in higher plants, especially those grown in shade, is due to conflicting demands between efficient use of low irradiance and protection from periodic exposure to excessive irradiance.  相似文献   
Abstract: A sudden increase in the osmolarity of the environment is highly detrimental to the growth and survival of Fscherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium since it triggers a rapid efflux of water from the cell, resulting in a decreased turgor. Changes in the external osmolarity must therefore be sensed by the microorganisms and this information must be converted into an adaptation process that aims at the restoration of turgor. The physiological reaction of the cell to the changing environmental condition is a highly coordinated process. Loss of turgor triggers a rapid influx of K+ ions into the cell via specific transporters and the concomitant synthesis of counterions, such as glutamate. The increased intracellular concentration of K+-glutamate allows the adaptation of the cell to environments of moderately high osmolarities. At high osmolarity, K+-glutamate is insufficient to ensure cell growth, and the bacteria therefore replace the accumulated K+ ions with compounds that are less d eleterious for the cell's physiology. These compatible solutes include polyoles such as trehalose, amino acids such as proline, and methyl-amines such as glycine betaine. One of the most important compatible solutes for bacteria is glycine betaine. This potent osmoprotectant is widespread in nature, and its intracellular accumulation is achieved through uptake from the environment or synthesis from its precursor choline. In this overview, we discuss the properties of the high-affinity glycine betaine transport system ProU and the osmotic regulation of its structural genes.  相似文献   
For maximal rates of CO2 assimilation in isolated intact spinach chloroplasts the generation of the adequate NADPH/ATP ratio is achieved either by cyclic electron flow around photosystem I or by linear electron transport to oxaloacetate, nitrite or oxygen (Mehler-reaction). The interrelationships between these poising mechanisms turn out to be strictly hierarchical. In the presence of antimycin A, an inhibitor of ferredoxin-dependent cyclic electron transport, the reduction of both, oxaloacetate and nitrite, but not that of oxygen restores CO2 fixation. When oxaloacetate and nitrite are added at low concentrations simultaneously during steady-state CO2 fixation, the reduction of nitrite is clearly preferred over the reduction of oxaloacetate, but CO2 fixation is not influenced. Nitrite reduction is not decreased upon addition of oxaloacetate, but vice versa. This is due to the regulation of NADP-malate dehydrogenase activation by electron pressure via the ferredoxin/thioredoxin system on the one hand, and by the NADPH/(NADP+NADPH) ratio (anabolic reduction charge, ARC) on the other hand. Thus the closing of the malate valve prevents drainage of reducing equivalents from the chloroplast (1) when a low ARC indicates a high demand for NADPH in the stroma and (2) when nitrite reduction reduces the electron pressure at ferredoxin. The malate valve is opened when cyclic electron transport is inhibited by antimycin A. Under these conditions the rate of malate formation is higher than in the absence of the inhibitor even in the presence of oxaloacetate, thus indicating that the regulation of the malate valve functions at various redox states of the acceptor side of Photosystem I.Abbreviations ARC anabolic reduction charge (NADPH/(NADP+NADPH)) - Chl chlorophyll - DTT dithiothreitol; Fd-ferredoxin - NADP-MDH NADP-malate dehydrogenase - OAA oxaloacetate - PS photosystem - qN non-photochemical quenching - qP photochemical quenching - E quantum efficiency of PS II Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Hans Walter Heldt on the occasion of his 60th birthday.  相似文献   
The effects of aluminium (Al) ions on the metabolism of root apical meristems were examined in 4-day-old seedlings of two cereals which differed in their tolerance to Al: wheat cv. Grana (Al-sensitive) and rye cv. Dakowskie Nowe (Al tolerant). During a 24 h incubation period in nutrient solutions containing 0.15 mM and 1.0 mM of Al for wheat and rye, respectively, the activity of first two enzymes in the pentose phosphate pathway (G-6-PDH and 6-PGDH) decreased in the sensitive cultivar. In the tolerant cultivar activities of these enzymes increased initially, then decreased slightly, and were at control levels after 24 h. In the Al-sensitive wheat cultivar a 50% reduction in the activity of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase was observed in the presence of Al. Changes in enzyme activity were accompanied by changes in levels of G-6-P- the initial substrate in the pentose phosphate pathway. When wheat was exposed for 16 h to a nutrient solution containing aluminium, a 90% reduction in G-6-P concentration was observed. In the Al-tolerant rye cultivar, an increase and subsequently a slight decrease in G-6-P concentration was detected, and after 16 h of Al-stress the concentration of this substrate was still higher than in control plants. This dramatic Al-induced decrease in G-6-P concentration in the Al-sensitive wheat cultivar was associated with a decrease in both the concentration of glucose in the root tips as well as the activity of hexokinase, an enzyme which is responsible for phosphorylation of glucose to G-6-P. However, in the Al-tolerant rye cultivar, the activity of this enzyme remained at the level of control plants during Al-treatment, and the decrease in the concentration of glucose occurred at a much slower rate than in wheat. These results suggest that aluminium ions change cellular metabolism of both wheat and rye root tips. In the Al-sensitive wheat cultivar, irreversible disturbances induced by low doses of Al in the nutrient solution appear very quickly, whereas in the Al-tolerant rye cultivar, cellular metabolism, even under severe stress conditions, is maintained for a long time at a level which allows for root elongation to continue.Abbreviations G-6-PDH glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase - 6-PGDH 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase - G-6-P glucose-6-phosphate - TEA triethanolamine  相似文献   
