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Results of the investigation of the subgenus Nubidanus Rtt. (sensu Reitter) of the genus Otiorhynchus are reported. The impexus species-group of the subgenus Nubidanus comprises 5 species from the Caucasus: O. impexus, O. juvenilis, O. poricollis, O. jarpachlinus, and O. hajastani. Morphological diagnoses and detailed distribution patterns of the species are given. Lectotypes of O. poricollis and O. jarpachlinus are designated. A new synonymy is established: O. poricollis Schoenherr, 1832 = O. breviusculus Stierlin, 1875, syn. n. Variants of the genesis scenario of the impexus species-group in the eastern part of the Caucasus are discussed.  相似文献   
The electrochemical analysis of cytochrome P450 3A4 catalytic activity has shown that vitamins C, A and E influence reduction of cytochrome P450 3A4. These data suggest a possibility of cross effects and interference of vitamins-antioxidants with drugs metabolised by cytochrome P450 3A4, during complex therapy of patients. These vitamins demonstrate antioxidant properties that lead to the increase of the cathodic current corresponding to heme reduction of this functionally significant hemoprotein. Ascorbic acid (0.028–0.56 mM) stimulated the cathodic peak (an electrochemical signal) of cytochrome P450 3A4. In the presence of diclofenac (Voltaren), a typical substrate of cytochrome P450 3A4, the increase in the catalytic current suggesting electrocatalysis and stimulating action of ascorbic acid was observed. In the presence of vitamins A and E the dose-dependent increase in the catalytic current of cytochrome P450 3A4 was observed in the range of vitamin concentrations from 10 to 100 μM. The maximal increase of 229 ± 20 and 162 ± 10% was observed at 100 μM vitamin A and vitamin E, respectively. In contrast to vitamin A, vitamin E in the presence of the cytochrome P450 inhibitor itraconazole did not increase the catalytic current. The latter implies existence of some substrate properties in vitamin E. The electrochemical approach for the analysis of catalytic activity of cytochrome P450 3A4 and studies of the effect of biologically active compounds on electrocatalysis is the sensitive and effective sensor approach, allowing to use low concentration of protein on an electrode (up to 10–15 mol/electrode), to carry out the analysis without involvement of protein redox partners, and to reveal drug-drug or drug-vitamins interaction in pre-clinical experiments.  相似文献   
We have developed a simple procedure for the purification of phosphoglucomutase (PGM) isozymes from human placenta of healthy women. The technique involves the ammonium sulfate fractionation, ion-exchange and dye-ligand chromatographies. By this method we obtained homogeneous isozyme preparations of the products (“primary” and “secondary”) of the two PGM1 and PGM2 loci. The final specific activities were 1134.6–1441.8 units/mg for PGM1 forms and 40.2–46.5 units/mg for PGM2 forms. On SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis, the final preparations gave a single protein band of 58,500 and 69,000 Mr for PGM1 and PGM2 isozymes, respectively. These forms have the same kinetic properties, but from the substrate specificity experiments we have found that PGM2 forms are more effective for catalyzing the phosphoribomutase and glucose 1,6-bisphosphate synthase reaction than PGM1 forms. All these properties are shared by the same isozymes previously isolated from human erythrocytes but in this procedure the use of human placenta for the PGM isozymes purification takes advantage of high specific activity of PGM in the extracts of this tissue as well as obtaining highly homogeneous protein suitable for studies at molecular level.  相似文献   
The Reverend Henry Duncan (1774–1846), clergyman, philosopher, writer, politician, archeologist, poet, educator, social reformer, and the founder of savings banks, was indeed a Man for All Seasons. In 1824, while Minister of the Church of Scotland at Ruthwell, Dumfriesshire, he was presented with a slab of red sandstone from the Corncockle Muir quarry in Annandale, exhibiting a set of footprints on it. Although Duncan felt from the start that he was dealing with the tracks of an animal, he wrote to the Reverend William Buckland, Reader in Mineralogy and Geology at the University of Oxford, to solicit his opinion on the origin of these curious markings. Buckland was at first skeptical, but after receiving casts of the markings from Duncan, he became convinced that they did in fact represent footprints. Duncan and Buckland maintained a correspondence about the footprints, and on January 7, 1828, Duncan described the Corncockle Muir footprints to the Royal Society of Edinburgh and quoted Buckland's findings. Duncan's paper was not published by the Society until 1831, but it aroused considerable interest—“Footsteps before the Flood”!