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Eucaryotic, viral, and bacteriophage DNA polymerases of the alpha-like family share blocks of sequence similarity, the most conserved of which has been designated region I. Region I includes a YGDTDS motif that is almost invariant within the alpha-like family and that is similar to a motif conserved among RNA-directed polymerases and also includes adjacent amino acids that are more moderately conserved. To study the function of these conserved amino acids in vivo, site-specific mutagenesis was used to generate herpes simplex virus region I mutants. A recombinant virus constructed to contain a mutation within the nearly invariant YGDTDS motif was severely impaired for growth on Vero cells which do not contain a viral polymerase gene. However, three recombinants constructed to contain mutations altering more moderately conserved residues grew on Vero cells and exhibited altered sensitivities to nucleoside and PPi analogs and to aphidicolin. Marker rescue and DNA sequencing of one such recombinant demonstrated that the region I alteration confers the altered drug sensitivity phenotype. These results indicate that this region has an essential role in polymerase function in vivo and is involved directly or indirectly in drug and substrate recognition.  相似文献   
A six-amino-acid insertion containing a Q-G amino acid pair was introduced into the carboxy terminus of the capsid protein VP3 (between residues 236 and 237). Transfection of monkey cells with full-length poliovirus cDNA containing the insertion described above yields a mutant virus (Sel-1C-02) in which cleavage occurs almost entirely at the inserted Q-G amino acid pair instead of at the wild-type VP3-VP1 cleavage site. Mutant Sel-1C-02 is delayed in the kinetics of virus production at 39 degrees C and exhibits a defect in VP0 cleavage into VP2 and VP4 at 39 degrees C. Sucrose gradient analysis of HeLa cell extracts prepared from cells infected by Sel-1C-02 at 39 degrees C shows an accumulation of fast-sedimenting replication-packaging complexes and a significant amount of uncleaved VP0 present in fractions containing mature virions. Our data provide in vivo evidence for the importance of determinants other than the conserved amino acid pair (Q-G) for recognition and cleavage of the P1 precursor by proteinase 3CD and show that an alteration in the carboxy terminus of VP3 or the amino terminus of VP1 affects the process of viral maturation.  相似文献   
The ADP-ribosylation domain of Pseudomonas exotoxin A (PE) has been identified to reside in structural domain III (residues 405-613) and a portion of domain Ib (residues 385-404) of the molecule (Hwang, J., FitzGerald, D. J., Adhya, S., and Pastan, I. (1987) Cell 48, 129-136). To further determine the carboxyl end region essential for ADP-ribosylation activity, we constructed sequential deletions at the carboxyl-terminal of PE. Our results show that a clone with a deletion of the carboxyl-terminal amino acid residues from Arg-609 to Lys-613 and replaced with Arg-Asn retained wild-type PE ADP-ribosylation activity. Deletion of the terminal amino acid residues from Ala-596 to Lys-613 and replaced with Val-Ile-Asn reduced ADP-ribosylation activity by 75%, while deletions of 36 or more amino acids from the carboxyl terminus completely lose their ADP-ribosylation activity. These modified PEs were also examined for their ability to block PE cytotoxicity. Our results shown that modified PEs which lost their ADP-ribosylation activity correspondingly lost their cytotoxicity. Furthermore, extracts containing PE fragments without ADP-ribosylation activity were able to block the cytotoxic activity of intact PE. Our results thus indicate that carboxyl-terminal amino acids in the Ser-595 region are crucial for ADP-ribosylation activity and, consequently, cytotoxicity of PE. The modified PEs which have lost their ADP-ribosylation activity may also be a route to new PE vaccines.  相似文献   
We have examined the binding behavior and fluorescence characteristics of a series of novel ligands for the estrogen receptor (ER). These ligands are derivatives of 5,6,11,12-tetrahydrochrysene (THC), a structure that embodies a stilbene chromophore, found in many nonsteroidal estrogens, within a rigid tetracyclic system where it cannot easily be distorted from planarity, thus providing the conjugation and rigidity required for efficient fluorescence. Additional steric bulk, as trans-disposed ethyl substituents at the internal C-5 and C-11 positions, is required for the highest relative binding affinity (RBA), and the trans-5,11-diethyl-2,8-dihydroxy-THC derivative binds to ER with an affinity greater than that of estradiol. The replacement of one of the phenolic hydroxyl groups of this THC derivative with an electron-withdrawing group (COMe, COOMe, CONH2, CN, or NO2) yields unsymmetrical THCs with binding affinities 15-40% that of estradiol (E2). The fluorescence emission shifts from about 380 nm for the dihydroxy THC to 475-688 nm for the donor-acceptor THCs. The emission of these donor-acceptor THCs is highly solvatochromic and shifts to longer wavelengths as the solvent polarity increases. In ethanol, the fluorescence quantum yield of the first four of these compounds is high (phi f = 0.43-0.69), but the fifth compound, the nitro-THC, is almost nonemissive in protic solvents. When they are incubated with protein solutions containing ER (approximately 10(-9) M), the emission from the donor-acceptor THCs bound specifically to ER is in the 500-570-nm range, whereas fluorescence from non-receptor-bound fluorophores is in the 425-460-nm range. Thus, fluorescence from these probes bound specifically to ER could be measured under equilibrium conditions as well as after the removal of free and non-receptor-bound material by treatment with charcoal-dextran. This is one of the first demonstrations of ligands whose fluorescence is distinctly different when free, when bound to ER, or when bound to non-receptor proteins. It is also the first demonstration of ER assay by fluorescence under equilibrium conditions.  相似文献   
