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Summary The chemiosmotic hypothesis predicts that the mechanism by which weak acids uncouple oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria is identical to the mechanism by which they transport hydrogen ions across artificial bilayer membranes. We report here the results of a kinetic study of uncoupler-mediated hydrogen ion transport across bilayer membranes. We made electrical relaxation measurements on black lipid membranes exposed to the substituted benzimidazole 5,6-dichloro-2-trifluoromethylbenzimidazole. The simplest model consistent with our experimental data allowed us to deduce values for adsorption coefficients and rate constants. Our major conclusions are that the back diffusion of the neutral species is the rate limiting step for the steady state transport of hydrogen ions, that both the neutral and charged forms of the uncoupler adsorb strongly to the interfaces, and that the reactions at the membrane-solution interfaces occur sufficiently rapidly for equilibrium to be maintained. Independent measurements of the adsorption coefficients of both the neutral and anionic forms of the weak acid and also of the permeability of the membrane to the neutral form agreed well with the values deduced from the kinetic study.  相似文献   
Barleygrass ( Hordeum leporinum ) from Australian low-P (phosphorus) soils and commercial barley ( H. vulgare ) with high fertilizer requirements were grown in solution culture at 3 levels of P supply. The high-P-adapted barley produced more biomass at all levels of P supply and was more responsive to added P in terms of rate of tillering, rate of leaf production, final leaf size, and therefore total shoot weight compared to barleygrass. In both species root: shoot ratio decreased in response to improved tissue P status, even at P levels where total biomass did not respond to P supply. Removal of endosperm reserves of barley reduced total biomass to a greater extent than it altered phosphate absorption rate, thus increasing tissue P status and making plants less responsive to added P. Similarly, barleygrass had a slower growth rate but a comparable P absorption rate to that of barley. Thus barleygrass also accumulated tissue P and was unresponsive to added P. All phosphorus chemical fractions increased in response to improved tissue P status, but to differing extents (inorganic-P > nucleic acid-P > lipid-P > ester-P), suggesting that all P fractions (particularly inorganic P) serve, in part, a storage function. Both barleygrass and barley without endosperm had higher concentrations of all P fractions (particularly inorganic P) than did unaltered barley, but this was due entirely to their higher P status (due to slow growth) rather than to any major difference in P metabolism between species. We conclude that slow growth is more important than interspecific differences in P metabolism, P absorption, or efficiency of P utilization in explaining the success of barleygrass and other low-P-adapted species on infertile soils.  相似文献   
Summary We report here a kinetic study of the mechanism by which the weak acid TTFB (4,5,6,7-tetrachloro-2-trifluoromethylbenzimidazole) transports protons across phospholipid bilayer membranes. A previous kinetic study of the homologous dichloro compound, DTFB, revealed that the rate limiting step for proton translocation was the back diffusion of the neutral, HA, form of the weak acid; we conclude here that this is also the rate limiting step for proton translocation with TTFB. At high concentrations of either DTFB or TTFB the charged permeant species is an HA 2 complex. The kinetic analysis and independent measurements reveal that the permeability of the membrane to HA and adsorption coefficients of A and HA are an order of magnitude higher for TTFB than for DTFB. When either DTFB or TTFB was present in a solution where the pH was less than the pK of the weak acid, an unusual relaxation in the current was noted on application of a voltage step. The amplitude of the relaxation decreased as the voltage was increased. This relaxation is possibly due to a reorientation of the benzimidazole molecules at the membrane-solution interface. We also report experiments performed with DTFB on mitochondria. It was possible to reconcile these results with the bilayer data and, therefore, with the chemiosmotic hypothesis by postulating that the dielectric constant of the mitochondrial membrane is greater than that of a bilayer formed with decane as a solvent. To demonstrate the effect of dielectric constant on permeability, we replaced decane by 1-chlorodecane. This increased the capacitance of the artificial bilayer by a factor of two and the permeability of the bilayer to the A form of DTFB by two orders of magnitude.  相似文献   
Abstract— Tryptophan transport across the blood-brain barrier was studied using a single injection dual isotope label technique, in the following three conditions: normal rats, rats with portacaval shunts, and rats with portacaval shunts followed 65 h later by hepatic artery ligation. In both normal rats and those with acute hepatic failure the tryptophan transport system was found to be comprised of two kinetically distinct components. One component was saturable and obeyed Michaelis-Menten kinetics (normal: Vmax= 19.5 nmol.min?1.g?1. Km= 113 μM; hepatic failure: Vmax, = 33.8 nmol.min?1.g?1, Km= 108 μM), and the second was a high capacity system which transported tryptophan in direct proportion to concentration over the range tested (normal: K= 0.026 ml.min?1.g?1; hepatic failure: K= 0.067 ml.min?1.g?1). Since the saturable low capacity component transports several neutral amino acids, and their collective plasma concentration is high in relation to the individual Kms, tryptophan transport by