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Aplacophorans have long been argued to be basal molluscs. We present a molecular phylogeny, including the aplacophorans Neomeniomorpha (Solenogastres) and Chaetodermomorpha (Caudofoveata), which recovered instead the clade Aculifera (Aplacophora + Polyplacophora). Our relaxed Bayesian molecular clock estimates an Early Ordovician appearance of the aculiferan crown group consistent with the presence of chiton-like molluscs with seven or eight dorsal shell plates by the Late Cambrian (approx. 501-490 Ma). Molecular, embryological and palaeontological data indicate that aplacophorans, as well as chitons, evolved from a paraphyletic assemblage of chiton-like ancestors. The recovery of cephalopods as a sister group to aculiferans suggests that the plesiomorphic condition in molluscs might be a morphology similar to that found in monoplacophorans.  相似文献   
The symbiosis polysaccharide locus, syp, is required for Vibrio fischeri to form a symbiotic association with the squid Euprymna scolopes. It is also required for biofilm formation induced by the unlinked regulator RscS. The syp locus includes 18 genes that can be classified into four groups based on putative function: 4 genes encode putative regulators, 6 encode glycosyltransferases, 2 encode export proteins, and the remaining 6 encode proteins with other functions, including polysaccharide modification. To understand the roles of each of the 14 structural syp genes in colonization and biofilm formation, we generated nonpolar in-frame deletions of each gene. All of the deletion mutants exhibited defects in their ability to colonize juvenile squid, although the impact of the loss of SypB or SypI was modest. Consistent with their requirement for colonization, most of the structural genes were also required for RscS-induced biofilm formation. In particular, the production of wrinkled colonies, pellicles, and the matrix on the colony surface was eliminated or severely decreased in all mutants except for the sypB and sypI mutants; in contrast, only a subset of genes appeared to play a role in attachment to glass. Finally, immunoblotting data suggested that the structural Syp proteins are involved in polysaccharide production and/or export. These results provide important insights into the requirements for the syp genes under different environmental conditions and thus lay the groundwork for a more complete understanding of the matrix produced by V. fischeri to enhance cell-cell interactions and promote symbiotic colonization.  相似文献   
In the N2 domain of the gene-3-protein of phage fd, two consecutive β-strands are connected by a mobile loop of seven residues (157-163). The stability of this loop is low, and the Asp160-Pro161 bond at its tip shows conformational heterogeneity with 90% being in the cis and 10% in the trans form. The refolding kinetics of N2 are complex because the molecules with cis or trans isomers at Pro161 both fold to native-like conformations, albeit with different rates. We employed consensus design to shorten the seven-residue irregular loop around Pro161 to a four-residue type I′ turn without a proline. This increased the conformational stability of N2 by almost 10 kJ mol− 1 and abolished the complexity of the folding kinetics. Turn sequences obtained from in vitro selections for increased stability strongly resembled those derived from the consensus design. Two other type I′ turns of N2 could also be stabilized by consensus design. For all three turns, the gain in stability originates from an increase in the rate of refolding. The turns form native-like structures early during refolding and thus stabilize the folding transition state. The crystal structure of the variant with all three stabilized turns confirms that the 157-163 loop was in fact shortened to a type I′ turn and that the other turns maintained their type I′ conformation after sequence optimization.  相似文献   
Aprataxin, defective in the neurodegenerative disorder ataxia oculomotor apraxia type 1, resolves abortive DNA ligation intermediates during DNA repair. Here, we demonstrate that aprataxin localizes at sites of DNA damage induced by high LET radiation and binds to mediator of DNA-damage checkpoint protein 1 (MDC1/NFBD1) through a phosphorylation-dependent interaction. This interaction is mediated via the aprataxin FHA domain and multiple casein kinase 2 di-phosphorylated S-D-T-D motifs in MDC1. X-ray structural and mutagenic analysis of aprataxin FHA domain, combined with modelling of the pSDpTD peptide interaction suggest an unusual FHA binding mechanism mediated by a cluster of basic residues at and around the canonical pT-docking site. Mutation of aprataxin FHA Arg29 prevented its interaction with MDC1 and recruitment to sites of DNA damage. These results indicate that aprataxin is involved not only in single strand break repair but also in the processing of a subset of double strand breaks presumably through its interaction with MDC1.  相似文献   


PI3Kγ functions in the immune compartment to promote inflammation in response to G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) agonists and PI3Kγ also acts within the heart itself both as a negative regulator of cardiac contractility and as a pro-survival factor. Thus, PI3Kγ has the potential to both promote and limit M I/R injury.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Complete PI3Kγ−/− mutant mice, catalytically inactive PI3KγKD/KD (KD) knock-in mice, and control wild type (WT) mice were subjected to in vivo myocardial ischemia and reperfusion (M I/R) injury. Additionally, bone-marrow chimeric mice were constructed to elucidate the contribution of the inflammatory response to cardiac damage. PI3Kγ−/− mice exhibited a significantly increased infarction size following reperfusion. Mechanistically, PI3Kγ is required for activation of the Reperfusion Injury Salvage Kinase (RISK) pathway (AKT/ERK1/2) and regulates phospholamban phosphorylation in the acute injury response. Using bone marrow chimeras, the cardioprotective role of PI3Kγ was mapped to non-haematopoietic cells. Importantly, this massive increase in M I/R injury in PI3Kγ−/− mice was rescued in PI3Kγ kinase-dead (PI3KγKD/KD) knock-in mice. However, PI3KγKD/KD mice exhibited a cardiac injury similar to wild type animals, suggesting that specific blockade of PI3Kγ catalytic activity has no beneficial effects.


