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This protocol outlines the steps required to produce a robust model of infectious disease and colitis, as well as the methods used to characterize Citrobacter rodentium infection in mice. C. rodentium is a gram negative, murine specific bacterial pathogen that is closely related to the clinically important human pathogens enteropathogenic E. coli and enterohemorrhagic E. coli. Upon infection with C. rodentium, immunocompetent mice suffer from modest and transient weight loss and diarrhea. Histologically, intestinal crypt elongation, immune cell infiltration, and goblet cell depletion are observed. Clearance of infection is achieved after 3 to 4 weeks. Measurement of intestinal epithelial barrier integrity, bacterial load, and histological damage at different time points after infection, allow the characterization of mouse strains susceptible to infection.The virulence mechanisms by which bacterial pathogens colonize the intestinal tract of their hosts, as well as specific host responses that defend against such infections are poorly understood. Therefore the C. rodentium model of enteric bacterial infection serves as a valuable tool to aid in our understanding of these processes. Enteric bacteria have also been linked to Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBDs). It has been hypothesized that the maladaptive chronic inflammatory responses seen in IBD patients develop in genetically susceptible individuals following abnormal exposure of the intestinal mucosal immune system to enteric bacteria. Therefore, the study of models of infectious colitis offers significant potential for defining potentially pathogenic host responses to enteric bacteria. C. rodentium induced colitis is one such rare model that allows for the analysis of host responses to enteric bacteria, furthering our understanding of potential mechanisms of IBD pathogenesis; essential in the development of novel preventative and therapeutic treatments.  相似文献   
The role of the A2B adenosine receptor (AR) in prostate cell death and growth was studied. The A2B AR gene expression quantified by real-time quantitative RT-PCR and Western blot analysis was the highest among four AR subtypes (A1, A2A, A2B, and A3) in all three commonly used prostate cancer cell lines, PC-3, DU145, and LNCaP. We explored the function of the A2B AR using PC-3 cells as a model. The A2B AR was visualized in PC-3 cells by laser confocal microscopy. The nonselective A2B AR agonist NECA and the selective A2B AR agonist BAY60-6583, but not the A2A AR agonist CGS21680, concentration-dependently induced adenosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate (cyclic AMP) accumulation. NECA diminished lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release, TNF-α-induced increase of caspase-3 activity, and cycloheximide (CHX)-induced morphological changes typical of apoptosis in PC-3 cells, which were blocked by a selective A2B AR antagonist PSB603. NECA-induced proliferation of PC-3 cells was diminished by siRNA specific for the A2B AR. The selective A2B AR antagonist PSB603 was shown to inhibit cell growth in all three cell lines. Thus, A2B AR blockade inhibits growth of prostate cancer cells, suggesting selective A2B AR antagonists as potential novel therapeutics.  相似文献   
Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) allow the tuning of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties by active or passive targeting of drugs for cancer and other diseases. We have functionalized gold nanoparticles by tethering specific ligands, agonists and antagonists, of adenosine receptors (ARs) to the gold surface as models for cell surface interactions with G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). The AuNP conjugates with chain-extended AR ligands alone (PEGylated nucleosides and nonnucleosides, anchored to the Au via thioctic acid) were found to be insoluble in water due to hydrophobic entities in the ligand. Therefore, we added a second, biologically inactive pendant moiety to increase the water solubility, consisting of a PEGylated chain terminating in a carboxylic or phosphate group. The purity and stability of the immobilized biologically active ligand were examined by ultrafiltration and HPLC. Pharmacological receptor binding studies on these GPCR ligand-derivatized AuNPs (2–5 nm in diameter), performed using membranes of mammalian cells stably expressing human A1, A2A, and A3ARs, showed that the desired selectivity was retained with K i values (nanomolar) of A3AR agonist 21b and A2AAR antagonists 24 and 26a of 14 (A3), 34 (A2A), and 69 (A2A), respectively. The corresponding monomers displayed K i values of 37, 61, and 1,420 nM, respectively. In conclusion, we have synthesized stable, water-soluble AuNP derivatives of tethered A3 and A2AAR ligands that retain the biological properties of their monomeric ligands and are intended for therapeutic and imaging applications. This is the first prototypical application to gold carriers of small molecule (nonpeptide) GPCR ligands, which are under investigation for treatment of cancer and inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   
Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) have significantly increased morbidity and mortality resulting from infections and cardiovascular diseases. Since monocytes play an essential role in host immunity, this study was directed to explore the gene expression profile in order to identify differences in activated pathways in monocytes relevant to the pathophysiology of atherosclerosis and increased susceptibility to infections. Monocytes from CKD patients (stages 4 and 5, estimated GFR <20 ml/min/1.73 m2) and healthy donors were collected from peripheral blood. Microarray gene expression profile was performed and data were interpreted by GeneSpring software and by PANTHER tool. Western blot was done to validate the pathway members. The results demonstrated that 600 and 272 genes were differentially up- and down regulated respectively in the patient group. Pathways involved in the inflammatory response were highly expressed and the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway was the most significant pathway expressed in the patient group. Since this pathway has been attributed to a variety of inflammatory manifestations, the current findings may contribute to dysfunctional monocytes in CKD patients. Strategies to interfere with this pathway may improve host immunity and prevent cardiovascular complications in CKD patients.  相似文献   
