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Stems and leaves of Myrtopsis macrocarpa, M. myrtoidea, M. novae-caledoniae and M. sellingii yielded terpenes, sterols, coumarins, alkaloids (furoquinolines and quinolones) and amides. A new quinolone (8-methoxy flindersine) occurs in Myrtopsis macrocarpa, a new amide (N-benzoyltryptamine) in M. myrtoidea, two new coumarins (myrsellin and myrsellinol) and a new dihydrofuroquinoline (myrtopsine) in M. sellingii. Structures of the new compounds are proposed from chemical and spectroscopic evidence.  相似文献   
The mechanism by which pentobarbital anesthesia causes increases in plasma renin activity (PRA) was examined in dogs infused with either propranolol or indomethacin, an inhibitor of prostaglandin synthetase. Infusion of propranolol at 1 mg/kg, (I.V.) followed by 0.6–0.7 mg/kg/hr decreased PRA from 6.98±2.49 ng/m1/hr during control periods to 1.58±0.79 ng/m1/hr 30 minutes after the injection of propranolol (P<0.025). Subsequent induction of anesthesia with sodium pentobarbital caused PRA to rise to 3.87±0.93 ng/m1/hr in 30 minutes. (P<0.01). Plasma potassium concentration decreased from 4.6±0.2 mEq/L to reach 4.0±0.1 mEq/L 30 minutes after induction of anesthesia (P<0.005). Infusion of indomethacin at 5 mg/kg, (I.V.) followed by 1.5 ? 3.1 mg/kg/hr into conscious dogs did not decrease PRA. In contrast to the report by Montgomery et al (Fed. Proc. 36: 989, 1977), we found that the increase in PRA after pentobarbital anesthesia could not be blocked by indomethacin. PRA was 5.3±1.2 ng/m1/hr(M ± SEM) during control periods and was 4.7±1.4 ng/m1/hr 30 minutes after the infusion of indomethacin (P<0.1). PRA increased to 10.9±2.3 ng/m1/hr, 9.2±2.2 ng/m1/hr, and 7.7±1.7 ng/m1/hr at 5, 15 and 30 minutes, respectively, after the administration of pentobarbital (P<0.005, P<0.025, P<0.05). PRA declined to 4.2±1.3 ng/m1/hr 60 minutes after pentobarbital anesthesia (P<0.1). It is concluded that the mechanism by which pentobarbital causes increases in PRA is independent of prostaglandins.  相似文献   
The heavy and light chains of pooled antibodies of the hybodont shark,Heterodontus francisci (horned shark), were subjected to amino acid sequence analysis. Yield determinations showed that more than 90% of the available polypeptides in the respective pools were sequenced. The heavy chains were homogeneous in the initial framework segment and showed a sequence homology of approximately 70% with the corresponding region of the more recently evolved nurse shark and a 45% homology with a human myeloma heavy chain. The light chains were less homogeneous and not identifiable as either kappa or lambda chains as known in higher species. The first half-cystine characteristics of the variable domain intrachain disulfide bridge of immunoglobulins was present in the same position (22 for heavy chains; 23 for light chains) in the horned shark as in mammalian species. The sequence analysis also suggested the presence of a hypervariable region in the horned shark light chains. The combined data imply that the antigen-binding function of immunoglobulins is mediated in much the same manner in this primitive shark as in more recently evolved species, including mammals.  相似文献   
Die Seitenzweige von Cupressus sempervirens L. sind auf vier Orthostichen in scheinbar mehr oder weniger zufälligen, voneinander unabhängigen Mustern angeordnet. Eine auf L-Systeme sich berufende mathematische Konstruktion gestattet die Definition eines Morphismus. Acht Parameter, Periodizität der absoluten Wachstumsrate der zugrundeliegenden theoretischen Serien, die Väriation dieser Raten in komplementaren Unterserien und eine Schwellenreaktion sind die Hauptargumente.  相似文献   
Hippurate and maleate have been shown to bind to the aminoacylglycine (acceptor) binding site of γ-glutamyl transpeptidase, thereby stimulating the hydrolysis of γ-glutamyl compounds at the expense of transpeptidation (Thompson, G. A., and Meister, A. (1979) J. Biol. Chem.254, 2956–2960; Thompson, G. A., and Meister, A. (1980) J. Biol. Chem.255, 2109–2113). It has now been found that a number of benzoate derivatives also bind and modulate rat kidney transpeptidase, as indicated by their ability to enhance the rate of inactivation of transpeptidase by the glutamine antagonist l-(αS, 5S)-α-amino-3-chloro-4,5-dihydro-5-isoxazoleacetic acid (AT-125). Furthermore, rapid loss of transpeptidase activity results upon preincubation of the enzyme with the diazonium derivatives of p-aminohippurate and p-aminobenzoate. The modified enzyme can still hydrolyze γ-glutamyl substrates but is no longer modulated by hippurate and maleate. Loss of transpeptidase activity was not associated with incorporation of radioactive label from diazotized [14C]p-aminohippurate. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the modified enzyme revealed a nondissociable species, Mr 68,000, shown to result from crosslinking of the two subunits of transpeptidase (Mr 46,000 and 22,000, respectively). The crosslinking of the subunits paralleled the extent of inactivation of transpeptidation activity and both crosslinking and inactivation were prevented by treatment with the diazotized derivatives in the presence of either hippurate or maleate. These and other data indicate that the diazonium derivatives of p-aminohippurate and p-aminobenzoate interact with the acceptor binding site and produce a stable bond between amino acid residues in the vicinity of this site which, thus, appears to be located in the intersubunit contact region.  相似文献   
