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The distribution of a 14.4 kDa S-type lectin was examined in murine neuroblastoma cells, either undifferentiated or after differentiation induced by dibutyryl-cyclic adenosine monophosphate. In undifferentiated cells the immunoreactivity was detected extracellularly, associated with the plasma membrane and in bulges released into the extracellular milieu. Important modifications of the lectin localization were associated with the differentiation process that induced an increased cytosolic expression and a decreased externalization. Possible functions for the lectin expressed intracellularly in the differentiated cells are also considered.  相似文献   
SR141716A, a potent and selective antagonist of the brain cannabinoid receptor   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
SR141716A is the first selective and orally active antagonist of the brain cannabinoid receptor. This compound displays nanomolar affinity for the central cannabinoid receptor but is not active on the peripheral cannabinoid receptor. In vitro, SR141716A antagonises the inhibitory effects of cannabinoid receptor agonists on both mouse vas deferens contractions and adenylyl cyclase activity in rat brain membranes. After intraperitoneal or oral administration SR141716A antagonises classical pharmacological and behavioural effects of cannabinoid receptor agonists. This compound should prove to be a powerful tool for investigating the in vivo functions of the anandamide/cannabinoid system.  相似文献   
The uptake of [3H]-abscisic acid in barley (Hordeum vulgareL. cv. Heartland) cell cultures was found to be mediated throughboth non-saturable and saturable components. The kinetic parametersof the saturable component, determined at pH 4.5 and 21 °C,showed a Km for natural or (+ )-ABA of 1.3±0.7µMand an apparent Vmex of 7.0 ± 2.8 nmol g–1 cellsh–1. The carrier showed a strong preference for the naturalenantiomer of ABA as compared to the unnatural one. Other substancestested, e.g. amino acids, organic acids, and other growth regulators,did not appear to interfere with the carrier-mediated uptakeof ABA. At low external concentrations of ABA (below 2.0 µM),the saturable component was greater than the diffusion component.Similarly, between pH 4.0 and 6.0, the saturable uptake wasresponsible for more than 50% of the total uptake. The carriermay be important in vivo for mediating uptake when endogenouslevels of ABA are low (c. 1 µM). The carrier specificity was evident in inhibition experimentsdone with ABA analogues. Our data showed that the carrier couldaccommodate small modifications in the ABA structure. Four analogueswere able to compete efficiently with ( + )-ABA for the bindingsite of the carrier. Three of these competitors were of the(+)-series. Only one ( –)-analogue, (–)-ABA, wasable to inhibit markedly the saturable uptake of ( + )-ABA.The induction of the ABA-respons-ive gene WCS120 (Houde et al.,1992) presented stricter requirements for the ABA molecule thanthe carrier, although with a similar preference for the ( +)-analogues. Besides ( + )-ABA itself, only two of the analoguestested, both ( + )-series, were able to induce the WCS120 geneafter a 24 h incubation period. The absence of correlation betweenthe activity of the analogues as ABA inhibitors in the carriersystem, and their capacity to induce the WCS120 gene tend tosuggest that the carrier is not directly involved in the signaltransduction pathway leading to the induction of this specificgene. Key words: Abscisic acid, barley, gene induction, Hordeum vulgare, uptake carrier  相似文献   
The three-dimensional structure of the photosynthetic reaction center fromRhodobacter sphaeroides is described. The reaction center is a transmembrane protein that converts light into chemical energy. The protein has three subunits: L, M, and H. The mostly helical L and M subunits provide the scaffolding and the finely tuned environment in which the chromophores carry out electron transfer. The details of the protein-chromophore interactions are from studies of a trigonal crystal form that diffracted to 2.65-Å resolution. Functional studies of the multi-subunit complex by site-specific replacement of key amino acid residues are summarized in the context of the molecular structure.This work was supported in part by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Health and Environmental Research, under Contract No. W-31-109-ENG-38 and by Public Health Service Grant GM36598.  相似文献   
