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 Levels of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) were determined in needles from silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) trees in the northern Black Forest. IAA was quantified by gas chromatography (GC) as 1-heptafluorobutyryl-IAA-methylester (HFB-IAA-ME) using electron capture detection. Prior to GC analysis, extensive purification of needle extracts was performed employing two HPLC steps. Peak identity of HFB-IAA-ME was confirmed by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in selected samples. Levels of IAA in needles belonging to different needle age-classes exhibited a cyclic seasonal pattern with highest concentrations in winter and lowest levels in spring when bud-break occurred. Such a cyclic seasonal pattern of IAA levels was also observed in needles from declining fir trees or fir trees suffering from a strong sulfur impact (S-impact) in the field due to a local SO2 source. Levels of IAA increased with increasing needle age. This age dependency of IAA concentrations was most pronounced in late autumn when IAA levels were high and nearly disappeared in spring when IAA levels reached their minimum. In needles from declining fir trees or fir trees suffering from a strong S-impact in the field, IAA levels hardly increased with increasing needle age. It is suggested that in healthy trees high levels of IAA protect older needles from abscission and that the considerable losses of older needles of declining fir trees or of fir trees under S-impact are a consequence of the low levels of IAA found in older needles of such trees. Received: 4 May 1995 / Accepted: 29 August 1995  相似文献   
In a genetic selection designed to isolate Escherichia coli mutations that increase expression of the IS 10 transposase gene ( tnp ), we unexpectedly obtained viable mutants defective in translation initiation factor 3 (IF3). Several lines of evidence led us to conclude that transposase expression, per se , was not increased. Rather, these mutations appear to increase expression of the tnp'–'lacZ gene fusions used in this screen, by increasing translation initiation at downstream, atypical initiation codons. To test this hypothesis we undertook a systematic analysis of start codon requirements and measured the effects of IF3 mutations on initiation from various start codons. Beginning with an efficient translation initiation site, we varied the AUG start codon to all possible codons that differed from AUG by one nucleotide. These potential start codons fall into distinct classes with regard to translation efficiency in vivo : Class I codons (AUG, GUG, and UUG) support efficient translation; Class IIA codons (CUG, AUU, AUC, AUA, and ACG) support translation at levels only 1–3% that of AUG; and Class IIB codons (AGG and AAG) permit levels of translation too low for reliable quantification. Importantly, the IF3 mutations had no effect on translation from Class I codons, but they increased translation from Class II codons 3–5-fold, and this same effect was seen in other gene contexts. Therefore, IF3 is generally able to discriminate between efficient and inefficient codons in vivo , consistent with earlier in vitro observations. We discuss these observations as they relate to IF3 autoregulation and the mechanism of IF3 function.  相似文献   
The levels of individual photosynthetic proteins can be independently decreased by theAgrobacterium-mediated transformation of plants with antisens RNA constructs. Protocols for the introduction of such constructs intoAgrobacterium, theAgrobacterium-mediated transformation of tobacco leaf disks, and the screening and analysis of the transgenic plants produced are described.  相似文献   
A cDNA clone (6PExt 1.2) encoding a novel extensin was isolated from a cDNA library made from 6 h old mesophyll protoplasts of Nicotiana sylvestris. The screening was performed with a heterologous probe from carrot. The encoded polypeptide showed features characteristic of hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins such as Ser-(Pro)4 repeats and a high content in Tyr and Lys residues. The presence of four Tyr-X-Tyr-Lys motifs suggests the possibility for intramolecular isodityrosine cross-links whereas three Val-Tyr-Lys motifs may participate in intermolecular cross-links. The analysis of genomic DNA gel blots using both the N. sylvestris and the carrot clones as probes showed that the 6PExt 1.2 gene belongs to a complex multigene family encoding extensin and extensin-related polypeptides in N. sylvestris as well as in related Nicotianeae including a laboratory hybrid. This was confirmed by the analysis of RNA gel blots: a set of mRNAs ranging in size from 0.3 kb to 3.5 kb was found by the carrot extensin probe. The 6PExt 1.2 probe found a 1.2 kb mRNA in protoplasts and in wounded tissues as well as a 0.9 kb mRNA which seemed to be stem-specific. The gene encoding 6PExt 1.2 was induced by wounding in protoplasts, in leaf strips and after Agrobacterium tumefaciens infection of stems.  相似文献   
Although myc family genes are differentially expressed during development, their expression frequently overlaps, suggesting that they may serve both distinct and common biological functions. In addition, alterations in their expression occur at major developmental transitions in many cell lineages. For example, during mouse lens maturation, the growth arrest and differentiation of epithelial cells into lens fiber cells is associated with a decrease in L- and c-myc expression and a reciprocal rise in N-myc levels. To determine whether the down-regulation of L- and c-myc are required for mitotic arrest and/or completion of differentiation and whether these genes have distinct or similar activities in the same cell type, we have studied the consequences of forced L- and c-myc expression in the lens fiber cell compartment using the alpha A-crystallin promoter in transgenic mice (alpha A/L-myc and alpha A/c-myc mice). With respect to morphological and molecular differentiation, alpha A/L-myc lenses were characterized by a severely disorganized lens fiber cell compartment and a significant decrease in the expression of a late-stage differentiation marker (MIP26); in contrast, differentiation appeared to be unaffected in alpha A/c-myc mice. Furthermore, an analysis of proliferation indicated that while alpha A/L-myc fiber cells withdrew properly from the cell cycle, inappropriate cell cycle progression occurred in the lens fiber cell compartment of alpha A/c-myc mice. These observations indicate that continued late-stage expression of L-myc affected differentiation processes directly, rather than indirectly through deregulated growth control, whereas constitutive c-myc expression inhibited proliferative arrest, but did not appear to disturb differentiation. As a direct corollary, our data indicate that L-Myc and c-Myc are involved in distinct physiological processes in the same cell type.  相似文献   
