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5-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoate (5-HETE), like leukotriene B4 and platelet-activating factor, stimulated human polymorphonuclear neutrophils to mobilize intracellular calcium. The three compounds acted through mechanisms that were inhibited by pertussis toxin, cholera toxin, and PMA. Each agonist, furthermore, desensitized (or down-regulated) the neutrophil's calcium mobilization response to a second challenge with the same agonist. However, 5-HETE and leukotriene B4 had little or no activity in cross-desensitizing neutrophil responses to each other or to platelet-activating factor. Furthermore, 5-HETE interfered minimally or not at all with the binding of radiolabeled leukotriene B4 and platelet-activating factor to their respective receptors on neutrophils. Thus, 5-HETE mobilizes neutrophil calcium by a mechanism different from those used by leukotriene B4 and platelet-activating factor. This mechanism appears to involve specific 5-HETE receptors that couple to pertussis toxin-inhibitable, GTP-binding proteins.  相似文献   
A variety of data support the existence of an opioid receptor complex composed of distinct but interacting mu cx and delta cx binding sites, where "cx" indicates "in the complex." The ability of subantinociceptive doses of [Leu5]enkephalin and [Met5]enkephalin to potentiate and attenuate morphine-induced antinociception, respectively, is thought to be mediated via their binding to the delta cx binding site. [D-Pen2,D-Pen5]Enkephalin also modulates morphine-induced antinociception, but has very low affinity for the delta cx binding site in vitro. In the present study, membranes were depleted of their delta ncx binding sites by pretreatment with the site-directed acylating agent, (3S,4S)-(+)-trans-N-[1-[2-(4-isothiocyanato)phenyl)-ethyl]-3-methy l-4- piperidyl]-N-phenylpropaneamide hydrochloride, which permits selective labeling of the delta cx binding site with [3H][D-Ala2,D-Leu5]enkephalin. The major findings of this study are that with this preparation of rat brain membranes: a) there are striking differences between the delta cx and mu binding sites; and b) both [D-Pen2,D-Pen5]enkephalin and [D-Pen2,L-Pen5]enkephalin exhibit high affinity for the delta cx binding site.  相似文献   
Methods are described for the radiolabeling and determination of NAD+, poly(ADP-ribose), and protein-bound monomers of ADP-ribose in cultured mammalian cells. The adenine nucleotide pools of confluent monolayer cell cultures are radiolabeled using high-specific-activity [3H]adenine. Following any desired experimental manipulation, cultures are treated with trichloroacetic acid. Radiolabel in NAD+ can be rapidly determined from the acid-soluble fraction using dihydroxyboronyl Sepharose (DHB-Sepharose). The acid-insoluble material can be analyzed for radiolabeled polymers of ADP-ribose and protein-bound monomers of ADP-ribose. Polymers are separated from interfering material using dihydroxyboronyl-Bio-Rex 70 (DHB-Bio-Rex). Protein-bound monomers are separated from noncovalently bound ADP-ribose and different classes of (ADP-ribosyl) protein linkages are released by specific chemical treatments. The released ADP-ribose is then separated from interfering materials using DHB-Bio-Rex and DHB-Sepharose. Control experiments have demonstrated the sensitivity, selectivity, and precision of the methods. Major advantages of the methods are that they allow many simultaneous determinations and all components can be determined from material derived from a single dish of cultured cells. The methods should prove useful for detailed studies of the metabolism of both protein-bound monomers and polymers of ADP-ribose in cultured mammalian cells.  相似文献   
Mutants of Caenorhabditis elegans having about 10% of wild-type activity of the aspartyl protease cathepsin D have been isolated by screening. Mutant homozygotes have normal growth rates and no obvious morphological or developmental abnormalities. The mutant gene (cad-1) has been mapped to the right extremity of linkage group II. Heterozygous animals (cad-1/+) show intermediate enzyme levels and animals heterozygous for chromosomal deficiencies of the right extremity of linkage group II have 50% of wild-type activity. Cathepsin D purified from a mutant strain has a lower activity per unit mass of pure enzyme. These data suggest that cad-1 is a structural gene for cathepsin D.  相似文献   
