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The low pH of the stomach serves as a barrier to ingested microbes and must be overcome or bypassed when delivering live bacteria for vaccine or probiotic applications. Typically, the impact of stomach acidity on bacterial survival is evaluated in vitro, as there are no small animal models to evaluate these effects in vivo. To better understand the effect of this low pH barrier to live attenuated Salmonella vaccines, which are often very sensitive to low pH, we investigated the value of the histamine mouse model for this application. A low pH gastric compartment was transiently induced in mice by the injection of histamine. This resulted in a gastric compartment of approximately pH 1.5 that was capable of distinguishing between acid-sensitive and acid-resistant microbes. Survival of enteric microbes during gastric transit in this model directly correlated with their in vitro acid resistance. Because many Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi vaccine strains are sensitive to acid, we have been investigating systems to enhance the acid resistance of these bacteria. Using the histamine mouse model, we demonstrate that the in vivo survival of S. Typhi vaccine strains increased approximately 10-fold when they carried a sugar-inducible arginine decarboxylase system. We conclude that this model will be a useful for evaluating live bacterial preparations prior to clinical trials.  相似文献   
The Yellowstone National Park bison herd is 1 of only 2 populations known to have continually persisted on their current landscape since pre-Columbian times. Over the last century, the census size of this herd has fluctuated from around 100 individuals to over 3000 animals. Previous studies involving radiotelemetry, tooth wear, and parturition timing provide evidence of at least 2 distinct groups of bison within Yellowstone National Park. To better understand the biology of Yellowstone bison, we investigated the potential for limited gene flow across this population using multilocus Bayesian clustering analysis. Two genetically distinct and clearly defined subpopulations were identified based on both genotypic diversity and allelic distributions. Genetic cluster assignments were highly correlated with sampling locations for a subgroup of live capture individuals. Furthermore, a comparison of the cluster assignments to the 2 principle winter cull sites revealed critical differences in migration patterns across years. The 2 Yellowstone subpopulations display levels of differentiation that are only slightly less than that between populations which have been geographically and reproductively isolated for over 40 years. The identification of cryptic population subdivision and genetic differentiation of this magnitude highlights the importance of this biological phenomenon in the management of wildlife species.  相似文献   
The Ras GTPase-activating-like protein IQGAP1 is a multimodular scaffold that controls signaling and cytoskeletal regulation in fibroblasts and epithelial cells. However, the functional role of IQGAP1 in T cell development, activation, and cytoskeletal regulation has not been investigated. In this study, we show that IQGAP1 is dispensable for thymocyte development as well as microtubule organizing center polarization and cytolytic function in CD8(+) T cells. However, IQGAP1-deficient CD8(+) T cells as well as Jurkat T cells suppressed for IQGAP1 were hyperresponsive, displaying increased IL-2 and IFN-γ production, heightened LCK activation, and augmented global phosphorylation kinetics after TCR ligation. In addition, IQGAP1-deficient T cells exhibited increased TCR-mediated F-actin assembly and amplified F-actin velocities during spreading. Moreover, we found that discrete regions of IQGAP1 regulated cellular activation and F-actin accumulation. Taken together, our data suggest that IQGAP1 acts as a dual negative regulator in T cells, limiting both TCR-mediated activation kinetics and F-actin dynamics via distinct mechanisms.  相似文献   
Structure-activity relationship on a novel ketone class of H(3)R antagonists/inverse agonists is disclosed. Compound 4 showed excellent target potency, selectivity and brain penetration. Evaluation of antagonist 4 in the rat EEG/EMG model demonstrated robust wake activity thereby establishing preclinical proof of concept.  相似文献   
