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A. Ruiz  M. Santos  A. Fontdevila 《Genetica》1987,75(3):219-229
Drosophila buzzatii feeds and breeds on the decaying cladodes and fruits of several species of Opuntia (prickly pear) which contain significant levels of ethanol and isopropanol. The potential influence of these two alcohols on the inversion polymorphism of the second and fourth chromosomes was investigated in ten experimental populations with different amounts of alcohol (either ethanol or isopropanol) added to the culture medium. All populations were started with the offspring of 29 wild females collected at Adeje (Tenerife, Canary Islands) and their genetic composition was monitored for about two years (more than 30 generations). Consistent changes in the frequency of most second- and fourth-chromosome arrangements occurred in all populations including those without alcohol (control). The comparison of inversion frequency through the various treatments revealed a significant influence of the alcohol on the frequency changes of the four second-chromosome arrangements. Moreover, this influence was of a different type for every one of them, sometimes with opposite effects between alcohols and/or concentrations. These results indicate genetic differentiation among second-chromosome arrangements with regard to alcohol and suggest that the alcohol heterogeneity found in the species' trophic niche may play an important role in the maintenance of this polymorphism and also in the recent historical changes in the frequency of some arrangements associated with colonization.This paper is number X of the series The evolutionary history of Drosophila buzzatii.  相似文献   
Endogenous testosterone levels were measured in association with sexual, aggressive, and social/affiliative behaviors in 11 outdoor-housed female rhesus monkeys over a ten-month period. Several behaviors (sex directed toward the male, sex received from the male, aggression directed toward the male, submission directed toward the male, submission directed toward the female, and groom another female) were significantly (p<0.05) positively correlated with testosterone in from one to five females. No trends were strong enough across all females to suggest that any of these correlations have species-wide significance. Factor analysis revealed clearcut clusters of behaviors, but elevations in testosterone were not strongly associated with any of these clusters. It is concluded that endogenous testosterone levels have little measurable effect on overt behavior in female rhesus monkeys.  相似文献   
Odontophrynus americanus (Amphibia, Anura) genomic DNA from diploid and tetraploid specimens was treated with restriction enzymes sensitive to cytosine and adenine methylation (5 meC and 6 meA). In both diploids and tetraploids a high proportion of the total DNA was not cleaved by 5 meC-sensitive enzymes as observed on agarose gels stained with ethidium bromide. The DNAs were transferred to nitrocellulose filters and hybridized with cloned fragments containing sequences of Xenopus laevis 28S and 18S ribosomal DNA (rDNA). A high level of methylation of the ribosomal repeat units was revealed by 5 meC-sensitive enzymes in blood, liver, kidney and testis tissues. Adenine was methylated to a lesser degree and similarly in the rDNA from both germinative and somatic tissues. Comparison of the results obtained with DNA of diploids and tetraploids showed that methylation of ribosomal genes was increased in tetraploid genomes of adult frogs, but exact quantitative determinations could not be performed by this methodology. Cloning of the 28S region of the rDNA repeat unit was performed in the gtWESC vector. Restriction patterns obtained with methylation-sensitive enzymes using diploid and tetraploid derived clones confirmed the high level of methylation of the corresponding region of the ribosomal repeat unit in genomic DNAs. The implications of these results in the regulation of expression of the ribosomal genes in diploids and tetraploids are discussed.  相似文献   
Chromosomal destabilization during gene amplification.   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Acentric extrachromosomal elements, such as submicroscopic autonomously replicating circular molecules (episomes) and double minute chromosomes, are common early, and in some cases initial, intermediates of gene amplification in many drug-resistant and tumor cell lines. In order to gain a more complete understanding of the amplification process, we investigated the molecular mechanisms by which such extrachromosomal elements are generated and we traced the fate of these amplification intermediates over time. The model system consists of a Chinese hamster cell line (L46) created by gene transfer in which the initial amplification product was shown previously to be an unstable extrachromosomal element containing an inverted duplication spanning more than 160 kilobases (J. C. Ruiz and G. M. Wahl, Mol. Cell. Biol. 8:4302-4313, 1988). In this study, we show that these molecules were formed by a process involving chromosomal deletion. Fluorescence in situ hybridization was performed at multiple time points on cells with amplified sequences. These studies reveal that the extrachromosomal molecules rapidly integrate into chromosomes, often near or at telomeres, and once integrated, the amplified sequences are themselves unstable. These data provide a molecular and cytogenetic chronology for gene amplification in this model system; an early event involves deletion to generate extrachromosomal elements, and subsequent integration of these elements precipitates a cascade of chromosome instability.  相似文献   
Summary Diurnal courses of stomatal conductance, leaf water potential, and the components of tissue water potential were measured in six canopy species in an elfin cloud forest. High values of stomatal conductance were measured on cloudy days and during early morning and late afternoon of sunny days. Decreases in stomatal conductance with increases in vapour pressure deficit may have been a response to avoid further water deficits and suggested a stomatal response to changes in relative humidity. Daily transpiration varied between 470 and 1014 g m-2 day-1 during cloudy days and between 532 and 944 g m-2 day-1 during clear days. Stomatal conductance may have also responded to changes in leaf water potential, which was minimum at noon. The minimum tissue water potential measured in the field was -1.8 MPa in Myrcianthes fragrans, and the minimum turgor pressure was 0.49 MPa also in M. fragrans. There was a correlation between the osmotic potential and the minimum tissue water potential, suggesting that osmotic potential plays a major role in the maintenance of turgor in these species, in spite of the great variability in the elastic properties of leaf tissues. Turgor pressure decreased during the day following the course of water potential but never approached the turgor loss point, as it has been measured in some lowland rain forest trees. This is a strong indication that elfin cloud forest trees do not suffer severe water deficits, and that small tree stature is not directly related to water shortage.  相似文献   
A strain of Cryptococcus neoformans that was isolated from the cerebrospinal fluid of a human diagnosed as having acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), and that produced cutaneous lesions in experimentally infected, normal mice is described. Although no unusual cutaneous manifestations were noted in the patient's records, this isolate of C. neoformans proved to be dermotropic when injected intravenously into CD-1 mice. The LD50 at 28 days post infection ranged from 3.6–7.5×105 cells per mouse, and in vitro growth rate studies demonstrated that this isolate grew well at 35 °C and at 37 °C, but did not grow at 40 °C and higher. This isolate was rhinotropic producing large granulomatous lesions in the nasal tissues. Other cutaneous tissues affected were the periocular tissues, ears, feet and tail, although the granulomas were nodular in structure and less necrotic than the nasal lesions. The brain, lungs, liver, kidneys and spleen also were culture positive for C. neoformans. Histopathologically, each affected tissue examined had large densities of yeast cells and a chronic, granulomatous host response. Animals surviving the infection appeared to develop a commensal-type relationship with the infective yeast. This is the first report of an isolate of C. neoformans from an AIDS patient that has caused cutaneous manifestations in an animal model. The model described in this report may be useful for elucidating pathogenic mechanisms of cryptococcosis, particularly cutaneous manifestations of the disease.  相似文献   
The oviposition behavior of single females of Drosophila melanogasterwas studied in population cages over 24 h. Each female shows a different behavior, but they can be arbitrarily separated into those which concentrate their egg laying in only one tube and those which spread it over more than two tubes. A comparison is made between females extracted from the Valdivian population and flies from lines selected for high and low aggregation. When one-tube females were grouped and compared with more-than-one-tube females, the aggregation indices between these groups were significantly different.  相似文献   
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