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The eight IS 231 variants characterized so far (IS 231 A-F, V and W) display similar transposases with an overall 40% identity. Comparison with all the proka-ryotic transposable elements sequenced so far revealed that the IS231 transposases share two conserved regions with those of 35 other insertion sequences of wide origins. These insertion sequences, defining the IS4 family, have a common bipartite organization of their ends and are divided into two similarity groups. Interestingly, the transposase domains conserved within this family display similarities with the well known integrase domain shared by transposases of the IS3 and IS15 families, and integrases of retroelements. This domain is also found in IS30- related elements and Tn7 TnsB protein. Amino acid residues conserved throughout all these prokaryotic and eukaryotic mobile genetic elements define a major transposase/integrase motif, likely to play an important role in the transposition process.  相似文献   
Nodulation, the organogenetic process resulting from the symbiotic interaction between Rhizobium and legumes, is under the feedback control of the plant. However, the autoregulatory mechanisms controlling root nodule formation are poorly understood. In this paper it is shown that alfalfa can react to infection by its symbiont Rhizobium meliloti by eliciting a defence mechanism similar to the hypersensitive reaction (HR) observed in incompatible plant-pathogen interactions. After the first nodule primordia have been induced, an increasing proportion of infection threads abort in a single or a few root cortical cells in which both symbionts simultaneously undergo necrosis. Autofluorescent, cytochemical and immunolocalization assays revealed that phenolic compounds and proteins associated with defence mechanisms in plants have accumulated in the necrotic cells. These results lead to the proposition that the elicitation of a HR is part of the mechanism by which the plant controls infection and, therefore, regulates nodulation.  相似文献   
Nicotiana tabacum cv. Xanthi transgenic plants expressing ORF13 of Agrobacterium rhizogenes 8196 T-DNA under the 35S RNA promoter from the cauliflower mosaic virus displayed developmental abnormalities. They were small, with short and variable internodal lengths, their root systems were poorly developed; leaves were small, asymmetric, rounded, wrinkled and dark green; flowers were short, and irregularly shaped. They exhibited reduced apical dominance and regularly produced offshoots at the base of the plant. This phenotype was also exhibited by offshoots of normal N. tabacum cv. Xanthi stock grafted with a transgenic scion indicating that expression of ORF13 influences plant development via diffusible factor(s).  相似文献   
Summary N6-benzyl-adenine (BA) enhanced phyllogenesis and axillary bud development of Paeonia suffruticosa during in vitro culture allowing good propagation while N6-(2isopentenyl)adenine (iP) did not. During the first five days of culture, the mitotic activity of BA-treated explants was higher than in the iP-treated ones. High BA levels were detected in the BA-treated explants, and this was correlated with the absence of or the low indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) content. The low iP levels measured in iP-treated explants were correlated with high endogenous IAA content; the new cytokinin / auxin ratio could explain the lack of axillary buds and the development of only one leaf. Abscisic acid (ABA) was detected neither in the controls nor in the cytokinin-treated explants during the first week. However, intensive restoration of ABA accumulation was observed in controls from the third week onwards. Both BA and iP-treated explants accumulated less ABA than the controls but this hormone appeared later in the BA-treated explants than in the iP-treated ones.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - BA N6-benzyl-adenine - BHT butyl-hydroxy-toluene - ELISA enzyme linked immunosorbent assay - FM fresh mass - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - iP N6-(2-isopentenyl)adenine - MI mitotic index - 9RBA 9-ß-D-ribofuranosyl-BA - 9RiP 9-ß-Dribofuranosyl-iP - 9RZ 9-ß-D-ribofuranosyl-zeatin - Z zeatin  相似文献   
Environmentally cued hatching has been well-documented in amphibians in response to a wide range of abiotic and biotic factors. The hatching of terrestrial amphibian eggs in response to flooding may be basal within the group, but amphibian lineages in tropical Asia and sub-Saharan Africa have not received as much attention as their Neotropical counterparts. We investigated submergence-induced hatching in Feihyla hansenae, a Rhacophorid tree frog with terrestrial eggs. We quantified natural rates of clutch submergence at our study site in Thailand. Using submergence experiments, we found that embryos are capable of hatching early to escape flooding, and that failure to hatch results in mortality. Among the embryos that were able to hatch early, only the earliest, youngest hatchlings experienced a trade-off in body size that persisted for 6 days, while later, older hatchlings were not significantly smaller than spontaneous hatchlings under control conditions. By incorporating our natural and experimental data into Monte Carlo methods to simulate and compare survival probabilities with and without hatching plasticity, we found an overall 3.1% increase in submergence survival due to hatching plasticity. Our findings support the idea that flooding-induced hatching is widespread across amphibians with terrestrial eggs and highlight the importance of researching understudied tropical regions. As climate change is projected to affect rainfall patterns, the ability of embryos to escape abiotic egg-stage threats may be an indicator of species' ability to flexibly navigate a changing environment.  相似文献   
