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Solution properties of fractionated ovine submaxillary mucin (OSM) and asialo OSM (aOSM) in aqueous guanidine hydrochloride have been investigated using light scattering and rheological methods. For the first time we present viscometric evidence in both dilute and concentrated solution that the molecular structure of OSM is that of a wormlike chain. The intrinsic viscosity shows molecular weight dependence consistent with the linear extended chain conformation observed by light scattering measurements. The viscoelastic behavior of the OSM fractions in aqueous guanidine hydrochloride was further examined above the overlap concentration as a function of molecular weight and temperature. Under these solvent conditions in which the role of nonbonding intermolecular interactions is minimized, OSM shows predominantly fluid like behavior. However, high molecular weight OSM shows evidence of the existence of an entanglement network at high concentration. The frequency-dependent shear storage and loss moduli at all concentrations and molecular weights can be scaled to yield a master curve by incorporating typical viscoelastic shift parameters. The entanglement molecular weight and concentration are consistent with literature data for extended, semiflexible wormlike chains. The behavior of aOSM is similar to that of intact OSM at comparable degrees of coil overlap, indicating that the terminal sialic acid residue on the carbohydrate side chain has no effect on the rheology of concentrated OSM solutions beyond that due to an increase in the hydrodynamic volume.  相似文献   
Structures of paralytic acylpolyamines from the spider Agelenopsis aperta   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The structures are given for five paralytic acylpolyamines from the venom of the funnel web spider, Agelenopsis aperta. The acyl moieties are derived from (3-indolyl)acetic acid, (4-hydroxy-3-indolyl)acetic acid, and 4-hydroxybenzoic acid. The polyamine portions of the toxins are novel. Three toxins (AG489, AG505, and AG452) contain 1, 5, 9, 13, 18, 22-hexaazadocosane which is unique as a natural polyamine because of its length and hydroxylation at the 5-aza position. The polyamine portions of two other alpha-agatoxins (AG488 and AG504) are unusual also, containing guanidinooxy moieties.  相似文献   
Interactive effects between calmodulin activation of 30 S dynein ATPase activity and activation by heat or N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) have been studied. Addition of calmodulin during the heat treatment caused a larger increment in ATPase activity (above that caused by heating alone) than did addition of calmodulin after the heat treatment. Similar results were obtained in experiments where activation was caused by NEM treatment. For both the heat and NEM treatments, the synergistic effect of calmodulin when present during the treatment was Ca2+ dependent although activation of ATPase activity by either treatment alone was not Ca2+ dependent. Heating 14 S dynein inhibited its ATPase activity and reduced the effectiveness of calmodulin as an activator. The activating effect of calmodulin added after heat or NEM treatments was about the same as if the calmodulin was present during the treatment, i.e., interactive effects were minimal. Concentrations of NEM that had little effect on the ATPase activity of 14 S dynein largely eliminated the ability of calmodulin to activate its ATPase activity. Chromatography of the heat-treated 14 S dynein on calmodulin-Sepharose 4B indicated that the loss of sensitivity of 14 S dynein ATPase to calmodulin was not due to loss of ability of the dynein to bind to calmodulin. Retention of calmodulin binding ability was also shown for heat-treated 30 S dynein. These results suggest that calmodulin and heat/NEM activate solubilized 30 S dynein ATPase by separate mechanisms which may include a common process.  相似文献   
We undertook studies to determine whether secretagogue action on the exocrine pancreas and parotid is accompanied by phosphorylation of proteins in intact cells. For this purpose, rat pancreatic, and parotid lobules were preincubated with 32Pi for 45 min at 37 degrees C, washed, and then incubated at 37 degrees C in the presence or absence of secretagogues that effect discharge through different second messengers. Among a variety of polypeptides exhibiting enhanced phosphorylation in pancreatic lobules upon a 30-s incubation in the presence of the secretagogues carbamylcholine, cholecystokinin octapeptide, or secretin, one species with an Mr of 29,000 was especially notable for three reasons: (a) its enhanced level of phosphorylation was dependent on the dose of secretagogue used and was still apparent after incubation for 30 min at 37 degrees C; (b) an analogous phosphorylated polypeptide was observed in isoproterenol- stimulated parotid lobules; and (c) in both tissues its selective dephosphorylation was observed upon termination of stimulation by administration of atropine to carbamylcholine-stimulated pancreatic lobules and propranolol to isoproterenol-stimulated parotid lobules. These results suggest that the phosphorylation of one protein with an Mr of 29,000 is closely correlated both temporally and in a dose- dependent fashion with secretagogue action in both the exocrine pancreas and parotid.  相似文献   
Rapid, sensitive, and selective methods for the determination of the 15N abundance of amino acids in isotopic tracer experiments with plant tissues are described and discussed. Methodology has been directly tested in an analysis of the kinetics of [15N]H4+ assimilation in Lemna minor L. The techniques utilize gas chromatography-mass spectrometry selected ion monitoring of major fragments containing the N moiety of N-heptafluorobutyryl isobutyl esters of amino acids. The ratio of selected ion pairs at the characteristic retention time of each amino acid derivative can be used to calculate 15N abundance with an accuracy of ±1 atom% excess 15N using samples containing as little as 30 picomoles of individual amino acids. Up to 11 individual amino acid derivatives can be selectively monitored in a single chromatogram of 30 minutes. It is suggested that these techniques will be useful in situations where the small quantities of N available for analysis have hitherto hindered the use of 15N-labeled precursors.  相似文献   
