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Human papillomaviruses (HPV) may cause sexually transmitted disease. High-risk types of HPV are involved in the development of cervical cell dysplasia, whereas low-risk types may cause genital condyloma. Despite the association between HPV and cancer, donor sperm need not be tested for HPV according to European regulations. Consequently, the potential health risk of HPV transmission by donor bank sperm has not been elucidated, nor is it known how HPV is associated with sperm. The presence of 35 types of HPV was examined on DNA from semen samples of 188 Danish sperm donors using a sensitive HPV array. To examine whether HPV was associated with the sperm, in situ hybridization were performed with HPV-6, HPV-16 and -18, and HPV-31-specific probes. The prevalence of HPV-positive sperm donors was 16.0% and in 66.7% of these individuals high-risk types of HPV were detected. In 5.3% of sperm donors, two or more HPV types were detected. Among all identified HPV types, 61.9% were high-risk types. In situ hybridization experiments identified HPV genomes particularly protruding from the equatorial segment and the tail of the sperm. Semen samples from more than one in seven healthy Danish donors contain HPV, most of them of high-risk types binding to the equatorial segment of the sperm cell. Most HPV-positive sperm showed decreased staining with DAPI, indicative of reduced content of DNA. Our data demonstrate that oncogenic HPV types are frequent in men.  相似文献   


Neuronal hyperexcitability is a crucial phenomenon underlying spontaneous and evoked pain. In invertebrate nociceptors, the S-type leak K+ channel (analogous to TREK-1 in mammals) plays a critical role of in determining neuronal excitability following nerve injury. Few data are available on the role of leak K2P channels after peripheral axotomy in mammals.


Here we describe that rat sciatic nerve axotomy induces hyperexcitability of L4-L5 DRG sensory neurons and decreases TRESK (K2P18.1) expression, a channel with a major contribution to total leak current in DRGs. While the expression of other channels from the same family did not significantly change, injury markers ATF3 and Cacna2d1 were highly upregulated. Similarly, acute sensory neuron dissociation (in vitro axotomy) produced marked hyperexcitability and similar total background currents compared with neurons injured in vivo. In addition, the sanshool derivative IBA, which blocked TRESK currents in transfected HEK293 cells and DRGs, increased intracellular calcium in 49% of DRG neurons in culture. Most IBA-responding neurons (71%) also responded to the TRPV1 agonist capsaicin, indicating that they were nociceptors. Additional evidence of a biological role of TRESK channels was provided by behavioral evidence of pain (flinching and licking), in vivo electrophysiological evidence of C-nociceptor activation following IBA injection in the rat hindpaw, and increased sensitivity to painful pressure after TRESK knockdown in vivo.


