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Monocyte infiltration into inflammatory sites is generally preceded by neutrophils. We show here that neutrophils may support this process by activation of CCL15, a human chemokine circulating in blood plasma. Neutrophils were found to release CCL15 proteolytic activity in the course of hemofiltration of blood from renal insufficiency patients. Processing of CCL15 immunoreactivity (IR) in the pericellular space is suggested by a lack of proteolytic activity in blood and blood filtrate, but a shift of the retention time (t(R)) of CCL15-IR, detected by chromatographic separation of CCL15-IR in blood and hemofiltrate. CCL15 molecules with N-terminal deletions of 23 (delta23) and 26 (delta26) aa were identified as main proteolytic products in hemofiltrate. Neutrophil cathepsin G was identified as the principal protease to produce delta23 and delta26 CCL15. Also, elastase displays CCL15 proteolytic activity and produces a delta21 isoform. Compared with full-length CCL15, delta23 and delta26 isoforms displayed a significantly increased potency to induce calcium fluxes and chemotactic activity on monocytes and to induce adhesiveness of mononuclear cells to fibronectin. Thus, our findings indicate that activation of monocytes by neutrophils is at least in part induced by quantum proteolytic processing of circulating or endothelium-bound CCL15 by neutrophil cathepsin G.  相似文献   
The human gene ddx42 encodes a human DEAD box protein highly homologous to the p68 subfamily of RNA helicases. In HeLa cells, two ddx42 poly(A)+ RNA species were detected both encoding the nuclear localized 938 amino acid Ddx42p polypeptide. Ddx42p has been heterologously expressed and its biochemical properties characterized. It is an RNA binding protein, and ATP and ADP modulate its RNA binding affinity. Ddx42p is an NTPase with a preference for ATP, the hydrolysis of which is enhanced by various RNA substrates. It acts as a non-processive RNA helicase. Interestingly, RNA unwinding by Ddx42p is promoted in the presence of a single-strand (ss) binding protein (T4gp32). Ddx42p, particularly in the ADP-bound form (the state after ATP hydrolysis), also mediates efficient annealing of complementary RNA strands thereby displacing the ss binding protein. Ddx42p therefore represents the first example of a human DEAD box protein possessing RNA helicase, protein displacement and RNA annealing activities. The adenosine nucleotide cofactor bound to Ddx42p apparently acts as a switch that controls the two opposing activities: ATP triggers RNA strand separation, whereas ADP triggers annealing of complementary RNA strands.  相似文献   
N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) is a potent carcinogen and an emerging contaminant in groundwater and drinking water. The metabolism of NDMA in mammalian cells has been widely studied, but little information is available concerning the microbial transformation of this compound. The objective of this study was to elucidate the pathway(s) of NDMA biotransformation by Pseudomonas mendocina KR1, a strain that possesses toluene-4-monooxygenase (T4MO). P. mendocina KR1 was observed to initially oxidize NDMA to N-nitrodimethylamine (NTDMA), a novel metabolite. The use of 18O2 and H(2)18O revealed that the oxygen added to NDMA to produce NTDMA was derived from atmospheric O2. Experiments performed with a pseudomonad expressing cloned T4MO confirmed that T4MO catalyzes this initial reaction. The NTDMA produced by P. mendocina KR1 did not accumulate, but rather it was metabolized further to produce N-nitromethylamine (88 to 94% recovery) and a trace amount of formaldehyde (HCHO). Small quantities of methanol (CH3OH) were also detected when the strain was incubated with NDMA but not during incubation with either NTDMA or HCHO. The formation of methanol is hypothesized to occur via a second, minor pathway mediated by an initial alpha-hydroxylation of the nitrosamine. Strain KR1 did not grow on NDMA or mineralize significant quantities of the compound to carbon dioxide, suggesting that the degradation process is cometabolic.  相似文献   
Enteric viruses are shed in the feces and may be present in environmental waters. Their detection in wastewater, even at low concentration, is a major challenge. In this study, recoveries of Echovirus 7 (EV7), virions and RNA in wastewater, using virus concentration methods were determined to evaluate the detection of infectious viruses and the possibility of recovering viral genomes. Two virus concentration methods, PEG precipitation method and two-phase separation method, were applied to recovery experiments of EV7-virions from wastewater, in parallel with recovery experiments of EV7 RNA. The titration of EV7 virions was carried out by cell culture using human rhabdomyosarcoma tumor tissue and the EV7 RNA quantification was performed by real-time PCR. The mean recovery yields of EV7 virions using the PEG precipitation method and the two-phase separation method were 78.5?±?10.99 and 83.1?±?0.28?%, respectively. Besides, EV7 RNA recoveries obtained using the PEG precipitation method were four times higher than those using the two-phase separation method. According to our results, the two methods enable to concentrate both infectious viruses and viral genomes. Moreover, considering the protocol time and cost together with the ratio of the EV7 virion recovery to the EV7 RNA recovery, the two-phase separation method (83.1/2.71?%, or 30.6) seems to be more appropriate for selective concentration of viral virions than the PEG precipitation method (78.5/10.33?%, or 7.6).  相似文献   