The nifF gene encoding flavodoxin from Azotobacter vinelandii OP was cloned and its DNA sequence determined. It is located adjacent to, or possibly within, the major nif cluster and it is preceded by nif-specific regulatory elements. Southern hybridization analysis revealed that there is only a single copy of the nifF gene on the A. vinelandii OP genome. Mutant strains were constructed which have an insertion mutation or an insertion and a deletion mutation within the nifF gene coding sequence. These mutant strains are capable of diazotrophic growth, indicating that flavodoxin is not the unique physiological electron donor to nitrogenase. The results of nifF-lacZYA gene fusion experiments and Northern hybridization analyses indicated that the nifF gene is both transcribed and translated under nitrogen fixing and non-nitrogen fixing conditions. However, under nitrogen fixing conditions a substantial increase in both nifF synthesis and in accumulation of an approximately 800-base pair nifF-encoding mRNA species was observed. Furthermore, strains mutated within the nifF gene have only 70% of the wild type in vivo nitrogenase activity as determined by whole cell acetylene reduction assays. These data demonstrate that the nifF-encoded flavodoxin of A. vinelandii OP, although not essential for nitrogen fixation, is required for maximum in vivo nitrogenase activity.  相似文献   
Two strains of Drosophila melanogaster represent the extremes in resistance and sensitivity to the lethal effects of CdCl2. The strain containing the mutations vermilion and brown (v; bw) and the strain Austin had LC50's of 3.3 and 1.3mm CdCl2, respectively. The three major chromosomes from these two strains were assorted genetically into the six possible combinations. The measured LC50's for CdCl2 for these six genotypes fell into two groups according to the X chromosome; those containing the X chromosome from v; bw had LC50's 0.5–1.0mm greater than those in which the X chromosome was from Austin. Since the parent strains differed by 2mm, we suggest that the X chromosome is a major, but not the sole, site of genes to produce resistance to CdCl2. When 109Cd was in the diet the uptake by v; bw and Austin over 2 days was the same. After 4 days of uptake, the Austin strain excreted the 109Cd five times faster than v; bw but the six genotypes did not differ appreciably in excretion rate from one another and resembled the sensitive parent Austin more than the resistant one. Thus a second process is indicated that distinguishes resistance to CdCl2 that apparently is not associated with the X chromosome.This research was sponsored by the Office of Health and Environmental Research, U.S. Department of Energy, under Contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc.  相似文献   
The structure of single-stranded RNA from the bacteriophage MS2 has been examined by electron microscopy in the presence of the polyamine spermidine. The molecules are found in two alternate conformations. The first of these can be characterized as a cruciform structure composed of three large loops approximately 500 to 700 nucleotides in size. The interior of the molecule has extensive base-paired regions which connect distant regions of the molecule; the farthest being 2500 nucleotides apart. In the second conformation, the molecules appear rod-like. Two of the large loops disappear, and these regions form, instead, extensive long-range helices. Computer modeling has been employed to explore the base-pairing potential of the sequence of bacteriophage MS2 RNA. Double-stranded regions identified by electron microscopy are shown to occur in local G + C-rich stretches of the RNA. Detailed models have been calculated for two regions of long-range contact. One of these includes the ribosome-binding site for the viral coat protein gene. The results are discussed in the context of the known role of RNA structure in the regulation of viral gene expression.  相似文献   