Based on our previous work demonstrating that (SerPro)x epitopes are common to extensin-like cell wall proteins in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, we looked for similar proteins in the distantly related species C. eugametos. Using a polyclonal antiserum against a (SerPro)10 oligopeptide, we found distinct sets of stage-specific polypeptides immunoprecipitated from in vitro translations of C. eugametos RNA. Screening of a C. eugametos cDNA expression library with the antiserum led to the isolation of a cDNA (WP6) encoding a (SerPro)x-rich multidomain wall protein. Analysis of a similarly selected cDNA (VSP-3) from a C. reinhardtii cDNA expression library revealed that it also coded for a (SerPro)x-rich multidomain wall protein. The C-terminal rod domains of VSP-3 and WP6 are highly homologous, while the N-terminal domains are dissimilar; however, the N-terminal domain of VSP-3 is homologous to the globular domain of a cell wall protein from Volvox carteri. Exon shuffling might be responsible for this example of domain conservation over 350 million years of volvocalean cell wall protein evolution.  相似文献   
Plasmalemma ATPase from Jerusalem artichoke tubers was studiedin relation to the dormancy of tubers. After partial purification,one peptide of 110 kDa appeared on SDS PAGE electrophoresisfrom dormant and non-dormant materials. ATPase specific activitywas twice higher on dormant material in the crude and solubilizedfractions, but was the same in both materials after partialpurification. Immunolabeling of this enzyme was made using aspecific antibody raised against the C terminal portion of theH+-ATPase from Arabidopsis thaliana. Immunolabeling was morepronounced in dormant material, in vitro and in situ. Severalworks had shown that the C terminal part of the enzyme couldbe involved in its regulation. The results presented are discussedin relation to the hypothesis according to which an internaleffector could modulated the plasmalemma ATPase activity, duringdormancy breaking. (Received October 25, 1993; Accepted September 6, 1994)  相似文献   
Use of flow cytometry in oenology to analyse yeasts   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Flow cytometry is a rapid method with many microbiological applications. This technique can be used to obtain counts of viable yeasts in 30 min, whereas a 48 h incubation is necessary with plate counts. This rapid method was tested for its suitability to analyse wine yeasts in a multicentre study in our three laboratories. The study compares measurements obtained by flow cytometry and the usual method, in order to test the reliability of the new method. The results obtained were very similar in terms of both the micro-organisms detected and the precision of measurements.  相似文献   
EPR spectroscopy is a powerful tool to identify at a molecular level, the different steps of catalyst preparation, and of catalytic reactions:
  1. Deposition of paramagnetic transition metal ions onto a support is monitored, and the coordination sphere of the metallic center is characterized by EPR.
  2. The catalyst is also characterized after activation (thermal oxidation or reduction):
  • - the distribution among the different sites in zeolites can be determined;
  • - the dispersion of the active phase may be appreciated;
  • - the unsaturation degree of the active site may be evaluated using probe molecules such as water or13C enriched carbon monoxide.
    1. The catalytic mechanisms can be investigated by studying the elementary steps of the catalytic reaction, as illustrated for methanol oxidation over Mo/SiO2 catalysts whose EPR results have extended the reaction mechanism proposed on the basis of kinetic data. In addition, reaction intermediates may be isolated inquasi-in situ conditions as in the case of olefin oligomerization catalyzed by Ni/SiO2 systems.
    The phytochrome chromophore-deficient mutant, pew1, of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia exhibited decreased germination and slower dehydration of detached leaves during water stress as compared with the wild-type. These physiological processes are controlled by abscisic acid (ABA) and we examined, therefore, whether phytochrome plays a specific role in the regulation of ABA metabolism using the pew1 mutant. The ABA contents of mature seeds and young leaves were analysed and in both cases mutant material was found to contain higher amounts of ABA as compared with the wild-type. This indicates that the phytochrome activation can lead to a decrease of the ABA level in the wild-type plant. The role of phytochromes was investigated in greater detail using the ABA-deficient mutant aba1 of N. plumbaginifolia exhibiting an early and synchronous germination. This mutant accumulates at very high levels a metabolite derived from a precursor (ABA-aldehyde) in the ABA biosynthetic pathway. The first biochemical characterization of this molecule, which corresponds to the glucose-conjugated ABA-alcohol (ABA-AG) is described. A pew1-aba1 double mutant exhibiting both an etiolated growth and early germination was also obtained. The comparable accumulation of ABA-AG in the pew1-aba1 double mutant as compared with the aba1 mutant allowed the proposition that, in a wild-type plant, the phytochrome-mediated light signal enhances ABA degradation rather than inhibits its biosynthesis.  相似文献   
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