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Most of the genetic divergence that currently separates populations of Homo sapiens must have arisen during that long period when the local village (or band) was the basic unit of biological evolution. Studies of tribally intact Amerindian groups exhibiting such small-group organization have demonstrated marked genetic divergence between nearby villages. Some of this genetic radiation can be attributed to the effects of random genetic drift over time within these small demes. Some of it, however, might be better ascribed to the consequences of nonrandom genetic assortment at the time of village fission, a recurring event for such groups. Even random genetic assortment at the time of fission would lead to some genetic divergence, due to the finite size of the parent gene pool. We term the genetic consequences of random assortment the random fission effect. Routinely, village fission occurs along family lines, leading to even greater genetic divergence between the daughter villages. We use the term lineal fission effect to describe the genetic consequences of nonrandom assortment and contrast these results with those derived from random assortment.——A formal treatment of random and lineal fission effects is developed, first for the single-locus case, then for the multiple-locus extension. Using this formulation, three Yanomama fission events were examined. Fission in the Yanomama often involves a great deal of mutual hostility between the two factions, so that subsequent gene flow between the two daughter villages is minimal. The first two examples are typical of the Yanomama behavior norm, and are accompanied by a minimum of subsequent gene flow between the daughter villages. In these two cases, the observed divergence values are very large and are also very unlikely under random fission. The lineal fission effect is pronounced. The net impact of lineal fission is to reduce the effective size of the village at the time of fission by a factor of four, relative to expectation from random fission. The third example, however, involved an unusually amicable split of a village, followed by free genetic exchange between the fission products. This "friendly fission" yields an observed divergence value not much in excess of the expectation from random fission.—The long-term consequences of such fission bottlenecks in effective population size are discussed for both intra- and inter-tribal genetic diversity. It appears that the rate of genetic divergence for tribal and subtribal groups may have been somewhat greater than would be expected from classical drift arguments.  相似文献   
Summary Antibodies prepared to purified brain glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), the synthesizing enzyme for the neurotrasmitter, -aminobutyric, acid (GABA), have been utilized with an unlabelled antibody method to localize GABAergic neurones in both light and electron microscopic preparations. A modification of Sternberger's peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) complex is used to localize the site of anti-GAD binding, and the PAP complex is visualized with diaminobenzidine and H2O2. The reaction product is visible in both the light and electron microscopes. The ability to localize and identify labelled profiles in the electron microscope provides more functional information than light microscopical preparations. For example, the GAD-positive reaction product occurs mostly in association with synaptic vesicles within axon terminats, and this localization indicates the importance of GAD for the packaging and storage of GABA. The somata and dendrites of neurones giving rise to these terminals are visualized in colchicine-injected material. The GABAergic neurones form axo-somatic, axo-dendritic, axo-axonal and dendro-dendritic synapses in various regions of the rat central nervous system. Pretreatments of animals with anterograde degeneration have shown the significance of some of the GABAergic terminals that form axo-axonal synapses in the spinal cord.An many brain regions, such as the cerebral cortex, hippocampus and olfactory bulb, virtually all of the GABAergic synapses are derived from local circuit neurones. In other regions such as the cerebellum and neostriatum, the GABAergic terminals are derived from both local circuit neurones and the local axon collaterals of projection neurones that have their somata within these regions. A third type of configuration of GABAergic terminals occurs in the globus pallidus and substantia nigra where these terminals are derived from distant brain regions, axon collaterals of projection neurones and from local circuit neurones. Together, these results indicate the complex organization of the GABAergic system of the brain that has been vividly revealed with electron in croscopical immunocytochemistry.  相似文献   
Factors influencing the species composition, distribution and abundance of benthic invertebrates were determined in a eutrophic subarctic lake from April 1978 to April 1979. Collections were made at five stations located at depths of 4 to 13 m. The largest populations of up to 5 × 103 animals m–2 were found in the deepest part of the lake. of the 24 species recorded in this area, the chironomidsProcladius denticulatus, Dicrotendipes modestus, Chironomus decorus andGlyptotendipes barbipes were most common. The strong development of benthos in the profundal zone was attributed to a consistently large supply of food and warm (4 °C) winter temperatures on bottom. Slightly smaller populations (up to 4 × 103 animals, m–2), composed of 19–23 species, occurred in shallower water, a reflection of lower (1.5 °C) winter temperatures. In the anoxic northern part of the lake, only 4–8 species were found in low numbers (400–1 000 animals m–2). This was likely due to low (<5% saturation) oxygen levels in water and high organic content (18.5%) of the sediments.  相似文献   
A sampling technique for collecting lotic periphyton on sedimentary substrates using a peristaltic pump is described. Quantitative samples of periphyton standing crop and colonization rate are collected by the same procedure. The technique eliminates human disturbance problems associated with floating artificial samplers by establishing permanent sampling sites directly on submerged substances.  相似文献   
The results of more than 300 pairwise examinations of biochemical loci for joint segregation in brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and in the hybridized genome of lake trout (S. namaycush) x brook trout are summarized. Nineteen loci have been assigned to the following eight linkage groupings on the basis of nonrandom assortment, including cases of both classical linkage and pseudolinkage: ODH with PMI with PGI-3, PGI-2 with SDH, ADA-1 with AGP-2, AAT-(1,2) with AGP-1 with MDH-1, MDH-3 with MDH-4, LDH-3 with LDH-4, IDH-3 with ME-2 and GUS with CPK-1. Pseudolinkage (an excess of nonparental progeny types) was observed only for male testcross parents. The results suggest that this phenomenon involves homeologous chromosome arms as evidenced by the de novo association of presumed duplicate loci in each case. Classical linkage has not been found for the five pairs of duplicate loci examined in Salvelinus, suggesting that not all of the eight metacentrics in the haploid complement involve fusions of homeologous chromosomes. Females consistently showed a greater degree of recombination.  相似文献   
The tegument of plerocercoid and adult P. ambloplitis was examined. Differences in tegument structure existed between these two stages. Plerocercoids of P. ambloplitis lacked extensive vacuolization and unicellular gland cells characteristic of adult tegument. Plerocercoid microtriches were short and conoid; adult microtriches were lenticular with an extended, whip-like shaft. An inclusion, not previously reported from proteocephalid cestodes, is described. Adult tegument had ducts, originating from underlying unicellular glands, extending through the distal cytoplasm and opening to the exterior between microtriches.

