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Purine cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors have been recognized as promising candidates for the treatment of various cancers; nevertheless, data regarding interaction of these substances with drug efflux transporters is still lacking. Recently, we have demonstrated inhibition of breast cancer resistance protein (ABCG2) by olomoucine II and purvalanol A and shown that these compounds are able to synergistically potentiate the antiproliferative effect of mitoxantrone, an ABCG2 substrate. In this follow up study, we investigated whether olomoucine II and purvalanol A are transported by ABCG2 and ABCB1 (P-glycoprotein). Using monolayers of MDCKII cells stably expressing human ABCB1 or ABCG2, we demonstrated that olomoucine II, but not purvalanol A, is a dual substrate of both ABCG2 and ABCB1. We, therefore, assume that pharmacokinetics of olomoucine II will be affected by both ABCB1 and ABCG2 transport proteins, which might potentially result in limited accumulation of the compound in tumor tissues or lead to drug-drug interactions. Pharmacokinetic behavior of purvalanol A, on the other hand, does not seem to be affected by either ABCG2 or ABCB1, theoretically favoring this drug in the potential treatment of efflux transporter-based multidrug resistant tumors. In addition, we observed intensive sulfatation of olomoucine II in MDCKII cell lines with subsequent active efflux of the metabolite out of the cells. Therefore, care should be taken when performing pharmacokinetic studies in MDCKII cells, especially if radiolabeled substrates are used; the generated sulfated conjugate may largely contaminate pharmacokinetic analysis and result in misleading interpretation. With regard to chemical structures of olomoucine II and purvalanol A, our data emphasize that even drugs with remarkable structure similarity may show different pharmacokinetic behavior such as interactions with ABC transporters or biotransformation enzymes.  相似文献   
The earliest pterygote (winged insect), dated from the Lower Carboniferous (Namurian A/E1, circa 324 millions years ago) is described from the Upper Silesian Basin in the Czech Republic. On the basis of its wing venation, it is attributed to the Archaeorthoptera Béthoux and Nel, 2002, crown group of the “Orthoptera”. Besides Apterygota (Collembola and Archaeognatha) known from the Lower Devonian, extremely rare pterygote insects are known from Lower Carboniferous deposits when they first appeared. The present discovery supports the hypothesis of the presence of the ancestor lineage of the orthopteroid in the Lower Carboniferous ecosystems.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a systematic study of the plasmonic properties of periodic arrays of gold cylindrical nanoparticles in contact with a gold thin film. Depending on the gold film thickness, it observes several plasmon bands. Using a simple analytical model, it is able to assign all these modes and determine that they are due to the coupling of the grating diffraction orders with the propagating surface plasmons travelling along the film. With finite difference time domain (FDTD) simulations, it demonstrates that large field enhancement occurs at the surface of the nanocylinders due to the resonant excitation of these modes. By tilting the sample, it also observes the evolution of the spectral position of these modes and their tuning through nearly the whole visible range is possible. Such plasmonic substrates combining both advantages of the propagative and localised surface plasmons could have large applications in enhanced spectroscopies.

Despite widespread variability and redundancy abounding animal immunity, little is currently known about the rate of evolutionary convergence (functionally analogous traits not inherited from a common ancestor) in host molecular adaptations to parasite selective pressures. Toll‐like receptors (TLRs) provide the molecular interface allowing hosts to recognize pathogenic structures and trigger early danger signals initiating an immune response. Using a novel combination of bioinformatic approaches, here we explore genetic variation in ligand‐binding regions of bacteria‐sensing TLR4 and TLR5 in 29 species belonging to the tit family of passerine birds (Aves: Paridae). Three out of the four consensual positively selected sites in TLR4 and six out of 14 positively selected positions in TLR5 were located on the receptor surface near the functionally important sites, and based on the phylogenetic pattern evolved in a convergent (parallel) manner. This type of evolution was also seen at one N‐glycosylation site and two positively selected phosphorylation sites, providing the first evidence of convergence in post‐translational modifications in evolutionary immunology. Finally, the overall mismatch between phylogeny and the clustering of surface charge distribution demonstrates that convergence is common in overall TLR4 and TLR5 molecular phenotypes involved in ligand binding. Our analysis did not reveal any broad ecological traits explaining the convergence observed in electrostatic potentials, suggesting that information on microbial symbionts may be needed to explain TLR evolution. Adopting state‐of‐the‐art predictive structural bionformatics, we have outlined a new broadly applicable methodological approach to estimate the functional significance of positively selected variation and test for the adaptive molecular convergence in protein‐coding polymorphisms.  相似文献   
Coevolutionary processes that drive the patterns of host–parasite associations can be deduced through congruence analysis of their phylogenies. Feather lice and their avian hosts have previously been used as typical model systems for congruence analysis; however, such analyses are strongly biased toward nonpasserine hosts in the temperate zone. Further, in the Afrotropical region especially, cospeciation studies of lice and birds are entirely missing. This work supplements knowledge of host–parasite associations in lice using cospeciation analysis of feather lice (genus Myrsidea and the Brueelia complex) and their avian hosts in the tropical rainforests of Cameroon. Our analysis revealed a limited number of cospeciation events in both parasite groups. The parasite–host associations in both louse groups were predominantly shaped by host switching. Despite a general dissimilarity in phylogeny for the parasites and hosts, we found significant congruence in host–parasite distance matrices, mainly driven by associations between Brueelia lice and passerine species of the Waxbill (Estrildidae) family, and Myrsidea lice and their Bulbul (Pycnonotidae) host species. As such, our study supports the importance of complex biotic interactions in tropical environments.  相似文献   