One of the most popular and simple models for the calculation of pKas from a protein structure is the semi‐macroscopic electrostatic model MEAD. This model requires empirical parameters for each residue to calculate pKas. Analysis of current, widely used empirical parameters for cysteine residues showed that they did not reproduce expected cysteine pKas; thus, we set out to identify parameters consistent with the CHARMM27 force field that capture both the behavior of typical cysteines in proteins and the behavior of cysteines which have perturbed pKas. The new parameters were validated in three ways: (1) calculation across a large set of typical cysteines in proteins (where the calculations are expected to reproduce expected ensemble behavior); (2) calculation across a set of perturbed cysteines in proteins (where the calculations are expected to reproduce the shifted ensemble behavior); and (3) comparison to experimentally determined pKa values (where the calculation should reproduce the pKa within experimental error). Both the general behavior of cysteines in proteins and the perturbed pKa in some proteins can be predicted reasonably well using the newly determined empirical parameters within the MEAD model for protein electrostatics. This study provides the first general analysis of the electrostatics of cysteines in proteins, with specific attention paid to capturing both the behavior of typical cysteines in a protein and the behavior of cysteines whose pKa should be shifted, and validation of force field parameters for cysteine residues. Proteins 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Isolated lymphoid follicles (ILFs) are organized intestinal lymphoid structures whose formation can be induced by luminal stimuli. ILFs have been demonstrated to act as inductive sites for the generation of immune responses directed toward luminal stimuli; however, the phenotype of the immune response initiated within ILFs has largely been uninvestigated. To gain a better understanding of the immune responses initiated within ILFs, we examined phenotypic and functional aspects of the largest cellular component of the murine ILF lymphocyte population, B lymphocytes. We observed that murine ILF B lymphocytes are composed of a relatively homogenous population of follicular B-2 B lymphocytes. Consistent with their proximity to multiple stimuli, ILF B lymphocytes displayed a more activated phenotype compared with their counterparts in the spleen and Peyer's patch (PP). ILF B lymphocytes also expressed higher levels of immunomodulatory B7 and CD28 family members B7X and programmed death-1 compared with their counterparts in the spleen and PP. ILF B lymphocytes preferentially differentiate into IgA-producing plasma cells and produce more IL-4 and IL-10 and less interferon-gamma compared with their counterparts in the spleen. Immunoglobulin repertoire analysis from individual ILFs demonstrated that ILFs contain a polyclonal population of B lymphocytes. These findings indicate that murine ILFs contain a polyclonal population of follicular B-2 B lymphocytes with a phenotype similar to PP B lymphocytes and that, in unchallenged animals, ILFs promote immune responses with a homeostatic phenotype.  相似文献   
Exopolysaccharides, either succinoglycan or galactoglucan, are essential for the establishment of the symbiosis between Sinorhizobium meliloti and Medicago sativa (alfalfa). The ExoS/ChvI two‐component regulatory system is known as a regulator of succinoglycan production but the genes that are directly regulated by ChvI have not been determined. Difficulty isolating exoS and chvI null mutants has prompted the suggestion that these genes are essential for S. meliloti viability. We have successfully isolated exoS and chvI null mutants using a merodiploid‐facilitated strategy. We present evidence that the S. meliloti ExoS/ChvI two‐component regulatory system is essential for symbiosis with alfalfa. Phenotypic analyses of exoS and chvI null mutant strains demonstrate that ExoS/ChvI controls both succinoglycan and galactoglucan production and is required for growth on over 21 different carbon sources. These new findings suggest that the ExoS/ChvI regulatory targets might not be the exo genes that are specific for succinoglycan biosynthesis but rather genes that have common influence on both succinoglycan and galactoglucan production. Other studied alpha‐proteobacteria ExoS/ChvI orthologues are required for the bacteria to invade or persist in host cells and thus we present more evidence that this two‐component regulatory system is essential for alpha‐proteobacterial host interaction.  相似文献   
The name Neoraputia was published without citation of the type, making it and the names of the four species transferred to it invalid. The genus name and combinations are validated here. Lectotypes are chosen for the basionyms, Aruba alba, Raputia magnifica, R. paraensis, and Raputia trifoliata. Two new species, Neoraputia micrantha and N. calliantha, from forests of eastern Bahia, Brazil, are described.  相似文献   
Amyris amazonica, from the Amazonian forests of northeastern Ecuador, is described. This new species is characterized by a shrubby or arborescent habit, very large unifoliolate leaves, long petioles, and fasciculate, pseudoracemose inflorescences.
Resumen  Se describe Amyris amazonica, una nueva especie de arbusto o arbolillo de la selva Amazónica del nororiente de Ecuador. Esta nueva especie se caracteriza por presentar hojas unifolioladas con largos pecíolos y muy grandes láminas e inflorescencias pseudoracemosas fasciculadas.
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