In summary, our results clearly support an important role of TRESK channels in determining neuronal excitability in specific DRG neurons subpopulations, and show that axonal injury down-regulates TRESK channels, therefore contributing to neuronal hyperexcitability.  相似文献   
Comprehensive application of solution NMR spectroscopy to studies of macromolecules remains fundamentally limited by the molecular rotational correlation time. For proteins, molecules larger than 30 kDa require complex experimental methods, such as TROSY in conjunction with isotopic labeling schemes that are often expensive and generally reduce the potential information available. We have developed the reverse micelle encapsulation strategy as an alternative approach. Encapsulation of proteins within the protective nano-scale water pool of a reverse micelle dissolved in ultra-low viscosity nonpolar solvents overcomes the slow tumbling problem presented by large proteins. Here, we characterize the contributions from the various components of the protein-containing reverse micelle system to the rotational correlation time of the encapsulated protein. Importantly, we demonstrate that the protein encapsulated in the reverse micelle maintains a hydration shell comparable in size to that seen in bulk solution. Using moderate pressures, encapsulation in ultra-low viscosity propane or ethane can be used to magnify this advantage. We show that encapsulation in liquid ethane can be used to reduce the tumbling time of the 43 kDa maltose binding protein from ~23 to ~10 ns. These conditions enable, for example, acquisition of TOCSY-type data resolved on the adjacent amide NH for the 43 kDa encapsulated maltose binding protein dissolved in liquid ethane, which is typically impossible for proteins of such size without use of extensive deuteration or the TROSY effect.  相似文献   
Existing computational methods for RNA secondary-structure prediction tacitly assume RNA to only encode functional RNA structures. However, experimental studies have revealed that some RNA sequences, e.g. compact viral genomes, can simultaneously encode functional RNA structures as well as proteins, and evidence is accumulating that this phenomenon may also be found in Eukaryotes. We here present the first comparative method, called RNA-DECODER, which explicitly takes the known protein-coding context of an RNA-sequence alignment into account in order to predict evolutionarily conserved secondary-structure elements, which may span both coding and non-coding regions. RNA-DECODER employs a stochastic context-free grammar together with a set of carefully devised phylogenetic substitution-models, which can disentangle and evaluate the different kinds of overlapping evolutionary constraints which arise. We show that RNA-DECODER's parameters can be automatically trained to successfully fold known secondary structures within the HCV genome. We scan the genomes of HCV and polio virus for conserved secondary-structure elements, and analyze performance as a function of available evolutionary information. On known secondary structures, RNA-DECODER shows a sensitivity similar to the programs MFOLD, PFOLD and RNAALIFOLD. When scanning the entire genomes of HCV and polio virus for structure elements, RNA-DECODER's results indicate a markedly higher specificity than MFOLD, PFOLD and RNAALIFOLD.  相似文献   
1,25-(OH)(2) vitamin D(3) is important for calcium homeostasis and cell differentiation. The key enzyme for the activation of liver-derived 25(OH) vitamin D(3) is 25-hydroxyvitamin D(3) 1alpha-hydroxylase. It is expressed mainly in the kidney but also in peripheral tissues. A 1413-bp fragment of the 1alpha-hydroxylase promoter was cloned into luciferase vectors pGL2basic and pGL3basic. Sequence analyses revealed four base exchanges and three base deletions compared with the published sequence which were identically found in five control persons. In silico promoter analyses revealed 17 putative nuclear factor (NF)kappaB sites, 10 of which were found to bind NFkappaB in EMSA experiments. Cotransfection of NFkappaB p50 and p65 subunits resulted in dramatic reduction of the promoter activity of the full-length construct as well as a series of 5'-deletion constructs. Deletion of the farmost 3'-situated NFkappaB-responsive element almost abolished NFkappaB responsiveness. Treatment of human embryonic kidney 293 cells with sulfasalazine, a NFkappaB inhibitor, resulted in enhanced 1alpha-hydroxylase mRNA production. Down-regulation of 1alpha-hydroxylase promoter through NFkappaB signaling may contribute to the pathogenesis of inflammation-associated osteopenia/osteoporosis.  相似文献   
By combining low nutrient enrichments and molecular methods, a high diversity of new amylase genes was detected in a neutral sulphide-rich hot spring in Iceland. Enrichments based on hot spring water and low concentrations of starch were used to select slow-growing, starch-degrading microorganisms. Six enrichments had in total 17 bacterial types detected by 16S rRNA analysis, mostly related to the Thermus-Deinococcus group, green non-sulphur bacteria, gram positives, and uncultivated new candidate divisions. No Archaea were found. The apparent 16S rRNA species composition of the enrichments was very different from that of the microbial mat in the same hot spring. DNA samples obtained from 4 enrichments and from hot spring biomass were screened by PCR for amylase genes in glycoside-hydrolase family 13. Degenerate primers, based on conserved amino acid sequences from multiplealignments of family 13, enabled the detection of 18 amylase sequence types in the enrichments, including -amylases, -glucosidases, 1,4--glucan branching enzymes, cyclomaltodextrin hydrolases, maltogenic amylases and neopullulanases, and unspecified family 13 glycoside-hydrolases. Only one unique neopullulanase sequence, also found in most of the enrichments, was detected in the hot spring biomass DNA. The results suggest that the enrichment method combined with sequence-based screening is an efficient way to access the silent, i.e. not detectable, gene diversity in natural environments.  相似文献   
The recently developed CARD-FISH protocol was refined for the detection of marine Archaea by replacing the lysozyme permeabilization treatment with proteinase K. This modification resulted in about twofold-higher detection rates for Archaea in deep waters. Using this method in combination with microautoradiography, we found that Archaea are more abundant than Bacteria (42% versus 32% of 4',6'-diamidino-2-phenylindole counts) in the deep waters of the North Atlantic and that a larger fraction of Archaea than of Bacteria takes up l-aspartic acid (19% versus 10%).  相似文献   
RACK1 serves as a scaffold protein for a wide range of kinases and membrane-bound receptors. It is a WD-repeat family protein and is predicted to have a beta-propeller architecture with seven blades like a Gbeta protein. Mass spectrometry studies have identified its association with the small subunit of eukaryotic ribosomes and, most recently, it has been shown to regulate initiation by recruiting protein kinase C to the 40S subunit. Here we present the results of a cryo-EM study of the 80S ribosome that positively locate RACK1 on the head region of the 40S subunit, in the immediate vicinity of the mRNA exit channel. One face of RACK1 exposes the WD-repeats as a platform for interactions with kinases and receptors. Using this platform, RACK1 can recruit other proteins to the ribosome.  相似文献   
Inhibitors of farnesyltransferase are effective against a variety of tumors in mouse models of cancer. Clinical trials to evaluate these agents in humans are ongoing. In our effort to develop new farnesyltransferase inhibitors, we have discovered bioavailable aryl tetrahydropyridines that are potent in cell culture. The design, synthesis, SAR and biological properties of these compounds will be discussed.  相似文献   
The infB gene encodes translation initiation factor IF2. We have determined the entire sequence of infB from two cold-sensitive Escherichia coli strains IQ489 and IQ490. These two strains have been isolated as suppressor strains for the temperature-sensitive secretion mutation secY24. The mutations causing the suppression phenotype are located within infB. The only variations from the wild-type (wt) infB found in the two mutant strains are a replacement of Asp409 with Glu in strain IQ489 and an insertion of Gly between Ala421 and Gly422 in strain IQ490. Both positions are located in the GTP-binding G-domain of IF2. A model of the G-domain of E.coli IF2 is presented in. Physiological quantities of the recombinant mutant proteins were expressed in vivo in E.coli strains from which the chromosomal infB gene has been inactivated. At 42 degrees C, the mutants sustained normal cell growth, whereas a significant decrease in growth rate was found at 25 degrees C for both mutants as compared to wt IF2 expressed in the control strain. Circular dichroism spectra were recorded of the wt and the two mutant proteins to investigate the structural properties of the proteins. The spectra are characteristic of alpha-helix dominated structure, and reveal a significant different behavior between the wt and mutant IF2s with respect to temperature-induced conformational changes. The temperature-induced conformational change of the wt IF2 is a two-state process. In a ribosome-dependent GTPase assay in vitro the two mutants showed practically no activity at temperatures below 10 degrees C and a reduced activity at all temperatures up to 45 degrees C, as compared to wt IF2. The results indicate that the amino acid residues, Asp409 and Gly422, are located in important regions of the IF2 G-domain and demonstrate the importance of GTP hydrolysis in translation initiation for optimal cell growth.  相似文献   
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