Acipenseriformes (sturgeons and paddlefish) globally have declined throughout their range due to river fragmentation, habitat loss, overfishing, and degradation of water quality. In North America, pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) populations have experienced poor to no recruitment, or substantial levels of hybridization with the closely related shovelnose sturgeon (S. platorynchus). The Lower Missouri River is the only portion of the species’ range where successful reproduction and recruitment of genetically pure pallid sturgeon have been documented. This paper documents spawning habitat and behavior on the Lower Missouri River, which comprises over 1,300 km of unfragmented river habitat. The objective of this study was to determine spawning locations and describe habitat characteristics and environmental conditions (depth, water velocity, substrate, discharge, temperature, and turbidity) on the Lower Missouri River. We measured habitat characteristics for spawning events of ten telemetry-tagged female pallid sturgeon from 2008–2013 that occurred in discrete reaches distributed over hundreds of kilometers. These results show pallid sturgeon select deep and fast areas in or near the navigation channel along outside revetted banks for spawning. These habitats are deeper and faster than nearby river habitats within the surrounding river reach. Spawning patches have a mean depth of 6.6 m and a mean depth-averaged water-column velocity of 1.4 m per second. Substrates in spawning patches consist of coarse bank revetment, gravel, sand, and bedrock. Results indicate habitat used by pallid sturgeon for spawning is more common and widespread in the present-day channelized Lower Missouri River relative to the sparse and disperse coarse substrates available prior to channelization. Understanding the spawning habitats currently utilized on the Lower Missouri River and if they are functioning properly is important for improving habitat remediation measures aimed at increasing reproductive success. Recovery efforts for pallid sturgeon on the Missouri River, if successful, can provide guidance to sturgeon recovery on other river systems; particularly large, regulated, and channelized rivers.  相似文献   
Conservation is an important organizational focus for zoos and aquariums. Organizational identity theory predicts a relationship between what is central to organizations, such as their mission statements, and their strategic activities. Based on this theory, we tested how organizational missions relate to their conservation strategies and practices. Tax forms and websites provided data from 173 zoos and 38 aquariums in the Association of Zoos and Aquariums in North America. We analyzed conservation mission strength, organizational characteristics, and project features with dependent variables representing the depth of organizational conservation commitments: amount of grants zoos funded, number of partner organizations, and number of projects per zoo. On tax forms, the average amount of total conservation grants donated to partner organizations per zoo was over $650,000, while the average number of partners reported on the tax forms was two. The content analysis of websites revealed an average of 14 conservation partners and 10 projects per zoo. Negative binomial regression models were significant. The financial analysis revealed that only the number of zoo personnel, as a surrogate for organization size, significantly predicted the amount of zoos’ conservation grants. Website analyses found increasing budgets, organizational involvement, and geographic reach of the projects predicted increasing numbers of conservation projects and partnerships. However, our findings did not support the hypothesized relationship—strength of organizational mission did not predict strategy and activities. Zoos could do more to strategically activate their organizational identities and conservation missions to achieve their conservation goals.  相似文献   
In spite of the many developments in synthetic oligonucleotide (ON) chemistry and design, invasion into double-stranded DNA (DSI) under physiological salt and pH conditions remains a challenge. In this work, we provide a new ON tool based on locked nucleic acids (LNAs), designed for strand invasion into duplex DNA (DSI). We thus report on the development of a clamp type of LNA ON—bisLNA—with capacity to bind and invade into supercoiled double-stranded DNA. The bisLNA links a triplex-forming, Hoogsteen-binding, targeting arm with a strand-invading Watson–Crick binding arm. Optimization was carried out by varying the number and location of LNA nucleotides and the length of the triplex-forming versus strand-invading arms. Single-strand regions in target duplex DNA were mapped using chemical probing. By combining design and increase in LNA content, it was possible to achieve a 100-fold increase in potency with 30% DSI at 450 nM using a bisLNA to plasmid ratio of only 21:1. Although this first conceptual report does not address the utility of bisLNA for the targeting of DNA in a chromosomal context, it shows bisLNA as a promising candidate for interfering also with cellular genes.  相似文献   
Classroom Aids     
Phillips, Owen The Last Chance Energy Book Baltimore, Md.: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1979 142 pp. $9.95. Reviewed by James W. O'Leary.

