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Nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes from soil under mown grassland were monitored using static chambers over three growing seasons in intensively and extensively managed systems in Central Switzerland. Emissions were largest following the application of mineral (NH4NO3) fertilizer, but there were also substantial emissions following cattle slurry application, after grass cuts and during the thawing of frozen soil. Continuous flux sampling, using automatic chambers, showed marked diurnal patterns in N2O fluxes during emission peaks, with highest values in the afternoon. Net uptake fluxes of N2O and subambient N2O concentrations in soil open pore space were frequently measured on both fields. Flux integration over 2.5 years yields a cumulated emission of +4.7 kgN2O‐N ha?1 for the intensively managed field, equivalent to an average emission factor of 1.1%, and a small net sink activity of ?0.4 kg N2O‐N ha?1 for the unfertilized system. The data suggest the existence of a consumption mechanism for N2O in dry, areated soil conditions, which cannot be explained by conventional anaerobic denitrification. The effect of fertilization on greenhouse gas budgets of grassland at the ecosystem level is discussed.  相似文献   
Body dysmorphic disorder is a psychiatric disease that can be frequently encountered in an aesthetic practice. Body dysmorphic disorder is characterized by a preoccupation with a minimal or nonexistent appearance defect and causes significant distress and interferes with the social life of the patient. The perceived physical anomaly may involve the shape and size of the whole body or may be centered around single units. Body dysmorphic disorder patients are known to request multiple aesthetic procedures that leave them unsatisfied. Only a timely diagnosis will enable the surgeon and staff to adequately address the patient's needs. Body dysmorphic disorder patients cannot be cured with surgery. Diagnostic techniques such as patient interview and observation are presented in this article. With this, the plastic surgeon should be able to diagnose body dysmorphic disorder preoperatively. Using the presented algorithm to approach body dysmorphic disorder patients will avoid disappointment for patients and surgeons alike.  相似文献   
There is little research investigating relationships between the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) and athletic performance in female athletes. This study analyzed the relationships between FMS (deep squat; hurdle step [HS]; in-line lunge [ILL]; shoulder mobility; active straight-leg raise [ASLR]; trunk stability push-up; rotary stability) scores, and performance tests (bilateral and unilateral sit-and-reach [flexibility]; 20-m sprint [linear speed]; 505 with turns from each leg; modified T-test with movement to left and right [change-of-direction speed]; bilateral and unilateral vertical and standing broad jumps; lateral jumps [leg power]). Nine healthy female recreational team sport athletes (age = 22.67 ± 5.12 years; height = 1.66 ± 0.05 m; body mass = 64.22 ± 4.44 kilograms) were screened in the FMS and completed the afore-mentioned tests. Percentage between-leg differences in unilateral sit-and-reach, 505 turns and the jumps, and difference between the T-test conditions, were also calculated. Spearman''s correlations (p ≤ 0.05) examined relationships between the FMS and performance tests. Stepwise multiple regressions (p ≤ 0.05) were conducted for the performance tests to determine FMS predictors. Unilateral sit-and-reach positive correlated with the left-leg ASLR (r = 0.704-0.725). However, higher-scoring HS, ILL, and ASLR related to poorer 505 and T-test performance (r = 0.722-0.829). A higher-scored left-leg ASLR related to a poorer unilateral vertical and standing broad jump, which were the only significant relationships for jump performance. Predictive data tended to confirm the correlations. The results suggest limitations in using the FMS to identify movement deficiencies that could negatively impact athletic performance in female team sport athletes.  相似文献   
Combining measurements of electric potential and pH with such of chlorophyll fluorescence and leaf gas exchange showed heat stimulation to evoke an electrical signal (propagation speed: 3–5 mm s−1) that travelled through the leaf while reducing the net CO2 uptake rate and the photochemical quantum yield of both photosystems (PS). Two-dimensional imaging analysis of the chlorophyll fluorescence signal of PS II revealed that the yield reduction spread basipetally via the veins through the leaf at a speed of 1.6 ± 0.3 mm s−1 while the propagation speed in the intervein region was c. 50 times slower. Propagation of the signal through the veins was confirmed because PS I, which is present in the bundle sheath cells around the leaf vessels, was affected first. Hence, spreading of the signal along the veins represents a path with higher travelling speed than within the intervein region of the leaf lamina. Upon the electrical signal, cytoplasmic pH decreased transiently from 7.0 to 6.4, while apoplastic pH increased transiently from 4.5 to 5.2. Moreover, photochemical quantum yield of isolated chloroplasts was strongly affected by pH changes in the surrounding medium, indicating a putative direct influence of electrical signalling via changes of cytosolic pH on leaf photosynthesis.  相似文献   
The role of facilitation in the structuring of plant communities has been often demonstrated in environments under high abiotic stress, especially in semi‐arid and arid ecosystems and high elevations. Few studies, however, analysed facilitation in systems that are highly productive and rich in species, which are thought to be theoretically unlikely to demonstrate strong effects of facilitation. Here, we investigate the importance of Eryngium horridum, a rosette species, on the maintenance of plant diversity in subtropical grasslands in southern Brazil. We evaluated facilitation in areas under two different types of management: abandonment and grazing. Plots were established in areas with and without individuals of E. horridum and all species were identified and had their cover estimated. The Relative Neighbour Effect index was calculated in order to verify the presence of competition or facilitation. Our results indicated facilitation in both abandoned and in grazed grasslands, but apparently through different mechanisms. In the first case, the plant's architecture opens the canopy and allows more light to reach small forbs in the grass matrix. In the second case, E. horridum appears to protect more palatable species from herbivores. Otherwise considered an obnoxious species, E. horridum plays an important ecological role in subtropical grasslands in southern Brazil by facilitating other species and consequently, increasing local richness. Areas with this rosette species are important sources of diaspores, which are able to colonize new open sites and thus, maintain biodiversity.  相似文献   
Linearization is an efficient means of detecting individualcomponents in complex fluorescence induction curves. In a previousinvestigation based on sine-waves (Hansen, Kolbowski, and Dau,1987) the components related to the plastoquinone pool, thehigh-energy state of the thylakoid membrane and the state 1-state2 transition controller could be identified. In this paper,binary noise is used as an alternative input signal which canalso allow linearization by mathematical tools. Comparison withexperiments using sine-waves shows that curve-fitting of thenoise experiments yields the same data as the sine-wave analysis.Further, some additional components were revealed as labelledby the related time-constants whose values depended on lightintensity (e.g. 5, 15, 20, 70, 85, 550 s for spinach at 2.5W m–2). The advantages of noise analysis are a shorter measuring time and the availability ofan on-line criterion which indicates when a sufficient signal-to-noiseratio is reached. Key words: Chlorophyll fluorescence, correlation functions, linearization, noise, spinach, time-constants  相似文献   


