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Summary About one third of the Dutch environmental research is concentrated on aquatic problems. The largest number of these projects is physicochemical (65%) and 47% of the aquatic projects contains an ecological component. The aquatic research projects are executed in a large number of different research institutes. Many institutes just formulated one project (43.2%) and about 10% of the institutes formulated 10 projects. The institutes with 10 or more projects account for almost 50% of the total number of projects. However, the size of the research projects with respect to the average total personnel per year may differ considerably. The largest number of aquatic research projects is carried out in governmental institutes. This relative high share of governmental institutes has proportionally increased during the period of 1975–1982. During this period the relative shares of all the aquatic research projects with an ecological component, of the strictly ecological projects and of the ecological/physicochemical projects have also proportionally inclined. However, in absolute numbers there seems to be a decline of both ecological and non-ecological projects on aquatic problems.  相似文献   
The growth of Nicotiana silvestris in suspension culture is inhibited by all of the common protein amino acids at the millimolar level, except for L-glutamine. A defined experimental system for growth/inhibition studies has been established, and growth studies were carried out with cells that had been maintained in the exponential growth phase for at least 10 generations (EE cells). The following results were obtained after particularly detailed studies with aromatic amino acids. The onset of inhibition was preceded by a duration of normal growth rate which varied within a range of 12 to 48 h. The degree of inhibition was directly proportional to amino acid concentration and inversely related to the initial cell density of the inoculum. A slowed, but still exponential rate of growth persisted during an early phase of inhibition. Under sufficiently severe conditions, this was followed by progressive diminution of growth rate and eventual lysis. The most drastic inhibitory effects caused by aromatic amino acids were in the order: phenylalanine, tryptophan and tyrosine. When EE cells cultivated under conditions of growth inhibition were diluted into fresh medium, immediate resumption of growth at the uninhibited rate occurred and persisted. On the other hand, when growth-inhibited EE cells were diluted into medium containing the same concentration of amino acid used in the first round of growth, an initial burst of uninhibited growth lasting about 24 h was followed by a drastic, progressively declining growth rate which deteriorated to cell death and lysis. When cells in stationary phase were used as an inoculum, as is done in typical growth characterizations with suspension cultures, the sensitivity to inhibition during the subsequent exponential growth phase was several-fold greater than was the case with EE cells. Hypotheses that growth inhibition might be caused by ammonia toxicity, keto-acid toxicity, or by inhibition of nitrate utilization were ruled out. Observations that provide new insight are: (i)growth-inhibited cells undergo drastic plasmolysis, (ii) L-glutamine is an effective antagonist of amino-acid inhibitors, and (iii) growth-inhibited cells exhibit a transient restoration of normal growth rate upon dilution into fresh growth medium. These results implicate a linkage of amino acids with osmotic regulation and nitrogen metabolism.  相似文献   
Summary The spinning apparatus ofLinyphia triangularis, adult females and males, was studied with the scanning electron microscope and the main anatomical and histochemical characteristics of the silk glands, including the epigastric apparatus of males, are presented. The epigastric glands seem to be important for the construction of sperm webs. A detailed account of the use of the different kinds of silk in web building is given.The spinning apparatus ofLinyphia closely corresponds to the araneid pattern. Characteristic of linyphiid spiders is the poor development of the aciniform glands. Corresponding to the minor importance of capture threads forLinyphia, the triads (aggregate and flagelliform glands) are less developed than in Araneidae.Linyphia make much less use of the secretions of the piriform glands for connecting threads than Araneidae. Capture threads adhere to other threads by their own glue; other threads seem mostly to be bound to one another by the secretion of the minor ampullate glands whose chemical properties, inLinyphia, appear especially adapted to this function. Neither the anatomical and histochemical data concerning the spinning apparatus nor the structure of the webs provide any indication of close relationships between Linyphiidae and Agelenidae, as was recently claimed.  相似文献   
Several diphenyl ether herbicides, such as acifluorfen methyl, have been previously shown to cause large accumulations of the heme and chlorophyll precursor, protoporphyrin, in plants. Lightinduced herbicidal damage is mediated by the photoactive porphyrin. Here we investigate whether diphenyl ether herbicides can affect porphyrin synthesis in rat and chick hepatocytes. In rat hepatocyte cultures, protoporphyrin, as well as coproporphyrin, accumulated after treatment with acifluorfen or acifluorfen methyl. Combination of acifluorfen methyl with an esterase inhibitor to prevent the conversion of acifluorfen methyl to acifluorfen resulted in a greater accumulation of porphyrins than caused by acifluorfen methyl or acifluorfen alone. In vitro enzyme studies of hepatic mitochondria isolated from rat and chick embryos demonstrated that protopor-phyrinogen oxidase, the penultimate enzyme of heme biosynthesis, was inhibited by low concentrations of acifluorfen, nitrofen, or acifluorfen methyl with the latter being the most potent inhibitor. These findings indicate that diphenyl ether treatment can cause protoporphyrin accumulation in rat hepatocyte cultures and suggest that this accumulation was associated with the inhibition of protoporphyrinogen oxidase. In cultured chick embryo hepatocytes, treatment with acifluorfen methyl plus an esterase inhibitor caused massive accumulation of uroporphyrin rather than protoporphyrin or coproporphyrin. Specific isozymes of cytochrome P450 were also induced in chick embryo hepatocytes. These effects were not observed in the absence of an esterase inhibitor. These results suggest that diphenyl ether herbicides can cause uroporphyrin accumulation similar to that induced by other cytochrome P450-inducing chemicals such as polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbons in the chick hepatocyte system.  相似文献   