Current models for the intracellular transport of Tau protein suggest motor protein-dependent co-transport with microtubule fragments and diffusion of Tau in the cytoplasm, whereas Tau is believed to be stationary while bound to microtubules and in equilibrium with free diffusion in the cytosol. Observations that members of the microtubule-dependent kinesin family show Brownian motion along microtubules led us to hypothesize that diffusion along microtubules could also be relevant in the case of Tau. We used single-molecule total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy to probe for diffusion of individual fluorescently labeled Tau molecules along microtubules. This allowed us to avoid the problem that microtubule-dependent diffusion could be masked by excess of labeled Tau in solution that might occur in in vivo overexpression experiments. We found that approximately half of the individually detected Tau molecules moved bidirectionally along microtubules over distances up to several micrometers. Diffusion parameters such as diffusion coefficient, interaction time, and scanned microtubule length did not change with Tau concentration. Tau binding and diffusion along the microtubule lattice, however, were sensitive to ionic strength and pH and drastically reduced upon enzymatic removal of the negatively charged C termini of tubulin. We propose one-dimensional Tau diffusion guided by the microtubule lattice as one possible additional mechanism for Tau distribution. By such one-dimensional microtubule lattice diffusion, Tau could be guided to both microtubule ends, i.e. the sites where Tau is needed during microtubule polymerization, independently of directed motor-dependent transport. This could be important in conditions where active transport along microtubules might be compromised.  相似文献   
Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) is a cyclic nitramine explosive commonly used for military applications that is responsible for severe soil and groundwater contamination. In this study, Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 was shown to efficiently degrade RDX anaerobically (3.5?μmol·h(-1)·(g protein)(-1)) via two initial routes: (1) sequential N-NO(2) reductions to the corresponding nitroso (N-NO) derivatives (94% of initial RDX degradation) and (2) denitration followed by ring cleavage. To identify genes involved in the anaerobic metabolism of RDX, a library of ~2500 mutants of MR-1 was constructed by random transposon mutagenesis and screened for mutants with a reduced ability to degrade RDX compared with the wild type. An RDX-defective mutant (C9) was isolated that had the transposon inserted in the c-type cytochrome gene cymA. C9 transformed RDX at ~10% of the wild-type rate, with degradation occurring mostly via early ring cleavage caused by initial denitration leading to the formation of methylenedinitramine, 4-nitro-2,4-diazabutanal, formaldehyde, nitrous oxide, and ammonia. Genetic complementation of mutant C9 restored the wild-type phenotype, providing evidence that electron transport components have a role in the anaerobic reduction of RDX by MR-1.  相似文献   
The results of the numerous measurements obtained during the last 40 years on gas exchange rate, photosynthetic carbon metabolism by exposition in 14CO2 and activities of primary carbon fixation enzyme, ribulose‐1,5‐bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBPC/O), in various wheat and soybean genotypes grown over a wide area in the field and contrasting in photosynthetic traits and productivity are presented in this article. It was established that high productive wheat genotypes (7–9 t ha?1) with the optimal architectonics possess higher rate of CO2 assimilation during the leaf ontogenesis. Along with the high rate of photosynthesis, high values of photorespiration are characteristic for the high productive genotypes. Genotypes with moderate (4–5 t ha?1) and low (3 t ha?1) grain yield are characterized by relatively low rates of both CO2 assimilation and photorespiration. A value of photorespiration constitutes 28–35% of photosynthetic rate in contrasting genotypes. The activities of RuBPC and RuBPO were changing in a similar way in the course of the flag leaf and ear elements development. High productive genotypes are also characterized by a higher rate of biosynthesis and total value of glycine–serine and a higher photosynthetic rate. Therefore, contrary to conception arisen during many years on the wastefulness of photorespiration, taking into account the versatile investigations on different aspects of photorespiration, it was proved that photorespiration is one of the evolutionarily developed vital metabolic processes in plants and the attempts to reduce this process with the purpose of increasing the crop productivity are inconsistent.  相似文献   
Our earlier investigations culminated in the discovery of a unique membrane-bound enzyme Calreticulin transacetylase (CRTAase) in mammalian cells catalyzing the transfer of acetyl group from polyphenolic acetates (PAs) to certain functional proteins viz. Glutathione S-transferase (GST), NADPH Cytochrome c reductase and Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) resulting in the modulation of their biological activities. In order to develop SAR study, herein, we studied the influence of alkyl group at C-3 position of acetoxy coumarins on the CRTAase activity. The alkylated acetoxy coumarins lead to inhibition of catalytic activity of GST, and ADP induced platelet aggregation by the way of activation of platelet Nitric oxide synthase (NOS). Furthermore, the increase in size of the coumarin C-3 alkyl group was found to decrease the CRTAase activity.  相似文献   
Lithium preparations are commonly used drug in treating mental disorders and bipolar diseases, but metal's cytotoxic mechanisms have not yet been completely understood. In this study, we investigated the cytotoxic mechanisms of lithium in freshly isolated rat hepatocytes. Lithium cytotoxicity were associated with reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation and collapse of mitochondrial membrane potential and cytochrome c release into the hepatocyte cytosol. All of the mentioned lithium-induced cytotoxicity markers were significantly (P?相似文献   
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