this component is reduced by competitive inhibition under physiological conditions. Thus it was calculated that in normal rats approx 40% of tryptophan influx occurs via the high capacity system. During acute hepatic failure transport via both components was increased substantially, approximately doubling the rate of tryptophan penetration of the blood-brain barrier at all concentrations tested. The contribution by the high capacity component became even more significant than in normal rats, accounting for about 75% of all tryptophan passage from plasma to brain. Brain tryptophan content was 29.9 nmol/g in normal rats and rose to 45.2 nmol/g in rats with portacaval shunts and 50.5 nmol/g in those with acute hepatic failure, correlating with the increased rate of tryptophan transport. In a previous study we found that plasma competing amino acids were greatly increased during acute hepatic failure. Calculations predict that these increased concentrations would cause a reduction in tryptophan transport by the low capacity system. However, because of the increase in the rate of transport by the high capacity component, net tryptophan entry across the blood-brain barrier was actually increased. This increased rate of transport clearly contributes to the increased content of brain tryptophan found during hepatic failure.  相似文献   
We examined the survival of a host Escherichia coli K-12 bacterium containing two transferable plasmids (pLM2, pSL222-4) and one poorly mobilizable plasmid (pBR322), and the transfer of these three plasmids to endogenous bacteria in the human intestinal tract. The survival of this plasmid-carrying host organism in four human volunteers was 3.5 to 6 days at recovery rates of 10?1 to 10?4. This finding was similar to our previous survival data on the same organism bearing a single plasmid. The K-12 strain appeared to be under a strong selective disadvantage in the human gut, since, even when bearing a tetracycline-resistant plasmid, its titer did not increase despite the administration of tetracycline. Studies of transferability showed that, while the transfer-depressed incFII plasmid pSL222-4 transferred at a frequency of 10?1 in culture, its transfer in the human gut was much less frequent. The number of new recipients per donor cell ingested was about 10?5, which included new recipients arising by multiplication. The recovery of pSL222-4 transcipients was enhanced by the administration of tetracycline on day 6. Neither the transfer-repressed, broad host range incP plasmid pLM2, nor the plasmid pBR322, could be detected in any endogenous host bacteria. Using the transfer and mobilization frequencies obtained in culture and the number of new recipients of pSL222-4 in the intestinal tract, we estimated that any in vivo mobilization of pBR322 to a new recipient could not occur at a frequency higher than 10?12.  相似文献   
The genetics of antibiotic resistance in mutant strains of Streptococcus pyrogenes was studied. Utilizing a type 6 strain (9440) primarily resistant to strepttomycin (Strr), classes of mutant strains were isolated that were resistant to one of the following antibiotics: rifampin (Rifr), erythromycin (Eryr), thiostrepton (Tstr), spiramycin (Sprr), fusidic acid (Fusr), gramicidin (Grcr), ethidium bromide (Ebrr), kanamycin (Kanr), neomycin (Neor), oleandomycin (Oler), gentamicin (Genr), and novobiocin (Novr). Transduction experiments separated antibiotic resistance markers into two distinct groups: transducible markers, including Fusr, Bacr, Ksg+, Spcr, Eryr, Sprr, Rifr, Stlr, and Tstr (Bacr, Ksgr, Spcr, and Stlr refer to resistance to bacitracin, kasugamycin, spectinomycin, and streptolydigan, respectively), and nontransducible markers, including Grcr, Ebrr, Kanr, Neor, Oler, Genr, and Novr. By means of two- and three-point crosses, transducible markers (excluding tst) were located in three separate linkage groups. spr was found to be linked with ery and spc in the order spc-ery-spr, whereas in a separate linkage group the order was determined to be str-fus-bac-ksg. The third linkage group contained the rif and stl markers.  相似文献   
A comparison was made of the structural features of thiol compounds which can interact with the mammalian fatty acid synthetase. Three functional characteristics were examined: (i) the ability of the free thiols, at low concentrations, to satisfy the essential thiol requirement of the enzyme, (ii) the ability of the free thiols, at higher concentrations, to inhibit enzyme activity, and (iii) the ability of the malonyl esters of these thiol compounds to act as substrates for fatty acid synthesis. The relative effectiveness of the various thiols studied was identical in all three roles. Coenzyme A and N-hexanoylcysteamine were the most effective, pantetheine and N-butyrylcysteamine were less effective, and N-acetylcysteamine was totally ineffective. These results lend strong support to our hypothesis (A. Stern, B. Sedgwick, and S. Smith, 1982, J. Biol. Chem.257, 799–803) that the various effects of CoA and structurally related thiols are localized at one and the same site, namely, the site of transfer of substrates between coenzyme A ester form and enzyme-bound form.  相似文献   
Liposomes can be loaded with weak acids and bases, which exist in solutions in equilibrium with membrane permeable uncharged form, using various gradients across their membranes. Because in some cases the estimated drug concentration in the loaded liposomes exceeds their aqueous solubility we investigated the physical state of the liposome encapsulated anticancer drug Doxorubicin. X-Ray diffraction, electron microscopy, and test tube solubility experiments have shown that upon encapsulation the drug molecules form a gel-like phase.  相似文献   
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