HnifU, a gene exhibiting similarity tonifU genes of nitrogen fixation gene clusters, was identified in the course of expressed sequence tag (EST) generation from a human fetal heart cDNA library. Northern blot of human tissues and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using human genomic DNA verified that the hnifU gene represented a human gene rather than a microbial contaminant of the cDNA library. Conceptual translation of the hnifU cDNA yielded a protein product bearing 77% and 70% amino acid identity to NifU-like hypothetical proteins fromHaemophilus influenzae andSaccharomyces cerevisiae, respectively, and 40–44% identity to the N-terminal regions of NifU proteins from several diazatrophs (i.e., nitrogen-fixing organisms). Pairwise determination of amino acid identities between the NifU-like proteins of nondiazatrophs showed that these NifU-like proteins exhibited higher sequence identity to each other (63–77%) than to the diazatrophic NifU proteins (40–48%). Further, the NifU-like proteins of non-nitrogenfixing organisms were similar only to the N-terminal region of diazatrophic NifU proteins and therefore identified a novel modular domain in these NifU proteins. These findings support the hypothesis that NifU is indeed a modular protein. The high degree of sequence similarity between NifU-like proteins from species as divergent as humans andH. influenzae suggests that these proteins perform some basic cellular function and may be among the most highly conserved proteins. Correspondence to: C.-C. Liew  相似文献   
Polymorphic Admixture Typing in Human Ethnic Populations   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A panel of 257 RFLP loci was selected on the basis of high heterozygosity in Caucasian DNA surveys and equivalent spacing throughout the human genome. Probes from each locus were used in a Southern blot survey of allele frequency distribution for four human ethnic groups: Caucasian, African American, Asian (Chinese), and American Indian (Cheyenne). Nearly all RFLP loci were polymorphic in each group, albeit with a broad range of differing allele frequencies (δ). The distribution of frequency differences (δ values) was used for three purposes: (1) to provide estimates for genetic distance (differentiation) among these ethnic groups, (2) to revisit with a large data set the proportion of human genetic variation attributable to differentiation within ethnic groups, and (3) to identify loci with high δ values between recently admixed populations of use in mapping by admixture linkage disequilibrium (MALD). Although most markers display significant allele frequency differences between ethnic groups, the overall genetic distances between ethnic groups were small (.066–.098), and <10% of the measured overall molecular genetic diversity in these human samples can be attributed to “racial” differentiation. The median δ values for pairwise comparisons between groups fell between .15 and .20, permitting identification of highly informative RFLP loci for MALD disease association studies.  相似文献   
Colony counting error due to indistinguishable colony overlap (i.e., masking) was evaluated theoretically and experimentally. A theoretical model to predict colony masking was used to determine colony counting efficiency by Monte Carlo computer simulation of microorganism collection and development into CFU. The computer simulation was verified experimentally by collecting aerosolized Bacillus subtilis spores and examining micro- and macroscopic colonies. Colony counting efficiency decreased (i) with increasing density of collected culturable microorganisms, (ii) with increasing colony size, and (iii) with decreasing ability of an observation system to distinguish adjacent colonies as separate units. Counting efficiency for 2-mm colonies, at optimal resolution, decreased from 98 to 85% when colony density increased from 1 to 10 microorganisms cm-2, in contrast to an efficiency decrease from 90 to 45% for 5-mm colonies. No statistically significant difference (alpha = 0.05) between experimental and theoretical results was found when colony shape was used to estimate the number of individual colonies in a CFU. Experimental colony counts were 1.2 times simulation estimates when colony shape was not considered, because of nonuniformity of actual colony size and the better discrimination ability of the human eye relative to the model. Colony surface densities associated with high counting accuracy were compared with recommended upper plate count limits and found to depend on colony size and an observation system's ability to identify overlapped colonies. Correction factors were developed to estimate the actual number of collected microorganisms from observed colony counts.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
A novel method using a moc (mannityl opine catabolism) region from the Agrobacterium tumefaciens Ti plasmid pTi15955 was developed as a tag to identify genetically modified microorganisms released into the environment. Pseudomonas fluorescens 1855.344, a plant-growth-promoting rhizosphere bacterium, was chosen as the organism in which to develop and test the system. moc genes carried by pYDH208, a cosmid clone containing a 20-kb segment of the octopine-mannityl opine-type Ti plasmid, conferred on P. fluorescens strains the capacity to utilize mannopine and agropine (AGR) as a sole source of carbon and energy. Modified P. fluorescens strains containing moc or moc::nptII inserted into a chromosomal site were constructed by marker exchange. One such modified strain, PF5MT12, utilized AGR as a sole carbon source and contained detectable levels of mannopine cyclase, an easily assayable enzyme encoded by the moc region. Catabolism of AGR could be used to recover selectively the marked strain from mixed populations containing a large excess of closely related bacteria. Nucleic acid-based detection strategies were developed on the basis of the unique fusion region between Agrobacterium DNA and Pseudomonas DNA in strain PF5MT12. The specificity and sensitivity of detection of PF5MT12 were enhanced by amplifying the fused DNA region by using PCR. The target fragment could be detected at levels of sensitivity comparable to those of other described PCR-based gene tags, even in the presence of high levels of Agrobacterium, Pseudomonas, or Escherichia coli DNA. This gene tag strategy gives a method for direct selection and enumeration of the marked strain from mixtures containing a large excess of closely related bacteria and a sensitive and highly specific system for detection by PCR amplification of the target fragment even in the presence of large amounts of DNA from related or unrelated organisms.  相似文献   
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