Summary The structure of the PAS-positive calcium-sensitive (Ca-s) cells of the pars intermedia was investigated in eels kept in deionized water (DW) or fresh water (FW) supplemented with Ca2+ or Mg2+. Ca2+ (2mM) reduces considerably the response to DW; plasma osmolarity, Na+ and Ca2+ levels are not significantly affected. In eels adapted to DW for 21 or 28 days, showing highly stimulated Ca-s cells, an addition of CaCl2 for 2 days inhibits the release of granules, but does not immediately block their synthesis and the mitotic activity. The nuclear area is reduced, osmolarity and plasma sodium increase, but the rise in calcium is not always significant. Magnesium, at a 10-fold greater concentration than in FW (2 mM), slightly inhibits the release of secretory granules without reducing other indicators of stimulation. In Ca-enriched FW, the Ca-s cells appear inactive. These data show that the PAS-positive cells in the pars intermedia of the eel are calcium-sensitive, similar to those of the goldfish; their role in calcium regulation is briefly discussed.  相似文献   
The nucleotide sequence of a segment of mtDNA from Rattus norvegiens (rat) which contains the genes for tRNAile, tRNAgl and tRNAf-met has been determined. A detailed comparison has been made between this sequence and the corresponding sequences of mouse, human and bovine mtDNAs with regard to the primary and secondary structure of the tRNA genes, the regions connecting the tRNA genes, and the regions flanking the tRNA genes which code for the carboxyl terminus of URF-1 and the amino terminus of URF-2. No differences were found in the nucleotide sequences of the genes for tRNAile, tRNAgln and tRNAf-met in mtDNAs from three different female lines of rats (SASCO-1, SASCO-2 and Wild-UT) that differ by substitutions of 0.8% to 1.8% of their total nucleotides.  相似文献   
The distribution of UDP-galactose: ceramide galactosyltransferase (CGalT) was studied in subcellular fractions of rat forebrain during development using zonal centrifugation on linear gradients. Specialized subfractions: SN 1, a microsomal fraction, SN 4, a myelin-related fraction, and purified myelin were also used for this study. For comparison, two microsomal lipid synthesizing enzymes, a myelin-specific enzyme, 2,3-cyclic nucleotide 3-phosphodiesterase and myelin proteins were measured in the same subfractions. UDP-glucose: ceramide glucosyltransferase and cerebroside sulfotransferase were confined to microsomes. CGalT was ferase and cerebroside sulfotransferase were confined to microsomes. CGalT was localized in microsomes, but also in myelin and myelin-related fractions. The developmental change in distribution of CGalT in adult animals toward myelin containing fractions could indicate that the replacement of galactosylceramide in compact myelin could be carried out in close proximity to compact myelin (mesaxon, paranodal loops) rather than in the distant oligodendrocyte perikaryon.  相似文献   
Summary Following the observation of a close sequence homology between the N-terminal moiety of the -chain of fibrinogen with large parts of-casein, the occurrence of a keratin domain in the middle section of the Achain is suggested.  相似文献   
Two rat neurophysins have been purified by salt precipitation, molecular sieving and ion-exchange chromatography. The proteins, performic-acid oxidized or reduced-alkylated, have been split either by trypsin or by staphylococcal proteinase and fragments have been separated by peptide mapping. Amino acid sequences of tryptic peptides have been determined either directly or after cleaving the large fragments by subtilisin, chymotrypsin, elastase or staphylococcal proteinase and characterizing the subfragments. Tryptic peptides have been ordered through the fragments given by staphylococcal proteinase. The N-terminal sequences of both proteins have also been established by automated degradation.The two usual types of mammalian neurophysins have been identified. One neurophysin belongs to the MSEL-neurophysin family and shows 11 substitutions and a 2-residue C-terminal truncation when compared with bovine MSEL-neurophysin. The other belongs to the VLDV-neurophysin family and shows 8 substitutions when compared with bovine VLDV-neurophysin. There are 23 differences between the MSEL- and VLDV-neurophysins of the rat.  相似文献   
The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) molecules of different albino, domesticated rats (Rattus norvegicus) of the SASCO colony are of two kinds (SASCO-1 and SASCO-2) in regard to their sensitivity at certain sites to a number of restriction enzymes. MtDNA molecules from Utah wild R. norvegicus (Wild-UT) have sensitivities to restriction enzymes which differ at some sites from either SASCO-1 or SASCO-2 mtDNA molecules. Four single nucleotide differences were found among the HindIII F fragments (169 nucleotides) of SASCO-1, SASCO-2, and Wild-UT mtDNAs. Arguments are presented in favor of the interpretation that each variant nucleotide is the third nucleotide of the codon containing it, and that none of the four differences would result in a difference in the respective amino acid translated.Dedicated to Professor W. Beermann on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   
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