—and was reported in several newspapers. This was the first scientific report of a fossil track; although a schoolboy, Pliny Moody, had found fossil footprints in Connecticut in 1802, they were not scientifically described until 1836. The Scottish tracks are now considered to be not reptilian but of synapsid origin and the rocks containing them are now known to be of Permian age.  相似文献   
The ranges of two earthworm subspecies, Eisenia nordenskioldi nordenskioldi (Eisen 1879) and E. n. pallida Malevi 1956, differ in area and partially overlap. E. n. nordenskioldi populates the entire Asian Russia and eastern regions of the Russian Plain, from the lower reaches of the Volga and Don rivers to the Arctic Ocean coasts, while E. n. pallida has not expanded to the Asian permafrost zone and does not occur in European Russia and in the Urals. These subspecies “hold the record” in cold hardiness: the worms and cocoons of the nominotypical subspecies withstand temperatures down to ?34 and ?40°C, and those of E. n. pallida, to ?28 and ?23°C, respectively. Hence, their distribution is independent of subzero temperatures, and their ability to overwinter at any phase of the life cycle makes them also independent of heat supply during the summer period. Differences in geographic range may also be due to biological features of the subspecies. The nominotypical subspecies feeds belongs to the epiendogeic morphoecological type (feeding on the ground surface), whereas E. n. pallida is a true endogeic earthworm. Both subspecies have similar requirements for soil acidity; however, conditions in coarse-humus organomineral horizons of frozen soils appear to be unfavorable for E. n. pallida, which accounts for the absence of this subspecies in the permafrost zone.  相似文献   
The effect of the ubiquitous downregulation of insulin receptor (InR) gene expression on the metabolism of juvenile hormone (JH) and dopamine (DA) in young females of D. melanogaster under normal conditions and heat stress is studied. The level of JH degradation and alkaline phosphatase activity (ALP, an enzyme regulating DA synthesis) were used as indicators of JH and DA levels, respectively. We demonstrated that, under normal conditions, the ubiquitous inhibition of the InR gene expression in D. melanogaster females induced an increase in the JH degradation and ALP activity. As we have already shown, this is indicative of the decrease in the concentration of the above hormones. It was also found that the total inactivation of InR does not affect the initiation of JH and DA metabolic system response to heat stress; however, it does affect its intensity. Thus, the involvement of the insulin signaling pathway in the regulation of the JH and DA metabolism in Drosophila females was demonstrated in vivo under normal and stress conditions.  相似文献   
In the present study, we constructed a Pichia pastoris mutant strain PS111 that lacks one member of the yapsin family through disruption of the YPS1 gene coding for aspartic protease yapsin 1. Under normal growth conditions, the PS111 mutant strain did not show detectable growth defects. Unlike the S. cerevisiae yps1 mutant, the P. pastoris PS111 strain showed no sensitivity when grown in the presence of CaCl2, elevated temperature (37°C), under acid (pH 4.9) and alkaline (pH 8.3) conditions. Unlike the S. cerevisiae, the P. pastoris yps1 mutant showed decreased growth phenotype induced by cell wall-perturbing reagent sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) only when the concentration of SDS was increased by ten times. The use of the yps1 disruptant to produce human interferon alpha16 (hINF-α16) prevents proteolysis, which occurs in the wildtype strain. It was found that the degradation of recombinant protein Alburon composed of human serum albumin (HSA) and hINF-α16 was slightly decreased in the strain lacking yapsin 1.  相似文献   
Erica erigena R. Ross, formerly E. mediterranea L. or E. hibernica R. Ross non F. Utinet, is described and illustrated.  相似文献   
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