Our data show that PI3Kγ is cardioprotective during M I/R injury independent of its catalytic kinase activity and that loss of PI3Kγ function in the hematopoietic compartment does not affect disease outcome. Thus, clinical development of specific PI3Kγ blockers should proceed with caution.  相似文献   
Existing computational methods for RNA secondary-structure prediction tacitly assume RNA to only encode functional RNA structures. However, experimental studies have revealed that some RNA sequences, e.g. compact viral genomes, can simultaneously encode functional RNA structures as well as proteins, and evidence is accumulating that this phenomenon may also be found in Eukaryotes. We here present the first comparative method, called RNA-DECODER, which explicitly takes the known protein-coding context of an RNA-sequence alignment into account in order to predict evolutionarily conserved secondary-structure elements, which may span both coding and non-coding regions. RNA-DECODER employs a stochastic context-free grammar together with a set of carefully devised phylogenetic substitution-models, which can disentangle and evaluate the different kinds of overlapping evolutionary constraints which arise. We show that RNA-DECODER's parameters can be automatically trained to successfully fold known secondary structures within the HCV genome. We scan the genomes of HCV and polio virus for conserved secondary-structure elements, and analyze performance as a function of available evolutionary information. On known secondary structures, RNA-DECODER shows a sensitivity similar to the programs MFOLD, PFOLD and RNAALIFOLD. When scanning the entire genomes of HCV and polio virus for structure elements, RNA-DECODER's results indicate a markedly higher specificity than MFOLD, PFOLD and RNAALIFOLD.  相似文献   
Inhibitors of farnesyltransferase are effective against a variety of tumors in mouse models of cancer. Clinical trials to evaluate these agents in humans are ongoing. In our effort to develop new farnesyltransferase inhibitors, we have discovered bioavailable aryl tetrahydropyridines that are potent in cell culture. The design, synthesis, SAR and biological properties of these compounds will be discussed.  相似文献   
Thermophilic, faculatatively mixotrophic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria were isolated from a sulfide-rich, neutral hot spring in Iceland. The strain, IT-7254, used thiosulfate and elemental sulfur as electron donors, oxygen and nitrate as electron acceptors, and acetate and other organic compounds as carbon sources. After a few days of growth in the presence of thiosulfate, this strain formed sulfur globules. Comparison of intracellular enzymes and heme proteins of heterotrophically and mixotrophically grown cells showed some differences. The new isolate belonged to Thermus scotoductus because the small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene sequence analysis showed 98.6% sequence similarity and 84% DNA:DNA reassociation to Thermus scotoductus NMX2 A. 1. It is also close to Thermus antranikianii HN3-7, with 98.3% and 79% SSU rRNA sequence similarity and DNA:DNA reassociation, respectively. It was also found that both Thermus NMX2 A.1 and T. antranikianii HN3-7 were able to oxidize thiosulfate but that the T. scotoductus type strain SE-1 was not. This is the first report of Thermus strains that are capable of mixotrophic growth with sulfur oxidation.  相似文献   
Since the mid-1980s the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, Pallas 1771, has become the protagonist of a spectacular freshwater invasion in North America due to its large economic and biological impact. Several genetic studies on American populations have failed to detect any large-scale geographical patterns. In western Europe, where D. polymorpha has been a classical invader from the Pontocaspian since the early 19th century, the situation is strikingly different. Here, we show with genetic markers that two major western European invasion lineages with lowered genetic variability within and among populations can be discriminated. These two invasion lineages correspond with two separate navigable waterways to western Europe. We found a rapid and asymmetrical genetic interchange of the two invasion lines after the construction of the Main-Danube canal in 1992, which interconnected the two waterways across the main watershed.  相似文献   
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