Aging NZB × SJL (NS) female mice provide a unique model of thymopathology characterized by the intrathymic accumulation of large numbers of mature T and B cells. The purpose of the present work was to examine the possibility that this phenomenon results from the invasion of the thymus by cells from the periphery. Lymphoid cells labeled with chromium-51 or indium-111 were injected into syngeneic recipients to study their patterns of in vivo migration. Lymph node (LN) or spleen cells were found to localize significantly (1–2% of injected radioactivity) into the thymus of 12-month-old NS females but not into that of young recipients or of old NS males. However, intrathymic localization of injected LN cells was observed in castrated NS males which exhibit the same thymopathology as NS females. Both radiolabeled T and B cells were found to enter the thymus of aged NS females but the latter cells about three times less efficiently than the former. Moreover, while thymocytes from young NS females were unable to recirculate to LN, those of old NS females showed increased LN-seeking capacity and part (1%) of them did migrate back into the thymus of old but not young NS females. In additional cell transfer experiments, the intrathymic migration of B cells into old NS females was further documented by using the antibody response to sheep erythrocytes as a tracer. Taken together, these observations indicate that the thymus of aging NS female mice is permeable to recirculating lymphocytes, suggesting that at least part of the mature T and B cells detected in this thymus, are migrants from the periphery.  相似文献   
The differences in conformation in solution of fluorosulfonylbenzoyl nucleosides were analyzed by fluorescence and proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The quantum yield of 5'-p-fluorosulfonylbenzoyl-1,N6-ethenoadenosine (5'-FSB epsilon A) in aqueous solution is low (? = 0.01) as compared to that of its parent nucleoside, ethenoadenosine (? = 0.54), and increases approximately 5-fold when measured in a series of solvents of decreasing dielectric constant. The quantum yield of 5'-p-sulfonylbenzoyl-1,N6-ethenoadenosine covalently bound to glutamate dehydrogenase and pyruvate kinase is also 0.01, suggesting that the analogue may exist in the same conformation when enzyme-bound as when free in solution. In D2O, the resonances of the purine ring protons on 5'-FSB epsilon A, 5'-p-fluorosulfonylbenzoyl adenosine (5'-FSBA), and 5'-p-fluorosulfonylbenzoyl guanosine (5'-FSBG) are shifted upfield by about 0.1-0.3 ppm relative to the corresponding protons of their parent nucleosides. The calculated difference in chemical shift (delta delta) decreases as the dielectric constant of the solvent decreases. The delta delta decreases with increasing temperature. These data indicate that 5'-FSB epsilon A, 5'-FSBA, and 5'-FSBG exist in aqueous solution in a conformation in which the purine ring is intramolecularly stacked with the benzoyl moiety. From the magnitude of change in delta delta for 5'-FSB epsilon A, 5'-FSBA, and 5'-FSBG as a function of solvent, it appears that the three analogues differ in their sensitivity to disruption of stacking. The solution conformation of these three fluorosulfonylbenzoyl nucleoside analogues may be an important determinant of their reaction with various enzymes and may explain differences among the analogues in their reaction with a single enzyme.  相似文献   
The maturation of the C57BL/6 B cell population to be able to re-express surface immunoglobulin (sIg) after its removal by treatment with rabbit antimouse Ig (RAMIg) was studied in a cell transfer system. It was found that thymus cells were required for the maturation of a subset of the B cell population to be able to re-express sIg. The B cell population of irradiated, thymectomized mice reconstituted with spleen cells from donors under 2 wk of age remained deficient in their ability to re-express sIg even after 4 wk residence in the cell transfer recipient. In contrast, if adult thymus cells were transferred together with the immature B cells, the B cell population matured to be able to re-express sIg after treatment with RAMIg. Approximately one-third of the B cell population appears to require thymus cells for this maturation. The maturation of the thymus cell population to be capable of mediating this maturation of the B cell population occurs in two steps: between 2 and 3 and between 3 and 4 wk of age. This timing corresponds to the age at which the B cell population of C57BL/6 mice normally acquires the capacity to re-express sIg, which we have previously shown to also occur in two steps. Thymus cells from 3-wk-old donors can mediate the first step in B cell maturation to be able to re-express sIg, but cannot mediate the second step in this maturation of the B cell population. Thymus cells from 4-wk-old donors can mediate both steps in the maturation of the B cell population. The results suggest that thymus cells are involved in regulating some aspects of B cell differentiation.  相似文献   
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