Summary About one third of the Dutch environmental research is concentrated on aquatic problems. The largest number of these projects is physicochemical (65%) and 47% of the aquatic projects contains an ecological component. The aquatic research projects are executed in a large number of different research institutes. Many institutes just formulated one project (43.2%) and about 10% of the institutes formulated 10 projects. The institutes with 10 or more projects account for almost 50% of the total number of projects. However, the size of the research projects with respect to the average total personnel per year may differ considerably. The largest number of aquatic research projects is carried out in governmental institutes. This relative high share of governmental institutes has proportionally increased during the period of 1975–1982. During this period the relative shares of all the aquatic research projects with an ecological component, of the strictly ecological projects and of the ecological/physicochemical projects have also proportionally inclined. However, in absolute numbers there seems to be a decline of both ecological and non-ecological projects on aquatic problems.  相似文献   
Unlike skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum, canine cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum hydrolyzes GTP in ways that are similar and different from ATP hydrolysis. Also, ATP and ATP analogues inhibit GTPase activity noncompetitively with a Ki compatible with the high affinity ATP-binding site (c.f. Tate, C.A., Bick, R.J., Blaylock, S., Youker, K., Scherer, N.M., and Entman, M.L. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 7809-7813). This suggested that ATP and GTP may enter the reaction pathway at separate nucleotide-binding sites on the CaATPase. To test this hypothesis, cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum was incorporated with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC), which apparently binds at or near the ATP-binding site of the enzyme, preventing ATP binding. After FITC incorporation, calcium-dependent ATPase activity, but not GTPase activity, was completely inhibited. Adenyl-5'-yl imidodiphosphate (AMP-P(NH)P), but not guanyl-5'-yl imidodiphosphate, protected against FITC incorporation and the inhibition of calcium-dependent ATPase activity; at least 100 microM AMP-P(NH)P was required for some protection. Despite FITC incorporation, AMP-P(NH)P still inhibited the GTPase activity with a Ki of 3-7 microM. Direct photo-affinity labeling with either 0.2 microM [alpha-32P]ATP or 0.2 microM [alpha-32P]GTP demonstrated that FITC incorporation did not prevent ATP or GTP binding. The mechanism of FITC inhibition of calcium-dependent ATPase activity was related to the prevention of all calcium-dependent, but not calcium-independent, reactions with both nucleotides.  相似文献   
The growth of Nicotiana silvestris in suspension culture is inhibited by all of the common protein amino acids at the millimolar level, except for L-glutamine. A defined experimental system for growth/inhibition studies has been established, and growth studies were carried out with cells that had been maintained in the exponential growth phase for at least 10 generations (EE cells). The following results were obtained after particularly detailed studies with aromatic amino acids. The onset of inhibition was preceded by a duration of normal growth rate which varied within a range of 12 to 48 h. The degree of inhibition was directly proportional to amino acid concentration and inversely related to the initial cell density of the inoculum. A slowed, but still exponential rate of growth persisted during an early phase of inhibition. Under sufficiently severe conditions, this was followed by progressive diminution of growth rate and eventual lysis. The most drastic inhibitory effects caused by aromatic amino acids were in the order: phenylalanine, tryptophan and tyrosine. When EE cells cultivated under conditions of growth inhibition were diluted into fresh medium, immediate resumption of growth at the uninhibited rate occurred and persisted. On the other hand, when growth-inhibited EE cells were diluted into medium containing the same concentration of amino acid used in the first round of growth, an initial burst of uninhibited growth lasting about 24 h was followed by a drastic, progressively declining growth rate which deteriorated to cell death and lysis. When cells in stationary phase were used as an inoculum, as is done in typical growth characterizations with suspension cultures, the sensitivity to inhibition during the subsequent exponential growth phase was several-fold greater than was the case with EE cells. Hypotheses that growth inhibition might be caused by ammonia toxicity, keto-acid toxicity, or by inhibition of nitrate utilization were ruled out. Observations that provide new insight are: (i)growth-inhibited cells undergo drastic plasmolysis, (ii) L-glutamine is an effective antagonist of amino-acid inhibitors, and (iii) growth-inhibited cells exhibit a transient restoration of normal growth rate upon dilution into fresh growth medium. These results implicate a linkage of amino acids with osmotic regulation and nitrogen metabolism.  相似文献   
Summary The spinning apparatus ofLinyphia triangularis, adult females and males, was studied with the scanning electron microscope and the main anatomical and histochemical characteristics of the silk glands, including the epigastric apparatus of males, are presented. The epigastric glands seem to be important for the construction of sperm webs. A detailed account of the use of the different kinds of silk in web building is given.The spinning apparatus ofLinyphia closely corresponds to the araneid pattern. Characteristic of linyphiid spiders is the poor development of the aciniform glands. Corresponding to the minor importance of capture threads forLinyphia, the triads (aggregate and flagelliform glands) are less developed than in Araneidae.Linyphia make much less use of the secretions of the piriform glands for connecting threads than Araneidae. Capture threads adhere to other threads by their own glue; other threads seem mostly to be bound to one another by the secretion of the minor ampullate glands whose chemical properties, inLinyphia, appear especially adapted to this function. Neither the anatomical and histochemical data concerning the spinning apparatus nor the structure of the webs provide any indication of close relationships between Linyphiidae and Agelenidae, as was recently claimed.  相似文献   
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