Combined methylmalonic aciduria with homocystinuria (cblC type) is a rare disease caused by mutations in the MMACHC gene. MMACHC encodes an enzyme crucial for intracellular vitamin B12 metabolism, leading to the accumulation of toxic metabolites e.g. methylmalonic acid (MMA) and homocysteine (Hcy), and secondary disturbances in folate and one-carbon metabolism when not fully functional. Patients with cblC deficiency often present in the neonatal or early childhood period with a severe multisystem pathology, which comprises a broad spectrum of treatment-resistant ophthalmological phenotypes, including retinal degeneration, impaired vision, and vascular changes. To examine the potential function of MMACHC in the retina and how its loss may impact disease, we performed gene expression studies in human and mouse, which showed that local expression of MMACHC in the retina and retinal pigment epithelium is relatively stable over time. To study whether functional MMACHC is required for retinal function and tissue integrity, we generated a transgenic mouse lacking Mmachc expression in cells of the peripheral retina. Characterization of this mouse revealed accumulation of cblC disease related metabolites, including MMA and the folate-dependent purine synthesis intermediates AICA-riboside and SAICA-riboside in the retina. Nevertheless, fundus appearance, morphology, vasculature, and cellular composition of the retina, as well as ocular function, remained normal in mice up to 6 or 12 months of age. Our data indicates that peripheral retinal neurons do not require intrinsic expression of Mmachc for survival and function and questions whether a local MMACHC deficiency is responsible for the retinal phenotypes in patients.  相似文献   
Microtubules are dynamic polymers that occur in eukaryotic cells and play important roles in cell division, motility, transport and signaling. They form during the process of polymerization of α- and β-tubulin dimers. Tubulin is a significant and heavily researched molecular target for anticancer drugs. Combretastatins are natural cis-stilbenes that exhibit cytotoxic properties in cultured cancer cells in vitro. Combretastatin A-4 (3′-hydroxy-3,4,4′, 5-tetramethoxy-cis-stilbene; CA-4) is a potent cytotoxic cis-stilbene that binds to β-tubulin at the colchicine-binding site and inhibits tubulin polymerization. The prodrug CA-4 phosphate is currently in clinical trials as a chemotherapeutic agent for cancer treatment. Numerous series of stilbene analogs have been studied in search of potent cytotoxic agents with the requisite tubulin-interactive properties. Microtubule-interfering agents include numerous CA-4 and transresveratrol analogs and other synthetic stilbene derivatives. Importantly, these agents are active in both tumor cells and immature endothelial cells of tumor blood vessels, where they inhibit the process of angiogenesis. Recently, computer-aided virtual screening was used to select potent tubulin-interactive compounds. This review covers the role of stilbene derivatives as a class of antitumor agents that act by targeting microtubule assembly dynamics. Additionally, we present the results of molecular modeling of their binding to specific sites on the α- and β-tubulin heterodimer. This has enabled the elucidation of the mechanism of stilbene cytotoxicity and is useful in the design of novel agents with improved anti-mitotic activity. Tubulin-interactive agents are believed to have the potential to play a significant role in the fight against cancer.  相似文献   
Mitochondria have emerged as an intriguing target for anti-cancer drugs, inherent to vast majority if not all types of tumours. Drugs that target mitochondria and exert anti-cancer activity have become a focus of recent research due to their great clinical potential (which has not been harnessed thus far). The exceptional potential of mitochondria as a target for anti-cancer agents has been reinforced by the discouraging finding that even tumours of the same type from individual patients differ in a number of mutations. This is consistent with the idea of personalised therapy, an elusive goal at this stage, in line with the notion that tumours are unlikely to be treated by agents that target only a single gene or a single pathway. This endows mitochondria, an invariant target present in all tumours, with an exceptional momentum. This train of thoughts inspired us to define a class of anti-cancer drugs acting by way of mitochondrial ‘destabilisation’, termed ‘mitocans’. In this communication, we define mitocans (many of which have been known for a long time) and classify them into several classes based on their molecular mode of action. We chose the targets that are of major importance from the point of view of their role in mitochondrial destabilisation by small compounds, some of which are now trialled as anti-cancer agents. The classification starts with targets at the surface of mitochondria and ending up with those in the mitochondrial matrix. The purpose of this review is to present in a concise manner the classification of compounds that hold a considerable promise as potential anti-cancer drugs.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial respiratory chain is organised into supramolecular structures that can be preserved in mild detergent solubilisates and resolved by native electrophoretic systems. Supercomplexes of respiratory complexes I, III and IV as well as multimeric forms of ATP synthase are well established. However, the involvement of complex II, linking respiratory chain with tricarboxylic acid cycle, in mitochondrial supercomplexes is questionable. Here we show that digitonin-solubilised complex II quantitatively forms high molecular weight structures (CIIhmw) that can be resolved by clear native electrophoresis. CIIhmw structures are enzymatically active and differ in electrophoretic mobility between tissues (500 – over 1000 kDa) and cultured cells (400–670 kDa). While their formation is unaffected by isolated defects in other respiratory chain complexes, they are destabilised in mtDNA-depleted, rho0 cells. Molecular interactions responsible for the assembly of CIIhmw are rather weak with the complexes being more stable in tissues than in cultured cells. While electrophoretic studies and immunoprecipitation experiments of CIIhmw do not indicate specific interactions with the respiratory chain complexes I, III or IV or enzymes of the tricarboxylic acid cycle, they point out to a specific interaction between CII and ATP synthase.  相似文献   
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