Nelkin, Dorothy Science Textbook Controversies and the Politics of Equal Time Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 1978 174 pp. $12.95 hardcover, $4.94 paper. Reviewed by Russell F. Trimble.

Kuhn, Thomas S. The Essential Tension: Selected Studies in Scientific Tradition and Change Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1978 366 pp. $18.50. Reviewed by Waring B. Hill.

Kaplan, Colin, ed. Rabies: The Facts New York: Oxford University Press, 1977 116 pp. $5.00. Reviewed by L. Wolfinbarger, Jr.

Chanute, Octave Progress in Flying Machines Long Beach, Calif.: Lorenz &; Herweg, Publishers, 1976 308 pp. $12.50. Reviewed by A. D. Goddard.

Hurd, Edith Thacher Look for a Bird New York: Harper &; Row, Publishers, 1977 31 pp. $4.95. Reviewed by Sue Hall.

Young, Louise B. Earth's Aura New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1977 305 pp. $12.95. Reviewed by Steven W. Sokolowski.

Suppe, Frederick, ed. The Structure of Scientific Theories Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1977 818 pp. $22.50 cloth, $10 paper. Reviewed by Austin T. Hyde, Jr., M.D.

Steele, William O. Talking Bones: Secrets of Indian Burial Mounds New York: Harper &; Row, 1978 63 pp. $6.95 Ralph M. Rowlett.

Froman, Robert The Greatest Guessing Game New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1978 33 pp. $5.79. Reviewed by Edwin Halfar.

Vevers, Gwynne Octopus, Cuttlefish and Squid New York: McGraw Hill, 1978 295 pp., $6.95. Reviewed by Donald Schwartz.  相似文献   
Vascular endothelial cell (EC) barrier integrity is critical to vessel homeostasis whereas barrier dysfunction is a key feature of inflammatory disorders and tumor angiogenesis. We previously reported that hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)-mediated increases in EC barrier integrity are signaled through a dynamic complex present in lipid rafts involving its receptor, c-Met (1). We extended these observations to confirm that S1PR1 (sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1) and integrin β4 (ITGB4) are essential participants in HGF-induced EC barrier enhancement. Immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrated HGF-mediated recruitment of c-Met, ITGB4 and S1PR1 to caveolin-enriched lipid rafts in human lung EC with direct interactions of c-Met with both S1PR1 and ITGB4 accompanied by c-Met-dependent S1PR1 and ITGB4 transactivation. Reduced S1PR1 expression (siRNA) attenuated both ITGB4 and Rac1 activation as well as c-Met/ITGB4 interaction and resulted in decreased transendothelial electrical resistance. Furthermore, reduced ITGB4 expression attenuated HGF-induced c-Met activation, c-Met/S1PR1 interaction, and effected decreases in S1P- and HGF-induced EC barrier enhancement. Finally, the c-Met inhibitor, XL880, suppressed HGF-induced c-Met activation as well as S1PR1 and ITGB4 transactivation. These results support a critical role for S1PR1 and ITGB4 transactivation as rate-limiting events in the transduction of HGF signals via a dynamic c-Met complex resulting in enhanced EC barrier integrity.  相似文献   
In the absence of base-pairing and tertiary structure, ribonucleic acid (RNA) assumes a random-walk conformation, modulated by the electrostatic self-repulsion of the charged, flexible backbone. This behavior is often modeled as a Kratky-Porod “wormlike chain” (WLC) with a Barrat-Joanny scale-dependent persistence length. In this study we report measurements of the end-to-end extension of poly(U) RNA under 0.1 to 10 pN applied force and observe two distinct elastic-response regimes: a low-force, power-law regime characteristic of a chain of swollen blobs on long length scales and a high-force, salt-valence-dependent regime consistent with ion-stabilized crumpling on short length scales. This short-scale structure is additionally supported by force- and salt-dependent quantification of the RNA ion atmosphere composition, which shows that ions are liberated under stretching; the number of ions liberated increases with increasing bulk salt concentration. Both this result and the observation of two elastic-response regimes directly contradict the WLC model, which predicts a single elastic regime across all forces and, when accounting for scale-dependent persistence length, the opposite trend in ion release with salt concentration. We conclude that RNA is better described as a “snakelike chain,” characterized by smooth bending on long length scales and ion-stabilized crumpling on short length scales. In monovalent salt, these two regimes are separated by a characteristic length that scales with the Debye screening length, highlighting the determining importance of electrostatics in RNA conformation.  相似文献   
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