The distribution of 1731 retrotransposon-hybridizing sequences in the family Drosophilidae has been studied using a 1731 probe from Drosophila melanogaster. Squash blot and Southern blot analyses of 42 species reveal that the 1731 sequences are widespread within both the Sophophora and Drosophila subgenera and are also present in the genera Scaptomyza and Zaprionus. Hence the 1731 retrotransposon family appears to have a long evolutionary history in the Drosophilidae genome. Differences of hybridization signal intensity suggested that the 1731 sequence is well conserved only in the three species most closely related to D. melanogaster (D. simulans, D. mauritiana, and D. sechellia). A survey of insertion sites in numerous different populations of the previous four species by in situ hybridization to polytene chromosomes has shown in all cases both chromocentric hybridizations and a low number of sites (0-5) on the chromosomal arms. This number of sites is among the lowest observed in D. melanogaster and D. simulans when 1731 is compared with other retrotransposon families. In addition, we have observed species-specific patterns of the chromocentric hybridization signal, suggesting rapid modifications of the beta-heterochromatin components since the radiation of the melanogaster subgroup.   相似文献   
pUCL22 is the lactose protease plasmid of Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis CNRZ270. The nucleotide sequence of its replication region Rep22 contains a non-transcribed region, the replication origin, followed by a gene encoding a putative 388-amino-acid protein named Rep22A. The promoter regions of the rep22A and pC194 cat genes share strong similarities and the pUCL22 replicon exerted trans or cis negative control on the pC194 cat gene expression in L. lactis. We suggest that Rep22A binds to its own promoter as well as to the pC194 cat promoter and thus is autoregulated. We show that pUCL22 replicates mainly by a bidirectional theta mechanism in L. lactis, and is representative of a widely distributed replicon family, members of which could be co-resident. We propose that compatibility between these closely related replicons results from minor replication protein modifications coupled with base changes in their respective binding sites, supporting the co-existence of numerous related replicons in lactococcal strains.  相似文献   
Bud quiescence release, considered as the ultimate dormancy breaking phase, was achieved in Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco by a 9-week cold (5°C) treatment, under short daylength (9 h) followed by a transfer to mild temperature (22°C) under long daylength (16 h). Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), abscisic acid (ABA), zeatin-type (Z) and isopentenyladenine-type (iPA) cytokinin (CK) levels were measured by means of an ELISA technique performed on HPLC-fractionated extracts of terminal and axillary buds. During the cold period, all hormones except IP-type CK levels decreased, whereas the opposite observation was made after transfer to mild temperature and long daylength, when buds started to grow. Some other immunoreactive compounds were also detected and quantified. The ABA-glucosyl ester (ABA-GE) level pattern was similar to that of ABA, but no accumulation occurred at mild temperatures. A putative IAA conjugate, more polar than IAA, was also detected. Its level increased transiently like IAA in terminal buds and, to a lesser extent, in axillary buds during the 10th week of the experiment. In terminal buds, isopentenyladenosine ([9R]-iP) was released by alkaline hydrolysis of a polar immunoreactive compound detected with anti-[9R]iP antibodies. This compound accumulated during the cold period and quickly dropped at 22°C. Relationships between environmental conditions and endogenous hormones are discussed.  相似文献   
Wolbachia are strictly endocellular, vertically transmitted bacteria associated with insects and crustaceans. This group of parasites modify their hosts' reproduction so as to increase their own fitness. This paper reviews the variability of these parasitic alterations and their consequences for host biology and populations. Wolbachia induce cytoplasmic incompatibility (a characteristic apparently specific to Wolbachia) in several insects and one isopod crustacean; parthenogenesis (thelytoky) in haplo-diploid insects; feminization in various isopods. The consequences of these phenomena on speciation, population dynamics and genetic polymorphism are discussed. The variability of the mechanisms of host sex determination is one important factor responsible for the diversity of Wolbachia-host interactions. However, parasite characteristics, such as the capacity to disturb host mitosis, and the ability to be horizontally transferred between hosts, also appear to play a role in this diversity.  相似文献   
Summary The 1H, 15N and 13C backbone and 1H and 13C beta resonance assignments of the long-chain flavodoxin from Azotobacter chroococcum (the 20-kDa nifF product, flavodoxin-2) in its oxidized form were made at pH 6.5 and 30°C using heteronuclear multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. Analysis of the NOE connectivities, together with amide exchange rates, 3JHnH coupling constants and secondary chemical shifts, provided extensive solution secondary structure information. The secondary structure consists of a five-stranded parallel -sheet and five -helices. One of the outer regions of the -sheet shows no regular extended conformation, whereas the outer strand 4/6 is interrupted by a loop, which is typically observed in long-chain flavodoxins. Two of the five -helices are nonregular at the N-terminus of the helix. Loop regions close to the FMN are identified. Negatively charged amino acid residues are found to be mainly clustered around the FMN, whereas a cluster of positively charged residues is located in one of the -helices. Titration of the flavodoxin with the Fe protein of the A. chroococcum nitrogenase enzyme complex revealed that residues Asn11, Ser68 and Asn72 are involved in complex formation between the flavodoxin and Fe protein. The interaction between the flavodoxin and the Fe protein is influenced by MgADP and is of electrostatic nature.Abbreviations SQ semiquinone - FMN riboflavin 5-monophosphate; nif, nitrogen fixation - TSP 3-(trimethylsilyl)propionate sodium salt - DSS 2,2-dimethyl-2-silapentane-5-sulfonate sodium salt Supplementary Material is available on request, comprising a Materials and Methods section for the expression and purification of the A. chroococcum flavodoxin, a Table S1 containing the parameters of the titration of A. chroococcum flavodoxin with the Fe protein, and a Table S2 containing the 15N, HN, 13C, 1H, 13C, 1H and 13CO chemical shifts.To whom correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   
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