Several lectins have been studied for their effects on the interaction of thrombin with human platelets. Wheat germ agglutinin, concanavalin A and Ricinus communis lectin increased the number of high affinity sites for diisopropylphosphothrombin on washed platelets from 3000 to about 12 000 but the binding affinities were unchanged (Kd approx 4 nM). Two other lectins, Lens culinaris and Bandieria simplicifolia, were without effect. (2) Using formalinized platelets to avoid possible complications of the platelet release reaction, wheat germ agglutinin showed a marked increase (5-fold) in the binding of active thrombin, peanut agglutinin had no effect while Ricinus communis and :Bandieria simplicifolia showed marginal increases (2-fold). Thrombin binding was decreased to about one quarter with Lens culinaris, Phaseolus vulgaris and concanavalin A. (3) Wheat germ agglutinin caused a synergistic increase of platelet aggregation at low concentrations of thrombin (12.5 mU/ml) and ADP (1 microM), both in the absence and presence of added fibrinogen, but had no effect on ristocetin-induced aggregation.  相似文献   
The role of cell-surface glycoproteins in histogenesis of the embryonic rat pancreas was investigated by studying the effect of tunicamycin (TM) on in vitro development. TM has been shown to block glycosylation of asparagine residues in glycoproteins by inhibiting formation of dolichol oligosaccharide intermediates. Exposure of Day 15 pancreatic rudiments to 1.0 μg TM/ml for 15 or 24 hr inhibited [3H]mannose, [3H]glucosamine, and [3H]fucose incorporation by 95, 85, and 90%, respectively, while [3H]leucine incorporation was reduced by 35%. Similar results were obtained with Day 17 rudiments. These trends were confirmed using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis and fluorography. Inhibition of [3H]monosaccharide incorporation correlated with reduced binding of RCA I-ferritin conjugates to the cell surface and both effects of TM were reversed by reculturing rudiments in medium lacking the antibiotic. Morphologically, TM treatment resulted in a delay in pancreatic histogenesis and this delay correlated with an inhibition of the normal increase in specific activity of amylase, an acinar cell secretory protein. These effects were not mimicked by treatment with cycloheximide at a concentration which inhibited [3H]leucine incorporation to the same degree observed with TM. The percentage of delayed rudiments decreased as reculturing in the absence of TM was extended.  相似文献   
Rats were given pulse injections of D-[14C]mannose and were killed at various times up to 60 min after injection. Rough, smooth, and Golgi fractions were prepared from liver, and alpha 1-acid glycoprotein was isolated from Lubrol extracts of the fractions. The kinetics of incorporation of D-[14C]mannose into total protein, Lubrol protein, and alpha 1-acid glycoprotein showed that proteins associated with rough fractions had particularly high specific radioactivities at early times of incorporation. One explanation for the kinetic data is that glycoproteins contain a high mannose content at early times of assembly of oligosaccharide chains. This idea was confirmed in the case of alpha 1-acid glycoprotein by isolation of a high mannose containing precursor species of alpha 1-acid glycoprotein from rough fractions of liver. This species contained 56 residues of hexose (mainly mannose) compared with 35 residues of hexose (roughly equal amounts of mannose and galactose) which are found in the native protein. It is proposed that the high mannose precursor is a form of alpha 1-acid glycoprotein that exists at an early stage in assembly of the glycoprotein and which contains largely unprocessed carbohydrate chains. In addition, evidence is presented from amino acid analyses and gel electrophoresis of the high mannose precursor and another fraction from which it is formed by limited tryptic treatment, that pro-forms of alpha 1-acid glycoprotein with extensions of the polypeptide chain may also exist.  相似文献   
The reversible, calcium-dependent binding of a calmodulin to phenothiazines has been demonstrated using an immobilized chlorpromazine analog. Calmodulin has been purified from crude extracts of bovine brain utilizing calcium-dependent binding to phenothiazine-Sepharose 4B as an initial affinity-based chromatographic procedure. Chromatography of a crude extract of bovine brain, prepared under non-denaturing conditions, yielded calmodulin contaminated with several other minor EGTA-elutable components. These components were removed by calcium-dependent affinity chromatography on calmodulin-Sepharose 4B and ion-exchange chromatography.  相似文献   
Development of secretagogue response in rat pancreatic acinar cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Two to 3 days prior to birth, acinar cells of the rat pancreas acquire morphologic and biochemical characteristics of the adult gland. To determine if differentiation of the secretory apparatus coincides temporally with the capacity of the cell to respond to secretory stimuli, lobules of embryonic, neonatal, and adult rat pancreas were compared for their ability to respond to secretagogues presumed to act directly via hormone receptors [caerulein and carbamylcholine (carbachol)] or indirectly (cyclic nucleotide analogs and the Ca2+ ionophore A23187). Of all agents tested, only dibutyryl cAMP elicited discharge of secretory proteins at day 20 in utero and preceded hormone stimulation by 1 day. A23187 elicited discharge by Day 21 in utero; its action was near adult levels in contrast to hormonal stimuli whose effect was maximal only at birth. All secretagogues required Ca2+ and energy to induce discharge. Pulse-chase autoradiography of lobules from Day 20 embryonic glands indicated that the acinar cells were capable of transporting [3H]leucine-labeled proteins to zymogen granules at rates roughly equivalent to those in adult glands. SDS gel electrophoretograms confirmed that the bulk of 14C-amino acid incorporation into proteins at a given age was primarily into exportable proteins. The results indicate that acinar cells synthesize and package secretory proteins into zymogen granules about 2 days before they are capable of responding to hormonal stimuli and to intracellular effectors.  相似文献   
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