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A defined medium (medium MB) for Moraxella bovis was formulated. Nineteen strains grew well on medium MB. One strain was auxotrophic for asparagine, and another was auxotrophic for methionine. Strains of M. equi and M. lacunata also grew on medium MB. All strains had an absolute requirement for thiamine and were stimulated by or actually required the other growth factors in the medium.  相似文献   
S E Petersen 《Cytometry》1986,7(4):301-306
Sources of variation and error were investigated for a simple flow cytometric analysis of DNA content of detergent-isolated nuclei stained with ethidium bromide. Using the ploidy classes of mouse liver nuclei, deviations from linearity were assessed for three different instruments. In more extreme settings, the maximum deviations for a FACS instrument were up to 6 to 9%, but in general deviations were around 1% or lower for all instruments. As biological DNA standards, human peripheral lymphocytes and trout erythrocytes appeared to be suitable and easy to store frozen. The erythrocytes had dye-binding characteristics similar to those of human lymphocytes and a 20% lower fluorescence, thus being well suited as an internal standard, as was demonstrated in tumor ploidy analyses performed with varied tissue concentration. Staining homogeneity was improved when staining time was extended to 24 h, at which time male and female lymphocytes were completely separated with an average difference in DNA content of 1.9%. A small difference in fluorescence between mitogen-stimulated and unstimulated lymphocytes was reduced to less than 1% after 24 h of staining. In general, the manipulations of the conditions for the analysis resulted in maximum variations of around 1%, indicating the robustness and reliability of the technique.  相似文献   
  • 1 A study was made of the insect species present on twenty-eight colonies of H.chamaecistus Mill, in 1978 ranging in size (cover) from 0.4 m2 to about 6500 m2 and separated from nearest large neighbours by distances up to 6.5 km. Twenty-three insect species were collected of which nine or ten were more or less monophagous.
  • 2 There was a clear relationship between species richness and size of host colony. Sites with less than 30 m2 of rock-rose, about 67% of those in the study area, were likely to have less than half of the monophagous species. Distance to neighbouring colonies did not contribute significantly to species richness.
  • 3 The consistency of results from year to year was examined at five sites re-sampled in 1979. The 1978 data were also used to compare‘expected’and observed faunas at five new sites sampled in 1979 based upon the species-area relationship and the relative frequency of species at known sites.
  • 4 Insect dispersal was examined using a suction trap placed near the largest rock-rose site. Colonization of new sites was studied by experimental outplanting of pot-grown plants.
  • 5 These direct observations, and the monitoring of fourteen sites for 5 years, suggested that colonization and interchange of faunas were rare events. The experimental introduction of one to five species at four sites showed in several cases that the sites were suitable for the species, and that introduction could significantly enhance a site's complement.
Computerized gas chromatography-mass spectrometry techniques using selected ion monitoring and deuterated internal standards were used to assay simultaneously the medial basal hypothalamic concentrations of dopamine (DA) and noradrenaline (NA) and their major metabolites in individual rats 30 min after the administration of two different inhibitors of tyrosine hydroxylase, alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine (alpha-MT) and 3-iodo-L-tyrosine (MIT). Consistent with inhibition of DA synthesis, administration of both alpha-MT and MIT resulted in marked reductions (P less than 0.005) in the hypothalamic concentrations of DA and its metabolite homovanillic acid as well as in highly significant increases in prolactin secretion. alpha-MT administration, but not MIT, resulted in a highly significant decrease in NA concentration and a highly significant increase in the concentration of the NA metabolite 3,4-dihydroxyphenylethyleneglycol (DHPG). The hypothalamic ratio DHPG/NA was thus markedly increased (P less than 0.005) by alpha-MT indicating increased NA neuronal activity. alpha-MT administration also resulted in increased ACTH secretion (P less than 0.0005), an effect not observed following MIT. It is proposed that the effects on hypothalamic NA activity and ACTH secretion caused by alpha-MT are stress-mediated and unrelated to tyrosine hydroxylase inhibition. MIT is devoid of these effects but exhibits blockade activity, thus indicating it to be a preferable drug for the acute inhibition of tyrosine hydroxylase in neuroendocrine investigations.  相似文献   
Multiple enzyme forms of isocitrate lyase from various sources have been frequently reported. Protease action after cell rupture was sporadically claimed to explain the observed multiple enzyme forms. In this communication studies which are consistent with a protease action in vitro on isocitrate lyase of Pinus pinea germinating seeds are reported. Moreover, changes in DEAE-Sephacel patterns, mainly related to the age of germination, were observed. Differences regarding the heat stability of the detected enzyme forms were also found. The results indicate that isocitrate lyase from P. pinea may be detected in at least three different forms, one of which is heat stable and may be obtained only at the early stages of germination.  相似文献   
Application of graph theory to morphological analysis of cells described by n parameters is presented. The analysis takes advantage of the possibility of describing structures in a multi-dimensional space. The method may be useful in determining similarity or differences between studied structures.  相似文献   
The natural 13C abundance (13C value) of the field-grown leguminousplants (soybean, kidney bean, pea, azuki bean, mung bean, peanutand cowpea) was investigated by mass spectrometry with a precisionbetter than %0.2 for 13C. Among organs of premature plants,the leaves had the most negative values, and the nodules generallyhad the least negative values, and other organs, fruits, stemsand roots, showed intermediate values. In the soybeans so farinvestigated, the grains of nodulating plants exhibited higher13C values than nonnodulating lines. The 13C values of the grainsvaried depending on the species: peanuts showed the most negativevalues. Possible causes underlying these variations are discussed. (Received March 2, 1983; Accepted May 27, 1983)  相似文献   
Comparison was made between cytophotometric measurements obtained using two data acquisition systems, one a microphotometer and the other a rapid video camera system, to ascertain whether the degradation of data with the faster video acquisition system still results in recorded images of sufficient quality to permit computer discrimination between cells of very similar appearance. Normal-appearing intermediate cells from cases with normal cytology and those from patients with dysplasia or malignant disease, as well as the subvisual markers within these cells that have rendered them capable of cytophotometric discrimination, were used for the study. Comparison of the data recorded by the two systems indicates that the diagnostic information is preserved in the change-over to a full-field, video-rate scanning system, with differences in the data caused primarily by differences in the spectral response of the two systems. This was reflected in the substantial differences observed in the color-related features and the lesser differences seen in the textural features, while the morphometric features (outline and shape) were virtually unaffected. The differences were primarily expressed on a cell-to-cell basis; in sets of about 300 cells, which would be used in patient-to-patient comparisons, the feature values showed remarkable consistency between the two systems.  相似文献   
Amiloride-inhibited Na+ transport into toad urinary bladder microsomes is sensitive to a pH gradient across the vesicular membrane. The magnitude of the gradient was measured directly with acridine orange. Also Na+ could stimulate amiloride-sensitive proton efflux from the microsomes. These results indicated that the transport process was Na+-H+ exchange.  相似文献   
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