N-Alkylation of the -glucosidase inhibitor 1-deoxynojirimycin(dNM) dramatically increases its inhibitory potency (Tan etal., J. Biol. Chem., 266, 14504–14510, 1991). However,the possibility of extending the alkyl chain to N-decyl-dNMis limited by an increase of detergent-like (amphiphilic) propertiesof long-chain alkylated dNM derivatives. Substitution of methylenegroups in the N-decyl chain by oxygen reduced the amphiphilicityof N-decyl-dNM derivatives, while retaining their superior inhibitoryproperties. In intact HepG2 cells, the compound N-7-oxadecyl-dNMwas found to result in the most pronounced retention of glucoseresidues on N-linked glycans. Permeabilization of the plasmamembrane with the bacterial toxin Streptolysin O improves theinhibitory properties of the derivatives N-3,6,9-trioxadecyl-,N-7,10,13-trioxatetradecyl-, N-3-oxadecyl- and N-7-oxadecyl-dNM,but not those of dNM. These observations suggest differencesin the mode of entry of the oxygen-substituted dNM derivativesin comparison with dNM. We observed that the dNM derivativeN-3,6,9-trioxadecyl-dNM, devoid of inhibitory activity in intactcells, was inhibitory in Streptolysh O-permeabilized cells.Thus, the permeability barriers posed by plasma membrane andendoplasmic reticulum membrane are not equivalent. The use ofa permeabilized cell system thus allows the elaboration of inhibitoryprinciples for novel bioactive compounds where study of theisolated enzymes may not be possible, and where intact cellsare not a suitable target due to permeability barriers. -glucosidase inhibition N-linked glycosylation oxygen-substituted N-decyl-dNM derivatives permeabilized cells  相似文献   
The locus responsible for the childhood-onset proximal spinal muscular atrophies (SMA) has recently been mapped to an area of 2–3 Mb in the region q12–13.3 of chromosome 5. We have used a series of radiation hybrids (RHs) containing distinct parts of the SMA region as defined by reference markers. A cosmid library was constructed from one RH. Thirteen clones were isolated and five of these were mapped within the SMA region. Both RH mapping and fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis showed that two clones map in the region between loci D5S125 and D5S351. One of the cosmids contains expressed sequences. Polymorphic dinucleotide repeats were identified in both clones and used for segregation analysis of key recombinant SMA families. One recombination between the SMA locus and the new marker 9Ic (D5S685) indicates that 9Ic is probably the closest distal marker. The absence of recombination between the SMA locus and marker Fc (D5S684) suggests that Fc is located close to the disease gene. These new loci should refine linkage analysis in SMA family studies and may facilitate the isolation of the disease gene.  相似文献   
The levels of endogenous IAA and cytokinins (zeatin, zeatin riboside, isopentenyladenine, and isopentenyladenosine) were determined in potato plants cultured in vitro under red light (R) and blue light (B) on medium with or without hormones. On medium without hormones in B, plants contained much higher cytokinin levels, particularly in leaves and roots, and also slightly elevated IAA levels. Kinetin in the medium in B changed the distribution of cytokinins and significantly increased IAA level in roots. In R, the presence of kinetin led to an increased cytokinin level in the whole plant, while the IAA level was slightly lower. IAA in the medium in B decreased cytokinin level in all plant parts, while the IAA level did not change significantly. In R, the presence of IAA in the medium led to a moderate increase of CK level and to a significant increase in IAA level, especially in roots. Uptake of 1-14C-IAA and of 3H-zeatin was generally higher in B than in R. Higher percentage of IAA taken up in B was converted to conjugates in the roots. Metabolism of 3H-zeatin was similar in R and B with only slight differences in metabolite amounts.Thus, in all experimental situations in which tuber formation was stimulated, IAA level in roots and stolons rose significantly, stressing the importance of an IAA gradient for tuber formation.  相似文献   
The effect of an acute increase in temperature, exhaustive exercise and hypoxia on the haematology of the benthic Antarctic teleost, Trematomus bernacchii was investigated. High temperature and hypoxia caused the biggest changes to the blood, with increases in haematocrit, haemoglobin concentrations and plasma chloride levels. The spleen decreased in mass. Exercise produced the smallest changes. Changes were substantially less than reported for the more active cryopelagic species Pagothenia borchgrevinki. The magnitude of the haematocrit increase is discussed in relation to life-style of fish living in the Antarctic.  相似文献   
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