Genome evolution in intracellular microbial symbionts is characterized by gene loss, generating some of the smallest and most gene-poor genomes known. As a result of gene loss these genomes commonly contain metabolic pathways that are fragmented relative to their free-living relatives. The evolutionary retention of fragmented metabolic pathways in the gene-poor genomes of endosymbionts suggests that they are functional. However, it is not always clear how they maintain functionality. To date, the fragmented metabolic pathways of endosymbionts have been shown to maintain functionality through complementation by host genes, complementation by genes of another endosymbiont and complementation by genes in host genomes that have been horizontally acquired from a microbial source that is not the endosymbiont. Here, we demonstrate a fourth mechanism.


We investigate the evolutionary retention of a fragmented pathway for the essential nutrient pantothenate (vitamin B5) in the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum endosymbiosis with Buchnera aphidicola. Using quantitative analysis of gene expression we present evidence for complementation of the Buchnera pantothenate biosynthesis pathway by host genes. Further, using complementation assays in an Escherichia coli mutant we demonstrate functional replacement of a pantothenate biosynthesis enzyme, 2-dehydropantoate 2-reductase (E.C., by an endosymbiont gene, ilvC, encoding a substrate ambiguous enzyme.


Earlier studies have speculated that missing enzyme steps in fragmented endosymbiont metabolic pathways are completed by adaptable endosymbiont enzymes from other pathways. Here, we experimentally demonstrate completion of a fragmented endosymbiont vitamin biosynthesis pathway by recruitment of a substrate ambiguous enzyme from another pathway. In addition, this work extends host/symbiont metabolic collaboration in the aphid/Buchnera symbiosis from amino acid metabolism to include vitamin biosynthesis.
Earth system models associate the ongoing global warming with increasing frequency and intensity of extreme events such as droughts and heat waves. The carbon balance of soils may be more sensitive to the impact of such extremes than to homogeneously distributed changes in soil temperature (Ts) or soil water content (θs). One parameter influenced by more pronounced drying/rewetting cycles or increases in Ts is the wettability of soils. Results from laboratory and field studies showed that low θs, particularly in combination with high Ts can increase soil water repellency (SWR). Recent studies have provided evidence that the stability of soil organic matter (SOM) against microbial decomposition is substantially enhanced in water repellent soils. This review hypothesizes that SWR is an important SOM stabilization mechanism that could become more important because of the increase in extreme events. We discuss wettability‐induced changes in soil moisture distribution and in soil aggregate turnover as the main mechanisms explaining the reduced mineralization of SOM with increasing SWR. The creation of preferential flow paths and subsequent uneven penetration of rainwater may cause a long‐term reduction of soil water availability, affecting both microorganisms and plants. We conclude that climate change‐induced SWR may intensify the effects of climatic drought and thus affects ecosystem processes such as SOM decomposition and plant productivity, as well as changes in vegetation and microbial community structure. Future research on biosphere–climate interactions should consider the effects of increasing SWR on soil moisture and subsequently on both microbial activity and plant productivity, which ultimately determine the overall carbon balance.  相似文献   
1. In solitary parasitoids, only one individual can complete development in a given host. Therefore, solitary parasitoids tend to prefer unparasitised hosts for oviposition, yet under high parasitoid densities, superparasitism is frequent and results in fierce competition for the host's limited resources. This may lead to selection for the best intra‐host competitors. 2. Increased intra‐host competitive ability may evolve under a high risk of superparasitism if this trait exhibits genetic variation, and if competitive differences among parasitoid genotypes are consistent across environments, e.g. different host genotypes. 3. These assumptions were addressed in the aphid parasitoid Lysiphlebus fabarum (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) and its main host, the black bean aphid, Aphis fabae (Scopoli) (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Three parthenogenetic lines of L. fabarum were allowed to parasitise three aphid clones singly and in all pairwise combinations (superparasitism). The winning parasitoid in superparasitised aphids was determined by microsatellite analysis. 4. The proportions of singly parasitised aphids that were mummified were similar for the three parasitoid lines and did not differ significantly among host clones. 5. Under superparasitism, significant biases in favour of one parasitoid line were observed for some combinations, indicating that there is genetic variation for intra‐host competitive ability. However, the outcome of superparasitism was inconsistent across aphid clones and thus influenced significantly by the host clone in which parasitoids competed. 6. Overall, this study shows that the fitness of aphid parasitoids under superparasitism is determined by complex interactions with competitors as well as hosts, possibly hampering the evolution of improved intra‐host competitive ability.  相似文献   
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