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BackgroundIn 2020, the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic and lockdown control measures threatened to disrupt routine childhood immunisation programmes with early reports suggesting uptake would fall. In response, public health bodies in Scotland and England collected national data for childhood immunisations on a weekly or monthly basis to allow for rapid analysis of trends. The aim of this study was to use these data to assess the impact of different phases of the pandemic on infant and preschool immunisation uptake rates.Methods and findingsWe conducted an observational study using routinely collected data for the year prior to the pandemic (2019) and immediately before (22 January to March 2020), during (23 March to 26 July), and after (27 July to 4 October) the first UK “lockdown”. Data were obtained for Scotland from the Public Health Scotland “COVID19 wider impacts on the health care system” dashboard and for England from ImmForm.Five vaccinations delivered at different ages were evaluated; 3 doses of “6-in-1” diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, Haemophilus influenzae type b, and hepatitis B vaccine (DTaP/IPV/Hib/HepB) and 2 doses of measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine. This represented 439,754 invitations to be vaccinated in Scotland and 4.1 million for England. Uptake during the 2020 periods was compared to the previous year (2019) using binary logistic regression analysis. For Scotland, uptake within 4 weeks of a child becoming eligible by age was analysed along with geographical region and indices of deprivation. For Scotland and England, we assessed whether immunisations were up-to-date at approximately 6 months (all doses 6-in-1) and 16 to 18 months (first MMR) of age.We found that uptake within 4 weeks of eligibility in Scotland for all the 5 vaccines was higher during lockdown than in 2019. Differences ranged from 1.3% for first dose 6-in-1 vaccine (95.3 versus 94%, odds ratio [OR] compared to 2019 1.28, 95% confidence intervals [CIs] 1.18 to 1.39) to 14.3% for second MMR dose (66.1 versus 51.8%, OR compared to 2019 1.8, 95% CI 1.74 to 1.87). Significant increases in uptake were seen across all deprivation levels.In England, fewer children due to receive their immunisations during the lockdown period were up to date at 6 months (6-in-1) or 18 months (first dose MMR). The fall in percentage uptake ranged from 0.5% for first 6-in-1 (95.8 versus 96.3%, OR compared to 2019 0.89, 95% CI 0.86– to 0.91) to 2.1% for third 6-in-1 (86.6 versus 88.7%, OR compared to 2019 0.82, 95% CI 0.81 to 0.83).The use of routinely collected data used in this study was a limiting factor as detailed information on potential confounding factors were not available and we were unable to eliminate the possibility of seasonal trends in immunisation uptake.ConclusionsIn this study, we observed that the national lockdown in Scotland was associated with an increase in timely childhood immunisation uptake; however, in England, uptake fell slightly. Reasons for the improved uptake in Scotland may include active measures taken to promote immunisation at local and national levels during this period and should be explored further. Promoting immunisation uptake and addressing potential vaccine hesitancy is particularly important given the ongoing pandemic and COVID-19 vaccination campaigns.

Fiona McQuaid and colleagues assess the uptake of infant and pre-school immunisations in Scotland and England during the COVID-19 pandemic.  相似文献   
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterized by the massive deposition in the brain of the 40-42-residue amyloid beta protein (A(beta)). While A(beta)1-40 predominates in the vascular system, A(beta)1-42 is the major component of the senile plaques in the neuropil. The concentration of both A(beta) species required to form amyloid fibrils in vitro is micromolar, yet soluble A(betas) found in normal and AD brains are in the low nanomolar range. It has been recently proposed that the levels of A(beta) sufficient to trigger amyloidogenesis may be reached intracellularly. To study the internalization and intracellular accumulation of the major isoforms of A(beta), we used THP-1 and IMR-32 neuroblastoma cells as models of human monocytic and/or macrophagic and neuronal lineages, respectively. We tested whether these cells were able to internalize and accumulate 125I-A(beta)1-40 and 125I-A(beta)1-42 differentially when offered at nanomolar concentrations and free of large aggregates, conditions that mimic a prefibrillar stage of A(beta) in AD brain. Our results showed that THP-1 monocytic cells internalized at least 10 times more 125I-A(betas) than IMR-32 neuroblastoma cells, either isolated or in a coculture system. Moreover, 125I-A(beta)1-42 presented a higher adsorption, internalization, and accumulation of undigested peptide inside cells, as opposed to 125I-A(beta)1-40. These results support that A(beta)1-42, the major pathogenic form in AD, may reach supersaturation and generate competent nuclei for amyloid fibril formation intracellularly. In light of the recently reported strong neurotoxicity of soluble, nonfibrillar A(beta)1-42, we propose that intracellular amyloidogenesis in microglia is a protective mechanism that may delay neurodegeneration at early stages of the disease.  相似文献   