This study investigates the short-tem effects of glucagon and human recombinant tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) singly and in association on 2-methylaminoisobutyric acid (MeAIB) transport in hepatocyte monolayers. As expected, glucagon induced a time-dependent stimulation of MeAIB transport. In our experimental conditions, TNFα did not induce cytolysis. A 2 hour exposure to TNFα (0.05–500 ng/I) with or without glucagon (10?9 to 10?6 M) did not modify the basal or glucagon-stimulated MeAIB transport. Varying the duration of exposure to TNFα 5 ng/I up to 6 h was equally ineffective. The presence of hydrocortisone potentiated the glucagon-stimulated transport, but TNFα remained ineffective. Finally, the association of interferon (IFNγ) with TNFα and/or glucagon was unable to modify the transport activity. These data demonstrate that TNFα does not exert a direct effect on MeAIB transport in hepatocytes, at least on a short-term basis. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Factors involved in capillary growth in the heart   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Growth of capillaries in the heart occurs under physiological circumstances during endurance exercise training, exposure to high altitude and/or cold, and changes in cardiac metabolism or heart rate elicited by modification of thyroid hormone levels. Capillary growth in all these conditions can be linked with increased coronary blood flow, decreased heart rate, or both. This paper brings evidence that, although increased blood flow due to long-term administration of coronary vasodilators results in capillary growth, a long-term decrease in heart rate induced by electrical bradycardial pacing in rabbits and pigs, or by chronic administration of a bradycardic drug, alinidine, in rats, stimulates capillary growth with little or no change in coronary blood flow. Decreased heart rate results in increased capillary wall tension, increased end-diastolic volume and increased force of contraction, and thus stretch of the capillary wall. This could lead to release of various growth factors possibly stored in the capillary basement membrane. Correlation was found between capillary density (CD) and the levels of low molecular endothelial cell stimulating angiogenic factor (ESAF) both in rabbit and pig hearts with CD increased by pacing. There was no relation between expression of mRNA for basic fibroblast growth factor and CD in sham-operated and paced rabbit hearts. In contrast, mRNA for TGFß was increased in paced hearts, and the possible role of this factor in the regulation of capillary growth induced by bradycardia is discussed.  相似文献   
 Genetic and cytological studies were conducted with a new male-sterile, female-fertile soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] mutant. This mutant was completely male sterile and was inherited as a single-recessive gene. No differences in female or male gamete transmission of the recessive allele were observed between reciprocal cross-pollinations in the F1 or F2 generations. This mutant was not allelic to any previously identified soybean genic male-sterile mutants: ms1, ms2, ms3, ms4, ms5, or ms6. No linkage was detected between sterility and flower color (W1 locus), or between sterility and pubescence color (T1 locus). Light microscopic and cytological observations of microsporogenesis in fertile and sterile anthers were conducted. The structure of microspore mother cells (MMC) in male-sterile plants was identical to the MMCs in male-fertile plants. Enzyme extraction analyses showed that there was no callase activity in male-sterile anthers, and this suggests that sterility was caused by retention of the callose walls, which normally are degraded around tetrads at the late tetrad stage. The tapetum from male-sterile anthers also showed abnormalities at the tetrad stage and later stages, which were expressed by an unusual formation of vacuoles, and by accumulation of densely staining material. At maturity, anthers from sterile plants were devoid of pollen grains. Received: 13 May 1996 / Revision accepted: 19 August 1996  相似文献   
The Loridae are an arboreal family of small primates that are specialized for slow and quiet climbing. This paper examines the relationship between lorid locomotory behaviour and postcranial skeletal morphology. Lorid humeral and femoral diaphyseal geometric cross-sectional properties, articular surface areas, and lengths are compared to those properties in other small primates with less specialized locomotory behaviour. The comparative sample includes both closely related prosimians and more distantly related platyrrhines.
Results indicate that lorids have greater humeral and femoral diaphyseal rigidity than other quadrupedal primates of similar body size, suggesting that lorid limbs are subjected to greater forces. Lorids also have relatively larger humeral and femoral articulations, corresponding to field and laboratory observations which indicate that lorid joints are highly mobilc. In addition, lorids have long humeri relative to femoral length, and compared to humeral length in less specialized prosimians of similar body mass. Long humeral length relative to femoral length is interpreted as a climbing adaptation because similar limb proportions are also seen in many non-primate climbers. Altogether, humeral and femoral diaphyseal cross-sectional properties, articular surface areas, and lengths comprise a suite of characters which have potential for identifying climbing specialists in the fossil record.  相似文献   
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