The apical end organ cavity of P. ambloplitis contained numerous labyrinth-like spherical bodies. These structures appeared to be synthesized and secreted into the end organ by a thin cellular lining of the end organ. This lining was composed of discrete, filamentous cells believed to be modified subtegumental cell bodies. Spherical structures identical to those observed within the end organ cavity occurred within this cellular lining. The spherical bodies may be associated with enzymes necessary for tissue migration by the metacestode.  相似文献   

tsAF8 cells are a temperature-sensitive mutant of BHK cells that arrest at the nonpermissive temperature in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. The activity of solubilized RNA polymerase II and its ability to bind [3H]-γ-amanitin decrease in tsAF8 cells at 40.6°, with a half-life of ~ 10 hr. No appreciable changes occur in these two parameters in tsAF8 cells at 34° or in BHK cells at either 34° or 40.6°. Protein synthesis is not appreciably affected for at least 24 hr after tsAF8 cells are shifted to 40.6°. These results indicate that in tsAF8 cells at the nonpermissive temperature, there is a defect in either the synthesis, the assembly, or the stability of RNA polymerase II, and that the loss of RNA polymerase II molecules is not due to widespread cellular damage.  相似文献   
31P NMR chemical shifts of salts of adenosine 5′-triphosphate and diphosphate: ATPH2?22(Me4N+) · H2O, ATPH2?22 Na+ · 3.5 H2O, ATPH2?2Mg2+ · 4 H2O, ATPH2?2Ca2+ · 2 H2O, ADPH2?2(Me4N+) · H2O and ADPH2?Mg2+ · 4 H2O have been measured in 0.02 M 2H2O solutions at 145.7 MHz (22° C) at constant p2H values (8.20 and 6.20). The results are compared with those obtained from salts of adenosine 5′-monophosphate and other simpler phosphomonoesters, e.g. AMP2?2(Me4N+), AMP2?Mg2+, AMPH?Me4N+ and (AMPH?)2Mg2+. It is concluded that the effects exerted by Mg2+ and Ca2+ on the 31P NMR shifts of dipoly- and tripolyphosphates relative to monovalent cations are due mainly to changes in conformation of the polyphosphate chain rather than to purely electronic factors associated with the binding of divalent cations to the phospho-oxyanions. The data are consistent with the existence of the following complexes at p2H 8.20: (MgPαPβ)ADP? and (MgPαPγ)ATP2?af (MgPαPβ)ATP2?af (MgPβPγ)ATP2? with the latter equilibrium relatively fast in the NMR time scale. Monoprotonation of the terminal phosphate appears to weaken the Mg2+-polyphosphate binding, particularly at Pβ of MgADPH and at Pβ and Pγ of MgATPH?. The Mg2+-polyphosphate binding weakens further at p2H 3.70, i.e. in MgATPH2. Possible implications of the results in the mechanism of actomyosin Mg2+-ATPase in muscle contraction are discussed.  相似文献   
The unique features of pig ovarian follicular fluids, i.e., presence of high density lipoprotein (HDL) only and lecithin: cholesterol acyltransferase (EC; LCAT) activity, provides a good model to study the effect of serum lipoproteins and serum albumin on the LCAT reaction. Invitro cholesterol esterification is enhanced when very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) and low density lipoprotein (LDL) fractions are added, but is inhibited when one or the other of these lipoproteins is absent. High concentrations of HDL2 result in decreased activation which can be compensated for by the addition of the VLDL-LDL mixture. These findings suggest that the rate of cholesterol esterification in ovarian follicular fluid may be enhanced by providing the exogenous VLDL and LDL as the recipients of HDL-cholesteryl ester. The inhibition of LCAT activity caused by free fatty acid and lysophosphatidylcholine can be partially reversed by the addition of serum albumin, suggesting that serum albumin may regulate the LCAT reaction.  相似文献   
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