Previous studieshave indicated a role of the actin cytoskeleton in the regulation ofthe cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) ionchannel. However, the exact molecular nature of this regulation isstill largely unknown. In this report human epithelial CFTR wasexpressed in human melanoma cells genetically devoid of the filaminhomologue actin-cross-linking protein ABP-280 [ABP()]. cAMP stimulation of ABP() cells orcells genetically rescued with ABP-280 cDNA [ABP(+)] waswithout effect on whole cell Cl currents. InABP() cells expressing CFTR, cAMP was also without effect onCl conductance. In contrast, cAMP induced a 10-foldincrease in the diphenylamine-2-carboxylate (DPC)-sensitive whole cellCl currents of ABP(+)/CFTR(+) cells. Further, incells expressing both CFTR and a truncated form of ABP-280 unable tocross-link actin filaments, cAMP was also without effect on CFTRactivation. Dialysis of ABP-280 or filamin through the patch pipette,however, resulted in a DPC-inhibitable increase in the whole cellcurrents of ABP()/CFTR(+) cells. At the single-channel level,protein kinase A plus ATP activated single Clchannels only in excised patches from ABP(+)/CFTR(+) cells.Furthermore, filamin alone also induced Cl channelactivity in excised patches of ABP()/CFTR(+) cells. The presentdata indicate that an organized actin cytoskeleton is required forcAMP-dependent activation of CFTR.

One of the most exciting challenges in human biology is the understanding of how our genome was constructed during evolution. Here we explore the evolutionary history of the low polymorphic human minisatellite MsH42 and its flanking sequences. We show that the evolutionary birth of MsH42 took place within an intron, early in primate lineage evolution, more than 40 MYA. Then, single base-pair changes and duplications/deletions of repeat blocks by mispairing were probably the main forces governing the generation of this minisatellite and its polymorphism throughout primate evolution. Moreover, we detected several phylogenetic footprints at both sides of MsH42. We believe that our findings will contribute to the understanding of low-variability minisatellite evolution.  相似文献   
Variation in the sex ratio at hatching in the chinstrap penguin Pygoscelis antarctica was investigated, using molecular sexing to test predictions of sex allocation theory. The sex ratio was slightly male-biased (0.54) but did not differ significantly from parity. The proportion of males increased with nest size, an estimator of parental quality in chinstrap penguins. High-quality parents were able to produce and rear a higher proportion of male offspring, the more costly sex in this slightly sexually dimorphic species. Our results may be in agreement with Trivers and Willards (1973) argument on biases in the offspring sex ratio being contingent on parental condition or quality.  相似文献   
We explore in this paper the role of genetic variants that affect cell size and proliferation in the determination of organ size. We use genetic mosaics of loss or gain of function in six different loci, which promotes smaller or larger than normal cells, associated to either smaller or larger than normal territories. These variants have autonomous effects on patterning and growth in mutant territories. However, there is no correlation between cell size or rate of proliferation on the size of the mutant territory. In addition, these mosaics show non-autonomous effects on surrounding wildtype cells, consisting always in a reduction in number of non-mutant cells. In all mutant conditions the final size (and shape) of the wing is different than normal. The phenotypes of the same variants include higher density of chaetae in the notum. These autonomous and non-autonomous effects suggest that the control of size in the wing is the result of local cell communication defining canonic distances between cells in a positional-values landscape.  相似文献   
The expression of the acetyl xylan esterase II (axeII) gene from Penicillium purpurogenum is repressed by glucose and induced by xylan, as well as to a small degree by xylose and xylitol. This gene is expressed at neutral pH, but not under alkaline or acidic conditions, in agreement with previous findings for other xylanolytic genes of this organism. This is the first report showing pH regulation of an axe gene.  相似文献   
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